L CONSENT AGENDA COUNTY MAYOR ORANGE COUNTY J'viAYOR TERESA JACOBS 1 P.o. Box 1393,201 SOUTrJ ROSALll PHONE: 40'1-836-7370 • FAX: 4Qj _~_ May 12,2015 To: Board of County Commissioners From: Mayor Teresa Subject: Managerial Appointments Consent Agenda - May 19, 2015 Jaco~~ I am pleased to present the following three managerial appointments for confirmation. These individuals will be outstanding additions to our management staff and each brings unique skills and experience to their roles. Utilities Mr. Todd Swingle/or the Deputy Director ofUtilities In September 2014, the Utilities Deputy Director position became vacant with the resignation of Mr. Jason HelTick. This position is responsible for assisting the director in all areas related to the management of the Water, Wastewater, Field Services and Solid Waste Divisions. After an extensive recruitment search, I am pleased to appoint Mr. Todd Swingle for this position. Mr. Swingle has over 20 years of relevant experience and is presently the Director of Environmental Strategy with Cummins Inc. Mr. Swingle began his career as an Associate Engineer and Technical Specialist with Parsons Engineering Science, Inc. in 1992 and progressed within the organization to become the Engineering Department Manager. Since that time he has held positions with various agencies, including the City of St. Cloud where he was the Director of Environmental Utilities and the Public Services Administrator. During his time with the City of St. Cloud, Mr. Swingle was responsible for several divisions, including Custqmer Support, Engineering, Water Treatment, Wastewater and Solid Waste Management. Mr. Swingle holds a Bachelor Degree and a Master Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Central Florida, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Florida. In addition, Mr. Swingle holds a Professional Engineering Certification. He is involved with many professional affiliations, including the American Water Works Association and FDEP Statewide Stormwater Rule Technical Advisory Committee. Mr. Swingle will begin his new role on June 22, 20] 5, at an annual starting salary of $140,005. His resume is attached for your review I 17 Managerial Appointments Consent Agenda Item - May 19, 2015 Page 2 Fire Rescue Department Mr. Anthony Rios/or Division Chief, Fire Rescue Departmenl Anthony Rios is a 14-year veteran of the Orange County Fire IZescue Department, and has been serving as the Acting Division Chief of Infrastrueture and Support since November 2014. Chief Rios is a highly respected fire service professional who has held many positions within the department. Prior to his current role, he served as the Assistant Chief of Operations, Lieutenant Paramedic II - Public Information Officer, Lieutenant Paramedic II Operations, Engineer Paramedic II Operations, and Firefighter/Paramedic II - Operations. Chief Rios holds a Bachelor Degree in Public Administration with a minor in Emergency Management and a post-secondary Certificate in Organizational Management from the University of Central Florida. He is currently enrolled in the University of Central Florida's Master of Public Administration program, with a focus on Research and Executive Leadership. Mr. Rios will begin his new role on May 24, 2015, at an annual starting salary of$108,014. His resume is attached for your review. Office of Management and Budget Air. Kurt Petersen/or the Manager o/the Office o.lManagement and Budget Mr. Petersen has been with Orange County over 20 years and started as a Human Resources Intern in 1994. During his career with the County, Mr. Petersen has many positions, including Management and Budget Associate, Senior Management and Budget Analyst, Fiscal and Administrative Supervisor, Management and Budget Advisor and Assistant OMB Manager. Mr. Petersen has been serving as the Acting Manager with the recent promotion of Mr. Randy Singh. In this role, he has continued to do an excellent job. Mr. Petersen holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Degree from the University of Central Florida and a Master of Business Administration from Rollins College. Mr. Petersen is also a Certified Government Finance Officer through the Florida GovenU11ent Finance Officers Association. Mr. Petersen will begin bis new role on May 24, 2015, at an annual starting salary of $109,803. His resume is attached for your review. 