Rudolf H. Scheffrahn Professor of Entomology University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Fort Lauderdale Research & Education Center 3205 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 954-577-6312 Research Specialization Termite taxonomy, biogeography, and biology; structural fumigation, termite management, and anthropogenic movement of invasive termite species. Degrees University of California, Riverside, BS Entomology, 1978 University of California, Riverside, MS Entomology, 1981 University of California, Riverside, PhD Entomology (Chemistry minor), 1984 Post -Graduate Employment Assistant Professor of Entomology, University of Florida, 1985-1990 Associate Professor of Entomology, University of Florida, 1991-1995 Professor of Entomology, University of Florida, 1996-present Biography My graduate studies focused on the chemical ecology of drywood termite feeding deterrents and the defensive secretions of desert termites. My first taxonomic paper on termites (with Dr. Mike Rust) was a 1983 redescription of Tenuirostritermes cinereus from Texas. Since then, I have authored or coauthored dozens of taxonomic works on many termite groups from all over the world. Unbelievably for such an important insect Order, I am currently the only termite taxonomist in North American. Other research directly or indirectly related to termites includes fumigant efficacy and residue analysis, termite prevention and control, and cooperative research projects with many colleagues in disciplines other than Entomology including Molecular Taxonomy, Nematology, Protozoology, Microbiology, Geomatics, Primatology, and Archeology (see references below). Termite Collection I have had the opportunity to assemble the largest contemporary collection (post-1985) in the world with over 41,000 colony samples (University of Florida Termite Collection, Davie, FL) acquired during over 60 expeditions to 39 countries. Without the great field support of many colleagues this collection would not have been possible. Professionals from the pest control industry have also contributed many valuable structure-infesting specimens to the collection. Collection data are digitized and can be sorted and mapped for any purpose. Over 800 samples have been submitted for CO1 sequencing to the Barcode of Life Data Systems for clarification of morphological variation within new termite genera and species. School of Structural Fumigation 1 Since 2004, I have coordinated the UF School of Structural Fumigation which is an annual weeklong professional training program. Over 1,000 students have attended this unique program from all over the world. Awards and Activities Certificate of Appreciation, Florida Pest Control Assn., 1992-2005 Certificate of Appreciation, Certified Pest Control Operators of Florida, 1998-2002 Achievement Award for Collaborative Research (with N.-Y. Su), Florida Entomol. Soc., 1992 Award for Research Excellence, Orkin Pest Control, 1995, 1998 Entomologist of the Year, Florida Entomological Society, 2002 UF Research Foundation Professorship Univ. of Florida Research Foundation, 2003-2005 Davis Productivity Award, Florida Tax Watch, Tree Termite Eradication Task Force, 2004 Elected to Vice President, President Elect, and President Florida Entomol. Society, 2004- 2006 Nominee ESA Achievement Award in Urban Entomology, 2007 Board of Directors, Center for Systematic Entomology, 2012-present Service and recognition award, UF School of Structural Fumigation, 2013 Assistant Editor, Sociobiology 2013-present, and Psyche 2011-present Significant Patent Weinberg, Mark J., Scheffrahn, Rudolf H.. Method of decontamination of whole structures and articles contaminated by pathogenic spores. Date awarded: Oct, 2003. US-6,588,140: Methyl bromide as a sporicidal fumigant for anthrax remediation. Selected Journal Publications (last 10 years, career total 220) Borges PA, Guerreiro O, Ferreira MT, Borges A, Ferreira F, Bicudo N, Nunes L, Marcos RS, Arroz AM, Scheffrahn RH. 