910 E. Third St., Ottawa, OH 45875 Telephone: 419.523.9901 / 800.589.7828 Fax: 419.523.3479 Email nwplains@wocumc.org Website: www.nwpumc.org IN THIS ISSUE Spring Conference Weekly Prayer Attention Clergy Spouses West Ohio Annual Conference Emmaus Local Church & Community Events West Ohio Conference and Beyond Resources Classifieds QUICK LINKS Northwest Plains District Website West Ohio UMC Website West Ohio You Tube Channel Lay Ministry Local Church Officer Job Descriptions The United Methodist Church United Methodist VIM United Methodist Women Church World Service Rethink Church Find A Church MissionInsite Apportionment Support Materials UMCom Tech Shop Church Communications Training UMCOR’S YouTube Channel Rural Ministry Support Friendly Center, Toledo Bread for the World Society of St. Andrew Stop Hunger Now Upper Room Dailey Devotional Weekly Bulletin May 15, 2015 Northwest Plains Spring District Conference and Pre-Annual Conference Briefing Sunday, May 17, 3 PM Wesley United Methodist Church 551 Center Street, Van Wert, OH All pastors, lay members, district at large members, and lay persons are invited to participate in this year’s Spring District Conference. Gathering time begins at 2:30 pm, allowing participants to meet one another and build relationships with others across the Northwest Plains. The District Conference will begin at 3:00 pm. There will also be an “Orientation to Annual Conference for first-time lay members” at 2:30 pm. The Book of Reports for Annual Conference will be available for pick-up. During the Conference, we will worship together and recognize graduates, those being commissioned, first-time licenses for local pastors, newly certified candidates, transitions and retirements. We will also approve our district leadership teams and our 2016 budget, present the pre-annual conference briefing, reviewing the recommendations that will be voted on. Clergy and Lay Members of Annual Conference are especially encouraged to attend. Conference business should conclude by 4:30 pm. A time for fellowship and light refreshments will follow giving everyone the opportunity to bid farewell to those who are retiring and transitioning to new appointments. No RSVP required. As we remember Jesus’ Ascension this Sunday, and the mission he has now entrusted to disciples of all generations, let us pray: Lord Jesus, it would be delightful to spend our days gazing after you into the heavens, trying to peer beyond the mystery to understand where you have gone and when you will return. Instead, it is time for us to be very down to earth, time to be about the mission you have entrusted to us. Prepare us with your Spirit’s precious gifts, that through us our neighbors may experience your love. Bless us with vision, that we may discover creative ways to extends your compassion to every land, so that when you return, it will be to a people prepared. In your name and power we pray. Amen. The district office will be closed Monday, May 25 in observance of Memorial Day. Attention Clergy Spouses NWP & MWD District Spouses Brunch at Lakeside, Tuesday, June 9, 10:15 am-11:30 am, Upper Pavilion Room. Please RSVP to Deb Lee, deblee@wocumc.org or phone 1.800.589.7828. Clergy Spouse Coffee with Cynthia Palmer, Monday, June 8, 10:00 am-11:15 am, Chautauqua Hall at the Fountain Inn. Register at Coffee with Cynthia at Chautauqua Hall at Fountain Inn CHILDREN AND FAMILIES: Child care will be offered for the children of annual conference members while the conference is in session. Registration required by May 22. Family Fun Events will be available each day at various times. Registration required. Vacation Bible School will be offered for the children of annual conference members on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 1-3 pm. Registration is required by May 1. MEMBER INFORMATION: Book of Reports Lay and Clergy Voter Guide Videos to watch before Annual Conference OFFERING INFORMATION: Imagine No Malaria Health Kits This year Health Kits will be collected at annual conference by the Midwest Mission Distribution Center (MMDC). MMDC will once again provide a tractor-trailer as well as personnel to receive kits. The tractor-trailer will be parked close to South Auditorium which is where registration will be held. Note: Mark Freeman, from Midwest Mission Distribution Center is looking for help loading the tractor -trailer with health kits. If you’re