18 Managerial Appointments Consent Agenda Hem - May J 9, J5 Page 3 ACTION REQUESTED: Confirmation of the following managerial appointments: Todd Swingle as Deputy Director, Utilities; Anthony Rios as Division Chief, l~ire Rescue Department; and Kurt Petersen as Manager of the Office of Management and Budget C: Ajit Lalchandani, County Administrator Eric Gassman, Deputy County Administrator J. Ricardo Daye, Director, I-Iuman Resources 19 TODD P. P.E. SWINGLE, todd@swlnglefamlly.com I (812) 447-5351 I 152 Saint Croix Avenue, - --.,- -- Cocoa Beach. FL 32931 -. Senior engineering and operations leader offering a 20-ycar record of success leading organizations, crealing strategies, and developing customer oriented solutions to complex environmental and infrastructure challenges. Leverage vision, innovation, and collaborative problem solving to consistently deliver creative yet practical solutions that meet or exceed targeted expectations and outcomes. ! AREAS OF EXPERTISE Utility. Solid Waste. and Public Works Management - Infrastructure Engineering Program and Project Management Construction Management - Risk Management Resource Planning & Optimization - Financial Analysis & Budgeting - Sustainability PROJ?ESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Cummins Inc. - Columbus, IN 20ll to Present Director ofEnvironmental Strategy (2013 - Present) Mallager, Corporate Environmental Management (2011 - 2013) Cummins, a Fortune 200 corporation with sales of over $17 billion, designs, manufactures, and sells power systems, engines and related technologies across a global footprint that inoludes more than 600 facilities and 45,000 employees in 120+ countries. As a long-time consultant to Cummins, I was recruHed to lead the company's global water management program and facilities environmental strategy. Building upon successful results in these functions, my role expanded to include strategy and functional excellence development across the broader global environmental organization, including product environmental management, emissions compliance, and environmental sustainability. • Developed Cummins' first comprehensive, global facilities environmental standards. • Spearheaded Cummins' global, risk-based, water management strategy recognized as a leader by notable sustainability organizations including the Dow Jones Suslainability Index, Ceres, CDP, and Newsweek. o Restructured company-wide capital process, proactively embedding environmental and sllstainability pcrfonnance requirements in the company's $800 Milli.on annual capital investment plan. o Lead redesign of the company's environmental organization and programs 10 improve customer service, enhance organizational capabilities, and improve resourcc utilization. • Developed best-in-class leading metrics programs to accelerate achievement of results. o Key stakeholder on the company's global, cross-functional facilities program oversight team. City of St. Cloud ~ St. Cloud, FL 2003 to 2011 Public Services Administrator (2009 to 2011) Director - Environmental Utilities (2006 to 2009) City Engineer -Utilities (2003 to 2006) Multifaceted role leading the City's Public Services functions, serving a rapidly growing mid-siz:ed City in Central Florida. Served as a core member of the City Manager's senior leadership leam. Accountable for performance of all engineering, public works, utilities, and project management functions listed below. Achieved successful outcomes through an employee base representing a broad spectrum of specialized professional, trude, and administrative roles. Routinely interfaced with the City Coullcil, peer organizations, regulators, community stakeholders, and employees throughout the City's affected functions to deliver successful results. Engineering - Development Review - Capital Project Adminislration Customer Support Water Treatment and Distribution - Waslewater Collection and Treatment - Storm water Utility Streets Traffic Control- Parks and Grounds Maintenance Solid Waste Management. Vehicle Maintenance i 20 TODD P. SWINGLE, P.E. todd@swinglefamiJy.coml (812) 447-5351 I Page 2 City of St. Cloud ~ Continued Engraincd a customer centric strategy foeused on building success through coJlaboratioIl. ParLnered with elected officials, citizens, employees, businesses, governmental partners, and other smkehoJders to tackle local and regional infrastructure challenges. Recognized for delivering projects and services on time, on budget, and as expected. Collaborqtive Initiqtjves: • Founding member of STOPR (now Central Florida Water Co-op); a partnership of five Central Florida utilities formed to cooperatively develop water supplies in a resource constrained and political environment. • Utility adviser for the widely accepted, multi-agency sustainable public utility management guide: "Effective Utility Managemenr: A Primer for Water and Wastewater