2014. Cryptotermes brevis (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in the Azores: Lessons after two years of monitoring in the archipelago. Journal of Insect Science 14: 172. Radek R, Strassert JF, Krüger J, Meuser K, Scheffrahn RH, Brune A. 2014. Phylogeny and ultrastructure of Oxymonas jouteli, a rostellum-free species, and Opisthomitus longiflagellatus sp. nov., oxymonadid flagellates from the gut of Neotermes jouteli. Protist 165: 384-399. Scheffrahn RH, Hochmair HH, Kern Jr. WH, Warner J, Krecek J, Maharajh B, Cabrera BJ, Hickman R. 2014. Targeted elimination of the exotic termite, Nasutitermes corniger (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae), from infested tracts in southeastern Florida. International Journal of Pest Management 60: 9-21. Seedorf H, Griffin NW, Ridaura VK, Reyes A, Cheng J, Rey FE, Smith MI, Simon GM, Scheffrahn RH, Woebken D. 2014. Bacteria from diverse habitats colonize and compete in the mouse gut. Cell 159: 253-266. Tai V, Gile GH, Pan J, James ER, Carpenter KJ, Scheffrahn RH, Keeling PJ. 2014. The phylogenetic position of Kofoidia loriculata (Parabasalia) and its implications for the evolution of the Cristamonadea. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. Online. Tonini F, Divino F, Lasinio GJ, Hochmair HH, Scheffrahn RH. 2014. Predicting the geographical distribution of two invasive termite species from occurrence data. Environmental Entomology 43: 1135-1144. 2 Becnel, J., Scheffrahn, R., Vossbrinck, C. & Bander, B. (2013) Multilamina teevani gen. et sp nov., a microsporidian pathogen of the neotropical termite Uncitermes teevani. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 114, 100-105. Gile, G., Carpenter, K., James, E., Scheffrahn, R. & Keeling, P. (2013) Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Staurojoenina mulleri sp nov (Trichonymphida, Parabasalia) from the hindgut of the kalotermitid Neotermes jouteli. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 60, 203-213. He, S., Ivanova, N., Kirton, E., Allgaier, M., Bergin, C., Scheffrahn, R. (2013) Comparative metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis of hindgut paunch microbiota in wood- and dung-feeding higher termites. Plos One, 8. Online Hochmair, H., Tonini, F. & Scheffrahn, R. (2013) The role of geographic information systems for analyzing infestations and spread of invasive termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae) in urban South Florida. Florida Entomologist, 96, 746-755. James, E. R., Tai, V., Scheffrahn, R. H. & Keeling, P. J. (2013) Trichonympha burlesquei n. sp. from Reticulitermes virginicus and evidence against a cosmopolitan distribution of Trichonympha agilis in many termite hosts. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 63, 3873-3876. Scheffrahn, R. & Scherer, C. (2013) Efficacy of altriset (R) on the tropical arboreal termite, Nasutitermes corniger (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutiterminae). Florida Entomologist, 96, 249-251. Scheffrahn, R. H. (2013) Compositermes vindai (Isoptera: Termitidae: Apicotermitinae), a new genus and species of soldierless termite from the Neotropics Zootaxa, 3652, 381–391. Scheffrahn, R. H. & Postle, A. (2013) New termite species and newly recorded genus for Australia: Marginitermes absitus (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). Australian Journal of Entomology, 52, 199-205. Tonini, F., Hochmair, H., Scheffrahn, R. & Deangelis, D. (2013) Simulating the spread of an invasive termite in an urban environment using a stochastic individual-based model. Environmental Entomology, 42, 412-423. Scheffrahn, RH, Crowe W. 2011. Ship-borne termite (Isoptera) border interceptions in Australia and onboard infestations in Florida, 1986–2009 Florida Entomologist 94: 57-63. Austin, J., A. Szalanski, C. Solorzano, R. Magnus and R. Scheffrahn. 