willing to help, please call Mark at 217.691.1575. Potato Drive REGISTRATION: All clergy and lay members must register online for the 2015 Annual Conference Session before the deadline of May 30. Register via the West Ohio website at Register for Events. Clergy wishing to be excused from Annual Conference should complete this request form. Emmaus Events Findlay Emmaus Gathering Sidney Emmaus Gathering Tuesday, May 19, 7 pm St Marks UMC 800 S. Main St., Findlay 419.422.4131 http://www.findlayemmaus.org/ Tuesday, June 9, 7 pm First UMC 230 E. Poplar St., Sidney 937.492.9136 http://www.sidneyemmaus.org/ (always the third Tuesday) (always the second Tuesday) Emmaus Walks ~ A Journey with Christ While they were talking and discussing. Jesus himself came near and walked with them. - Luke 24:15 A program of the Upper Room division of the General Board Discipleship which calls forth and renews Christian discipleship. The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience, a highly structured weekend, which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a life-style. The program is designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christian people and through them their families, congregations, and the world. Findlay Emmaus Walks @ St. Marks UMC, Findlay Women's Walk #95 Women's Walk #96 Men's Walk #73 June 18-21, 2015 October 8-11, 2015 November 5-8, 2015 Findlay Chrysalis Flights @ St. Andrew’s UMC, Findlay Girl’s Flight #45 Boy’s Flight #44 July 10-12, 2015 July 24-26, 2015 Sidney Emmaus Walks @ First UMC, Sidney Women’s Walk #66 Women’s Walk #67 Men’s Walk #62 July 9-12, 2015 October 15-18, 2015 August 6-9, 2015 West Ohio Piqua Chrysalis Flights @ First UMC, Sidney Girl’s Flight #60 July 10-12, 2015 Boy’s Flight #60 July 31-August 2, 2015 LOCAL CHURCH AND COMMUNITY EVENTS Concert featuring Molly Pickett Salem UMC (Wyandot County) Located at Township Highways 96 & 69 Sunday, May 17, 4:00 pm Join us for worship and concert to be followed by a potluck meal. Offering to benefit Imagine No Malaria, a mission of the United Methodist Church. Everyone welcome! The Pandora United Methodist Church will be hosting a FREE Community Meal on Wednesday, May 27, 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the church fellowship hall, 108 E. Washington Street, Pandora. The meal this month is provided by the Mission Committee. The menu will be Sub sandwiches, potato salad, chips, brownies and beverage. Otterbein St. Marys Senior Lifestyle Choices Lima Trinity UMC Youth Camp Yard Sale June 4-6 900 Fenway Dr., Lima Please contact Ali Petrey for the start and end times. 419.996.9725. http://www.womenoffaith.com/events2/fort-wayne/ July 31-August 1, 2015 Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, Ft. Wayne, Indiana Join Women of Faith as they celebrate 20 years of laughter and life-changing messages, and experience the event of a lifetime. It’s your last chance to see these speakers share a stage together! Come back one more time and invite other women who need to hear the message we’ve shared from the beginning: You are seen. You are known. You are free. You are LOVED. Flat Rock Creek Fall Festival September 18-20 Paulding County Fairgrounds Attention church musicians! Be a part of the gospel outreach at the Flat Rock Creek Fall Festival! We are looking for church and gospel singers, choirs, bands, and groups to perform on our brand new Gospel stage. We are interested in folks who can perform live music for about one hour. Please contact the Paulding Chamber at pauldingchamber@gmail.com or call Kim at 419.956.2025. NEWS FROM AROUND THE CONNECTION Disciple Making Churches Grant Applications available DMC grant applications are now available here. Grants must be submitted by June 1. ERT Recertification Classes June 6 Bryan Wesley UMC, 903 Center St., Bryan OH (NWP) 9 – 1 Roger Thatcher is the trainer. http:// www.westohioumc.org/conference/event/early-response-team-recertification-bryan-wesley-umc-nwp-0 August 8 Hope UMC, 5980 Wilmington Pike, Dayton OH (MIV) 2 sessions Morning and Afternoon Registration information. Youth 2015 June 24-28 Youth 2015 is a national gathering to equip United Methodist youth and youth leaders for service and provide them the opportunity to experience and express their faith in new and vibrant ways. This national gathering occurs every four years. This year’s theme is ‘Go On’ and is grounded in