Utilities". • Appointed to the South Florida Water Management District's Water Resources Advisory Committee and FL State Stonnwater Technical Advisory Committee as a recognized leader in water supply Ilnd management. • Served as the Vice-Chair of the Florida Section American Water Works Utility Council and as a member of the FSAWWA Legislative committee. Participated in State and National lobbying efforts. Capital Program and Engineering Achievements: Developed, prioritized and implemented a capital program exceeding $100 million in direct City investments tllat rejuvenated the City's core infrastructure (water, wastewater, streets, facilities): .;' Master Planning - Developed the city's first comprehensive water, wastewater, reclaimed water, and pedestrian/bike master plans to guide infrastructure expansion and long range financial planning . .;' Contracting - Deployed mUltiple design and contracting strategies including Construction Manager at Risk and pUblic/private partnerships - supporting growth while reducing City costs and risk. .;' Construction- Garnered recognition for new water plant, earning nomination as a 2008 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement finalist; one ojthe fOp six projects in the US . .;' Facilities • Responsible for multiple facility expansion projects including the City's central warehouse and operations center and police training facility . .;' Standards - Administered engineering/infrastructure standards for the City's land development code. Organizational Development and Operations: • Orchestrated merger of the City's Public Works and Utilities Departments to deliver streamlined operations, leadership team growth, enhanced succession planning, lind reduced operating costs. • Revitalized the City's water department, previously the poorest ralcd service in City, reducing customer complaint call rate by 90%+ through comprehensive improvements in infraslructme and operations. • Reduced cost and improved service quality by leveraging advanced technology, computerizcd maintenance management systems, hybrid in-house/outsourced service models, and strategic regulatory partnerships. • Elevated staff performance levels by improving work environment· emphasizing training, clearly defining career path opportunities, and aligning staff performance motivators with departmental objectives. • Successfully launched key public service ventures in response to revenue generating opportunities and public interest - curbside recycling, solid waste transfer station acquisition, and city-led backt10w testing. • Led utility emcrgency response and restoration efforts related to three direct hurricane impacts in 2004. GeoSyntec Consultants - Orlando, FL 1999 to 2003 Sellior Engineer/Ol'lalUlo Design Group Manager (2000 to 2003) Project Engineer (1999 to 2000) Recmited by former colleagues to start-up the Orlando office of this full-service, North American consulting finn. Provided support nationally to the company's strategic Local Government,Federal Sector, and Fortune 500 clients including FDEP, Orange County, Indian River County, Cummins, Lockheed, PepsiCo/Tropicana, NASA, and the Department of Defense. Specialized in designing and deploying innovative environmental and operations solutions. • Founded Orlando office, outperfoMl1ing net profit goals while expanding oHice by over 300% in three years. • Introduced forward-tbinking, technology-driven corporate practices, integrating advanced IT solutions with engineering and operations practices (i.e. 3-D design, GIS-based operations solutions). I TODD t todd@swinglefamlly.com I (812) 447-5351/ Page3 P. SWINGLE, P.E. •i · !Si!£! Parsons Engineering Science, Inc. - Winter Park, FL . 1992 to 1999 Engineering Department Manager (1998 to 1999) Project Manager & Engineer (199710 1998) Associate Engineer & Technical Specialist (1992 to 1997) Leading consulting firm with $2.8 Billion in current annual revenue. Progressed through organization in the Orlando office to lead professional staff in design and delivery of professional engineering and consulting services. Service area focused on industrial facility rehabilitation, wastewater treatment, groundwater treatment. and remediation for strategic clientele including the US Air Force, Cummins, Department of Energy, and PepsiCo/Tropicfll1a. Highlighted Activities and Achievements: • Led major program/project efforts designing and constructing industrial wastewater treatment systems, focusing on beneficial reuse opportunities - Cummins and PepsiCo/Tropicana. • Recognized as subject matter expert company-wide for cutting-edge remedial technologies, leading or conlributing to design efforts to deploy and optimize innovative remedial technologies. 