May 24, 2015 - First United Methodist Church of Franklin

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First Things First
Please join us on Thursday, May 21 at noon in the Fellowship Hall. We will have lunch and a
short program. All adults age 55 and older are welcome to join us. The program is
“Spirituality for the Second-Half of Life.” As you embark on your senior years, how are you
growing spiritually? Rev. Susan Groseclose serves at Belmont UMC as Pastor of Worship and
Young Children’s Ministries. She is a writer, trainer, and consultant with a passion for enabling persons from cradle to grave to grow spiritually. Lunch is $6.00. To RSVP call
We welcome all to the Children’s Garden at 10:10 a.m. on Sunday, May 24 for the Annual
Butterfly Release. These butterflies have been cared for by the children of the church. They
are a symbol of the new life we have in Christ through the Holy Spirit on this Pentecost
Sunday. Come to the second floor to view their progress before May 24.
We will meet this month on Sunday, May 24, 2:00 p.m. in B101. Our program will be given by
Sharon Clement, and she will be sharing about “Take The Reins Ministry.” All women of the
church are welcome to join us. Contact Betty for more information; 615-791-1919.
Join us at the North Campus on Sunday, May 31 from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. for a spectacular last
chance tour. You will get to see the new construction with walls up and rooms that actually
look like rooms. The FFUMC staff and building committee will also be on hand to lead guided
tours throughout the building to give you a full picture of what ministry will look like this Fall.
A special part of this day will be your opportunity to write a personal note or prayer on the
lobby (Fellowship Commons) or gathering hall (Asbury Hall) floor for all those who will walk
through these doors in the years to come. This event will mark the final time we, as the whole
church, will have an event in the new facility before we move in November. Don’t miss out on
this unique moment in history.
This Summer we will study “Bad Girls of the Bible.” Each study is a stand alone study and all
you need to bring is your Bible. We will meet these days: June 2, June 9, June 16, June 30, July
14, July 28, August 11, 10:00 - 12:00 in A210. All ladies are invited to join us and bring a
friend. Contact is Judy; for more information.
At Franklin First UMC
Reading for
May 24, 2015
Acts 2:1-21
Psalms 104:24-34, 35b
(UMH 826)
Romans 8:22-27
John 15:26-27;
Join us beginning June 3, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. at FFUMC for a journey through England as we
retrace places and times that help us recall the faith as Wesley lived it. Wesley’s message and
his faith continue to speak to 21st Century Christians calling for a revival of our hearts and
souls so that our world might be changed. This six week journey, led by Adam Hamilton, will
take us to England and follow the life of John Wesley and explore his defining characteristics of
a Wesleyan Christian. Wesley’s story is our story. It defines our faith and it challenges us to
rediscover our spiritual passion. This drop-in study is perfect for busy summer schedules. We
will meet June 3, June 10, June 17, July 1, July 8, July 15. For more information contact Sarah at or call 615-794-2734.
Join us at 11:45 a.m. on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month in the Prayer Room of
Historic Sanctuary. This room will be open for anyone who would like to have a time of
prayer and reflection. A Stephen Minister(s) will be available to pray for or with you as you
need or desire.
A United Methodist Congregation
All adults age 55 and over plan to come to our next Primetimers dinner on Tuesday, June 9 at 5:30 p.m.
in Fellowship Hall. Our speaker will be Ernie Bacon and he will be bringing us up to date on recent
developments, including the purchase of land, plus planned activities this summer in Williamson County.
Dinner is $6.00 each. Please RSVP by calling 615-794-2734.
In the month of May, we are collecting snack items for our friends at Project Transformation. This
collection will help supply the children in this summer program a healthy snack. Please bring individually
wrapped snacks (granola bars, pretzels, crackers, etc.) to your child’s Sunday School class or at one of
the drop-off boxes outside of the elevators by May 31. Contact Katie for more information or
Come experience VBS! This is a fun, hands-on-way to experience Jesus with the children of our church
and community. We welcome Youth (7th grade and higher) and Adults of all ages to join us! We need
day (8:45-12:00) and night (5:30-8:30) workers, June 22-25, 2015. Contact Katie Yommer to register;
Work is happening at The Giving Garden on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays, 8:00 - 11:00
a.m. If you can help, even for 30 minutes, contact Sarah McGinley at, or 615
Inside Story Headline
-337-6059. Also, every Wednesday there is a potluck dinner that begins at 6:00 p.m. with working at
4:00 p.m. Come and eat dinner, work or just visit.
