OUTPOST NEWS LOVING GOD · DECLARING FREEDOM The Undeniable Power of God By Brad Baar, Used by Permission My family consisted of a mom, a dad, and two sisters. My father had set his heart and focus on providing for his family. He provided everything from a nice house to food on the table to, of course, fun toys for his children! Both Dad and I were clueless about the need for emo onal connec on with each other. With Dad’s me spent traveling for work, I remember dis nctly when he’d return home. For two days, I would barely recognize him. How could I engage with him emo onally? My desire to connect with him, to be the apple of his eye, to make him proud of his li3le boy was stunted, leading to doubt and confusion. esty, not judgment. She simply said to me, “Brad, nothing that comes from God will leave you confused or unsa sfied.” I couldn’t fully grasp what she meant in that moment, nor did I care to try. With my secret out, I was excited to get started on living my life as an openly gay young man. Five years down the road, I had managed to acquire many sinful experiences, all in pursuit of happiness and love. I was ul mately looking for someone who would provide for, care for, and support me. In the end, my unhealthy rela onships just exposed my emp ness and desperate need for fulfillment. The good feelings I came across would evaporate as quickly as they first appeared. The eight years that followed had me wrestling and searching She simply said to me, “Brad, nothfor connec on with males. Only ing that comes from God will leave now can I see just how illA game of tug-of-war began in you confused or unsa sfied.” equipped I felt in rela ng to men. my heart at the age of 20. God purWhile I turned up empty-handed posely ignited a slow-burning passion in this area of my life, I had no problem connec ng with within me to have a family: a child and a beau ful wife. My women. It’s all I could do growing up in a house full of gay partner could not offer this nor argue against it—men them. are meant to create! For the next two years, confusion set in and buried me. To speak out any of my new yearnings I believe this all contributed to my later torments in would directly contradict my “iden ty.” Drugs, promiscuity school. I was an easy target for ridicule as my peers and isola on became the methods I used to interact with teased me for my girlish behaviors, feminine sounding the world. I had a3ained everything I had ever wanted, yet voice, and girly walk. At the tender age of ten, I could do here I was unsa sfied with a desperate need for more. nothing but fall for and, yes, even embrace these taun ng lies as truths of my iden ty! As I did, I arrived at a new At the point when my life was the darkest, I found the place of prescribed clarity: I must be gay! light of salva on shining very brightly! The hope of Christ, however, had me pinned; mercy had come but with it, a At the age of 14, I came out as gay to my mother. We choice. I could leave my lifestyle, move in with my parents had been si>ng together at night when I turned to her and search for the abundant life God had promised my and unleashed my secret. Her words to me that evening heart. Or, I could remain in the ruins I had created with my sowed seeds that would later lead to changing my life for- very own hands. A7er what felt like a full 24 hours of ever. Her response to my secret was one offered in honweeping, I surrendered to Jesus, and reached out to re- Outpost, Inc. was formed in 1976 to meet the needs of men and women seeking freedom from unwanted same-sex attractions. We offer teaching, encouragement and support to individuals and families impacted by homosexuality in the Twin Cities area of Minneapolis-St. Paul and address the Church in the Upper Midwest on related topics. Outpost also offers help to those dealing with sexual and relational brokenness related to the opposite sex. Partnering with God the Father, we welcome the broken-hearted and hurting. For more information visit us at www.OutpostMinistries.org or contact us: Outpost, Inc., PO Box 22429, Robbinsdale, MN 55422; Voice: (763) 592-4700; Fax: (763) 592-4701; E-mail: OutpostInfo@OutpostMinistries.org. ceive the hand of the Lord on April 20th, 2008. The door of my parents’ house greeted my weary soul with a calming hush. My family rushed in and surrounded me with the uncondi onal support of their presence. God’s peace met me and welcomed me. I would need it for strength to commit myself to the unknown journey ahead. I realized quickly that God never intended me to fight alone, so I made the heavy-handed phone call to Outpost Ministries. I spent three years as a par cipant at Outpost finding healing through: • Real people who understand this issue. I couldn’t do life without community, especially without transparency, vulnerability, and others carrying the burdens of my heart (Gala ans 6:2). • Men standing strong with me, linking arms with me through the Holy Spirit, giving me support and encouragement through the Word of God. • • Healthy masculine rela onships. We are wounded in rela onship and we are healed in rela onship! The more I communicated with men and opened up, the more I felt my own masculinity being called forth. God placed a very specific group of men around me as Chris an brothers. This was beyond powerful for me because I needed to know I was enjoyed and appreciated by other men. Outpost News is published 11 months a year by Outpost, Inc. and is sent free upon request. An annual donation of $30 is appreciated to cover printing and postage costs. PO Box 22429, Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Voice: (763) 592-4700 Fax: (763) 592-4701 www.OutpostMinistries.org OutpostInfo@OutpostMinistries.org Candace Oyloe, Editor All Scripture references from the New King James Version (NKJV) unless otherwise noted. Board of Directors: Chair: Ross Olson Vice-chair: Brita Ylitalo Secretary (ex-officio): Nate Oyloe Members-at-Large: Carol Eikum, Lisa Eisenbacher, Jason Knoll, Joy Knoll, Alex Pennell, Tom Sutton Business Hours: Mon-Thurs 8 