2&. EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS Master ofBusiness Administration (2011) - University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Master ofScience, Environmental Engineering (1994) - University ofCenlral Florida, Orlando, FL Bachelor ofScience, Environmental Engifleering (1992) - summa cum laude, top engineering graduate University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Professional Engineer - Florida P.E. #52116 National Incident Management Certifications - 1S700, ICS 100, ICS200, ICS300, ICS400 IS014001l0HSAS18001 Certified Lead Auditor Six Sigma Certified Green Belt and Sponsor OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION Professional Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers (Osceola Committee Past Chairman) American Water Works Association (Utility Management Committee, Workforce Subcommittee) Florida Section AWWA Utility Council (Vice Chair. Legislative Committee) Water Environment Federation (Program Committee) Florida Water Environment Association Utility Council SFWMD Water Resources Advisory Commission (WRAC) Effective Utility Management Collaboration Advisory Committee FDEP Statewide Stormwater Rule Technical Advisory Committee Civic Involvemcl1 t Columbus Sunrise Rotary Club CoJumbusConnected Community Partnership Columbus Recycling Committee Chair and Solid Waste Citizens Advisory Committee Member State (FL) Science Fair Judge Youth Baseball and Football Coach Junior Achievement Osceola Board Member and Classroom Volunteer Co-Founder Carson Alan Swingle Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship at UCF 122 ANTHONY RIOS I 1 9 LJ 4 Y ELL 0 \III 1"107) FIN 438 T R A I L, 2247 CELL 0 R LAN D 0 (407) F ),' J 2. 8 ),7 383~9557 11-14 to Present Orange County Fire Rescue Department Orlando, FL Acting Division Chief, Inliastructure and Support i Serve as the Incident Commander for Fire Rescue response when deeme1d necessary, .. Manage human resources as required fm tl1e assignment of all personnel assigned to the division, I II Review and develop Department polices, rules, and operational procedures, , a Contract management of 26 Fire Rescue contracts to ensure specificatiorls throughout the term, a IVlanagement of greater than $150 million dolJars in assets, a Analyze job performance and develop programs to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness. I tI Exercise independent judgment, wide-ranging impact of decisions, anCI demonstrate the requirement of advanced technical, managerial, and leadership skills. a II Ensure quality construction of Fire Stations, .. Facilities lTlanagement and maintenance of all 45 Fire Rescue Facilities I • Procurement and maintenance management of fire apparatus, fIre equipment, and self-contained breathing apparatus, I IS iii Procurement management oversight of personal safety equipment, workplace supp~es,. and medications. .. . Applicauon of knowledge of pnnclples, best practlces, procedures, 111 moderp. ftrefighting, rescue, and fire prevention to organizational decision-making strategy. ,I IS Conduct employee pre-determination hearings and grievances, tI Resolve labor/contract negotiations, a Authority to hire and discharge employees. I 10-13 to Present Orange County Fire Rescue Department Orlando, FL Assistant Chief, OperaJions II Serves as the lncident Commander for Fire Rescue response. I Manages human resources as required for emergency preparedness and response, I Oversees the operations of over 1200 members of the department. I Responsible for ensuring aU personnel assigned to tJ1e unit(s) adhere to County and Department polices rules, and standard operating procedures. I Reviews and develop operational procedures. Provides advice/instruction regarding emergency services practices to the I County, private sector, and governmental agencies, Analyzes job performance and develop programs to enhance operation~l efficiencv and effectiveness. Conduc;s employee investigat.ions, pre-determination hearings, and grievances. 