910 E. Third St., Ottawa, OH 45875 Telephone: 419.523.9901 / 800.589.7828 Fax: 419.523.3479 Email nwplains@wocumc.org Website: www.nwpumc.org IN THIS ISSUE Spotlight in Ministry Weekly Prayer Prayer Concerns Annual Conference Info Safe Sanctuaries Training NWP Mission Trip Lakeside for Youth Emmaus Local Church & Community Events News from Around the Connection Resources Classifieds Weekly Bulletin April 1, 2015 Evansport United Methodist Church QUICK LINKS Northwest Plains District Website West Ohio UMC Website West Ohio You Tube Channel Lay Ministry Local Church Officer Job Descriptions The United Methodist Church United Methodist VIM United Methodist Women Church World Service Rethink Church Find A Church MissionInsite Apportionment Support Materials UMCom Tech Shop Church Communications Training UMCOR’S YouTube Channel Rural Ministry Support Friendly Center, Toledo Bread for the World Society of St. Andrew Stop Hunger Now 1,000 Gallons of God’s Love Article submitted by Tanya S. Brunner, Evansport United Methodist Church Evansport, Ohio As part of our community outreach missions, our country church has been supplying 4 gallons of milk every two weeks to the Defiance regional homeless shelter and soup kitchen. It is managed by Northwest Ohio Community Action Commission (NOCAC) and is called The Path Center. We started supplying the milk in February, 2005 and continue to do so today. In December, 2015 the church celebrated it’s donation of the 1,000th gallon of milk at an estimated outlay of over $3,000. All of the money for the project comes from donations from the congregation and community members. To demonstrate the volume of 1,000 gallons to our church, the outreach committee asked for the donation of empty milk jugs beginning in July 2014. In March, 2015, the entire sanctuary was filled with plastic jugs. They were stacked everywhere; including hanging from the ceiling! Pastor Becky Ploughe offered two kinds of Communion that day, the traditional elements of bread and juice were blessed as well as a second offering of milk and cookies. It brought home the idea that by offering milk to those who are thirsty, we are in communion with God. God of Grace: We praise you for all that your gracious Son said and did during His last week on earth; for His humility, which preferred service to rule; for His boldness in the face of mortal enemies; for His touching sorrow over Jerusalem; for his gifts of bread and wine to be shared in remembrance of the gift of His life; for His words of faith and forgiveness even while dying in agony on the cross. During this Holy Week, oh God, let not this reliving of our Lord’s passion and death leave us uninvolved or unchanged. As we follow your Son from the table to the garden to the cross may this week be for us an occasion for re-examining our priorities, achieving greater integrity, and moving into costlier discipleship. In the name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus. Amen Let us remember in prayer those grieving the loss of their loved one, and remember in thanksgiving the life and ministry of: Mary Lee who died on March 29 and is survived by her husband, Rev. Henry Lee, a retired elder in the West Ohio Conference. Mrs. Lee served alongside her husband in West Ohio at Seaman (1965), First (Brookville, 1969), Oregon (1978), Georgetown (1982), Oakdale (1983), Monclova-Wilkins Charge (1989), First (Rockford, 1995), and Ayersville (2003) United Methodist Churches. There will be no visitation or service. Expressions of condolence will reach the family at Rev. Henry Lee, 11324 Bobwhite Lane, St. Marys, Ohio 45885. Caucuses and Interest Groups creating slates for voting at this year's Annual Conference need to submit a Covenant Form with the Election Team by April 15. Multiple Ways to Give: In addition to our Imagine No Malaria offering, Health Kits will be collected at annual conference as well as our annual Potato Drive. All clergy and lay members should register online for the 2015 Annual Conference Session before the deadline of May 30. Safe Sanctuaries Policy training scheduled for April 21 During the 2014 West Ohio Annual Conference, members passed a rule requiring each local congregation to establish a Safe Sanctuaries policy and to update these annually. We are expecting that at the 2015 District Charge Conferences, each church will be required to submit a Safe Sanctuary Policy. Now would be a good time to attend a Safe Sanctuaries training event if your church does not have a policy in place or if you haven’t recently updated the policy. Click here for safe sanctuary policy minimum standards. Other safe sanctuary forms and