Amamoor State School Current attendance 92% Our Target is 95% “Come on Amamoor, we can do it!” Date Claimer Mark your calendar with these important dates! Edition 7 13th May 2015 Dear Families & Community Members Principal’s Messages Well this last fortnight has been extremely busy for staff and students. We have started our reading club in the mornings and it has been great to see parents and our student May leaders helping out to ensure that our students reading and sight word recognition skills Chappy Week Next Week are being developed every day. Our assembly next Tuesday afternoon is going to be 15th Gympie Show Holiday full of prizes to students who have been reading every day. If you have any questions around supporting your child to develop their reading skills, would like to discuss your 18th School Photos child’s reading progress or can volunteer in the mornings in our reading club please 19th P & C Meeting contact the school. Our Readers Club is on every morning before school. June Over the last 2 weeks we have had a number of tradesmen in our school. We now have new carpet and Vinyl throughout B Block, we are now using filtered and UV treated 4th Lap-a-thon rainwater throughout the school, there are new windows throughout A Block and we 8th Public Holiday th have had tradesmen quoting to air-condition our learning areas. 16 P & C Meeting th In two weeks we will have the School Improvement Unit visiting our school for two days. 19 Mini Sports th th 28 -29 School Improvement This is a process where experienced principals evaluate our systems and processes at our school and provide advice and support for whole of school improvement. I am Unit Visit genuinely looking forward to their visit and to begin implementing any recommendations Support Services for they may have. Students Welcome Ms Leavey Hi 5 to our school. Ms Leavey is a student teacher and KIDS HELP LINE We would like to welcome Do Kaythe Leavey Ignore this Monday. 1800 551 800 will commence in the P/1/2 classroom LIFELINE - 13 11 14 Talk Friendly Lap-a-thon Walk sent Awayout with all students in preparation for our Lap-aSponsorship cards have been Talk Firmly thon. It will be held on Thursday morning, June 4 and is an important fundraiser for the Do Reporthe ‘Hi 5’ school. If you need any more sponsorship cards they can be collected at the office. 1. Ignore There are prizes to be won for most money raised and best costume in each class. 2. Talk Friendly Thank you in advance for your support 3. Walk Away Remember - we are focused on improving all of our student’s results across Literacy 4. Talk Firmly and Numeracy, improving attendance and the number of students in the upper 2 bands. 5. Report School Photos REMEMBER school photos are this Monday. Bring order forms and money on the day. James Nash SHS Parent Information Evening for current Year 6 students School Contact On Tuesday 19 May at 5pm, James Nash will be holding a Parent Information Evening 2 Elizabeth Street for Year 7 in 2016. The school will outline what James Nash has to offer prospective Amamoor Qld 4570 students and their parents. The evening will conclude at 8pm with a question/answer Phone: 5401 1333 session with a light supper in I Block. Enrolment packages will be distributed with our Mobile: 0417 628 915 school visits starting in Week 6 and are also available on the school’s website. Email: Completed enrolment packages are required at the school as soon as possible, but will be taken up to 18 July. Web: James Nash SHS Scholarships for 2016 A reminder to all prospective Year 7 students that nomination for 2016 Excellence Scholarships will close on Monday 20 July at 3:00pm. Scholarships applications are now SCHOOL on the school’s website. WATCH James Nash SHS Programs of Excellence for 2016 Applications for the Programs of Excellence (Academy of Creative Arts and Extension Plus) programs are also available from the school or can be downloaded from the school’s website. Reminders – student internet agreement and book club orders to come back, Thanks 13 17 88 Monday – 8:30 – 3:15pm Tuesday - 8:30 – 3:15pm Wednesday – 8:30 – 3:15pm Thursday – unattended Friday – 12:30 – 3:15pm Lap-a-thon 2014 Reading club 2015 Edition 6, 2015 COMMUNITY NOTICES P&C News Next P&C Meeting Tuesday, 19 th