'I 2 • Assists in labor/ contract nego6ations. • Authority to hire and discharge employees. I independent judgment, wide-ranging impact of decisions, ana • demonstl'ates the requirement of advanced technical, managerial, anaI leadership skills. ; 08-10 to Present Orange County Fire Rescue Department Batt.aJion Chief-Acting Assistant Chief; Operalions Orlando, FL i • Exercises independent judgment, wide-ranging impact of decisions, and demonsttates the requirement of advanced technical, managerial, and.I leadership skills.. , . I • ResponsIble for ensunng all personnel assIgned to the umt(s) adhere to Count¥ I and Department policies, rules, and standard operating procedures. I • Responsible for day-to-d:1Y administrative functions as necessary for the 1 operationalnccds of the department. • Provide day-to-day training and career enhancement for employees. II • Serves as the liaison between the Fire Rescue Department, citizens of County, local, state, and national organiza6ons. Orang~ I I • Participates in the development of goals and objective for station personnel, I and monitors progress toward achieving positive results. • Observes performance of subordinate officers performance appraisals. in order to conduct I • Conduct investigations into accidents or incidents involving equipment personnel, and citizens. los~, • Responsible as the primary communications conduit between headquarters and company officers and field personnel. • Serves as the Liaison to the Emergency Ope.ra60ns Center during emergency ac6vation. 07-08 to 08-10 Orange County Fire Rescue Department Orlando, FL Lieutenant Paramedic II, Public Information ORice • Served as the liaison between the Fire Rescue Department, citizens of orangh County, local, state, and national organizations. I • Performed work under the general direction of the Fire Chief, Deputy Fir~ Chief and Division Chief of Logistics with considerable independencf requiring the exercise of discretion, sound judgment, and initiative. • Acted as an integral function of Command Staff as defined by NIMS rcs. I. Organized, planed, and prepared budget for bureau section, including surveying bureau members for future equipment and training needs. Held 2 I meetings, assernbled fIrst daft, reviewed draft with department heads, anaI submitted final VerSlOl1, which were approved. I Delivered high-leveled customer service to internal and external clients. II Coordinated and created innovative Public Relations activates in schools ana in community affairs. I II II Promoted the image of the Fire Department as an lCOIl1c public safet¥ I provider in the community. 09-07 to 07· 08 Orange COlmty Fire Rescue Department Orlando, FL lieutenant Paramedic II; Operations • Responded to emergency incidents and provided emergency and noJ emergency management for the Fire Department's busiest stations. DelivereB front-line fIre and medical emergency serVIce to the citizens and visitors 0lif Orange County. .. Delivered high- energy customer senrice to Orange County residents. II Managed and performed advance vehicle extrication and rescue. D Supervised and operated complex aerial fue rescue apparatus. D I' , I lvIaintaincd a safe work environment for staff, where training, wellness, ana · I rea d mess were paramount. i II D Instructed student paramedics program. In an innovative "in house" paramedic I Repeatedly acted as a ride-up Battalion Chief 08-05 to 09/"{)7 Orange County Fire Rescue Department Orlando, FL Engineer Paramedic IL Operations II II II " Responded to specialized presenTation of property. functions 111 the protection ana I Selected the appropriate route to an alarm scene and safely drove the apparatus, placing it in the most advantageous location. I Operated fire suppression and rescue equipment with the most appropriate techniques and procedures to nuninl1ze property damage and risk to life. I R~eatedly acted aLa ride - up Lleutenant in several of the county's busiest 11"{)O to 08-05 Orange County Fire Rescue Department Firefighter/ Paramedic IL Operations D of ]jfe Orlando, FL Delivered front-line fuefIghting, advanced medical care, and emergency 3 2 i transport of patients to the hospital in the busiest stations. Statio? assignments included high volume residential, high-rise, commercial, and interstate calls. I • Medical care involved advanced patient assessment, critical cardiac care, an1 I medica tion administra t i o n . · • Participated in public relation activities such as school demonstrations, safety demonstrations to promote the image of the Department as a public safetY stable in the community. 