910 E. Third St., Ottawa, OH 45875 Telephone: 419.523.9901 / 800.589.7828 Fax: 419.523.3479 Email nwplains@wocumc.org Website: www.nwpumc.org Weekly Bulletin IN THIS ISSUE Starting Well Seminar Weekly Prayer District Office Closed Memorial Day Benefits Director Retiring Attention Clergy Spouses West Ohio Annual Conference Emmaus Local Church & Community Events Resources Classifieds QUICK LINKS Northwest Plains District Website West Ohio UMC Website West Ohio You Tube Channel Lay Ministry Local Church Officer Job Descriptions The United Methodist Church United Methodist VIM United Methodist Women Church World Service Rethink Church Find A Church MissionInsite Apportionment Support Materials UMCom Tech Shop Church Communications Training UMCOR’S YouTube Channel Rural Ministry Support Friendly Center, Toledo Bread for the World Society of St. Andrew Stop Hunger Now Upper Room Dailey Devotional May 22, 2015 STARTING WELL FOR NEWLY APPOINTED PASTORS TO NORTHWEST PLAINS DISTRICT As your church/charge receives your new pastor and as pastors begin their new appointments, we want the leadership of the congregation/charge to get off to a good start with your newly appointed pastor. To assist with that transition, the Maumee Watershed District and the Northwest Plains District are partnering to hold a training event for pastors newly appointed in the districts along with teams of laity from the church/charge to which the pastors are appointed. Starting Well is a two-part seminar to help navigate pastoral transitions for pastors beginning new appointments and for Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committees that are receiving a new pastor. We will welcome Dr. Doug Anderson for Starting Well, Parts 1 and 2. Dr. Anderson, a United Methodist elder and former district superintendent, has been leading church health workshops in West Ohio and beyond for many years. Pastors in new appointments, as well as up to five laity from churches receiving new pastors, must register in advance. Clergy spouses are welcome and also must register. This is not an optional event and it is expected that each newly appointed pastor will attend the two sessions of Starting Well with a team of two to five laity from his/her new church/charge. The second session is scheduled for Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at the same location as the June event. Registration is for both sessions and is due by Wednesday, May 27, 2015. Please have one person register online for the entire team and the new pastor. During registration, you will be asked for the full name and current email address of the new pastor and all lay people (up to five) attending from your church. Please gather that information before registering online. We want your church to succeed as you receive your new pastor and we want our pastors to succeed in their new appointments. We are investing in the ministry of your congregation by offering this event to help you get off to a good start in the new appointment. This training was deemed to be very helpful by those who participated in past years. We look forward to this opportunity to learn with each other. Location: The D.o.c.k at St. Mark's United Methodist Church Location Address: 800 South Main Street, Findlay, Ohio 45840 Contact: Casey Smith or Deb Lee Email: csmith@wocumc.org or deblee@wocumc.org Price: There is no cost for this event REGISTER YOUR TEAM FOR BOTH SESSIONS Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus, today we glorify you for the gift and power of your Holy Spirit. We celebrate the outpouring of your Spirit at that first Pentecost following Your Son’s ascension that transformed the first disciples from fearful to faithful, beaten down to bold, cautious to carefree in sharing the good news of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. We remember the countless men and women throughout the centuries who experienced their own Pentecosts when most needed, standing firm in faith through the power of your Spirit. Today we thank you, righteous God, for the Spirit’s might in convicting us of sin again and again, including when we put our own interests ahead of your interests and when we allow our selfish desires to cloud us to your vision. Today we glorify you, merciful God, for your Spirit’s comfort in times of illness and hurt, and your Spirit’s strength when facing the transition of death. Gracious God, renew us this day, as individuals, as congregations, as denominations, as your people in this world. Renew us to live by faith in Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit, ready