May, 2015 at 6:30pm in the Library. Children are welcome to come along with their parents Garden Working Bee will be on Saturday 6th of June. More details will be sent home soon. Our Annual Bush Dance will be held on Saturday the 25th July at the Amamoor Hall. There will be lucky door prizes and prizes for the best dressed and a multi draw raffle. Provided is a delicious supper, which is included in the price. There will be live music provided by The Grey Cats and all dances will be taught on the night. The Bush Dance a great night out for all and a must, to put on your calendars. It’s a great fundraiser for the P&C. We are after donations of prizes for the multi draw raffle, it would be greatly appreciated. The Lap-a-thon is on the Thursday 4h of June. Come fancy dress and get into the spirit. The P&C is supplying a healthy menu, which consists of a selection of fruit, sausage sizzle, salad platter and juice ice blocks (gluten free sausages will be supplied to students with special dietary requirements. Students can walk, dance or run to complete their laps. Parents, caregivers, grandparents, friends are most welcome to join us for a fun morning out in the glorious sunshine. "If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to approach the P&C team, we’d only be too glad to hear your ideas. How to contact your P&C: PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT Donna Rasmussen 5488 4956 TREASURER Sam Robb 0428 742417 Carolyn Kilpatrick 0437221355 SECRETARY Rachel Freudenstein 0429132025 UNIFORM CONVENOR TUCKSHOP CONVENOR Nikki Hadfield 0407573968 Donna Oxley 54843511 FOR SALE - ROLLERBLADES All in good condition at just $5.00 / pair (All are adjustable) Toddler blades Size 5-8…..3 pr left Size 8-11…..1pr left Kids blades: Size 2-5…… 1 pr left Adult blades: Size 8 …….1pr left Please contact: Sam Robb…………....0428 742 417 A Challenge to All Australian Primary Schools and Councils Come and meet Mr Montgomery at the Amamoor Shop at 8.20 am and walk safely to school On Friday the 22nd May All primary school children, along with their parents and carers, are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. The Objectives of National Safety to School Day are: To encourage parents and carers to walk to school with primary school age children To promote the health benefits of walking and create regular walking habits To help children develop vital road crossing skills and ensure children up to the age of 10 hold an adults hand when crossing roads To help children develop the vital road-crossing skills they need as they become mature pedestrians To reduce car dependency and traffic congestion To reduce the level of air pollution created by motor vehicles To promote the use of public transport ICY CUPS on sale every Friday 50c TUCKSHOP……………….Monday’s CRAFT CLUB……………..Monday lunchtime CAMERA CLUB…………..Tuesday lunchtime BREAKFAST CLUB……...Tuesday morning’s PLAYGROUP……………...Tuesday’s 9-11am After School 3.00pm To help raise funds for Yr 6 graduation! Monday 18th May 2015 Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea In Aid of the Queensland Cancer council 26th May 2015 Entry $2.00 Kandanga Public Hall Morning Tea & Light Entertainment Lucky Door Prize Raffle $1.00 Enquiries: T Gabbana 54843465 K Worth 54843493 Please note date change DO YOU HAVE SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN PREP TO GRADE 2 WHOSE BEHAVIOUR IS DIFFICULT TO MANAGE? Amamoor State School Learn & Play PLAYGROUP • With a qualified Teacher Aide • Bring a hat, drink, snack & a gold coin donation • Heaps of learning & fun to be had • Come and join us 9-11 Every Tuesday For any enquiries call Amamoor State School on 54011333 If so, you may be interested in the Management of Young Children Program (MYCP). This program has been developed by, and is run by, specialist staff from Education Queensland. WHAT IS INVOLVED? TIME…You will need to attend the centre twice a week for an hour each time. The length of the training depends on individual families but it may last anywhere from 3 to 8 weeks. COST…FREE MAKING AN APPOINTMENT… Contact Josh at the GYMPIE MYCP CENTRE on 0408 701 039 A time will be made to discuss the program with you and answer any questions that you may have.
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