f For more information you can visit us at www.fmdrangers.com Or contact Allan Vega at tatonka97@juno.com ) Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Enclosed is the informational packet for The FMD Pow Wow. This will be an event you won’t want to miss. The Pow Wow will be held April 17-19, 2015. The location will be Florida Multicultural Retreat Center of the Assemblies of God in Okeechobee, FL. The focus and theme on this year’s Pow-Wow will be Call of duty (Spiritual Warfare). We are asking every church to help us fundraise for a missions offering. Our Goal as a District is $1,500.00. This offering will be used to help a missionary. The boys will have over 20 activities were they will enjoy and have lots of fun during the day (for a couple of examples Rock Climbing, Archery, Paint Balling, Laser Tag, Jousting, and many more). However, the focus of Pow Wow is the spiritual emphasis each night during the night service and the other special devotions and services we look forward to seeing our boys being filled with the Holy Spirit. The registration fee includes cap, t-shirt and patch, incentives and your weekend of fun. Gas, traveling expenses, food, etc. that your outpost will incur is at your discretion. You will need to determine the exact cost per person for your outpost to cover these additional charges if needed. Each Child has to complete an application and be signed by their parent. Also, all Adults application MUST be Signed by the Senior Pastor. With out this, they will not be allowed to stay at the camp. So make sure you have one for everyone that is coming to Pow-Wow. What if we don’t have Royal Rangers in our Church, you may ask yourself. Your group of boys are more than welcomed to participate with us. The ages are as followed: Rangers Kids are Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades Discovery Rangers are 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades Adventure Rangers are 6th, 7th, and 8th Grades Expedition Rangers are 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Grades Remember: Physicals are recommended but not required for Pow Wow. Join the staff and dedicate March 28 for fasting and praying for God’s anointing and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. You and your boys will truly be blessed by this experience. In His Service, The District Staff FMD Royal Rangers For more information contact Allan Vega at (813)927-4061 or visit us at www.sesd-rangers.com POW WOW INFORMATION These rules are designed to protect the health and safety of everyone at Pow Wow and to help everyone have an enjoyable time. Please help us by taking time to read and follow these guidelines. Emergency telephone number 813-927-4061 or 813-927-4062 When you arrive at the Pow Wow site, there are some items that you need to be prepared to do. 1. REGISTRATION FEES: • The registration fee for everyone in a Chartered outpost will be a total of $60.00 per person. Only if you submit a partial registration of $30.00 per person by March 9, 2015. The balance of $30.00 will be due at the event. This will also reserve your HAT, PATCH and T-SHIRT. If you do not submit the registration by March 9, 2015 the At The Door registration fee will be $70.00 per person and your incentives will not be reserved and will be while supplies last. • All Senior Pastor may attend for free. • Saturday Only is only for Rangers Kids. The registration fee for a chartered Ranger kid is $50.00 and at the door will be $55.00 WOMEN are NOT ALLOWED to stay overnight at the camp. 2. ITEMS TO BE COMPLETED AT REGISTRATION: • Register everyone! Everyone attending this event MUST have an individual application with the appropriate signatures. If the application is incomplete, such as missing the signatures, that person will be asked to leave. Please have your registration sheet filled out before arriving.. Registration is open in the registration building Thursday from noon until 6:00pm and Friday from 10:00 to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 7:00pm. The registration fee covers the patches, incentives, awards, prizes, speakers, insurance, restrooms, and other camp expenditures. Everyone who camps on the premises or participates in the activities is expected to register and must wear the wristband that was issued to them during registration. • Enter entryway/archway, and other contests. • Count to see if you have enough wrist bands for each person. Everyone will need to wear the wrist band during the Pow Wow. Help your boys put it on. • Sign up men to run an activity on Saturday. • Sign-up your Outpost for restroom cleaning, etc. 3. RULES FOR THE WOMEN Women are only allowed on Saturday to assist with the Ranger Kids day camp only. Women are not to be in the campsite area after 10:00 pm. WOMEN AND GIRLS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO STAY OVERNIGHT AT THE CAMP. Local hotels are available at your own cost. 4. PLEASE FOLLOW THE POW WOW SCHEDULE. We will do our best to keep on schedule. No one is to remain in their campsite during assemblies. Boys are not required to wear RR uniform to the night Council Services. It is very advisable that they wear long pants to the night services. 