giving streams projections sheet – 2015

Ministry Centre of
The Free Methodist Church in Canada
4315 Village Centre Court
Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1S2
::: 2015 Giving Streams :::
tel :: 905.848.2600
fax :: 905.848.2603
Church name
Please note
You can also
complete this form
online, or return by
mail or fax to the
Ministry Centre.
Completed by
Deborah Hogeboom Eldoret, Kenya
Dan Sheffield International Ministries, Urban Ministry Facilitator
David and Jennifer Wright Niamey, Niger
Sok and Savy Em Kampong, Chhnang, Cambodia
Gateway Cities Fund New ministry to unreached peoples
Sri Lanka Mission District Leadership Development Outreach, Ministry Centre $
Ghana Mission District Leadership Development, Outreach
Niger Ministries Ministry Centre, Outreach
Designated Global Missions
[this amount should equal total missionary and project support from above]
Undesignated Global Missions [money not allocated to a specific project or missionary]
Your support will go towards strengthening and encouraging the work in church plants like . . .
Centre Biblique Louange A L’Éternel [Montréal, QC]
Église Méthodiste Libre Missionnaire Bethesda [Montréal, QC]  Genesis House [Okotoks, AB]
Genesis Gospel Believers [Fort McMurray, AB]  Glorious Hope Community Church [Winnipeg, MB]
God’s Mountain [Saskatoon, SK]  Pivot 613 [Ottawa, ON]
Sanctuaire Évangelique Pêcheurs d’Hommes [Montréal, QC]  Uncrowded House [Hamilton, ON]
List of supported Church Plants is subject to change after BOA meeting in April 2015
Support will go towards ministerial students and pastoral continuing education
Total 2015 faith commitment to Giving Streams
If receipts exceed the support needs for any particular project or missionary, we reserve the right to re-designate as necessary within that
Giving Stream. Inquiries may be made through the office of Administrative Services at the Ministry Centre.
Givings Streams
GIVING STREAMS participation helps to support a number of ministry areas that maximize our impact beyond
our local churches. Each church, at the local level, decides what contributions will be made and where those funds
will be directed. These “together” ministries allow our influence to expand throughout Canada and beyond. Your
monthly Remittance Form has headings for each of these Streams; the national office staff follow your instruction
as found on this form.
2014 Goal: $18,000
as of August 2014: $16,000
Developing gifted and passionate
Christian leaders for ministry in the
Free Methodist Church is a priority.
Donations to this Stream fund students preparing for ministry in The
Free Methodist Church in Canada as well pastor’s conferences and
other leadership training programs.
2014 Goal: $110,000
as of August 2014: $58,000
Developing new healthy churches
in communities across Canada is a
priority. Donations to the Church Development Stream make funds
available to help with the start-up of new church plants across the
2014 Goal: $360,000
as of August 2014: $196,000
Free Methodists want to be involved in
touching our world. Donations to the
Global Ministries Giving Stream enables support for our Canadians
missionaries, provides training for indigenous leaders, allows us to
reach into unreached parts of the world, and to share our resources
with the poor and disenfranchised.
If you have further questions about the purpose or function of
CORE [Core is a tithe (10%) of a church’s monthly Operating Receipts] and
GIVING STREAMS please feel free to contact our Administrative
Services staff.