Spring Term Newsletter February 2015 Diary Dates Year 5 / 6 Football Team Our Mother’s Day Assembly will be held on Friday 13th March at 9.15am in school. It is also Red Nose day on 13th March. The School Council are planning some fund raising activities – more information nearer the time! Well done to Sam, Reuben, Mason, Elliot, James, Max, Alex, Isaac and George who played in the ESFA small schools cup competition on Tuesday 27th February. They battled well and finished runners up, only losing by one point, - well done! Some Upcoming Sports Fixtures Parent’s Evenings Parent’s Evenings for the Summer term will be held on the 24th and the 26th of March. Our Easter Service will be held on Friday 27th March at 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church – everyone welcome! Tuesday 3rd Feb Yr 5 / 6 Cricket at Polesworth 1pm Wednesday 4th Feb Yr 5 / 6 Sports Hall Athletics second round 9am Polesworth – children will be taken by coach. Wednesday 4th Feb Yr 5 / 6 Hockey at QE 3.30pm Wednesday 11th Feb Yr 5 / 6 Netball at QE 2pm Wednesday 4th March Swimming Gala at Kingsbury 1.30 pm th Curriculum Information We have organised a maths workshop for parents on Monday March 2nd at 6pm. Come along and find out more about the expectations in the new curriculum, and how we teach methods for the four operations in each year group. Everyone welcome! (letter to follow) Year 3 / 4 Football Team Term dates 2014-2015 Spring Term Monday 16th – Friday 20th February Half-term school closed. Monday 23rd February Whole school visit to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. Friday 13th March Mother’s Day Assembly in school at 9.15am. Red Nose Day. Well done to our younger footballers who played in bitter cold conditions on Thursday 29th February in the Newton Shield tournament. Thank you to parents who transported the team, and stayed to cheer them on! A special thank you to Mr Allbrighton who stepped in to manage the team at short notice when Mr Dormand was called away to an Ofsted inspection at another school. Team pictured above: Kyan, Henry, Corey, William, Sam, Jude, Mitchell, Callum and Daniel. School Photographer The school photographer will be in school next week on Thursday 12th February to take individual photographs of the children. If you would like to include pre-school children, these photos will be taken first - from 9am in the school hall. Friday 27th March Last day of Spring term. Monday 30th March – Friday 10th April Easter holiday school closed. Summer Term Monday 13th April Back to school, first day of the Summer term. Monday 4th May Bank holiday – school closed Monday 25th – Friday 29th May Half-term school closed. Monday 1st June Staff training day school closed Tuesday 2nd June Back to school Friday 17th July Last day of school Tuesday 8th September First day back to school for 2015-16 academic year. Whole school Wow Day! Next half-term we have a new English and science themed topic ‘Take One Book’, based on the text ‘Flotsam’ by David Wiesner. We are launching this by taking the whole school to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham on Monday 23rd February. See separate letter for further details. Warton Nethersole’s C.E. Primary School Headteacher Mrs S J Bostock MA (Ed) NPQH Office admin3072@welearn365.com Telephone 01827 894182 http://www.warton-nethersoles-ce-school.org
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