5. COMMANDERS – YOU MUST KNOW WHERE YOUR BOYS ARE AT ALL TIMES. Caution your boys not to cross boundary fences. Boys caught off RR areas will have points deducted. Be aware of tent stakes and ropes. We can not approve any Royal Rangers to be off of the R.R. Areas while the Pow wow is in session. “LIGHTS OUT AND QUIET” IS AT 12 MIDNIGHT. There should be no running about, loud talking, wood chopping, no running of generators or other obvious distracting noises after this time. Security will enforce this. Your outpost should function as a group at all times. The commander is in charge of his boys and will be held responsible for their actions. Remember, Commanders, you need to know where your boys are and what they are doing! 6. IF YOU INTEND TO DIG A FIRE HOLE, SAVE THE SOD so you can replace it at the end of the Pow Wow. Instruct your boys to NOT cut any green (live) trees or bushes. Firewood must be only dead wood. There will be no open fires during this camp. Tell your boys to not waste or play around the drinking water. It is okay to use propane and/or gas stoves. Be sure to have items available to put out a fire in case of an emergency. All TRASH must be placed in plastic bags and placed in the “Dumpster”. There will be a trash trailer or pickup. 7. COOKING – Commanders are responsible to feed entire outpost including any Rangers Kids, Helpers, and Visitors. No Women are allowed to help cook or serve breakfast. Women who stay in town in a hotel need to eat breakfast before coming to town. 8. VISITORS MAY VISIT during the day but must check in at the registration area and pay necessary fees. No Girls allowed to visit pow wow. VISITING HOURS: Fri – 1:00 – 10:00 pm and Sat – 9:00 am - 10:00 pm. Women are not to be in the campsite area from 6:00pm to 10:00am. All visitors must register at the registration booth and receive a wristband. Failure to wear wristband will result in a request to leave the premises. We respectfully request that all visitors depart as quickly as possible after visitation hours, and that they respect the boy’s and men’ right to privacy in their camps. 9. SHOWER HOUSE is for all Men and boys only. No rangers or men allowed in the cabin to use the restroom and/or showers. Commanders must accompany the rangers to the shower house. The commander must first check the condition of the shower house each time they arrive for cleanliness and to see if there are available showers for the boys. When boys are done, the Commander will check to confirm that the boys have not let any clothes behind or anything else!!! Men are not allowed to take a shower while the boys are taking a shower and vice versa. Please make sure your boys and commanders keep the showers clean. 10. ALL SPECIAL SALE items will be handled through the concession stand. No independent vending is to be done at the Pow Wow. There will be a concession stand, so boys and men may wish to bring extra money Extra patches (if available) will be for purchase beginning at 10:00 am on Sunday at the Registration Office. 11. THE SPEED LIMIT ON ALL ROADS ON THE CAMP IS 5 MPH. This is for the safety of your boys. Please do not exceed this speed limit on any of the roads – this takes effect as soon as you leave the highway! Do not allow your boys to ride in the back of a pick-up or on your trailer while in camp. 12. THE WATER FAUCETS are on the side of the restrooms, and other locations throughout the campsite. However, you must bring your own water containers. 13. PORTABLE TOILETS will be provided for each general camp area. If your boys cannot make it to the restrooms, encourage them to use these rather than going in the woods. 14. DRESS CODE: Morning assemblies Outpost uniform’s or Comfortable clothing Daytime games & activities — Comfortable clothing (everyone must wear a shirt) Evening Services — Comfortable clothing (everyone must wear a shirt) 15. FISHING is not permitted during this camp at any time! 16. PARKING: NO VEHICLES ALLOWED IN THE CAMPING AREAS. Each outpost will be expected to use the parking areas provided. Security will be working with campsites to ensure parking rules are followed. Failure to do so will result in deduction of overall points and continual visits from security staff and district staff as necessary. Vehicles will be allowed back in camp Sunday morning during breakfast for loading. 17. SECURITY will be on duty at all hours for your safety and convenience. Please do not hesitate to call for them in case of an emergency or other serious needs. Most security will be in golf carts. Please instruct your boys to respect the requests of the security personnel. 