to live and to proclaim your Good News in new and effective ways. All honor and glory is yours, O God, Father Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Let us remember in prayer those grieving the loss of their loved one, and remember in thanksgiving the life and ministry of: Rev. Virgil S. Hamilton, 93, who died on May 16 and was a Retired Elder in the West Ohio Conference. He was preceded in death by his wife, Doris, and is survived by his children, Glenn (Bonnie) Hamilton and Tim Hamilton; grandchildren, Tyler (Corrie) Hamilton, Bryce (Annie) Hamilton, Emily (Chris) Alexander, Elizabeth (Dan) Werly; and nine great grandchildren. Rev. Hamilton was a World War II veteran who pastored churches for 53 years before retiring in 1986. He served at Camp Dennison-Miamiville (1947); Decatur Charge (1948); Clarksville Charge (1950); Leesburg Charge (1953); Plain City & Dtr Darby Plains Group Ministry (1956); Story-Hypes (1963); London (1970); and Howard (1976). Obituary. Condolences to the family may be made online at eberlefisherfuneralhome.com. The district office will be closed Monday, May 25 in observance of Memorial Day. West Ohio Conference Benefits Director Retiring Beth Gibbs, Director of Conference Benefits, will be retiring as of July 1. Beth joined the West Ohio Conference staff in 1999 as Health Care Coordinator. In 2005, she became Pension Coordinator, and in 2012 she was promoted to Director of Conference Benefits. In her time with the Conference, Beth has assisted countless active and retired clergy and their spouses as they navigate health insurance matters and retirement from active ministry. She has provided care and support to surviving spouses and family members when loved ones pass away, ensuring that death and other benefits are processed timely and efficiently. Well wishes may be sent to Beth at bgibbs@wocumc.org. Her husband, Dan Gibbs, an eight-year employee in our Technology Department, is also retiring as of July 1. Attention Clergy Spouses NWP & MWD District Spouses Brunch at Lakeside, Tuesday, June 9, 10:15 am-11:30 am, Upper Pavilion Room. Please RSVP to Deb Lee, deblee@wocumc.org or phone 1.800.589.7828. Clergy Spouse “Coffee with Cynthia” Monday, June 8, 10:00 am-11:15 am, Chautauqua Hall at the Fountain Inn. Register at Coffee with Cynthia at Chautauqua Hall at Fountain Inn No rt h we s t Plain s Dis t ric t an d Mau m e e Wat e rs h e d Dis t ric t folk s a r e ga th er in g for a n ice cr ea m s ocia l on th e WES T DECK of th e Pa vilion Mo n day , J u n e 8 , 5 :3 0 pm - 7 :3 0 pm . JUNE 7-10, 2015 CHILDREN AND FAMILIES: Child care will be offered for the children of annual conference members while the conference is in session. Registration required by May 22. Family Fun Events will be available each day at various times. Registration required. Vacation Bible School will be offered for the children of annual conference members on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 1-3 pm. Registration is required by May 1. MEMBER INFORMATION: Book of Reports Lay and Clergy Voter Guide Videos to watch before Annual Conference OFFERING INFORMATION: Imagine No Malaria Health Kits This year Health Kits will be collected at annual conference by the Midwest Mission Distribution Center (MMDC). MMDC will once again provide a tractor-trailer as well as personnel to receive kits. The tractor-trailer will be parked close to South Auditorium which is where registration will be held. Note: Mark Freeman, from Midwest Mission Distribution Center is looking for help loading the tractor -trailer with health kits. If you’re willing to help, please call Mark at 217.691.1575. Potato Drive The United Methodist Men will have the “Meals for Millions” truck parked at Otterbein North Shore from Friday evening, June 5 thru Tuesday, June 9 to receive your ten pound bag of potatoes and of course “Tater” will be walking the aisles to make people aware of hunger in this country and to accept your monetary donation. The truck will depart North Shore Tuesday night so get your taters there early! REGISTRATION: All clergy and lay members must register online for the 2015 Annual Conference Session before the deadline of May 30. Register via the West Ohio website at Register for Events. Clergy wishing to be excused from Annual Conference should complete this request form. Emmaus Events Findlay Emmaus Gathering Sidney Emmaus Gathering Tuesday, June 16, 7 pm St Marks UMC 800 S. Main St., Findlay 419.422.4131 http://www.findlayemmaus.org/ Tuesday, June 9, 7 pm First UMC 230 E. Poplar St., Sidney 937.492.9136 http://www.sidneyemmaus.org/ (always the third Tuesday) (always the second Tuesday) Emmaus Walks ~ A Journey with Christ While they were talking and discussing. Jesus himself came near and walked with them. - Luke 24:15 A program of the Upper Room division of the General Board Discipleship which calls forth and renews Christian discipleship. The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience, a highly structured weekend, which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a life-style. The program is designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christian people and through them their families, congregations, and the world. Findlay Emmaus Walks @ St. Marks UMC, Findlay Women's Walk #95 Women's Walk #96 Men's Walk #73 June 18-21, 2015 October 8-11, 2015 November 5-8, 2015 Findlay Chrysalis Flights @ St. Andrew’s UMC, Findlay Girl’s Flight #45 Boy’s Flight #44 July 10-12, 2015 July 24-26, 2015 Sidney Emmaus Walks @ First UMC, Sidney Women’s Walk #66 Women’s Walk #67 Men’s Walk #62 July 9-12, 2015 October 15-18, 2015 August 6-9, 2015 West Ohio Piqua Chrysalis Flights @ First UMC, Sidney Girl’s Flight #60 July 10-12, 2015 Boy’s Flight #60 July 31-August 2, 2015 LOCAL CHURCH AND COMMUNITY EVENTS The Pandora United Methodist Church will be hosting a FREE Community Meal on Wednesday, May 27, 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the church fellowship hall, 108 E. Washington Street, Pandora. The meal this month is provided by the Mission Committee. The menu will be Sub sandwiches, potato salad, chips, brownies and beverage. June Jubilee Delphos J.U.M.P. New Family Life Center 702 Ambrose Dr., Delphos (behind Arby’s) Open to the Public! Wednesday, June 17, 4-7 pm (Or until the last person is served.) Open to the Public! Westside UMC 604 Gloria Ave., Lima Friday, June 5, 12:30 pm Menu: Shredded Chicken or Beef sandwiches, Homemade macaroni salad, homemade baked beans, potato salad, assorted (homemade) fruit pies and angel food cake, homemad e sh ortca ke, strawb erri es , ice cream from the Creamery in Delphos, lemonade, coffee, sun tea, milk Price: Free will offering Clarissa Frail from Otterbein Retirement Community will speak on “Puzzled about Health Care?” Please bring a covered dish and table service. Trinity UMC 137 N. Pratt Street Ottawa, OH Scrap metal drive planned at Trinity UMC, Ottawa Yesterday’s Treasures Garage Sale will take place from 10 am to 6:30 pm June 4, and from 9 am to 4 pm June 5 at Trinity United Methodist Church, 137 N. Pratt Street. The bag sale will start at 1 pm June 5. The church is handicapped accessible and there will be no early bird sales. For details, call 419.523.6496 There will be a scrap metal drive from May 27 through June 30 at Trinity United Methodist church, 137 N. Pratt Street. All metal will be accepted and is to be deposited in a trash bin located in the church parking lot. Televisions, computer monitors, paint, tires and aerosol cans will not be accepted. For details, call 419.523.6496. LOCAL CHURCH AND COMMUNITY EVENTS Intergenerational Church Summit Come and explore the idea and implications of becoming an intergenerational church. Guest speaker Andrew Brown, Senior Pastor, studied multi generational church leadership at Indiana Wesleyan University. Saturday, June 27, 9:30 am-Noon St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church, Findlay For more info email: avanfleet@saumcfindlay.org Wyandot Mission Church Summer Services “What’s that and where is it?” This was a recent question overheard in the midst of a conversation of a couple of Upper Sandusky community leaders. If it is a secret, then it is probably the best secret in town. For more than forty years, there have been summer Sunday morning worship services conducted at the old blue limestone building that sits in the older section of Old Mission Cemetery just north of Church and Fourth Streets. The Wyandot Mission Church was built in 1824 as a proper sacred meeting house for the Wyandot community. By the time the building was constructed, there were more than two hundred Wyandot people who claimed a following of their savior, Jesus. Services are conducted by guest speakers beginning the first Sunday in June through the last Sunday in August. Nestled in among the grave markers and under the grand oak trees, sounds of the 8 a.m. worship services drift out of open windows and are heard by area neighbors. Services are held for the public—for area residents and for visitors to our community. Guest speakers in June will be: Sunday the 7th, Rev. Doug Pummell, Associate Pastor at John Stewart UM Church; Sunday the 