910 E. Third St., Ottawa, OH 45875 Telephone: 419.523.9901 / 800.589.7828 Fax: 419.523.3479 Email nwplains@wocumc.org Website: www.nwpumc.org IN THIS ISSUE Spring Conference Weekly Prayer Prayer Concerns Emmaus Local Church & Community Events West Ohio Conference and Beyond Resources Classifieds QUICK LINKS Northwest Plains District Website West Ohio UMC Website West Ohio You Tube Channel Lay Ministry Local Church Officer Job Descriptions The United Methodist Church United Methodist VIM United Methodist Women Church World Service Rethink Church Find A Church MissionInsite Apportionment Support Materials UMCom Tech Shop Church Communications Training UMCOR’S YouTube Channel Rural Ministry Support Friendly Center, Toledo Bread for the World Society of St. Andrew Stop Hunger Now Upper Room Dailey Devotional Weekly Bulletin May 8, 2015 Northwest Plains Spring District Conference and Pre-Annual Conference Briefing Sunday, May 17, 3 PM Wesley United Methodist Church 551 Center Street, Van Wert, OH All pastors, lay members, district at large members, and lay persons are invited to participate in this year’s Spring District Conference. Gathering time begins at 2:30 pm, allowing participants to meet one another and build relationships with others across the Northwest Plains. The District Conference will begin at 3:00 pm. There will also be an “Orientation to Annual Conference for first-time lay members” at 2:30 pm. The Book of Reports for Annual Conference will be available for pick-up. During the Conference, we will worship together and recognize graduates, those being commissioned, first-time licenses for local pastors, newly certified candidates, transitions and retirements. We will also approve our district leadership teams and our 2016 budget, present the pre-annual conference briefing, reviewing the recommendations that will be voted on. Clergy and Lay Members of Annual Conference are especially encouraged to attend. Conference business should conclude by 4:30 pm. A time for fellowship and light refreshments will follow giving everyone the opportunity to bid farewell to those who are retiring and transitioning to new appointments. No RSVP required. Heavenly Father, We come to You in the Name that is above every name—Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Our hearts cry out to You. Knowing that You are a prayer-answering, faithful God—the One we trust in times like these— we ask that You renew our spirits, revive our churches, and heal our land. We repent of our sins and ask for Your grace and power to save us. Hear our cry, oh God, and pour out Your Spirit upon us that we may walk in obedience to Your Word. We are desperate for Your tender mercies. We are broken and humbled before You. Forgive us, and in the power of Your great love, lift us up to live in Your righteousness. We pray for our beloved nation. May we repent and return to You and be a light to the nations. And we pray for our leaders and ask that You give them wisdom and faith to follow You. Preserve and protect us, for You are our refuge and only hope. Deliver us from all fears except to fear You, and may we courageously stand in the Truth that sets us free. We pray with expectant faith and grateful hearts. In Jesus’ name, our Savior. Amen. Let us remember in prayer those grieving the loss of their loved one, and remember in thanksgiving the life and ministry of: Rev. Wayne E. Lee, 76, who died May 5. He is survived by his wife, Barb; his children, Lawrence Lee, Dan (Vanessa) Lee, and Terri (Ben) Johnson; his sister, Priscilla; his brother Paul; and his grandchildren, Emma, Noah, Simon, Marianna, Jonah, Rebekah, Alex, Sebastian, and Elyse. Prior to becoming ordained, Rev. Lee was an active member of the church, serving as a Lay Witness Mission leader in the 1970s, '80s, and '90s; as a local Sunday School teacher and superintendent; and as a small group leader. After retiring from the private sector, Rev. Lee returned to school and earned a Master of Arts in Specialized Ministry from United Theological Seminary. He was ordained a Deacon in The United Methodist Church in 2005, serving in pastoral care and counseling at First United Methodist Church in Wapakoneta. He was one of the founders of God's Storehouse, a foundation that is still working to provide food and other necessities to