18. THERE WILL BE A MEDICAL TECHNICIAN (PARAMEDIC) available at all times. The First Aid Station will be located at the First Aid building. If you need medical attention and cannot get the boy, leader, or visitor to the first aid building, notify security – they will be able to contact the first aid station. Commanders: You are ultimately responsible for contacting a boy’s parents if they end up at the hospital. This is not the responsibility of the First Aid Officers! Please be sure to have the parental permission slips signed for taking any medication. Commanders are responsible for keeping the original medical release forms for their boys and make a copy for the First Aid Officer. 19. NO SMOKING will be allowed in the camp. 20. THANKS FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE IN THESE MATTERS! ONLY FOR ADVENTURE, EXPEDITION, AND LEADERS COST: $15.00* per person This includes: playing time, equipment rental (mask, paintball gun, hopper and air), and one hopper full of paint. *This cost is an addition to and is not included in the Pow Wow registration. Hosted by Tiki Paint Ball Everyone NEEDS a signed waiver. Keep checking our website for the waiver. No one will be allowed to play without one. No personal paintball equipment or paint allowed only masks! Register those who wish to play. This will help us calculate how much paint and equipment to bring. POW WOW WORKDAY There is a work day scheduled for Pow Wow this year March 28 , 2015. This is necessary due to all of the work that needs to be done and there’s never enough time in one day to do it all. We will be focus on facility clean up and new camp area clearing. There is much work to do around the pageant area, bath houses, etc. As the number of campers this year will be at an all time high, we also need to clear more camping areas. There is a lot of area to be used if we take the time to clear it out and make it ready. Workday will start at 8:00am from the lodge. When you come to the workdays, please bring rakes, shovels, weed eaters, any tool you might use to help prepare the campground for this year’s Pow Wow. You will be able to come in the night before if necessary and stay in the lodge to be ready to start Saturday morning. Group Competitions 1, 2, 3 Places trophies 1) Bible Challenge: This event (Please download from website) Discovery, Adventure, Expedition Test will be on the book of EPHESIANS 2) Over -All Outpost = Each outpost will be evaluated and scored accordingly. The criteria for evaluation will be: Spirit award, Campsite, Archway, boys that win single events will have extra points to your overall (bonus points) if outpost pre-registered, if you have an updated chartered outpost and the Senior Pastor is in attendance. 3) Campsite = see campsite score sheet, this year every outpost will receive a campsite award, your campsite will be evaluated and scored accordingly to campsite score sheet. 4) Spirit Award = Each outpost will be evaluated on your patrol standard, patrol song, patrol yell, if you have an archway, and be in all formations on time. Your outpost will be evaluated and scored accordingly to spirit award score sheet. ( THE SONGS, FLAGS AND YELLS MUST GO WITH THE POW WOW THEME MILITARY CALL OF DUTY ) 5) Archway = Entrances will be judged as follows: Pow-Wow Theme Military Call of Duty (Originality, Outpost #, Church Name, Church location, and Section. Nothing higher than 12 feet high ( No buildings that means nothing that you can stand on). Great entrances are one of the best attributes of the Pow Wow event, do your best to represent your outpost and contribute to the great event environment it provides! 6) Most attendance = Each Outpost will receive a score for the amount of paying participants at Pow Wow. Each will be scored accordingly. Speacial Events Will be announced on the district webpage www.fmdrangers.com Campsite Inspection SECTION __________ CAMPSITE IDENTIFICATION CAMPSITE CLEANLINESS OUTPOST # _____ (OUTPOST #, CHURCH, DISTRICT, SECTION) EXCEL. 5 PTS. AVG. 3 PTS. POOR 1 PT. NO 0 PTS. 5 3 1 0 5 3 1 0 LOCATION OF FIRE TO TENTS YES NO TENTS NOT IN RUTS OR DITCHES YES NO TENTS, EQUIPMENT, AND FACILITIES HAVE UNIFORM AND LOGICAL ARRANGEMENT YES NO PROPERLY PITCHED AND TAUT YES NO INTERIORS CLEAN AND NEAT YES NO UNIFORM INTERIOR ARRANGEMENTS YES NO CAMPSITE LAYOUT TENT APPEARANCE PATROL EQUIPMENT IS CLEAN AND NEAT 5 ITEMS TO MAKE CAMP MORE EFFICIENT EACH ) ( ONE POINT ITEMS TO MAKE CAMP MORE ENJOYABLE EACH ) ( ONE POINT 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 BULLETIN BOARD CAMP ROSTER … DUTY ROSTER … SCHEDULE … MENU … ETC … 1 YES ITEMS DEMONSTRATE PROPER TRAINING OF RANGERS CAMP CRAFT 3 5 3 0 NO 1 0 PROPER STORAGE OF FOOD AND SUPPLIES YES NO PROPER DISPOSAL OF DISHWATER YES NO PROPER COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF TRASH YES NO DISHWASHING FACILITIES ADEQUATE AND UTILIZED YES NO CARE AND CLEANLINESS OF COOKING EQUIPMENT 5 3 1 0 FIRE CONTROL METHODS BEING UTILIZED YES NO PROPER HANDLING AND STORAGE OF CAMP TOOLS YES NO PROVISIONS FOR PERSONAL CLEANLINESS & HYGIENE YES NO FIRST AID EQUIPMENT READILY AVAILABLE YES NO SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES FRIDAY Out Post Arrive 9:00 am 5:00 pm 8:00 pm 10:00 pm Registration Open (Pool Open) Dinner (Pool Closed) Evening