here - La fondation de l`Hôpital de Lachine

A last
ing legacy
Planned Giving
A generous gift from the heart
An expression of wisdom for future generations
A precious legacy for the well-being of our patients
Help secure the future of health care one donation at a time
Did you appreciate the care and dedication given to you or a loved one by staff at
the Lachine Hospital or Camille-Lefebvre Pavilion?
Are you looking for a significant way to express your gratitude?
Would you like to leave a legacy benefiting the healthcare system and your community?
You can help us by joining our Builders of the Future
Planned Giving... have you thought about it?
Planned Giving is an effective way to contribute to the modernization of the Lachine Hospital.
It is a gesture from the heart that will continue to be felt for many years, without burdening
you financially.
It allows you to make a significant donation, without straining your savings or monthly budget,
or adversely affecting the estate you leave to your loved ones.
And thanks to your generosity, the Lachine Hospital will grow, developing new programs and
services to better meet the health needs of its community, with single-patient rooms and more
ultra-specialized medical equipment for the well-being of patients for generations to come.
The only wealth you need is in your heart
Planned giving enables you to become a Builder by making a specific bequest in your will, or
by making regular donations spread over a number of years. Thus, gift by gift, you are helping
us build an ultra-modern hospital that can remain responsive to the needs of the community.
Through a well-conceived plan devised by an expert such as a notary or financial adviser,
you can express your appreciation of the excellent care given at the Lachine Hospital with
a donation that will endure for future generations.
thank you
Donating to the Lachine Hospital Foundation through Planned Giving
is an honourable thing to do. To your loved ones, it will be an affirmation of
your enduring generosity. To others, it offers the promise of better care.
Giving to your loved ones and to others is a wonderful gesture
Give without depriving those you love
When you opt for Planned Giving, you are not putting the legacy of your loved ones at
stake. There are several ways to donate to our Foundation without diminishing the family’s
The most common Planned Giving methods are:
( bequests in a will
( gifts of life insurance
( gifts of real estate, artwork or jewelry
( gifts of financial securities
( gifts of retirement plans
( charitable gift annuities
( charitable remainder trusts
It is important to first establish your reasons for giving, and then choose the donation option
that is right for you. The table on the following page offers a quick guide of the different
features and benefits. It is strongly recommended that you consult a professional such as
a notary, lawyer, legal adviser or financial planner prior to making a decision.
Planned Giving brings certain tax benefits. Depending on the type of donation chosen, you
may be eligible for a tax credit or a significant tax deduction, either for yourself or your estate.
This is a win-win formula with multiple benefits – for our patients, yourself and your loved
ones, as well as our staff and the people of Lachine, Dorval and surrounding communities.
A simple guide to Planned Giving
1 Your goal
2 Your gift
3 Consult an expert
4 Your benefits
Leave a portion of your assets to
the Lachine Hospital Foundation
Make a bequest in your will
He/she will explain how to designate the Lachine
Hospital Foundation among your legatees.
A bequest remains one of the simplest and most
accessible ways to plan a donation.
After you have ensured your family and friends are
taken care of, why not build a healthcare legacy for
others through a bequest?
Tax credit for your estate in the amount donated,
significantly reducing the tax applicable to your income.
Make a major donation, without
affecting the legacy you leave your
loved ones
Give or take out a life insurance policy
This is a good way to make a large donation without it
costing you much.
It can be done in several ways: by gifting an existing
policy; by applying for a new policy; by naming the
Lachine Hospital Foundation as a beneficiary.
Enables you to give very generously for a modest monthly
cost and over a specified period.
You will realize significant tax savings or, depending on the
the terms of your donation plan, your estate could benefit
from reduced taxes.
Make a donation in kind, for example
by bequeathing a property, such as
a house or a cottage
Gift of real estate, artwork or jewelry
Find out more about the procedure for donating
a residence while continuing to live in it.
Note: It is also possible to donate personal property,
jewelry, artwork, etc.
Tax receipt corresponding to the expected value of the
property at the time of donation could result in a significant
tax deduction
Make a major donation, without
touching your liquid assets
Gift of securities
Talk to your portfolio manager or financial planner.
Tax-wise, a gift of securities is one of the best ways to
contribute to a charitable organization.
It entitles you to a tax credit, like any gift, without reducing
your liquidity.