14th, Rev. Jim Stauffer, Senior Pastor at Trinity Evangelical UM Church; Sunday the 21st, Rev. Anna (Barrett) Guillozet, Associate Pastor at King Avenue UM Church, Columbus; and Sunday the 28th Rev. Brian Arnold, Senior Pastor at John Stewart UM Church. RESOURCES When “Theology” Gets in the way By Dan Kimball I am not someone who cries often, but lately I have found myself emotionally moved to the point of tears several times. What is causing such a strong emotional reaction? The rhetoric and tone some evangelical Christians use when they differ with other evangelicals on theology or ministry methodology. I am not talking about major doctrines of historical orthodoxy. When such foundational teachings are compromised, we are instructed to defend the faith, teach correction, guard doctrine (1 Tim. 4:16). I also love robust arguments and fun discussions about our differences as evangelicals. READ MORE http://tiny.cc/7ysjyx Be Your Own Church Resourcing the Small Church Experience It is amazing to me that large churches try to mimic small churches by focusing on small group ministry, while smaller churches try to emulate large church programs. I think H. B. London said it best when he said, “Bloom where you are planted.” Instead of trying to be what you are not, know what you do well and do it well. Too many pastors try to adapt to the new family who shows up on Sunday because they need the numbers. As a small church pastor, I know who we are as a church and what we do well. I do not excuse or apologize for who we are. I know what we do, why we do it, and how we do ministry. I try to find out what they need and then be honest with them about how we can minster to them. If we cannot meet their specific needs, then I help them find a church to meet their needs. READ MORE http://tiny.cc/h0wjyx UMCOR Mobile Site The new UMCOR mobile site puts UMCOR’s resources and news right at your fingertips. When you visit www.umcor.org on your smart phone, you can choose to read the latest news, download church resources, search for UMCOR projects and make a donation, and so much more. Check it out now! 11 Must-Ask Ministry and Outreach Questions By Tony Morgan A friend in ministry recently asked me what questions church leaders should be asking. I thought about the types of questions I try to help answer when I’m working with them in the church consulting or coaching relationships. Here are the first questions and some bonus thoughts that came to mind: 1. When was the last time I heard from God? Am I doing what he called me to do? This is the “Acts 6″ question. Acts 6 is a great reminder that it’s possible to be doing the ministry of God without doing the ministry God has called us to do. READ MORE http://tiny.cc/x9wjyx Administrative Assistant Westside United Methodist Church is seeking a part-time Administrative Assistant, on a long-term basis. Hours: 8:30-Noon (Monday-Friday) Pay Rate: $10.00 per Hour (moving to $11.00 per hour after a successful 90-day probationary period) Timeline: June 30 – Deadline for Letters of Interest and Resumes July – Interviews conducted Mid August – Duties Begin Forward letters and resumes to: Pastor Bill Cronk, Westside United Methodist Church, 604 Gloria, Lima, OH, 45805. Inquiries or contacts can be made with Pastor Cronk at 419.223.2881. Email inquiries with Pastor Cronk are possible via b.cronk@midohio.twcbc.com WOC seeks Director of Benefits and Human Resources The West Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church is seeking a Director of Benefits and Human Resources. This position oversees and administers West Ohio Conference employee benefit programs for over 1,200 active and retired clergy members and Conference Staff, and supports the Conference Board of Pension and Health Benefits. This person will provide leadership in formalizing benefit programs, employment policies, and administration of human resources policies and programs for Conference staff and clergy. http://www.westohioumc.org/conference/classified/director-benefits-and-human-resources Do you have news or something interesting to share? Know of anyone who would like to be added to our Weekly Bulletin e-mail list? Contact Deb via e-mail deblee@wocumc.org or call 1.800.589.7828. When e-mailing the district staff, please use the e-mail addresses listed below: Rev. Barry Burns, District Superintendent: bburns@wocumc.org Rev. Amy Haines, Assistant to the DS: ahaines@wocumc.org Debra Lee, Office Administrator: deblee@wocumc.org Sandy Pergram, Administrative Assistant: spergram@wocumc.org
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