18th Annual Resources for Success Dates & Location April 8 & 9, 2015 Northfield Inn and Suites, Springfield Agenda Wednesday April 8, 2015 8 ‐ 9 a.m. Registra on and breakfast 9 ‐ 10:30 a.m. The Surveyors are Coming! presented by Michelle Steurcke 10:30 ‐ 10:45 a.m. Break 10:45 a.m. ‐ 12:15 p.m. Surviving the Survey Cycle presented by Jason Lundy and Ma Murer 12:15 ‐ 1:15 p.m. Lunch 1:15 ‐ 2:45 p.m. They’re Here! Now What? presented by Becky Wallace, Maureen Daly and Barbie Moore 2:45 ‐ 3 p.m. Break 3 ‐ 4 p.m. Legisla ve Update presented by Ma Hartman 4 ‐ 5:30 p.m. Just for You recep on Thursday April 9, 2015 8:30 ‐ 10 a.m. What’s on the Horizon? presented by Bill Bell 10 ‐ 10:15 a.m. Break 10:15 ‐ 11:15 a.m. How QAPI Can Help with the Survey Process presented by Susan Gardiner 11:15 a.m. ‐ 1:15 p.m. Lunch and Expo 1:15 ‐ 2:45 p.m. Customer Service and Regulatory Compliance presented by Al Litwiller Closing remarks and giveaways 2:45 ‐ 3 p.m. Session Overviews Wednesday, April 8 The Surveyors are Coming! The Surveyors are Coming! How to Manage the Survey Before They Arrive Presented by Michelle Steurcke, RN, MPH, DNP This session will assist a endees in preparing for the survey using tools that help iden fy poten al issues and ideas for correc on; including reviewing serious incidents and accidents. We will also provide a template for mock surveys and monitoring areas year round to avoid the “survey rush.” At the conclusion of this session, the par cipant should be able to: • Iden fy tools available to assist with survey prepara on • Iden fy a template for mock survey and year round review of areas • List proac ve steps for the facility to take during their survey window • Discuss ideas for ensuring incidents are well inves gated and prepared prior to annual survey “Surviving the Survey Cycle” Presented by Jason Lundy, JD and Ma Murer, JD This session will review prevalent issues in surveys and discuss how to avoid cita ons and how to respond to them. The presenta on will include prac cal advice regarding managing the survey process, responding to cita ons and quickly dra ing an effec ve, realis c Plan of Correc on. We will also provide ps for preparing Informal Dispute Resolu on and evalua ng whether an appeal is appropriate. At the conclusion of this session, the par cipant should be able to: • Prepare staff to avoid survey deficiencies • Develop an effec ve plan of correc on • Create an IDR that gets results “They’re Here! Now What?” Presented by Becky Wallace, MSN, RN, LNHA, Maureen Daly, RN‐BSN and Barbie Moore, RN‐BC Preparing and maintaining survey readiness is very important, but what happens once the surveyors actually walk through your door? Does the staff (and management) panic and create situa ons that could put you in jeopardy of being sited for F Tags that might otherwise have been avoided? We have assembled an expert panel of nurse consultants that will discuss how to manage the survey process once it has begun, including iden fying “tour guides,” obtaining surveyor computer access, finalizing the 802 and 672 and designa ng a point person. At the conclusion of this session, the par cipant should be able to: • Prepare staff for surveyor arrival, including off‐hour surveys • Iden fy key personnel as tour guides, surveyor point person, etc. • Implement strategies for finalizing CMS forms 802 and 672 Legisla ve Update Presented by Ma Hartman Ma Hartman, IHCA VP Public Policy, will provide an update on current legisla on that impacts or could have an impact on facility opera‐ ons. Just for You Recep on 4 ‐ 5:30 p.m. Join us for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, massages, a chocolate fountain and other fun ac vi es. Thursday, April 9 LTC Surveys: What’s on the Horizon? Presented by Bill Bell, BS QAPI, QIS, MDS focused surveys, 5‐star! So many changes, so li le me! This session will discuss each of these topics as well as IDPH/ OHCR program status, demen a focused surveys, electronic staffing requirements, abuse and neglect, unnecessary medica ons and more. Let us help you sort it all out. At the conclusion of this session, the par cipant should be able to: • Discuss changes in 5‐star • Discuss the future direc on of long term care surveys from both the state and federal perspec ves • Discuss IDPH/OCHR program status, electronic staffing requirements, unnecessary medica ons and other topics related to surveys How QAPI Can Help with the Survey Process Presented by Susan Gardiner, BSN, LNHA Has your facility implemented a culture of Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement (QAPI)? Are you iden fying opportuni es for improvement before they become problems? U lizing QAPI can help during surveys by showing the survey team that you do indeed take Quality Improvement seriously and may already be working on improving areas of concern. At the conclusion of this session, the par cipant should be able to: • Define QAPI culture change and the components involved • U lize available resources to determine opportuni es for improvement • Understand how Performance Improvement Projects (PIPS) and Plan‐Do‐Study‐Act processes help during surveys. Customer Service & Regulatory Compliance ‐ Two Ships Passing in the Night. Presented by Al Litwiller, MHA According to IDPH they received over 19,000 issues involving long term care last year and have inves gated over 5,000 of those is‐ sues. These are complaints from residents, families, employees and even facility self‐reports. Average bed occupancy con nues to de‐ cline in nursing facili es even though more people require long term care. IDPH surveyors say they write fewer viola ons when they like an administrator, DON or staff members. During this session we will explore how closely linked customer service and regulatory compli‐ ance has become. We will explore proven strategies for improving both customer service and regulatory compliance such as employee engagement, customer engagement, care plan implementa on and the power of words in health care. Continuing Education Illinois nursing home administrators, social workers, physical therapist/PTAs and licensed nurses will earn 9.5 clock hour of con nuing educa on for par cipa ng. The Illinois Health Care Associa on is approved as a sponsor of con nuing educa on for nursing home admin‐ istrators, social workers, physical therapists /PTAs and licensed nurses by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regula on. Hotel Information A block of rooms has been reserved at the Northfield Inn & Suites for the nights of April 7 & 8, 2015. When making your reserva ons men on the Illinois Health Care Associa on to qualify for the $84 rate (tax not included). In order to receive this special rate, reserva ons must be made by March 23, 2015. Northfield Inn & Suites 3280 Northfield Dr. Springfield, IL 62703 217.523.7900 Save the Date!!!! 18th Annual Resources for Success April 8 & 9, 2015 Participant Name Email Address License Number Contact Person: __________________________________________________________________ Facility: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ____________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: _______________________________ Payment: ______ Member of IHCA or LTCNA…….……………...……………………..……………………………………………… $200 ______ Non-Member, each person………………………………………………… ……………….………………...…….. $300 Total Early Fee _________ Add $25 per person for registration submitted less than five business days prior to the presentation for which you register. Substitutions will be accepted on-site for registrants unable to attend. Total Late Fee __________ TOTAL ________________ □ Check enclosed Charge to: □ Visa □ MasterCard □ American Express □ Discover # ______________________________________________ Expiration Date: _________________ Security Code: __________ (3 digits REQUIRED) Credit Card Billing Address:__________________________________________________________ Credit Card Billing Zip Code:_________________ Signature: Return with payment to: Illinois Health Care Association 1029 S. Fourth Street ______________________________ To register online go to: www.ihca.com Springfield, IL 62703 Fax: 217.528.0452 AMOUNT CK#/ CC MEMBER STATUS DATE
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