Service Staff meeting, for camp staff and all Outpost Cordinators 12:00 pm Lights Out – quiet time boys need their rest SATURDAY 6:30 am Reveille 7:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Morning Assembly- Everyone must attend Outpost inspection of flags, yells, songs And Service 10:00 am Competitions and Games Begin 12:30 pm LUNCH 1:30 pm Competitions Open (Campsite and Archway Inspection Begins) 5:00 pm Competition and Games End All the Leaders Help Clean Up 6:00 pm Dinner 8:00 pm Service begins AT THE END OF SERVICE Expeditions night out 12:00pm Camp sites Lights Out SUNDAY 7:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am Reveille Devotional Awards Ceremony, Closing DIRECTIONS TO Southeastern Retreat Center in Okeechobee From Orlando: Take the Turnpike South to exit 193 (Yeehaw Junction) make a right on SR 60 West to 441 South (left) (33.1 miles) to State road70 or Park Road make a left going east go (9 miles). Look for 80th Ave. and make a left and then look for 48 Ave. make a right and go to the end of the street and make a left on to the dirt road and go until you find Southeastern Retreat Center. From Miami: Take the Turnpike North until exit Indiantown. This exit will take you to state road 710, keep on till you find state road 70 or Park Road and go east make a (right), make a (left) on 80 Ave., go to 48 Ave. and make a right, follow it to the end and make a left on the dirt road, go until you find Southeastern Retreat Center. From Tampa: Take state road 60 east until 441 go south make a (right) for (33.1 miles) to state road70 or Park road and make a left going east go (9 miles) and look for 80 Ave. and make a (left), go to 48 Ave. and make a right go till the end of the road and make a left on the dirt road, go until you find Camp Sinai. Outpost #__________ Church Name: ____________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: ___________________ State: _______ Zip: ______________ Senior Pastor: _____________________________________________ Church Phone: ___________________ Fax: ____________________ Outpost Coordinator: ______________________________________ Phone #: _________________ Email: __________________________ Registration must be postmark by March 9, 2015 Ranger Kids ___ Discovery ___ Adventure ___ Expedition ___ Total Boys _______ Leaders _______ Total Pre-registered _______ @ $30.00 = ___________ Paintball players _______@ $15.00= ___________ TOTAL ENCLOSED ____________ T-Shirt Information: How many of each size: ADULT SIZE __Small __Medium __Large __X-Large __XX-Large __XXX-Large YOUTH SIZE =__ Y-Small __Y-Medium __Y-Large Mail this form with a check. (Do Not send the individual Applications.) Please make checks Payable to: F.M.D. Royal Rangers P.O. Box 1172 DISTRICT USE Okeechobee , FL 34973-1172 Date __________ Check #________ Amount $_____________ Outpost #__________ Church Name: ____________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: ___________________ State: _______ Zip: ______________ Senior Pastor: _____________________________________________ Church Phone: ___________________ Fax: ____________________ Outpost Coordinator:_____________________________________ Phone #: _________________ Email: __________________________ GROUPS # of each Chartered Registration Balance Due $30 Non-Chartered Registration Balance Due $35 - Registration Balance Due Registration Balance Due Ranger Kids Discovery Adventure Expedition Leader Helpers Senior Pastor (Free) each Chartered Late Registratio n $70 NonChartered Late Registration $75 Total - Late Reg. $55 Late Reg. $55 - # of Sub- R.K. Saturday Only PAINTBALL $15.00 TOTAL Please make sure that you fill this form out completely and have the all the individual application form attached and SIGNED. You should have one for each boy and leader. The Adults form MUST be signed by the Senior Pastor of your Church. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Pre-Registration Date. Received__________ Received by _________________ Date Recv._______ Amount Paid in Check $ ____________ Check #________ Amt. Pd. $_________ Ck# ________ Amount Paid in Cash $ ____________ Total Paid $____________ PAGE 1 of 2 2015 POW-WOW - Registration Page 2 Section: ____ Outpost #_____ Church Name: ___________ Discovery Rangers size Adventure Rangers size Expedition Rangers size Leaders & Other size PAGE 2 of 2 Ranger Kids size FMD 2015 POW-WOW APPLICATION April 17-19, 2015 – SE Retreat Center, 6575 NE. 96th Ave., Okeechobee, FL Special Notes: • Every person attending Pow Wow must have an individual Application. • All application MUST have the appropriate Signatures. If the appropriate signature on not present they will asked to leave the camp grounds. __________________________________________________________________ Last Name Middle Initial First Name ____/_____/_____ Date of Birth __________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address (_____)_________________ Home Phone Number ___________________________ City Check if 18+ ___ ______________ State _____________ _ Zip Code __________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address (If Available) AGE GROUP Check One: Ranger Kids ___ Discovery ___ Adventure ___ Expedition ___ Leader ___ Other ____________ ________ Outpost # ______________________________________________________________________ Church Name (____) ______________ Church Phone # ______________________________________________________________________ Church Address (____)______________ Church Fax # ____________________________ City ________ State _________________ Zip Code T-Shirt Information: Check one: Adult Size ____ or Youth Size ____ ○ Small ○ Medium ○ Large ○ X-Large ○ XX-Large ○ XXX-Large Applicant: Return this form to your Outpost Commander. Outpost Coordinator: Attach this form to the Church Registration Form and turn it in at Pow-Wow. Make sure you have one for each boy, leader, and outpost helper attending this event. PAGE 1 of 2 Medical Record Insurance Information _________________________________________________ Applicant’s Full Name __________________________________________ Health Insurance Company’s Name __________________________________________ In case of emergency please notify: Policy Number __________________________________________ Certificate Number __________________________________________ Effective Date of Coverage (______)____________________ Health Insurance Company’s Phone # _________________________________________________ Last Name First Name (____)________________ Daytime Contact Phone # (____)_________________ Evening Contact Phone # GENERAL INFORMATION: Health History A complete health history must be completed by each applicant for participation at the 2015 POW-WOW. To be completed by the applicant (if over age 18) or by a parent/guardian if the applicant is a minor (under age 18). Has the applicant experienced the following? Check either “Yes” or “No”. If “Yes” explain under “Remarks and Medical facts.” Sinus condition Ear problem Lung problem Heart Problem High Blood pressure Allergy-Asthma Fainting or dizzy spells Diabetes Appendix removed □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No Shortness of breath Skin infection Hearing difficulty Bad eyesight Wear contact lenses? Any medical care □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No in the past year? Any surgery within □Yes □No past year? Exposed to infectious: Disease past 3 weeks Hepatitis past 6 months Any disorder preventing strenuous activity? Taking prescription □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No □Yes □No Medicine? Any reaction to drugs or medicine of any type? □Yes □No Food or drug allergies_________________________________________________ Give latest date of inoculation or vaccination I am currently taking the following medications______________________________ against following: Remarks and medical facts:_____________________________________________ Tetanus ___/___/___ Small Pox __/___/___ ___________________________________________________________________ Measles ___/___/___ Typhoid ___/___/___ ___________________________________________________________________ Diphtheria __/__/__ Additional remarks: Birth Date Height Weight ___/___/___ _______ ______ Polio ___/___/___ _______________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name (Please Print) ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Address _______________________________________ (_____)_________________________ City State Zip Parent/Guardian’s Phone Number Parent/Legal Guardian Consent: The signature of a parent or legal guardian is required for a minor to attend the 2015 FMD POW-WOW at Okeechobee, FL,April 7 -19 2015. The parent’s or legal guardian’s signature below indicates: Permission to administer medical attention to the minor in the event of a medical emergency. ______________________________________ Print Complete Name of Minor X____________________ ___________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date Adult(18+) Pastor’s Certification for Church Worker: I am personally acquainted with the adult applicant, and in my opinion he is a competent and qualified youth worker. I know of no facts or allegations that raise any questions concerning his suitability for working with minors in any Royal Rangers activity. The church has on file the applicant’s youth workers screening form. Adult leaders are considered 18 years of age or older. X____________________ Pastor’s Signature ___________ Date ADULT APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE: My signature acknowledges that I have truthfully abided by the requirements as stated on this Application form. My signature verifies I am 18 or older, and that I have received my pastor’s signatures as stated on this Application form. My signature also indicates my permission for emergency medical treatment should the need arise while at POW-WOW or while traveling to or from the Pow-Wow site X____________________ ___________ Applicant’s Signature Date PAGE 2 of 2
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