The excitement is building for FoodProWest 2015 “The Taste of Success” BCFPA BUYER’S DAY EVENT What is FoodProWest? An annual two day event occurring every June. The event includes a Buyer’s Day, Conference and an Awards Gala for BC Food Processors and affiliated organizations. Brought to you by Don’t miss the opportunity to exhibit your products and services to retail and foodservice buyers from Canada, United States, and around the world at our 2nd annual Buyer’s Day • FoodProWest is the key conference and networking event for all BC food, beverage and natural health products processors. • Exhibiting at FoodProWest’s Buyer’s Day provides a unique opportunity to access hundreds of customers • This Year, we’re excited to announce the addition of key US retailers such as Trader Joe’s, Fred Meyer, and to our growing list of buyers who will be attending • Last year we had a record number of over 500 people in attendance where this year there will be more opportunities to network with potential customers through our expanded Buyer’s Day. Exhibiting at FoodProWest will provide you an unparalleled opportunity to highlight your products and services at the only event that brings all the key players in your target markets together at the same place and time. • We are promoting FPW through a social media campaign which will provide more exposure for our exhibitors while increasing awareness of the event. • Increased exposure through the BC Food Processors Association membership, which continues to grow and currently consists of 280 organizations Exhibitor Information Buyer’s Day June 17, 2015 - 8:00am to 4:30pm The BCFPA has teamed up with the Ministry of International Trade to line up industry buyers to attend our Buyer’s Day; we have a wide selection of buyers coming from all over the world. Processor exhibitors will be able to hand out samples and set up a one-on-one meetings with buyers of their choice. You will learn about international trade and how your company can increase business. Information on who will be attending/participating will be provided to both Buyers and Exhibitors in advance of Buyer’s Day, which will make planning easier for everyone attending. It is the perfect way to be introduced to worldwide industry leaders. Contact us today for more information! James Donaldson ; (604) 371-4245 Conference & Gala Awards Dinner June 18, 2015: Conference: 8:00am to 4:30pm; Gala & Dinner: 6:00pm to 10:00pm The conference will feature workshops, presentations, expert panels and Our Vision: For the BCFPA to be the leader and the designated networking breaks. The Gala Awards dinner celebrates companies, products, and leaders that have truly made an impact over the last year in terms of innovation, sustainability, and much more. voice of a thriving BC food processing industry Our Mission: We strengthen BC food processors by creating the environment to position the industry to compete and grow locally and globally; and to serve as the industry’s advocate. Our Purpose: To achieve economic prosperity and sustainable safe production in a balanced BC food and natural health product industry. For our members, we provide support, training, fellowship and a strong voice. For the public, we provide good food, innovative nutrition solutions, public policy advice, sustainable economic benefits for communities, and public education. Why should I exhibit at FoodProWest’s Buyer’s Day? • Meet and set up a one-on-one meeting with industry buyers • Increase your brand recognition amongst key decision makers in the global domestic, distribution and retail industry • Gain exposure to the BCFPA which represents 280 organizations • Listen to keynote speakers and experts discuss relevant industry issues • Network and share your product and services with leaders in the industry Who will be attending the conference? • • • • • • • Industry buyers Business owners C-level executives Plant/Operations managers and supervisors Occupational Health and Safety professionals Food Safety and Quality Control professionals Consultants and suppliers to the food, beverage and natural health industry Contact us today for more information! James Donaldson ; (604) 371-4245 Payment Options Your application for exhibiting at FoodProWest will be processed when your payment is received in full. Email/mail this completed application along with a cheque or credit card number. We will assign you the appropriate booth once the payment has cleared. Customer Information Pricing Company Name: __________________________________ Processors* BCFPA Members Early Bird: $795 + GST = $834.75 Regular: $950 + GST = $997.50 Non-Members Early Bird: $1400 + GST = $1470 Regular: $1600 + GST = $1680 Contact Name: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________ * Processors will exhibit on June 17, 2015. The prices listed above will include: a booth, two tickets to the conference and two tickets to the Gala Awards Dinner. ** Associates/Suppliers will exhibit on June 17 and 18, 2015. Booths will be located in the main hallway. The prices listed above will include: a booth, six tickets to Buyer’s Day and six tickets to the Gala Awards Dinner. *** Early bird registration ends on May 1, 2015 Choose the TWO options that apply to you [ ] Processor [ ] Associate/Supplier [ ] BCFPA Member [ ] Non-Member Payment Total enclosed: $_______________ (5% GST included) Payment Method: select the one that applies [ ] Cheque [ ] VISA [ ] Master Card [ ] American Express _____________________________________________ _______________________ Credit Card Number Expiry Date: (Month/Year) ____________________________________________________________________ Name of Cardholder (please print) Signature of Cardholder Mail-In: Email: BC Food Processors Association 202B 8047 199th Street Langley BC, V2Y 0E2 Contact us today for more information! James Donaldson ; (604) 371-4245
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