Reduce the tax due on withdrawals
from an RRSP or RRIF
Gift of your RRSP or RRIF
Consult an expert on how you can bequeath an RRSP
or RRIF without affecting your children’s legacy, while
receiving a significant tax credit.
The amount given as a donation will considerably reduce
the tax payable by the estate.
Reduce the tax payable on your
investment earnings while continuing
to receive some income
Give a charitable annuity
An expert will ensure that your donation complies with
federal and provincial laws governing charitable annuities.
Note: A charitable annuity is particularly advantageous for
people aged 70 and over.
Your tax credit entitlement will greatly reduce, and may
even cancel out, the tax payable on the taxable portion of
the annuity.
As someone in a strong financial position,
you wish to make a large donation while
securing income from your capital
Create a charitable trust
An expert will evaluate whether your financial situation
lends itself to this type of donation and will draft
a contract to protect you and your beneficiary.
You, or a named beneficiary, will receive the return on
capital invested for the duration of the trust.
Plus, deduct as a gift the current value of assets transferred
to the Foundation.
Note: It is much more advantageous to make a gift of
securities (shares, bonds, mutual funds) directly to the
Foundation, rather than donate the proceeds of the
sale of securities.
Source: Leave a LegacyTM Québec – A program supported by the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP);
Established in 1913, the Lachine Hospital has a rich history in the communities it serves.
While its name has changed over time – from Saint Joseph’s Hospital to Lachine Hospital
Centre to Lachine Hospital – excellent care has always been the name of the game for this
institution that is now an integral part of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC).
Building for future generations
Privileges and recognition for you
When you subscribe to our Planned Giving program, you automatically become a member of
our Builders of the Future and join others helping to secure the future of the Lachine Hospital
and better health care.
Membership of Builders of the Future is just one form of recognition associated with
our Planned Giving program. Others include:
mention of your name in the Lachine Hospital Foundation annual report
( certificate of recognition
( invitation to a reception held each year for honorary members of the Foundation and
Builders of the Future
( inclusion of your name on the Planned Giving honour roll
( if the amount of your gift permits, the naming of a wing, a room or a laboratory after you
or a person who is dear to you
In addition to these gestures of profound appreciation, you have the assurance that your
gift is being strictly managed by a committee of professionals who will invest it wisely, in
accordance with your wishes.
Help us to continue 100 years of excellent service to the community
The Lachine Hospital
At the centre of the community At the heart of quality care
In addition, the Camille-Lefebvre Pavilion provides quality services that have contributed
to the hospital’s strong reputation for long-term care. Residents enjoy not only the physical
comforts of the Pavilion, but personal support as well: attentiveness and respectful listening
from the staff create a pleasant and stimulating environment for these seniors.
Now associated with the Glen and the Montreal General Hospital, the Lachine Hospital
forms part of one of the most advanced healthcare networks in Canada, dedicated to
excellent care and teaching as well as innovative medical research.
This integration into the MUHC is enabling the Lachine Hospital to be reborn and play
an even larger role in health care in the province. The expansion and modernization
underway will further enhance the quality and know-how of the staff in this near-centuryold institution.
With the emergency room workspace tripling in size, the more than 25,000 patients
seen there each year will find a calmer environment and receive even higher quality care.
Now fully operational, the unit is equipped with an ultrasound machine that allows the
emergency team to make faster diagnoses and administer appropriate treatments more
rapidly than before.
With the provincial government’s $54.8-million funding commitment and the generous
contributions of donors like you, the Lachine Hospital will be able to attain its goal of
providing the best care for life in an ultra-modern facility.
Overview of the Lachine Hospital of tomorrow
79 rooms, 1 patient per room
( Nearly twice the number of active beds
( 3 times more emergency room workspace
( New magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) equipment
( 30% more space overall
( And a triple centre of excellence
In Geriatrics
More than a decade ago, the Lachine Hospital Centre was known as a front-line
centre responding to the needs of people 65 and over. Today, the Lachine Hospital
will once again take up this torch, reserving 20 beds for geriatrics and offering this
growing segment of the population the multidisciplinary services it requires.
In Ophthalmology
The aging of Quebec’s population is leading inexorably to an increased need for
the treatment of cataracts. The Lachine Hospital, already a designated regional
centre for ophthalmology, will be able to treat more than 5,000 cases a year after
the department has been enlarged and modernized. This will enable the MUHC
to truly become a centre of excellence in ophthalmology. Wait-times between
diagnosis and intervention will be significantly reduced, allowing patients to enjoy
better vision, sooner.