FFUMC will be providing reading buddies for PT at Tulip Street UMC from June 8-11 and at 61st Avenue
UMC from July 6 –9. Volunteers will be needed from approximately 9:30 a.m. till noon each day to read
one on one with the children attending camp at Project Transformation. We will be looking for groups
to provide dinners for our college interns, volunteers to help with Family Fun Nights and donations of
healthy snacks. If you can help, contact Janie Luna;, 615-497-8915.
We prepare meals on Saturdays for about 100 people. If you can help, contact Maria,
Our next Guatemala Mission trip is May 25 - June 5. We need: notes or a small handmade items to
take to a child (we sponsor 32 children); medical supplies; small children’s books that are both English
and Spanish; financial contributions. For details on these items go to or contact
Rachel Luna;
The disaster response arm of the United Methodist Church is UMCOR; Also, you can
look at to learn about the American Leprosy Mission.
Go to and read more.
May 24 - Butterfly Release, 10:10 a.m. Children’s Garden
May 31 - North Campus Last Chance Tour, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. North Campus
June 3 - Safe Sanctuary Training, 6:30 p.m.
June 20 - The Giving Garden Kick-off Dinner, 5:00 p.m. North Campus, bring dish, drinks and chair
June 22-25 - Vacation Bible School, registration is open for night only,
New Worship Times:
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At Franklin First UMC
Join us in Historic Sanctuary
Monday - Friday at 6:30 a.m.
for a time of prayer.
If you’re new to Franklin
First UMC we’d love to
meet you and your family.
Join us on May 31 from
10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in
Fellowship Hall. This is a
brunch especially for you
to ask questions and see
what makes up Franklin
First UMC.
Knowing Christ, Sharing Christ, Making Disciples
Franklin First United
Methodist Church
143 Fifth Avenue South
Franklin, TN 37064
Dr. A. Lynn Hill, Senior Pastor
Rev. Vona R. Wilson, Pastor of
Outreach & Leadership Development
Rev. Regina B. Proctor, Pastor
of Congregational Care
Rev. Mark Coursey, Pastor of
Welcome & Connection Ministries
Rev. Roger Parker, Pastor of
John Knorr, Director of Worship
Sarah Carty, Director of Adult
Carrie Altman, Director of
Children’s Ministry
Katie Yommer, Associate Director of
Children’s Ministry
Natalie Bingham, Associate Director
of Children’s Ministry
Erin Grugett, Assistant Director of
Children’s Ministry for Tweens
Hank Hilliard, Director of
Youth Ministries
Carlisle Jones , Assistant Director of
Youth Ministries
as of May 18, 2015
No Longer in the Hospital: Vera Allen,
Sue McClelland
Romans 8:26-27
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for
we do not know how to pray as we ought, but
that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep
for words. And God, who searches the heart,
knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because
the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to
the will of God.
May 17, 2015
Emily Mastin, Youth Program Assistant
Sunday School Attendance
Rachel Luna, Outreach Assistant
Worship Attendance
Sarah Evins, Music Director., SE
Offering this Week
Tyler Merideth, Music Dir., HS
Average Needed Weekly
Larry Repasky, A/V Director
Offering this Week to the N.
Campus Building Fund
Offering to the 2nd Mile YTD
North Campus Construction Loan
American Leprosy Missions
To see all the announcements and ministries,
also follow everything on twitter at
Church Directories are in!
Come to the church office and get your
directory, Mon - Fri. 8:00-4:30 p.m.