AM to 4:30 PM, Fri by appt. Justice House of Prayer Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs 8 AM-12 PM Tues 8 AM-10 PM ©2015 Outpost, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be copied without prior permission from Outpost Ministries. Learning to rejoice in my weaknesses. “And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecu ons, with difficul es, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). places, into a heart lovesick for Him, being filled with every blessing and revela on! As I started to give God thanks through my trails, tempta ons, and afflicons, I gained the strength and power of the Lord. I have been serving on staff at Outpost for over three years now. I started Elijah Company, our support and prayer program for parents, friends and family with loved ones struggling with SSA, and I currently serve full- me as our Chief Opera ons Officer. • Listening to the voice of the Lord to obey His Word. Slowly but surely, He peeled back layers of my heart exposing pain and discomfort. My heart ached but God gave me perfect mercy and grace. God healed my heart as I heard His voice. He exposed me to my pain, allowing me to feel it. He didn’t leave me in the pain for long but used it to propel me forward with a stronger, fuller heart. It’s God’s desire to repair and restore the years the locusts have eaten. Today, seven years a7er God turned my disobedience to the wisdom of the righteous (Luke 1:17), He has blessed me with an unbelievable wife for whom I would joyfully give up my life. He has given me a double por on for taking up my cross to follow Him. • Not focusing on the healing of unwanted same-sex a3rac ons (SSA) but instead on the holiness of Jesus. The goal of healing from SSA is holiness, nothing else. If one has any other goal, it will lead to a disappoin ng and even destruc ve end. But the good news is that as we are transformed into the righteousness and holiness of Jesus (Ephesians 4:24), we are healed from SSA—over me. My friends, the transforma onal power of God is undeniable! He has transformed my broken heart, searching for love and hope in all the wrong Brad Baar, Outpost’s Chief Operations Officer, loves his new role as a husband. Praises & Prayer Praise God for a well-a3ended Pure Joy! Celebra on. The tes mony of Jesus went forth with power! Praise God for His con nued leadership of the Outpost board, leadership and staff. Praise God for the healing and restorave work He con nues to do in the lives of our par cipants. Events Financial Picture 3/23 Ariel spoke at Union Gospel Mission, Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gi%! —2 Corinthians 9:15 St. Paul, MN 3/27 Pure Joy! Celebra on, Northbrook Alliance Church 4/7 JHOP Solemn Assembly, 8 AM-10 PM, Northbrook Alliance Church, Brooklyn Center, MN At the beginning of the month, we celebrated the resurrec on of Christ, the most important event in history! Jesus, our wonderful gi7 from God, has rescued us from the dreadful penalty from our sin and released us from its awful grip. 4/11 Nate H. spoke to the Women’s Missionary Federa on, Williston, ND The grace of God in this inexpressible gi7 has overflowed and resulted in a wealth of Pray for the married men who are par c4/12 Nate H. spoke at the Associa on Free generosity from our donors. We are grateipa ng in our programming, that God will ful for each one of you and thank you again Lutheran Church in Williston, ND bring healing to their marriages and to for your partnership with this ministry. You 4/17-18 Onething Regional, Redeeming their wives. are the only reason that we are able to acLove Church, Maplewood, MN complish what God has called us to do! Pray that the married couples dealing with homosexuality in their marriage in isola on will have the courage to contact us for support. Pray for encouragement for staff as they con nue to raise support and seek financial partners in this ministry. 4/19 Dale speaks at Elmwood Evangelical Free Church, St. Anthony, MN March financial results are not available at the me of this wri ng, but halfway into 4/25 Ariel speaks at the District Blitz Youth our fiscal year, our expenses had exceeded our revenues by a li3le over Conference, Rochester, MN $6,000. Would you please prayerfully con5/1-3 Nate O. speaks at First Bap st sider a mid-year gi7 that would Church, Minot, ND bring us back to a place where we are mee ng our expenses? Pray for increased organiza on, commu- 6/29-7/4 Nate H. speaks at the Free Lunica on and unity as a ministry and as a theran Youth Conven on, Estes Park, Colstaff. orado Pray for protec on of staff, their families and the office. Thank you! Dave Osborn Chief Financial Officer www.restoredhopenetwork.org Inside . . . Brad’s Testimony: The Undeniable Power of God PO BOX 22429 · ROBBINSDALE, MN 55422-0429 Please Cut Along Dotted Line and Return With Your Donation O54 Here’s a gift of: $25 $50 $100 $500 $1000 $5,000 Other: $ This gift is to support the ministry of _____________________________ (List name of staff member) Name: Circle card type: Address: Card Number: City, State, ZIP: Name on Card: Phone: ( E-mail: ) - Signature: Expiration Date: / (MM/YY) Office Use: Outpost Ministries is exempt from federal income taxes per IRS Code 501(c)(3) which requires that Outpost, Inc. must maintain complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. Your gift designation preference will be honored up to the amount needed for that designation. Excess funds will be applied where needed most. All gifts to Outpost are tax-deductible; no goods or services are provided in connection with these gifts. Outpost is a member in good standing of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (www.ECFA.org). We’re a charity you can trust. Proc’d by_________ on__________ Credit Card Gifts: I authorize Outpost, Inc., to charge my credit card for the above amount. Should I choose to cancel this transaction, I will contact Outpost within 24 hours at 763-592-4700 or OutpostInfo@OutpostMinistries.org.
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