2012b. Mitochondrial DNA genetic diversity of the drywood termites Incisitermes minor and I. snyderi (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). Florida Entomologist 95: 75-81. Kanzaki N., R. Giblin-Davis, R. Scheffrahn, H. Taki, A. Esquivel, K. Davies and E. Herre. 2012. Reverse taxonomy for elucidating diversity of insect-associated nematodes: A case study with termites. Plos One 7 8 AUG 28 2012. Burnum, KE, Callister SJ, Nicora CD, Purvine SO, Hugenholtz P, Warnecke F, Scheffrahn RH, Smith RD, Lipton MS. 2011. Proteome insights into the symbiotic relationship between a captive colony of Nasutitermes corniger and its hindgut microbiome. The ISME Journal 5: 161-164. Saldarriaga, JF, Gile GH, James, ER, Horák, A, Scheffrahn, RH, Keeling, PJ. 2011. Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Pseudotrichonympha hertwigi and Pseudotrichonympha paulistana (Trichonymphea, Parabasalia) from neotropical rhinotermitids. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 58: 487–496. Scheffrahn, RH. 2011. Distribution, diversity, mesonotal morphology, gallery architecture, and queen physogastry of the termite genus Calcaritermes (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae) ZooKeys 148: 41–53. 3 Bourguignon, T, Scheffrahn RH, Krecek J, Nagy ZT, Sonet G, Roisin Y. 2010. Towards a revision of the neotropical soldierless termites (Isoptera : Termitidae): redescription of the genus Anoplotermes and description of Longustitermes, gen. nov. Invertebrate Systematics 24: 357–370. Burnum, KE, Callister SJ, Nicora CD, Purvine, SO, Hugenholtz P, Warnecke F, Scheffrahn RH, Smith RD, and Lipton MS. 2010. Proteome insights into the symbiotic relationship between a captive colony of Nasutitermes corniger and its hindgut microbiome. The ISME Journal 2010: 1-4. Hochmair, H, and Scheffrahn, RH. 2010. Spatial Association of marine dockage with land-borne infestations of invasive termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae: Coptotermes) in urban South Florida. Journal of Economic Entomology 103: 1338-1346. Scheffrahn, RH. 2010. An extraordinary new termite (Isoptera: Termitidae: Syntermitinae: Rhynchotermes) from the pasturelands of northern Colombia. Zootaxa: 2387: 63-68. Scheffrahn, RH and Crowe W. 2010. Ship-borne termite (Isoptera) border interceptions in Australia and onboard infestations in Florida, 1986-2009. Florida Entomologist 93: (in press) Scheffrahn, RH and O’Malley RC. 2010. A new termite (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae: Proboscitermes) from Tanzania. Zootaxa 2670: 52–58. Scheffrahn, RH and J-B Huchet. 2010. A new termite species (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae: Amitermes) and first record of a subterranean termite from the coastal desert of South America. Zootaxa 2328: 65–68. Kanzaki N, RM Giblin-Davis, RH Scheffrahn, BJ Center, and KA Davies. 2009. Pseudaphelenchus yukiae n. gen., n. sp. (Tylenchina: Aphelenchoididae) associated with Cylindrotermes macrognathus (Termitidae: Termitinae) in La Selva, Costa Rica. Nematology 11: 869-881. Rudolf H. Scheffrahn, Jan Křeček, Renato Ripa and Paola Luppichini. 2008. Endemic origin and vast anthropogenic dispersal of the West Indian drywood termite. Biological Invasions (in press) Scheffrahn, R.H., Jan Křeček, James A. Chase, Boudanath Maharajh, and John R. Mangold. 2006. Taxonomy, biogeography, and notes on the termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Termitidae) of the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 99: 463486. Margaret A. Juergensmeyer, Bruce A. Gingras, Scheffrahn, R.H., and Mark J. Weinberg. 2006. Methyl bromide fumigant lethal to Bacillus anthracis spores. Journal of Food Protection 69: 2002-2006. Scheffrahn, R.H., Jan Křeček, Boudanath Maharajh, James A. Chase, John R. Mangold, Jorge Moreno, and Bayardo Herrera. 2005. Survey of the termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Termitidae) of Nicaragua. Florida Entomologist 88: 549-552. Selected Journal Publications before 2005 (career total 220) Szalanski, Allen L., Austin, James W., Scheffrahn, Rudolf H., Krecek, Jan , Su, Nan-Yao 2004. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Heterotermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in the West Indies. Annals Entomological Soc. America 97: 556-566. Scheffrahn, R.H., J. Krecek, B. Maharajh, N.-Y. Su, J.A. Chase, J.R. Mangold, A. L. Szalanski, J.W. Austin, and J. Nixon. 2004. Establishment of the African termite, Coptotermes sjostedti (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), on the Island of Guadeloupe, French West Indies. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 97: 872-876. 4 Warner, J. and R.H. Scheffrahn. 2004. Feeding preferences of white-footed ants, Technomyrmex albipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), to selected liquids. Sociobiology 44: 403-412. Scheffrahn, Rudolf H., Jones, Susan C., Krecek, Jan , Chase, James A., Mangold, John R., Su, Nan-Yao . 2003. Taxonomy, distribution, and notes on the termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, and Termitidae) of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 96:181-201. Scheffrahn, R.H., B.J. Cabrera, W. Kern, Jr. and N.-Y. Su. 2002. Nasutitermes costalis (Isoptera: Termitidae) in Florida: first record of a non-endemic establishment by a higher termite. Florida Entomologist 85: 273-275. Scheffrahn, R.H., P. Busey, J.K. Edwards, J. Krecek, B. Maharajh, and N.-Y. Su. 2001. Chemical prevention of colony foundation by the drywood termite, Cryptotermes brevis (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae), in attic modules. Journal of Economic Entomology. 94: 915-919. Scheffrahn, R.H. and J. Krecek. 2001 . New World Revision of the Termite Genus Procryptotermes. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 94: 530 -539. Krecek, J. and R.H. Scheffrahn. 2001. Neotermes platyfrons, a new dampwood termite (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae) from the Dominican Republic. Florida Entomologist. 84: 70-76. Scheffrahn, R.H., N.-Y. Su, J.A. Chase, J.R. Mangold, J.K. Grace, and J.R. Yates. 2000. First record of Cryptotermes cynocephalus Light (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) and natural woodland infestations of C. brevis (Walker) on Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Proc. Hawaiian Entomol. Soc. 34: 141-145. Scheffrahn, R.H. and J. Krecek. 1999. Termites of the Genus Cryptotermes Banks (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) from the West Indies. Insecta Mundi 13: 111-171. Scheffrahn R.H., J. Krecek, N.-Y. Su, Y. Roisin, J.A. Chase, and J.R. Mangold. 1998. Extreme mandible alteration and cephalic phragmosis in a drywood termite soldier (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae: Cryptotermes) from Jamaica. Florida Entomol. 81: 238-240. Scheffrahn, R.H., N.-Y. Su, and P. Busey. 1997. Laboratory and field evaluations of selected chemical treatments for control of drywood termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 90: 492502. Su, N.-Y., R. H. Scheffrahn, and T. Weissling. 1997. A new introduction of a subterranean termite, Coptotermes havilandi Holmgren (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in Miami, Florida. Florida Entomologist 80: 408-411. Scheffrahn, R.H., G.S. Wheeler, and N.-Y. Su. 1997. Heat tolerance of structure-infesting drywood termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) of Florida. Sociobiology 29: 237-245. Wheeler, G. S., M. Tokoro, R. H. Scheffrahn and N.-Y. Su. 1996. Comparative respiration and methane production rates in Nearctic termites. J. Insect Physiology 42: 799-806. Roisin, Y., R.H. Scheffrahn, and J. Krecek. 1996. Generic revision of the smaller nasute termites of the Greater Antilles (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 89: 775-787. Scheffrahn, R.H., G.S. Wheeler, and N.-Y. Su. 1995. Synergism of methyl bromide and sulfuryl fluoride toxicity against termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae) by admixture with carbon dioxide. J. Econ. Entomol. 88: 649-653. Scheffrahn, R.H. and N.