MEPS NEWSLETTER MOOROOLBARK EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL Taylor Road, Mooroolbark 3138 Phone: 9726 9422 FAX: 9726 9833 Website: Wednesday, 15th October, 2014 MEPS CALENDAR TERM 4 October Thursday 16th EMR Athletics (Burwood) MEPS Kids’ Club, 2.30-3.30pm (Preps 2015) Saturday 18th Working Bee Monday 20th SOS morning tea POSTPONED to 27th Oct M/bark Children’s Film Festival (Grade 4J) Tuesday 21st Screening of “Red Herrings” Wednesday 23rd Screening of “Red Herrings” Friday 24th Cakes to be delivered for the Fete stall Saturday 25th FETE Monday 27th SOS Morning Tea (after assembly) Thursday 30th Interschool Sport Highlights of the Week: Yimba Uganda Incursion ALPOS Hooptime Global Education Conference SICK BAY LINEN ROSTER Friday, 17th October Penny Harvey BANKING ROSTER Thursday, 16th October D West, T Hutt Principal’s Comment Hi All, I have settled into the school term. Hats are now compulsory as the weather begins to improve. We have a “no hat no play” policy. Please make sure that your child’s hat is a school hat as this is part of our uniform policy. Our hats meet the guidelines for Sunsmart. Hats are available at the uniform shop if you need to purchase a new one. The Prep children still wear the red MEPS Prep hat for this term. Thanks for your assistance with ensuring that our children are all in a consistent uniform that meets their safety and health needs. We do random uniform checks and most of the time they are fine but we do have some students who seem to think that the uniform policy does not apply to them. As they are young, it is their parents who are responsible for endorsing our school uniform policy. At times there may be issues but if you send a note with your child we are fully understanding. If money is an issue we have secondhand uniforms available for $1.00. All children should be in school uniform. Chinese Language Assistant: Liping is now fully immersed in the Australian culture and commenced her Moostars lessons yesterday. She is working with small groups of highly able and keen students across all school levels on a Tuesday. They are learning basic Mandarin. It was delightful to hear Grade 3 students counting to 10 and using familiar greetings in Mandarin after one 45 minute session. They can already speak more Mandarin than me. Liping is a great asset to our school and is providing our students with another dimension to their education. Yimba Uganda: As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, in keeping with our theme of Global Education, the Grade 4 – 6 students are currently participating in an incursion based around life and culture in Uganda. During the session every child was able to participate in traditional jewellery making, ask questions about life in Uganda, listen to Emmanuel’s story of growing up in Uganda and participate in drumming lessons with African music. Emmanuel is a professional musician in Uganda but is in Australia spreading awareness of his culture and country and the role that foreign assistance has in supporting the development of his country. Anne Marie is an Australian who spends six months of the year here and six months in Uganda. Next year she is moving permanently to Uganda to continue her work with the women and children who live in the slum areas. Our students have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and learnt more about the world around them and how fortunate they are in comparison to many others. On Monday Emmanuel performed at assembly and he was sensational. The whole school was up dancing and singing along in a language they couldn’t speak. The adults were really into it too. He is currently the No. 1 male artist in Uganda. As the senior students brought along a gold coin as a donation, we were able to present Emmanuel with a cheque for $500. It was greatly appreciated. Kids Club: The last of the informal Kids Club sessions is being this Thursday, October 16 th from 2.30pm to 3.30pm. All children who are commencing school in 2015 are invited to attend. We would love to see them all here if at all possible. The formal orientation program begins shortly after. Hooptime: Aaron Palmer, our PE teacher, has written a full account of the Hooptime results from last week. I just wished to congratulate the team who have made it into the state finals in November. They won the grand final with a score of 22 to 0. Congratulations to all. All the best to our other teams who still need to compete this term. Global Education Conference: Laura Beaton, Matt Mulcahy and I will be presenting at a conference in Sydney this coming weekend. It is an international conference based around the theme of countries learning about different and improved educational strategies from each other. Only two schools in Australia have been selected to present. These are the Knox Grammar School and ourselves. This is a great recognition of the work which we have undertaken based around developing global citizenship and learning from other cultures. There are three staff also attending the conference, in