resources can be found here. Karen Brantley, Connection Ministries staff member at the West Ohio Conference Center will lead a Safe Sanctuaries training event at Walnut Grove UMC on Tuesday, April 21, 6:30-9:00 pm. Walnut Grove UMC is located at 13502 Township Rd 80, Kenton, OH. Training is free; registrations are needed. Please register by contacting Deb Lee at deblee@wocumc.org or 1.800.589.7828 or register at http://www.westohioumc.org/events/all/register Northwest Plains Mission Trip to Henderson Settlement Sunday, May 3 – Saturday, May 9, 2015 BE A PART OF A MISSION PROJECT! DON’T MISS OUT! GET ON BOARD! What is the schedule? Participants need to be at Henderson Settlement before the 7:00 PM orientation on Sunday, May 3. (Eat your evening meal before arrival.) Everyone will depart for home after breakfast on Saturday, May 9. What is the cost? $340/person with accommodations in the mission dorm. $410 per person for more private housing (Baldinger Dorm, Zuki house). (3 meals Monday – Friday and breakfast Saturday.). Travel and food to and from Henderson Settlement is the responsibility of the participant. No additional insurance is available – your own insurance is the only insurance in effect. What will we be doing? There will be construction/maintenance crews (ladies welcome). There is also work to be done in the greenhouse, library, food pantry, daycare, senior center and community store. A planning meeting for all registered participants will be held to determine who is driving/riding and to answer all other questions. This meeting will be on Sunday, April 26, 2:00 PM at Trinity UMC, 220 S. Walnut St., Van Wert, OH 45891. Download brochure and registration information http://nwpumc.org/index.php?page=Missions-Home Dates for Lakeside for Youth 2015 Senior High Lakeside Week 1 - June 21 through June 27, 2015 Senior High Lakeside Week 2 - June 28 through July 4 Junior High Lakeside - July 6 through July 10, 2015 If you are planning on registering your teen or preteen for Lakeside 2015, registrations are open now. Current 8th graders have the option of choosing middle school or high school camp. http://www.ldym.org/lakeside_2015 Emmaus Events Findlay Emmaus Gathering Sidney Emmaus Gathering Tuesday, April 21, 7 pm St Marks UMC 800 S. Main St., Findlay 419.422.4131 http://www.findlayemmaus.org/ Tuesday, April 14, 7 pm First UMC 230 E. Poplar St., Sidney 937.492.9136 http://www.sidneyemmaus.org/ (always the third Tuesday) (always the second Tuesday) Emmaus Walks ~ A Journey with Christ While they were talking and discussing. Jesus himself came near and walked with them. - Luke 24:15 A program of the Upper Room division of the General Board Discipleship which calls forth and renews Christian discipleship. The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience, a highly structured weekend, which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a life-style. The program is designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christian people and through them their families, congregations, and the world. Findlay Emmaus Walks @ St. Marks UMC, Findlay Women's Walk #95 Women's Walk #96 Men's Walk #73 June 18-21, 2015 October 8-11, 2015 November 5-8, 2015 Findlay Chrysalis Flights @ St. Andrew’s UMC, Findlay Girl’s Flight #45 Boy’s Flight #44 July 10-12, 2015 July 24-26, 2015 Sidney Emmaus Walks @ First UMC, Sidney Women’s Walk #66 Women’s Walk #67 Men’s Walk #62 July 9-12, 2015 October 15-18, 2015 August 6-9, 2015 West Ohio Piqua Chrysalis Flights @ First UMC, Sidney Girl’s Flight #60 July 10-12, 2015 Boy’s Flight #60 July 31-August 2, 2015 LOCAL CHURCH AND COMMUNITY EVENTS Westside United Methodist Church Thursday, April 2, 7:30 pm Pastor Bill Cronk’s sermon title: If you were there, would you…? Music by Westside Choir Westside Church is located at 604 Gloria Ave., Lima Harpster UMC Wednesday, April 29, 4:30 - 6:30 PM Soup, Sandwiches, Salads, Desserts Come and Enjoy! 17508 Cherokee St., Harpster, OH 43323 Handicap accessible. ALL YOU CAN EAT! Pancake & Sausage Breakfast Featuring Bob Evans Sausage and Pancakes St. Mark’s UMC, 1110 N. Metcalf St., Lima Saturday, April 18, 8AM - Noon Adults $7 ~ Children under 6 $3 Includes pancakes, sausage and beverage. Tickets will be available at the door! Call 419.222.3601 for more information. Annual Youth BBQ Fundraiser Saturday, April 18, 4:00—6:30 PM Liberty Chapel UMC, 7590 Sandusky Rd., Lima Registrations are now being accepted for the Weekday Pre-School of Westside United Methodist Church at 604 Gloria Ave., Lima, Ohio. Westside offers a Kindergarten Readiness Program and is State Licensed. The Fall Program offers classes for 3 & 4 year