The Hospital’s excellence in this specialized field will be evident in a number of
ways: along with additional ophthalmologists and support teams dedicated to
cataract surgery, other specialists will be hired to treat glaucoma and diabetic
retinopathy; and additional outpatient clinics will be incorporated into the
In Bariatric Surgery
Despite public perception, morbid obesity is not merely the result of an unhealthy
lifestyle; it is a complex chronic condition that affects nearly one in five people –
and from which approximately 300,000 Quebecers suffer. In some cases, bariatric
surgery is the only way to save a patient’s life. Nevertheless, the waiting list is long:
up to seven years in Quebec.
Officially designated as one of only two centres of excellence in bariatric surgery
in Quebec, the Lachine Hospital will reserve four specially equipped rooms for
people suffering from either morbid or non-morbid obesity. Specific areas will be
set aside and modified to permit the movement of larger beds.
The program will be directed by a group of surgeons specializing in
micromanipulation surgery, supported by a full interdisciplinary team. Pre- and
post-operative ambulatory visits to the hospital will ensure that the 400 or so
patients treated each year will be followed with great care. The number of
treatments is expected to triple, promising a brighter future for these patients.
A tradition of generosity
with the future in mind
The mission of the Lachine Hospital Foundation is to support the various
activities of the Lachine Hospital as it constantly improves the quality of
health care provided to a wide clientele, including residents of Lachine,
Dorval and Montreal’s west end.
When government funding is not enough to fulfill the needs of hospitals,
the public’s generosity is called upon to acquire and update specialized
equipment. The Lachine Hospital Foundation was created in 1976 to
support this effort and will continue to do so as a significant partner of
the McGill University Health Centre.
“The members of the Planned Giving Committee have recently presented to me their new
program enabling donors to plan a gift in their lifetime or consider a bequest in their will.
I am delighted to accept the role of Ambassador to the community for this new program.
I have been able to assist the Foundation frequently over the years, but this program allows
me to realize my goal of ensuring the development of our hospital and further improving the
quality of care being provided.
With the hospital’s recent integration into the McGill University Health Centre, it is destined
to become an even more important centre of excellence in health care for our communities.
I therefore invite all those who wish to contribute to the Foundation to join the ranks of our
many donors, and ensure that the hospital can continue its vital work.”
—Robert Desforges, CA (at left in photo)
Desforges, Germain, Gendron, S.E.N.C., Chartered Accountants
Our Ambassadors
“I am pleased and excited to accept the invitation of the Lachine Hospital Foundation to
become an Ambassador for its new Planned Giving program.
Having benefited from the services of this nearly century-old hospital over the past years,
I have seen for myself the overall standard of healthcare services provided, the personalized
nature of the treatment approaches, and the excellent work done by the highly qualified and
dedicated staff.
I therefore urge everyone living in Lachine, Dorval and the West Island who feels strongly
about the future of our hospital to learn about the different ways of offering financial support
to the Foundation, so that its vital work can continue for many years to come.”
—Jean-Guy Aubry (at right in photo)
Bijouterie Jean-Guy Aubry
Objective 3 million dollars
The Lachine Hospital Foundation is undertaking the largest fundraising campaign of its
history, with an objective of $3 million. As a donor, you will help ensure that the Lachine
Hospital can continue to hire qualified staff and acquire the specialized equipment
needed to fulfill its role as a triple centre of excellence.
With these assets assured, the Lachine Hospital will become a key health institution in
Quebec, able to attract a large concentration of clinical researchers, physicians, nurses and
other health professionals.
“Our hospital will play a key role in the redevelopment of the McGill University
Health Centre even as it continues to serve our community. As a designated
triple centre of excellence, our citizens will benefit from expanded healthcare
services in their neighbourhood. That being said, we’ll need everyone’s help
and support to see these projects through. Your contribution will make a real
— Claude Dauphin, Honourary President of Lachine division
of The Best Care for Life Campaign
Please give generously
514 637-2351, 77333 514 934-1934, 77333
Suite 2D5 - 650, 16th Avenue, Lachine QC H8S 3N5
Reg. no: 11900 1477 RR 0001
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