1 • Iv1entored provisional and remedial paramedics 012-01 to Present . Kissimmee, FL! Osceola County Sheriff's Office Sergeant, Special Operations - Fully Swam - Reserve / DulyAppointed by Stafe I • Serves as the Incident Commander for the Sheriff's Department on large scale incidents L I • Supervises Division staff: schedules, assigns and directs work; conducts interview; oversees or conducts training; mentors, evaluates and appraises I • Exercises a process of thinking involving analytical evaluations of critical situations. Develops strategic thinking habits that develop problem SOlvUlg and reasonulg skills. , • Review polices and procedures; implements and monitor compliance 1 • Receives, investigates and responds to complaints from civilians, incluoolg internal affairs investigation • Ivfaintams lmowledge of Florida Statutory law and legal updates. Maintains law and order and serves legal proceeoolg of the courts. I Oversees Squad's assigned areas for crune investigation, t.raffic control, evidence collection, service of legal documents and warrants. ! Integrates unit's responses with specialized tactical units like Street NarcotiF and Gang, narcotic Enforcement Team, NET and Community Emergenc~l R"po,,,e Team, CERT. I 08-99 to 11-00 Orange County Corrections Department ~rrx~~O~ff Orlando, FL I • Supervised u1111ates to prevent altercations, intimidation undesirable or illegal acts, intercedes when necessary, and to ensure the safety of the facility, othdr Correctional staff and inmates. I Completed and maintained required records, logs, and reports. Performe? security checks to ensure safe, secure, and orderly movement of inmates throughout the facility. Ensured, to the limit of authority that inmate right~ were observed according to statutory law. I· 4 -~- - -.. .. ~-- .. - - - - - - - - - -..- - . - -..- -..- - - - - - - - - 2 University of Central florida Orlando, FL • Master of Public l\drninistration / Graduate Certificate in Executive Leadership / Graduate Certificate in Research Administration - 2015 (next semester) • Bachelor of Arts Degree - Public Administration CII1Jl LLlude - Emergency Management, Minor; Non-Profit Management, Certificate - 2012 Valencia College Orlando, FL • J\ssociate of Arts Degree - .HoJloJ:r - 2010 • Associate of Science Degree, Emergency Medical Service - I-Iollors - 2008 • Florida State Officer • Florida State Firefighter • Florida State Paramedic • Certified Fire Safety Officer, FDSOA II Florida Fire College Advance Public Information Officer • Florida Fire College Basic Public Information Officer • Operations Section Chief - All Hazards • Planning Section Cruef - All Hazards • Logistic Section Chief All Hazards • Smoke Maze Instmctor • • Vehicle Machine Rescue Technician Rope Rescue T echllician . Bicycle Medic -IPMBA • Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) Instructor • Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Instructor • • Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor II Florida State Correction Officer • Central Florida Intelligence Officer (ILO) Florida State Law Enforcement Officer • I2mergellCY Operations Center / Fire Operations Center Team Leader Rewrote Annex for ESF 4, 9, and 10 • Incident Command School Reference Text • Promotional Exam Coordinator - Design and Development • Fire Rescue Fire Scene Publication Editor 5 • Grant Coordinator for Community Outreach Prepare and Developed Grants for the following Initiatives: Bridging the Gap in Communication Mobile J-Iome Smoke Detector Campaign; and Fire Stop Community Initiative II Promotion and Graduations Facilitator • Employee/Civilian Awards II First In-house Paramedic Assistant Coordinator II Strategic Planning Session for Public Information Bureau II Hmricane Engine Strike Team Deployment to the City of Davie, II Instructed ACLS classes for the department's recertification progress - 2008 2004 2002 • Instructed CPR and provided recertification classes to Orange County Government Executive staff 2008 • Conunand and Control (SIMS) Instructor II Strategic Planning Session • Fire Safety / Community Involvement II United Way / Operations • First Sponsored Firefighter Recruit Class II First Fire Rescue In-House Paramedic Program • Marco / Micro Economic Strategic Department Planning • EMS / Transport • CISM A ward Committee • Goldenrod Chamber of Commerce • Pine Castle Masonic Lodge No. 368 Five Unit Citations One Community Service Award II Multiple letter of Commendation from the Fire Chief's Office II President's List, VCC .. 