Mary Phillips, Organist
Jennifer Thorington, Preschool
Jim Barber, Business Administrator
Cheryl Wright, Financial Secretary
Jody Todd, Communications Director
Laura Lindquist, Office Manager
Franklin First UMC now offers
a mobile version of our online
giving page to make it easy for
you to give anytime from your
smart phone. Simply scan the
image you see here using your
phone’s QR code reader!
Questions? Call Jim Barber
Business Administrator, 794-2734
If you have an upcoming event, contact Jody Todd, Communications Director, and fill out an Announcement
Form at least 2 weeks prior to your event. For Room Reservations, contact Laura Lindquist, Office Manager.
Debbie Miller, Membership Secretary
Jean Elder, Admin. Secretary
Carmen Greenwald, Receptionist
Amber Wakefield, Childcare
Barry Johnson, Facilities Manager
Juanita Hill, Bert Miller,
Sid Bradley, Jr., Arthur Polk,
A United Methodist Congregation
May 18, 2015
Dear Friends,
Sunday was an amazing day at FFUMC. Thanks to the East Side Band, Neal Thompson,
John Knorr, and the Chancel Choir for your beautiful music. We are blessed by you.
It was also a joy to have with us George Robinson and Dennis DeLemos from Gideons
International as they told us about this life changing ministry of sharing God’s Word with
people around the world. We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of what they
are doing in the name of Jesus. It was also a blessing to have Dr. Hugh Cross with the
American Leprosy Missions to give us an update about the recent earthquake in Nepal
and about the work of this ministry among the people there. It is a great honor for
FFUMC to be a part of this ministry. Our prayers are with our brothers and sisters of
Nepal as they struggle to return to some sense of normalcy in the face of such an
enormous tragedy. God’s peace be with them.
Dr. A. Lynn Hill
Senior Pastor
I hope that you have set aside the afternoon of Sunday, May 31 to be a part of the floor signing and tour of
our new facility on the North Campus from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to come by and write your
name, a prayer, a scripture, a dream, or whatever God places on you heart on the floor of Friendship
Commons or Asbury Hall. Even though they will be covered by tile and carpet, they will be on the
foundation of our new church for generations to come. This is truly an historic event in the life of our
church. There will also be tours conducted throughout the entire building so that we can see what our
new church home will look like. This will be the last opportunity we will have as a church family to tour
our new facility until it is completed and we move in sometime in the fall. This is an event that no one
wants to miss. All members, friends, and those who love FFUMC are invited to share in this special day. I
hope to see YOU there!
A highlight at annual conference will be the Ordination Service. This year Regina Proctor will be ordained
as an Elder in the United Methodist Church. This marks the completion years of hard work, study, and
many requirements. All of us are very proud of Regina on achieving this high point in her ministry and give
her our sincere congratulations. Everyone is invited to share in this holy occasion on Monday, June 8
starting at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary of Brentwood UMC. I hope to see YOU there.
The FFUMC Trustees needs volunteers with the equipment and time to do some bush hogging on the
North Campus on a regular basis during the summer months. If you can help please call the church office
at 615-794-2734. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
One of the major events for our children and children of our community is our Vacation Bible School which
will be held June 22-25. Volunteers are needed (7th grade and older) for the day session (8:45 a.m. - 12:00
p.m.) and the evening session (5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.). This is a fun, hands-on-way to experience Jesus with
children. It is a high-energy experience that everyone will enjoy. If you can volunteer, need more
information, or would like to register, please contact Katie Yommer at Don’t
miss out!
I recently received some amazing information about the ministry many of you gave through the Room In
The Inn ministry during the winter months. Volunteers from FFUMC provided: 543 beds, 1629 meals and
2526 hours of volunteer service! What an incredible witness to the love of Jesus and the commitment of
our faith community to be in ministry to all of God’s children. There are far too many to thank individually,
but I must say a word of thanks to Dan & Rachel Williamson who served as coordinators of this
ministry. Your love and commitment to this caring ministry inspires and challenges all of us. Please know
that you are appreciated.
These are exciting days at FFUMC in so many ways. Please pray daily for our church and the ministries to
which God is calling us. It becomes more and more obvious each day that, the best is yet to be! Thanks be
to God!
Grace and Peace,