27 FEBRUARY VOL.15 NO.5 NEWSLETTER t: 3354 3422 w: www.hillbrook.qld.edu.au e: hillbrook@hillbrook.qld.edu.au From The School Leadership Team On Monday we gathered to celebrate the election of Student Class Representatives from Years 7 - 11. They were presented with their badges by the current SRC Executive. These students will work with the SRC to promote and be involved in the many formal events and ceremonies throughout the year. We wish them all the best in their role and look forward to working with them. The list of class representatives follows: The fourth inspiration was not a person but a company. Google has developed a Search Inside Yourself Institute to promote stillness and presence in their people so that they can better understand what is good and true. These prespectives on ‘Quiet Leadership’ are intrinsic to our own ideas on leadership and we all need to incorporate them into our thinking and actions as we go about making a positive difference to others and to ourselves. Geoff Newton, Stephanie Munday-Lake, Craig Merritt & David Briggs 7 Blue Martine Harper Otis Mayocchi 7 Green Jade Kinshela Marcus Von Rousch 7 Red Sophie Horton Camden McAuliffe 7 White Jacqueline Vincent Thomas Dakin 8 Blue Madeline Havill Angus Cottrell 8 Green Elena Stephenson Elijah Larsen 8 Red Ebony Wareham Jesse Graf 8 White Kalinda Griffiths Dylan Guerin 9 Blue Lara Green Finn Pohlner 9 Green Sarah Engstrom Daniel Cox 9 Red Caitlin Hawkins Daniel Lynch 9 White Saskia Harper Jarrah Love 10 Blue Molly Engwerda Dougie Walsh 10 Green Grace Mackenzie Thomas Jackson Putting their new knowledge of primary and secondary sources into practice, the Year 7s were able to draw some conclusions about how Hillbrook in 2015 is different to Hillbrook c.1986. The keen historians poured over the sources with a fine tooth-comb and many changes and developments in the ‘civilisation’ were identified. Certainly not missed was the change in the dark, lush locks that Mr Scaroni boasted in the first ever staff photo... 10 Red Hannah Cox Nic Seeto 10 White Ruby Holland Yari Buckingham Wendy O’Shea 11 Blue Claire Litwinowicz Elliot Smith 11 Green Chelsea Bolland Robert Stout 11 Red Eleanor Rogers Isaac Seymour 11 White Lulu O’Brien Lachlan Clarke We also formally accepted each Year 12s Senior Responsibility Commitments. Each student commits 20 hours of their time in the service of others within our school community. The list is impressive and a few of these responsibilities are listed here: Sports Council, Student Support Team, Long Shot Espresso Cafe, Creche Support, Year 12 Farewell Assembly DVD, Green Justice, Tuckshop Assistants, Publicity Assistants and Junior School Outdoor Ed Mentors. For this ceremony, one of the SLT speaks, and this year our Business Manager, David Briggs, entertained all of us with a speech about quiet and reflective leadership. He centred his talk around three people and one organisation: Marcus Aurelius - a Roman General and Emperor whose meditations are still studied today; President Barack Obama - he likes to include all and who listens before acting; and Albert Camus - a French writer and philosopher who believed that a good person and leader has ‘a mind that watches itself’. Hillbrook Digs Year 7 This week, Year 7s put some learning into practice as they participated in an archaeological dig. Joined by ‘guest’ teachers, Barry de Treasure and Trudy Ages, Year 7s visited an excavated site (which looked remarkably like the long jump pit) and, led by their honorary Year 7 archaeologists, Robin Graves and Doug Deep, dug up a time capsule filled with ‘artefacts’ that the initial ‘civilisation’ of Hillbrook left behind c.1986. Timber Surfboard Information Afternoon It’s that time of the year again; summer is starting to finish and the hot sun and cool water will disappear. Never fear, surfboard shapers are here!!! Next Tuesday 3 March, Hillbrook Board Shapers will be holding their annual ‘board’ meeting and information session. The afternoon will start at 3.30pm in the design studio which is located in the workshop. You can see what previous members have made and talk to them about their experiences. This year we have a range of different options varying in prices too. With Sustainability Day happening in August we are hoping for some support to have a stall running on the day where the public can see what we are about and how we are creating Sustainable Timber Boards. There will be a special offer to those people who sign up this year. The Activity is open to the