addition to our three presenters, to improve their knowledge base and expertise. Again, this is a reflection of our staff’s commitment when they are prepared to forego their own weekends with their families to further their educational knowledge. Thank you. I will let you know next week how it all went. ALPOS: ALPOS is an abbreviation for Assessment of Learning Partnership Online System. We have been participating in this program for three years. It is done in conjunction with Melbourne University. Each year all Grade 3 to 6 students are assessed on line in the areas of literacy and mathematics. The tests are conducted by the University of Melbourne and we receive the results of each students’ testing the day after the test has taken place. Each child is placed on a learning continuum which explains where the child is in their learning and where they need to move onto next. It also details the skills that need to be taught to continue the progression. Teachers then meet in their year levels each week to develop activities for children at the appropriate level to keep them progressing. The children are then all tested again six months later. This program has provided great results for our school. The second round of this year’s testing has commenced this week. It will continue for three weeks. All the best to everyone with this process. Fete: This is happening on Saturday week, October 25 th. Not long to go. We only have this event every second year and we require a lot of parent helpers to assist. Separate notices have gone home begging people to help. I received this email earlier this week: I just wanted to share this with the school families just in case it makes a difference. As a parent, I wanted to thank all of the people that helped at the fundraising BBQ on Saturday. Many parents, staff and even a few of the kids put in some time to help the school. This weekend is the working bee and then we have the fete. I have found that there are always the same faces helping at all of these. Thank goodness we have some very dedicated families because we seem to have many that don't do much at all. I am struggling to understand why families can't even spare one hour to help at their children's school. One hour out of a whole year really isn't very much when you think about it. The school does so much to help our kids, I just don't know why we ALL can't give that small piece of time instead of leaving all the work to the dedicated few. I hope to see some fresh faces when my family are at school helping again this weekend. I am hoping that we receive a lot of volunteer notices back this week for either the fete, working bee or both. One hour makes a massive difference. We have 370 families in our school. If each family donated one hour per year that would be the equivalent of nine weeks of full time work. Imagine what we could achieve. Thank you to those people who assist regularly. It is the students who benefit from your commitment and enthusiasm. Thank you. Mooroolbark Film Festival: This is taking place next Monday. Grade 4J have made a film which is being screened at the festival. It is called ‘Red Herring’. Grade 4 J will be going to the festival to view the premier screening of their film. This film will then be shown to students next week at lunch times. All children from Grades 3 – 6 are invited to attend with a gold coin donation. Thanks to Peter Johnson for all his work with the film making in our school. Enjoy your week. Debbie Nelsson PRINCIPAL UNIFORM SHOP Mondays & Fridays 8:45 - 9:45am Grade 6 Bomber Jacket : Orders with payment due by October 10th. Thank you! Size 10 & 14 Bomber Jackets are out of stock at the moment. Preps 2015 Avoid the rush!! Come and shop now as all items are available. Penny Spencer Uniform Co-ordinator STUDENT OF THE WEEK GRADE STUDENT’S NAME REASON Prep C Lily Cubitt For using a loud, clear voice in reading Prep D Jack Larsen For a fantastic first week in Term 4! Prep O Cody Clarkson Patient support of a new student Prep CS Chloe Warr Fantastic painting 1L Siana Faber-Holland Excellent listening skills 1S Silas Luri For producing excellent handwriting 1T Rabecca Zathang For working really hard on her maths 1/2S Heidi Wilson Persisting with work 2J Reyce Gay For making great progress with reading 2M Tegan Garratt Writing a fantastic description of a dragon 2W Blake Cartwright Always having a positive attitude 3H Alyssa Leaver For working beautifully and very patiently with another student on their maths project 3T Miss McCasta For being an amazing ‘Bindi Irwin’ and collecting our tadpoles 3KB Grace McGrath For a great improvement in her reading 4E Tanner Matheson Working so hard on his handwriting 5B Sang Cung For settling in brilliantly to MEPS 5/6P Salena Johnson For consistent high efforts in all areas 6B Ben Fiedler Fantastic attitude to class tasks Art Andrew Whitlock [6B] Great help PE Mary Gai [Prep D] For showing excellent fielding skills in cricket Cynthia Lily De Petro [1/2S] Terrific reading Jody Grace Wigraft [1T] For happily extending