both scripture and several of John Wesley’s sermons. Orlando, Florida / Marriott World Center Registration is open until May 31. EFWO Annual Conference Gathering to be Held Join us for the EFWO gathering at West Ohio Annual Conference Tuesday, June 9 at Wesley Lodge North & South at 6:30 pm (dinner break following the Ordination Service). Dr. Kevin Watson from Candler School of Theology, Emory University will be our speaker. Menu: Baked potato and salad bar, Coke products and brownies. Be sure to bring a friend! Dr. Kevin M. Watson is Assistant Professor of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies at Candler School of Theology, Emory University. An ordained elder in The United Methodist Church, Watson has written a history of small group formation in early Methodism, Pursuing Social Holiness: The Band Meeting in Wesley’s Thought and Popular Methodist Practice (2014). He has also written books that seek to help contemporary Wesleyan/Methodist communities reclaim a distinctly Wesleyan approach to Christian discipleship and small group formation: A Blueprint for Discipleship: Wesley’s General Rules as a Guide for Christian Living (2009) and The Class Meeting: Reclaiming a Forgotten (and Essential) Small Group Experience (2014). He is currently working on a history of the development and fragmentation of American Methodism as a theological tradition. Watson blogs at vitalpiety.com and can be found on twitter at @kevinwatson Cost: $15.00 Make checks payable to EFWO Send your reservation and payment to: Rachel Miller, EFWO Treasurer 5382 Thornhill Court Grove City, OH 43123 rmiller@umethodist.com www.efwo.org RESOURCES Pentecost Sunday, May 24 Discipleship Ministries is offering a number of liturgies, prayer and other resources to prepare for your Pentecost Sunday worship experience. View, use and share these resources. They Were Waiting for a Sign from God and Holy Spirit, Rain Down on This Place —21st Century Worship Resources for the Day of Pentecost— are calls to worship for the day of Pentecost. United Methodist pastor and hymn writer Nickolas Campbell has composed ‘Spirit of God, Assist and Guide Today’ hymn based on John Wesley's prayers for Sunday morning. In this light-hearted episode of the Chuck Knows Church series, Chuck Knows Pentecost offers viewers the opportunity to learn the meaning of the birth of the early church, fifty days after Passover, its symbols, and much more. Connect young people to opportunities for putting their faith into action Use the searchable platform on the new website UMConnector from Young People’s Ministries to get young people involved in the many opportunities provided by the agencies of the United Methodist Church. Browse one-page profiles of other UMConnector users that include direct contact information, and then go directly to a program or event webpage, or contact the staff in charge of that program. Explore www.umconnector.org today. How is your church offering H.O.P.E.? Making disciples for the transformation of the world means offering the hope of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life. At Discipleship Ministries, H.O.P.E. is an acronym that helps us remember the core process of making disciples found in The Book of Discipline: Hospitality, Opportunity, Purpose and Engagement. Tell the world how is your congregation making disciples and offering hope to your community. Visit UMCHOPE.org. Outreach E-Book for Free! Reach the City. Any Church. Any Size. Any City. Included inside the E-Book is: 10 OUTREACH IDEAS THAT EVERY CHURCH CAN DO PLUS 10 OUTREACH MYTHS EVERY CHURCH SHOULD BUST! http://www.reachthecity.com/10and10/ Help Wanted: Children’s Ministry Coordinator (full-time) Coordinator of Children’s Ministry, full-time, St. Andrew’s UMC, 120 W. Sandusky St., Findlay, Ohio. Please send resume to office@saumcfindlay.org. Do you have news or something interesting to share? Know of anyone who would like to be added to our Weekly Bulletin e-mail list? Contact Deb via e-mail deblee@wocumc.org or call 1.800.589.7828. When e-mailing the district staff, please use the e-mail addresses listed below: Rev. Barry Burns, District Superintendent: bburns@wocumc.org Rev. Amy Haines, Assistant to the DS: ahaines@wocumc.org Debra Lee, Office Administrator: deblee@wocumc.org Sandy Pergram, Administrative Assistant: spergram@wocumc.org
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