entire Hillbrook community, students, staff, parents, aunts, uncles and even grandma and grandpa. See you all on Tueday!!! Trent Palmer - Hillbrook Board Shapers 2 of 7 HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 27 FEBRUARY 2015 Lines From the Library A belated ‘hello’ to our new parents, students and staff and welcome back to the rest of our school community. It’s just five weeks into the new school year and already the long, lazy holidays are a dim memory! A quick introduction/refresher to Library staff and services: The Hillbrook Library is Open Monday to Thursday ~ 7.45am - 4.20pm Friday ~ 7.45am - 4pm Every morning tea and lunchtime unless notified otherwise. Library Staff Loris Phair – Teacher Librarian Margaret Spiteri – Library Technician Jane Bergman – Library Assistant Rosanne Millhouse – Library Aide Library Services Visit the Library homepage Online@Hillbrook for great study tips, assignment and research resources, such as subscription databases and e-books • A very up-to-date and extensive collection of novels, nonfiction books, DVDs, magazines and e-books available via our Wheelers platform • Parenting and Literary Fiction collections for adult borrowers • ChocLits student Book Club – meeting on Monday at lunchtime • Colour and Black & White photocopier and printer • Loan of digital still & video cameras and e-readers • A weekly wide reading program for Years 7 to 9 • Chess sets and other board games • Assignment binding and laminating services We are contactable on 3354 6414 or library@hillbrook.qld.edu.au for any other queries. As in all areas of the school, the Library has also got off to a busy and productive start to the term. Books and Reading All junior classes 7-9 come to the Library each week for guided reading lessons with their English teacher and Mrs Phair, the Teacher Librarian. So far we have completed a survey of ourselves as readers, set personal reading goals for the year, made beautiful ‘I love reading’ displays for Library Lovers’ Day (AKA Valentine’s Day) and worked on the elements to consider when looking for a good book. Years 7 and 8 have a Reading Record book to record all reading and a set of reading tasks that reap rewards. In coming weeks we will be undertaking fun but effective exercises to ‘build reading muscles’. hypotheses and research. We have also worked with Year 11 Science 21 and Year 9 Science classes to look at how to critically analyse and review scientific articles on subjects being studied in class. News and Special Events We have celebrated the whole of February as Love Reading month. And Library Lovers’ Day (AKA Valentine’s Day) with blind book dates, love-heart lollipops and heart-shaped billet-doux on our love of reading and student appreciation of our library. Some gems from the Year 9s made us feel warm and fuzzy! Including these on the theme ‘I love my library because...’ The Books ~ “The variety of novels, amazing/great/different books, graphic novels in the library” were all highly rated. The Space ~ “It’s quiet (sometimes!) and air-conditioned/comfy cushions and chairs/ oft carpet/a fabulous place/the welcoming atmosphere/a calm and serene space/the reading nooks and good places to read/a nice environment/nicely decorated/a great place to read/fantastic facilities”. The People ~ “I love the people/I can hang with my friends/I can play chess with my friends/the Librarians are awesome/the staff are super-friendly and passionate about their jobs/the Librarians are really helpful and lovely/lots of nice people/the Librarians who put smiles on everyone’s faces/kind staff”. After many delays due to a lack of space in the library, this week we finally resumed the ChocLits student book club. It was great to see familiar faces return and also welcome many new Hillbrook students to the group. If your youngster is a keen reader or writer who would enjoy the boisterous company of like-minded souls, please encourage them to join us on Monday lunchtimes in the library. It is a friendly and informal group who love to share their reading. And just for fun... Do have a check in at our library blog http://hillbooks.blogspot. com.au/ for the latest Library doings. Meanwhile, have a look at this for some breath-taking libraries: http://www.buzzfeed. com/ariannarebolini/whats-one-library-every-book-lover-needsto-visit Happy reading, Loris, Margaret, Jane & Rosanne Facebook Tips - Part 3 If you’re not already on Facebook, consider joining. That way you’ll understand what it’s all about! Think about