friendships and for being a great help A.P. (Sandra) Hayden Tocknell For beautiful manners!! A.P. (Brant) Mikki-Rose Delahunty [1L] For always smiling Sustainability Alex Jackson [4J] For being an enthusiastic and reliable environmental leader. CANTEEN NEWS BEING POSITIVE The way you look at a situation can be either positive or negative, e.g. a game When things don’t go as planned be positive by saying to yourself “I can get better” or “I’ll try harder next time”. People like to be around others that are happy and positive. Nobody likes to be with a grumpy person. When you speak to others be positive and say encouraging and thoughtful things. Don’t be negative or mean. Roster: Term 4 October Thursday 16th Friday 17th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday 24th R Ralph P Leslie, S Tyzack P Dawe, K McDonald SOMEONE NEEDED 2 SOMEONES NEEDED H Taylor, S Tyzack PLEASE NOTE THAT WHEN ORDERING LUNCHES, THERE IS A 10c CHARGE FOR THE PAPER BAG. Hot Milo is only available with lunch orders not counter sales. Anne McKnight Canteen Manageress MEPS SPORTS REPORT – October 15th: Well done to the 22 Grade 3-6 students that competed in the Division Athletics Carnival last Thursday. A huge congratulations to the following students that have progressed through to the Regional Athletics Championships this Thursday: Tahlia Rowe – Triple Jump Brodie Atkins – Hurdles Lily Philpott – Hurdles Jared McCann – 200 metres Jasmine Jackson – Discus Lachlan Breen – 100 metres & 800 metres Paige Chuah – 800 metres and 1500 metres If any of the above students finish first or second in their events they will qualify for the State Athletics Championships – which would be a fantastic achievement! Last Friday one of our Grade 3/4 Future Stars Hoop Time team competed in the Regional Finals at Kilsyth. They were undefeated for the whole day and eventually won their final 22-0. Well done to Oscar McCallum, Sam Gai, Will Spencer, Zac Sposito, Charli Bromley, Kayla Villarreal and Keely Stirling. They will now compete in the State Hoop Time finals at Dandenong Basketball Stadium on the 27th of November. It’s an exciting time of year with many of our students competing in various elite sporting competitions. We still have three other Hoop Time teams that will compete in Regional Finals and at the end of November we are also sending 20 x Grade 5/6 boys and 20 x Grade 5/6 girls to compete in the Easter Regional Lacrosse Championships. We also have the Grade 6 Interschool Sport round robin day coming up on the 30th of October. Finally – congratulations to those MEPS students that have recently been selected in representative basketball teams outside of school with the Kilsyth Cobras. And good luck to those that have their final try-outs for the Ringwood Hawks this weekend! Aaron Palmer, Sport/PE Teacher 2014 Melbourne Marathon Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 2014 Melbourne Marathon last week-end in support of CPEC. Our very own Ariella is seen (right) walking with her friend, James and some of our MEPS staff star in the other photos. CPEC (Cerebral Palsy Education Centre) provides education and support for people with Cerebral Palsy and was one of the major charities being supported by the Melbourne Marathon. Hi MEPS, This month, I am taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer! I will be pedalling throughout October and my goal is to ride at least 10km or more. Why am I doing this? Because cancer is the largest killer of children from disease in Australia – 3 children die of cancer every week! It will be tough, but nothing compared to what these kids face every day of their lives as they battle this terrible disease. Kids should be living life, not fighting for it. And so I am taking on this personal challenge to raise funds to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve. But I need your help. Please sponsor me to support my challenge and join me to fight kids' cancer! Simply follow the link below to view my personal fundraising page and make a donation: All funds raised will support the Children's Medical Research Institute to continue their work in developing treatments and finding a cure for childhood cancer. Thank you for your support. Wish me luck! Brayden Cleary, 4J. COMMUNITY NOTICES AND ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE NOTE: SUCH PUBLICATIONS DO NOT IMPLY SCHOOL ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE FETE SPONSORS IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO SPONSOR ONE OF OUR STALLS AT THE FETE. SEE THE FETE NEWSLETTER WHICH WILL BE SENT HOME THIS WEEK. MYM Ensemble Program 2015 Are you a talented musician aged 8-25? Join over 400 young musicians from around Victoria in Melbourne Youth Music’s 2015 Ensemble Program. Expand your music education, play engaging and varied repertoire and take part in unforgettable ensemble performances. Visit to find out more about our orchestral, string and band programs. Applications close 17 October 2014 so apply online today!
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