Infrac'ons Program – Bylaw 19.01.1 Mission • Uphold integrity and fair play among NCAA members, and prescribe appropriate and fair penal:es if viola:ons occur. • Ensure that ins:tu:ons and student-‐athletes abiding by NCAA rules are not disadvantaged by their commitment to compliance. Fundamentals • CommiAed to fairness of procedures and .mely resolu.on of infrac:ons cases. • The ability to inves:gate allega:ons and penalize infrac:ons is cri:cal to the common interests of the membership and the preserva.on of its enduring values. Enforcement Staff • Staff backgrounds: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø 56% have a law degree. 39% were student-‐athletes. 19% were college coaches. 42% have worked in the membership. 24% have worked at the NCAA for more than 10 years. • Department structure. • Staff turnover. Enforcement Data Case Type Number of Cases Processed 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Major (I/II) 22 20 19 24 21 Secondary (III) 5,000 3,045* 3,992 4,327 4,051 * Implementa:on of RSRO Five Biggest Misunderstandings of Enforcement 1. That we are responsible for the bylaws. 2. That we are responsible for outcomes and penal:es. 3. 4. 5. Five Biggest Misunderstandings of Enforcement 1. That we are responsible for the bylaws. 2. That we are responsible for outcomes and penal:es. 3. That allega:ons are brought haphazardly. 4. That allega:ons are brought selec:vely. 5. That the process must be secre:ve. Infrac'ons Process Hot Topics and New Developments Ø Academic Misconduct Ø Lack of Ins:tu:onal Control Ø Changes in Enforcement: -‐ Quality Control Group -‐ Case Management Team -‐ Academic Integrity Unit -‐ Inves:ga:ve Task Force -‐ Campus Placement Program -‐ Opera:onal Improvements -‐ Customer Service Emphasis -‐ Onboarding and Training -‐ Opera:ng Procedures (Div. I) -‐ EWG Reforms (Div. I) Jon Duncan Vice President of Enforcement 317/917-‐6010 (Office) Derrick Crawford Managing Director of Enforcement Inves:ga:ons and Processing 317/917-‐6784 (Office) Mark Hicks Managing Director of Enforcement Development and Opera:ons 317/917-‐6284 (Office) Jeremy McCool Director of Enforcement Basketball Development 317/917-‐6303 (Office) Chris Howard Director of Enforcement Football Development 317/917-‐6599 (Office)
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