those in need. Obituary. Visitation will be from 2-4 pm and from 6-8 pm on Friday, May 8 at Bayliff-Eley Funeral Home, 1102 Lincoln Avenue in Wapakoneta. Services will be held at 10:30 AM on Saturday, May 9 at First United Methodist Church, 504 Glynwood Road in Wapakoneta, with Rev. Dr. Kim Pope-Seiberling presiding and Rev. Dr. A. K. Hoover assisting. Condolences may be sent to Dr. Barbara Lee, 807 Glynwood Road, Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895. Rev. Frederick Mitchel Ketner, 91, who died on May 4. Fred is survived by his wife of 57 years, Marjorie Ketner, daughters Deborah Ketner and Judy (Mark) Ketner Dollison, grandchildren Samantha and Connor Mitchel Dollison, sisters, Dorothy (Roger) Beal, Clara Davidson, and many nieces, nephews, congregants, and friends. Rev. Ketner served as an elder in the Kentucky Conference until 1952 and then in the West Ohio Conference at Pickaway Ct (1952); Como Avenue (1957); C E Memorial (Newark, 1960); Zanesville (1962); Ohio Avenue (Columbus, 1963); Peace (Columbus, 1970). A Chaplain for the Ohio Army National Guard for 30 years, Fred received the high honor of not only achieving the status of Chaplain of the State of Ohio, but also the first chaplain in the Ohio Army National Guard to reach the rank of Full Colonel, for which he was inducted into the Ohio Army National Guard Hall of Fame. Obituary. Condolences may be sent to Mrs. Marjorie Ketner, 6000 Riverside Drive, Apt A139, Dublin Ohio 43017. Children and Families: Child care will be offered for the children of annual conference members while the conference is in session. Registration required by May 22. Family Fun Events will be available each day at various times. Registration required. Vacation Bible School will be offered for the children of annual conference members on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 1-3 pm. Registration is required by May 1. Member Information: Book of Reports Lay and Clergy Voter Guide Offering Information: Imagine No Malaria Health Kits Potato Drive Registration: All clergy and lay members must register online for the 2015 Annual Conference Session before the deadline of May 30. Register via the West Ohio website at Register for Events. Clergy wishing to be excused from Annual Conference should complete this request form. Would you like to serve as a District At-Large Member to Annual Conference? The Northwest Plains District has 4 openings for District At Large Members to Annual Conference. If you are interested please call Deb Lee at 1.800.589.7828 or email deblee@wocumc.org. Emmaus Events Findlay Emmaus Gathering Sidney Emmaus Gathering Tuesday, May 19, 7 pm St Marks UMC 800 S. Main St., Findlay 419.422.4131 http://www.findlayemmaus.org/ Tuesday, May 12, 7 pm First UMC 230 E. Poplar St., Sidney 937.492.9136 http://www.sidneyemmaus.org/ (always the third Tuesday) (always the second Tuesday) Emmaus Walks ~ A Journey with Christ While they were talking and discussing. Jesus himself came near and walked with them. - Luke 24:15 A program of the Upper Room division of the General Board Discipleship which calls forth and renews Christian discipleship. The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience, a highly structured weekend, which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a life-style. The program is designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christian people and through them their families, congregations, and the world. Findlay Emmaus Walks @ St. Marks UMC, Findlay Women's Walk #95 Women's Walk #96 Men's Walk #73 June 18-21, 2015 October 8-11, 2015 November 5-8, 2015 Findlay Chrysalis Flights @ St. Andrew’s UMC, Findlay Girl’s Flight #45 Boy’s Flight #44 July 10-12, 2015 July 24-26, 2015 Sidney Emmaus Walks @ First UMC, Sidney Women’s Walk #66 Women’s Walk #67 Men’s Walk #62 July 9-12, 2015 October 15-18, 2015 August 6-9, 2015 West Ohio Piqua Chrysalis Flights @ First UMC, Sidney Girl’s Flight #60 July 10-12, 2015 Boy’s Flight #60 July 31-August 2, 2015 LOCAL CHURCH AND COMMUNITY EVENTS New Knoxville UMC Annual Garage Sale Friday, May 8, 3-6 pm and Saturday, May 9, 8 am-2pm Saturday lunch will be offered, so enjoy a sandwich or slice of pie with other bargain hunters. The Pandora United Methodist Church will be hosting a FREE Community Meal on Wednesday, May 