SOUTH PACIFIC PHARMACEUTICAL DISTRIBUTORS LTD WARE HOUSE SHELF IN OUR HEAD OFFICE Above, SPPDL Staff training opera ng theatre staff on how to use the anesthe c machine at the Provincial Hospital VISION STATEMENT To be the provider of quality, specialized medical products and professional services for a reasonable price. SPPDL has a fleet that moves the company forward and We have a track record of supplying to reputable clients such as OTML, Lihir Medical Centre, PNGLNG subcontractors and chemcare group of companies. Apart from the private, we have secured good number of business with Na onal Department of Health (NDOH). We have done quite a number of RFQs and some major tenders with Government of Papua New Guinea through Naonal Department of Health In early 2014 a team of six comprising of 3 from NDOH and 3 from SPPDL visited DRE INC. one of the best medical equipment manufacturing plants in Louisville, Kentucky . DRE INC had supplied products of quality to many countries in the world. OUR GOAL To be recognized as a leading na onally owned & operated pharmaceu cal and medical equipment company in the country by 2020. Below; Training for SPPDL Staff in China for the latest Anesthe c machines installed in 11 Provincial Hospitals in PNG OUR PRODUCTS We are specialized in providing quality: Pharmaceu cal products Medical Equipment & Instruments Medical consumables, Reagents, Rapid Test Kits Vaccines, An venoms and many more…... Providing quality service is our objec ve.. With our recent visit as indicated above, SPPDL will supply a complete anesthe c unit with pa ent monitors built or mounted to the anesthesia unit. This will be a model unit to be supplied to eleven provincial hospitals in the country including Port Moresby General Hospital. A MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF THE MAIN OFFICE IN PORT MORESBY, PAPUA NEW GUINEA THE SALES TEAM Medical Technologist, DMT, BMT UPNG Had graduated with Bachelor of Medical Technology from University of Papua New Guinea, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Taurama Campus. Mr Kolako is a Medical Technologist by profession and had worked in both private and public ins tu ons for seven to eight years. He was formerly employed by ISOS PNG Limited but later resigned with the inten on of doing his own business. Pharm. Technician, D PHARM, UPNG The reless efforts of the sales team has driven the company to the current level over a short period of me. THE MANAGEMENT TEAM Managing Director, BPharm, UPNG LOCATION: YAKKA ENTERPRICES BUILDING, POREPORENA FREEWAY, HOHOLA CONTACT ADDRESSES P.O.Box 3296, Phone :675 3113325/3233554 BOROKO, NCD. Fax :675 3235482 SALES GENERAL ENQUIRIES Had graduated with Bachelor of Pharmacy from University of Papua New Guinea, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Taurama Campus. He is a pharmacist by profession and possessed vast experience in running pharmaceu cal business for ten (10) years. He has the experience to manage other industries with a workforce of 1500 – 2000 employees. General Manager, BPharm, UPNG Had graduated with Diploma in Pharmacy from University of Papua New Guinea, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Taurama Campus. Mr Angi is a Pharmacy Technician by profession and had worked in both private and public ins tu ons for seven to eight years. He was formerly employed by Lihir Mine but later resigned to joined SPPDL as Senior Sales Execu ve Godfrey Gagaito (Biomed Engineer) Our Biomedical Engineer had worked in various hospitals in the country and is one of the respected senior biomed technicians we have in the country. SPPDL is privileged to have him with us as part of the management team. We have done good number of machine installa on throughout the country and hope to do bigger things in the country with him around. Had graduated with Bachelor of Pharmacy from University of Papua New Guinea, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Taurama Campus. He is a professional pharmacist and had gained vast experience in working with private firms. He was employed by Oil Search Limited for 4 years before joining Lihir Gold Mine for another 4years. Opera ons Manager, MEC WHUT, BEC UPNG Leading na onal Pharmaceu cal Company in PNG Graduated with a Master in Industrial Economics from Wuhan University of Technology in the People’s Republic of China. He worked with several organiza ons both in the Public and Private sectors. ABOVE: Godfrey Gagaito installing one of the Anesthe c Units supplied by South Pacific Pharmaceu cal Distributors
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