-Y. Su. 1995. A new subterranean termite introduced to Florida: Heterotermes Froggatt (Rhinotermitidae: Heterotermitinae) established in Miami. Florida Entomol. 78: 623-627. 5 Scheffrahn, R.H., J.P.E.C. Darlington, M.S. Collins, J. Krecek, and Nan-Yao Su. 1994. Termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Termitidae) of the West Indies. Sociobiology. 24: 213-238. Scheffrahn, R.H., L. Bodalbhai, and N.-Y. Su. 1994. Nylon film enclosures for protection of foods from exposure to sulfuryl fluoride and methyl bromide during structural fumigation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 42: 2317-2321. Scheffrahn, R.H. and N.-Y. Su. 1994. Keys to soldier and winged adult termites (Isoptera) of Florida. Florida Entomol. 77: 460-474. Scheffrahn, R.H., W.P. Robbins, P. Busey, N.-Y. Su, and R.K. Mueller. 1993. Evaluation of a novel, hand-held acoustic emissions detector to monitor termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae) in wood. J. Econ. Entomol. 86: 1720-1729. Scheffrahn, R. H., C.L. Bloomcamp, and N.-Y. Su. 1992. Indoor airborne residues of methyl bromide and sulfuryl fluoride following aeration of fumigated houses. Indoor Air 2: 78-83. Scheffrahn, R. H., N.-Y. Su, and R.-C. Hsu. 1992. Diffusion of methyl bromide and sulfuryl fluoride through selected structural wood matrices during fumigation. Mater. Organ. 27: 147-155. Su, N.-Y., R. H. Scheffrahn, and Paul M. Ban. 1991. Uniform size particle barrier: a physical exclusion device against subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 84: 912-916. Scheffrahn, R. H., N.-Y. Su, and B. Diehl. 1990. Native, introduced, and structure-infesting termites of the Turks and Caicos Islands, BWI (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Termitidae). Florida Entomologist, 622-627. Su, N.-Y. and R. H. Scheffrahn. 1990. Efficacy of sulfuryl fluoride against four beetle pests of museums (Coleoptera: Dermestidae, Anobiidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 83: 879-882. Su, N.-Y. and R. H. Scheffrahn. 1990. Comparison of eleven soil termiticides against the Formosan and eastern subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 83: 1918-1924. Scheffrahn, R. H., R.-C. Hsu, and N.-Y. Su. 1990. Evaluation of polymer film enclosures as protective barriers for commodities from exposure to structural fumigants. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 38: 904908. Su, N.-Y. and R. H. Scheffrahn. 1989. Concentration-time relationship for fumigant efficacy of sulfuryl fluoride against the Formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 82: 156-158. Osbrink, W. L. A., R. H. Scheffrahn, R.-C. Hsu, and N.-Y. Su. 1988. Sulfuryl fluoride residues of fumigated foods protected by polyethylene film. J. Agric. Food Chem. 36: 853-855. Scheffrahn, R. H., R.-C. Hsu, N.-Y. Su, J. A. Huffman, S. Midland, and J. J. Sims. 1988. Allelochemical resistance of baldcypress, Taxodium distichum, heartwood to the subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus. J. Chem. Ecol. 14: 765-775. Su, N.-Y. and R. H. Scheffrahn. 1988. Foraging population and territory of the Formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in an urban environment. Sociobiology 14: 353-359. Scheffrahn, R. H., W. L. A. Osbrink, R.-C. Hsu, and N.-Y. Su. 1987. Desorption of residual sulfuryl fluoride from structural and household commodities by headspace analysis using gas chromatography. Bull. Environ Contam. Toxicol. 39: 769-775. 6 Osbrink, W. L. A., R. H. Scheffrahn, N.-Y. Su, and M. K. Rust. 1987. Laboratory comparisons of sulfuryl fluoride toxicity and mean time of mortality among ten termite species (Isoptera: Hodotermitidae, Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 80: 1044-1047. Su, N.-Y., and R. H. Scheffrahn. 1986. A method to access, trap, and monitor field populations of the Formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in the urban environment. Sociobiology 12: 299-304. 7
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