olds and will begin September 8, 2015. Children must be 3 or 4 before August 1, 2015. Classes meet each Tues., Wed., & Thurs. The morning session is 9:15-11:15 am. The afternoon session is 12:45-2:45 pm. For more information please call 419.224.2597 or 419.224.2668. Only $7.50 for the following: 1/2 Chicken OR GIANT BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich, Baked Potato, Green Beans and a Beverage. Fabulous Desserts $1 Down on the Farm Family Camp Dine in or carry Out Camp Widewater, Liberty Center, OH All proceeds will send area youth to church camp. July 8-12, 2015 http://familycamp.herokuapp.com LOCAL CHURCH AND COMMUNITY EVENTS “Talent on Loan from God” A Night of Family Fun at Forest Park Westside UMC 604 Gloria Ave Open to Public Friday, April 10,12:30 pm Theme: The Courage to Say No April 10, 2015, 7 PM Forest Park United Methodist Church, 315 S. Collins Ave., Lima. Free-will donation for instrument maintenance, repair, and replacement. Cheryl Parsons, Director of Better Business Bureau will be speaking on mail fraud and theft. Bring a covered dist and table service. Drinks will be provided. Refuel Leadership Conference with Rick Lawrence Jesus-Centered Ministry Training for Children, Youth, and Family Ministry Leaders Volunteer and Paid Staff April 17-18, 2015 St. Marks United Methodist Church, 800 S. Main Street, Findlay, OH Is your pursuit of Jesus far less interesting than the pursuit of new ministry strategies, worship ideas, Christian disciplines, or creative ways to study the Bible? If you created a children’s ministry that’s radically, creatively, passionately, and even ridiculously centered in Jesus, how would it change the way you see your calling and what you do in ministry? Let yourself be personally transformed in these sessions and leave with new ideas to bring back to your ministry. April 17, Friday evening 7:00pm-9:00pm (registration at 6:30 pm) April 18, Saturday, 9:00am - 4:00pm (doors open at 8:30 am) Cost: $45 per person—last day to register is April 10 (includes lunch and a copy of Skin in the Game by Rick Lawrence) Register at http://ow.ly/ITnqN Operation Locate a Hero Honor Flight Columbus is seeking Veteran applications for 2015 Honor Flights. The 2015 dates are April 18, May 9, May 30, August 29, September 19 and October 10. To date, Honor Flight has flown 3,697 veterans to Washington D.C. Honor Flight Columbus provides a one day trip at no cost to the veteran to Washington D.C. to see the memorials dedicated to their service and sacrifice. For more information contact Jim and Kay Downing at 614.284.4987, www.honorflightcolumbus.org. LOCAL CHURCH AND COMMUNITY EVENTS Registration forms available at Forest Park UMC - 419.227.8445. Walk to the Cross Walk/Run 1 Mile – 5K Sponsored by the Lima Family YMCA April 18, 2015 at 9:00am The Lima Family YMCA and Activate Allen County, in conjunction with local church leaders, invite you to celebrate the rebirth and renewal the Lenten season brings into our lives. Walkers and runners, of all ages, are invited to participate as we lay a non-competitive course for 1 mile, 2 miles, or 3.1 miles (5K) For more information please contact Rev. John Foster, Trinity UMC, 419.303.47776, jfoster@limatrinityumc.org Donate Your Soles to Benefit → First United Methodist Church Youth Group → Support microenterprise in developing nations → Help the environment Now through the month of May shoes of any size, condition, style and gender will be accepted at First UMC, 113 W. Central Ave., Van Wert, OH. Questions? Please phone First UMC, 419.238.0631, Ext. 302. Senior Olympics 2015 All active seniors (50 and over) are invited to participate in the Lima Area Senior Olympics to be held May 28-30. Competition will be held in a variety of sports including golf, swimming, shuffleboard, horseshoes, pickleball and water volleyball. For more information, please phone Mary Lou Paisley at 419.991.8811. NEWS FROM AROUND THE CONNECTION May 16 Hope UMC 219 E 1st St, Wellston, OH - 2 sessions Morning and Afternoon May 23 North Broadway UMC 48 North Broadway St, Columbus, OH 9am—1pm August 8 Hope UMC 5980 Wilmington Pike, Dayton OH - 2 sessions Morning and Afternoon Cost: $20 Here is the link to all ERT Training on the West Ohio Conference Website. http://www.westohioumc.org/events/conference/list?field_subsite_tid=385 Contact: Mary Blackstone Email: mblackstone@wocumc.org Churches Recognized for Breakthrough Achievements Last Wednesday the Cabinet held a special luncheon to recognize eight West Ohio churches who had achieved a 2015 Breakthrough Goal. "One of the best ninety minutes I spent last week was at the first Breakthrough Goal