27, 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the church fellowship hall, 108 E. Washington Street, Pandora. The meal this month is provided by the Mission Committee. The menu will be Sub sandwiches, potato salad, chips, brownies and beverage. All proceeds go toward sending senior high youth to Lakeside. Otterbein St. Marys Senior Lifestyle Choices Concert featuring Molly Pickett Salem UMC (Wyandot County) Located at Township Highways 96 & 69 Sunday, May 17, 4:00 pm Join us for worship and concert to be followed by a potluck meal. Offering to benefit Imagine No Malaria, a mission of the United Methodist Church. Everyone welcome! Flat Rock Creek Fall Festival September 18-20 Paulding County Fairgrounds Attention church musicians! Lima Trinity UMC Youth Camp Yard Sale June 4-6 900 Fenway Dr., Lima Please contact Ali Petrey for the start and end times. 419.996.9725. Be a part of the gospel outreach at the Flat Rock Creek Fall Festival! We are looking for church and gospel singers, choirs, bands, and groups to perform on our brand new Gospel stage. We are interested in folks who can perform live music for about one hour. Please contact the Paulding Chamber at pauldingchamber@gmail.com or call Kim at 419.956.2025. NEWS FROM AROUND THE CONNECTION Disciple Making Churches Grant Applications available DMC grant applications are now available here. Grants must be submitted by June 1. ERT Recertification Classes May 23 North Broadway UMC, 48 North Broadway St, Columbus, OH (CAN) 9-1 Registration information June 6 Bryan Wesley UMC, 903 Center St., Bryan OH (NWP) 9 – 1 Roger Thatcher is the trainer. http:// www.westohioumc.org/conference/event/early-response-team-recertification-bryan-wesley-umc-nwp-0 August 8 Hope UMC, 5980 Wilmington Pike, Dayton OH (MIV) 2 sessions Morning and Afternoon Registration information. UTS Announces International Conference United Theological Seminary is pleased to announce A New Awakening! 2015, an international conference focusing on global church renewal, to take place May 18 - 20, 2015, in Dayton, Ohio. United has partnered with the Wesley Fellowship Pastors of the Republic of Korea to bring this new event to Ohio. With the theme "Spirit Led into God's Future," conference activities will focus on the vitality of the global church in the past, present and future. Information https://www.ruraltraining.org/training/schedule/2015-05-30-MGT405-MARION-OH-001/ MTSO hosts United Methodist Women History Conference In preparation for the 150th anniversary of the UMW in 2019, MTSO will host a conference May 28-30, 2015, with the theme “United Methodist Women’s History: Voices Lost & Found.” The conference will begin at 7:00 pm Thursday and conclude at noon Saturday. Events will be held on the MTSO campus. A registration fee of $90 covers all conference activities, meals Friday and breakfast Saturday. One continuing education unit is available for an additional fee of $25. www.mtso.edu/umw. Mobilizing Faith-Based Community Organizations in Preparing for Disaster Training May 30 - Registration Deadline May 16 by 5:00 pm Sponsored by the Ohio Office of Emergency Management. Location: American Red Cross - Marion County, 1849 Summerset Drive, Marion, OH 43302. May 30, beginning at 8:00 am. Registration https:// www.ruraltraining.org/training/schedule/2015-05-30-MGT405-MARION-OH-001/ This eight-hour management-level course covers emergency planning, and brings together emergency managers and first responders with FBCO leaders in a shared learning environment. This course facilitates effective communication in order to develop comprehensive local emergency plans. Topics covered include but are not limited to: • the significant role FBCOs have played during and after major disasters. • understanding the responsibilities and authority of each level of government and non-governmental organizations as well as the four phases of emergency management and other significant emergency-related terminology. • the role leadership plays in FBCO preparedness, apply social networking techniques to prepare members for disaster, and complete an emergency plan checklist that can be utilized by FBCOs during the planning process. • the process for developing a local emergency plan, list the elements of a comprehensive county emergency plan, and evaluate a plan