2008-2009 • President's List, UCF (Cum Laude) - 2010 to 2012 II II 6 2 Kurt N. Petersen CGFO 4359 Benedictine Circle, Orlando, Florida 32812 PROFESSIONAL EX])ERIENCE Orange County Government, Orlando, FL Acting Manager Office ofManagement & Budget Assistant Manager Office ofManagement & Budget December 2014 2(){)4 Present 2014 • Provide direction in the preparation of the County's multi-billion annual budget ($3.4 billion) in accordance with Florida Statutes and County guidelines and procedures. • Formulate revenue and expenditure projections and ensure budget is balanced within guidelines as directed by the County Mayor, Board of County Commissioners, and the State Depaliment Revenue. • Develop procedural guidelines and policies governing the development, formulation, and maintenance of the budget. • Provide direction in the preparation of the five-year capital improvements plan and ensure long-term i capital project plan is financially feasible. • Provide oversight of the current budget to ensure revenues and expenditures are within targeted range and current obligations can be achieved in a timely basis. • Budget and monitor over 300 funds. i • Prepare and present to the County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners the Annual Budget Amendment that adjusts the adopted budget to account for encumbrance rollovers, grant rollovers, capital improvement rebudgets, and other necessary adjustments. • Supervise budget staff and responsible for various personnel matters that include hiring, training and development, and performance management for all subordinates. • Provide oversight in the preparation of the qUalieriy financial report that provides a status on revenues and expenditures, as well as county performance measures. • Respond to various budget and financial related inquiries from citizens and media outlets. • Oversee the coordination of the County's federal and state grants program. • Analyze various financial matters throughout the year that impact the Coullty's budget. • Work with the Fiscal & Business Office in providing financial information for bond issuances and i responding to rating agency questions for County bond ratings. • Monitor State and Federal legislation that may impact the County budget by analyzing proposals and determining financial implications. • Communicate with outside agencies on various financial and budgetary items. Management (Ind Budget Advisor Office ofManagement & Budget 2003 20(J4 • Responsible for the coordination of the operating budget and implementation. • Researched, analyzed and presented options for budget financial management and planning. • Assisted in running the daily operations of budget management, monitoring of department budgets, evaluation of financial alternatives consistent with the County goals and o~jectives. • Served as an expert-level resource to assist management and budget staff in problem resolutions. Fiscal and Admil1istratil'e Superpisor Capital Projects Division 20()] 2()(J3 • Responsible for developing and monitoring operating and capital budget, as well as supervising the purchase order and invoice processing for the Capital Projects Division. • Division fiscal liaison with other County departments and cI ivisions in preparing the capital budget. o Monitored monthly operating and capital budgets by preparing monthly financial reports. 29 Kurt N,Pctersen, MBA. CGFO Page 2 of2 Senior Management and Budget Ana/pst (j{{tce of Management & Bud,get 1999 2001 • Provided advice and technical assistance in the preparation of the annllal and biennial budgets, , • Monitored the operating and capital budgets by reviewing periodic repolts and accounting records to! determine if allocated funds have been spent as specified. • Reviewed financial requests by employing cost-benefit analyses, assessing program trade-offs, and exploring alternative funding methods. , • Consolidated department budgets into operating and financial budget summaries and submitl preliminary budgets to Budget Manager with comments and supporting statements to justify or denY: funding requests. I • Evaluated performance measurements to help County departments and divisions run more effectively I and efficiently. I' I' lv[allagement & Budget Associate, Orange County Government, Orlando, FL 1995 -1999 Human Resources Intern, Orange County Government, Orlando, FL 1994 1995 OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS Florida Government Finance Officers Association, Inc. • Speaker o 2005 MlIlti-Year Budgeting o 2007 MlIlti-Year Budgeting-Looking Beyond One Year • Committee Chair o 2007 Annual Conference I-lost Committee-Tuesday Night Event Chair o 2012 Annual Conference Host Committee-Golf Tournament Chair Central Flol'ida Chapter Government Finance Officers Association • 2014-2016 Treasurer South Orlando Soccer Club • 2010-2015 Volunteer Soccer Coach EDUCATIONI PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION CGFO, CCl'tified Government Financial Officer Florida Government Finance Officers Association MBA, Masters in Business Administration Rollins College, Crummer Graduate School of Business, Winter Park, FL BSBA, Bachelor of Science in Business Admillisil'atioll University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 30
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