Luncheon," noted Bishop Palmer. "It was all joy as we celebrated the fruitfulness and effectiveness of eight West Ohio congregations that aspire to touch more people with the transforming love and power of the gospel. Their stories of prayer, focus and kingdom labor are an inspiration. The cabinet and I can't wait to recognize and celebrate the next eight churches." Exciting ministry is happening in our West Ohio churches and the Breakthrough Goal Dashboard is a tool many are finding useful in decision making. Full story Who gets Aunt Mamie’s bracelet? Who Gets Aunt Mamie's Bracelet, Enjoying Retirement While Impacting the World, and The Magic of Endowments: The Gift That Keeps on Giving are some of the breakout sessions at the May Creating a Legacy for your Church's Future seminar. The day is dedicated to helping you understand why a proactive planned-giving program is essential to your future. Larry Miles from St. Andrews United Methodist Church in Findlay will share how their church applied best practices for success. More information and registration RESOURCES Effective Outreach Begins At Home By Kevin Harney Some kids who grow up in Christian homes end up bitter and cynical toward Jesus and the Church. As a young believer I met pastor’s kids who were running from God. So, before I was married or even engaged, I began thinking and praying about how a Christian family could become a place of health where children grew to love Jesus and long to share their faith with others. Today my wife Sherry and I have been married for almost three decades and we are on the other side of raising our boys. Our sons are 27, 25, and 23. The past thirty years have taught us some healthy and practical guidelines about raising kids who love God and know how to share their faith. There are no simple formulas or ironclad guarantees, but we have learned that there are some things that will really help in reaching your won kids with the gospel. READ MORE http://tiny.cc/ffq5vx #BRINGCHANGE Do you want to be a part of something amazing? A truly world-changing moment in history? What if you could help raise $75 MILLION to end needless death and suffering from malaria – a treatable and preventable disease? You can, and you are. #BringChange this World Malaria Day. More than 30,000 red donation boxes are in United Methodist churches and homes around the U.S. today, and soon there will be even more! When these little donation boxes started flying off our shelves, we knew something special was happening. We decided to build our new theme around “Bring Change.” Across the United States, congregations are preparing to host World Malaria Day fundraisers. Through creative events such as pancake breakfasts, “lemonAID” stands, 5K walks and much more, United Methodists will make difference. Join us to #BringChange and beat malaria for good! Building Bridges of Excellence By Brad Lomenick Winning the right to be heard starts with excellence. I’m not an expert, but I know this: building bridges takes a tremendous amount of time, requires precision and is costly and demanding. Whether it’s the literal bridges we drive on or those we build in business, ministry, friendships and with coworkers, bridge-building is truly an art. And regardless of what we do, we are each called as followers of Jesus to build bridges. Sharing the gospel. Winning the right to be heard. Allowing those around us to discover the life-transforming power of Jesus in us. READ MORE http://tiny.cc/y1zewx Help Wanted: Children’s Ministry Coordinator (full-time) Coordinator of Children’s Ministry, full-time, St. Andrew’s UMC, 120 W. Sandusky St., Findlay, Ohio. Please send resume to office@saumcfindlay.org. Help Wanted: Administrative Assistant (full-time) First United Methodist Church of Wapakoneta Ohio is hiring a full-time secretary. The desired applicant should be proficient in layout and design, have strong communication skills, be organized and have a strong Christian faith. Please send resumes with a cover letter to: First United Methodist Church of Wapakoneta, 504 Glynwood Ave., Wapakoneta, OH 45895 Do you have news or something interesting to share? Know of anyone who would like to be added to our Weekly Bulletin e-mail list? Contact Deb via e-mail deblee@wocumc.org or call 1.800.589.7828. When e-mailing the district staff, please use the e-mail addresses listed below: Rev. Barry Burns, District Superintendent: bburns@wocumc.org Rev. Amy Haines, Assistant to the DS: ahaines@wocumc.org Debra Lee, Office Administrator: deblee@wocumc.org Sandy Pergram, Administrative Assistant: spergram@wocumc.org
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