for FBCO engagement. RESOURCES Create A Community Garden By H.L Hussmann In Stilwell, Kan., a woman in her 40s had suffered from Lyme disease followed by a bout with cancer. Her health was so depleted that she developed severe food allergies and could eat nothing but avocados, yams, cabbage and greens. Because of her illness she lost her job and couldn’t afford food, but the closest pantries provided only bread and canned foods that landed her back in the hospital. In desperation, she reached out to First Baptist Church and their community garden. For several months they allowed her to harvest all she needed—today her health is restored and she has returned to work. READ MORE http://tiny.cc/25fvxx Using Your Gift As a Team Player Copied from churchgrowth.org “One person does not build a church; one gift does not meet all the needs; one individual does not reach and teach a generation.” The great violinist Nicolo Paganini thrilled audiences with his musical performances. His violin was the source of melodies and harmonies impossible to describe in words. What joys the violin conveyed in the hands of the master. When he died, he willed his expensive and beautiful violin to the city of Genoa. The only condition was that it was never to be played again. The wood, since it was never used, decayed and became worm-eaten and useless. That beautifully toned instrument was grossly abused instead of providing the melodic tones for which it was intended. The same choice comes to Christians with their spiritual gifts—they can use their gifts or abuse them. The results are much the same as with Paganini’s violin: spiritual gifts add beauty to life when used properly, or sadness and uselessness when left alone. God intended for spiritual gifts to be used in carrying out the Great Commission and edifying the saints. When spiritual gifts are misused or abused, they do not reach out to others with the love of God and they fail meet the needs of people in the family of God. Often, the Team pulls apart rather than pulling together. If we understand the abuses that can take place, we can avoid them and concentrate our efforts on the task God gave us. Let’s look at some terms that describe the misuses of spiritual gifts. READ MORE http://tiny.cc/umgvxx How to Build Up Your Family Members Copied from churchgrowth.org The home needs to be a safe place to “brag on each other” or, in other words, verbally support each other. The home is a place where, because of our committed love to each other, we should feel free to build up each other and rejoice with each other’s accomplishments. Parents can model this by speaking well of each other’s work. “Your mother sure can cook!” or “Your daddy did such a beautiful job on the front yard, did you all see it?” If parents are filled with resentment for each other and withhold affirmations, how can we expect it to become a norm in the home? READ MORE http://tiny.cc/61gvxx Camp Director Position Heather Brake will be leaving her position as Director of Camp Wesley to join her husband who has accepted a new position in East Ohio. In her two years as director, Heather has been a wonderful asset and leader who understood and shared the purpose of camping discipleship. West Ohio Camping & Retreat Director, Ken Overholser, made the announcement saying, "Join me in prayer and thanksgiving as Heather and her family begin this new calling and adventure. Please also pray for us as we seek the person who God is calling next to lead our ministry at Camp Wesley." Learn more about the position and apply. Help Wanted: Children’s Ministry Coordinator (full-time) Coordinator of Children’s Ministry, full-time, St. Andrew’s UMC, 120 W. Sandusky St., Findlay, Ohio. Please send resume to office@saumcfindlay.org. Do you have news or something interesting to share? Know of anyone who would like to be added to our Weekly Bulletin e-mail list? Contact Deb via e-mail deblee@wocumc.org or call 1.800.589.7828. When e-mailing the district staff, please use the e-mail addresses listed below: Rev. Barry Burns, District Superintendent: bburns@wocumc.org Rev. Amy Haines, Assistant to the DS: ahaines@wocumc.org Debra Lee, Office Administrator: deblee@wocumc.org Sandy Pergram, Administrative Assistant: spergram@wocumc.org
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