creating a Facebook group for your family so you will have a private space to share photos and keep in touch. Year 9 students have been completing their English text, The Outsiders, in our reading lesson. Now we are working on a literary BINGO for 9 White and 9 Blue and Year 9 Readers’ Cup for 9 Red and 9 Green. Next term these classes will swap activities before the grand final in June. The books we are reading are a mixed bag featuring teenage protagonists and include an award-winning book, a thriller, a crime story, a speculative fiction novel and a music competition! Place an emphasis on privacy. Once you have completed the profile information, go back to the menu bar and click on Account. From the dropdown menu, click on Privacy Settings. Most Privacy Settings are set by default to Everyone. Here, it’s recommended that you change all the settings to Only Friends. Remember, Facebook has a strong tendency towards openness, which may be fine later in life. However, when your teen is just starting in the social networking world, the emphasis should be on privacy. Six Impossible Things by Fiona Wood Dangerously Placed by Nansi Kunze Noah’s Law by Randa Abdul Fattah Thieves by Ella West Rock War - The Audition by Robert Muchamore Teach what’s appropriate. Once your teen’s account is up and running, spend some time together discussing what’s appropriate to write or post. Teach them to ask permission before posting photos of other people. Set up the right way, Facebook can provide an invaluable opportunity for parents to teach cyber awareness and appropriate online behaviour. Grab the opportunity before it’s too late! Research and Assignments Year 9 Global classes are currently working on research about Imperial China and are now putting the finishing touches to their 3 of 7 HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 27 FEBRUARY 2015 COMING EVENTS EVENT DAY/DATE TIME Year 7 EAC Parent Information Evening Tuesday 3 March 8 Red Camp 3 - 6 March 8 White Camp 10 - 13 March New Buildings’ Opening Ceremony Friday 20 March Year 11 Mini Block Testing 30 March - 1 April Year 12 Mini Block Testing 30 March - 1 April Last Day Term 1 Thursday 2 April Good Friday Friday 3 April First Day Term 2 Monday 20 April VENUE 1.15pm (for 1.30pm start) TUCKSHOP ROSTER MONDAY 2 MARCH TUESDAY 3 MARCH WEDNESDAY 4 MARCH THURSDAY 5 MARCH FRIDAY 6 MARCH Karen Davis Alison Hatchman Cathy Orchard Bernadette Vincent Fiona Lynch Jo McNeilly Miriam Schmeider Andrea Intrataiboon Heidi Kaufmann Bronwyn Davies Shannon Yeardley Donna Melling Linda Harvey Leanne Boyd Kathy Sheppard Ros Baynes Susan MacKenzie Megan Bakewell Rosie Grant Roslyn Wood Alison Wilcox Kim Garthwaite Debra Hudson Marie Kinshela UNIFORM AND STATIONERY MONDAY 2 MARCH WEDNESDAY 4 MARCH FRIDAY 6 MARCH 12pm - 2pm 8am - 9am 8am - 9am Catherine Haden Paige Buchanan Gina Smith Moira Edward Jo Purcell Kerry Darton Alison Boyd Shannon Yeardley Wendy Springfield Julie Alexander Jane Bowman Past Student Tutors Available One of our extraordinary past students contacted the Enrichment Centre and expressed an interest in tutoring Maths. Ryan Garthwaite graduated from Year 12 in 2014. He achieved very good results, was a very dedicated student and also provided Maths support to students as part of his Senior Responsibility. If you are interested in employing a good Maths tutor you can contact Ryan on 0481 322 727 or ryangwaite@gmail.com and negotiate the tuition fees. Also, accomplished former student, Maddy Shield, is offering tutoring and assignment help for all year levels: English, Global Studies, Senior History (Ancient and Modern), English Extension. Charging $30/hour, including pick up/ drop off. Contact Maddy on 0435 161 227 or madeleineshield@gmail.com if you’re interested. 4 of 7 HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 27 FEBRUARY 2015 8 Blue Camp Cameron Lawry— 8W It is time I get to myself before the day begins Kayden Reddix- 7G Bright flowers represent a new journey Laura Peters- 7G This tree symbolises growth Maclayne Linnett- 8W Madison Yeardley- 7G Kalinda Griffiths- 8W I like this place because I feel really close to nature and I love watching the waterfall This is where we sit for lunch I love how artistic this is Mitchell Gilmour- 8W I love to make things and I like bold letters Ethan Jones- 7R I chose this spot because it is our n ew learning space Photo Project There’s a place for me here Sam Clarke- 7R The tuck-shop makes the best food
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