1 FOREST PINES DRIVE ELEMENTARY Standing tall for tomorrow’s future! 11455 Forest Pines Drive, Raleigh, NC 27614 Office: 919-562-6262 Fax: 919-562-6260 Website: http://forestpineses.wcpss.net Follow us on Twitter: @FPDES Principal: Dr. Patrick Grant Assistant Principal: Mrs. Katherine Williams PTA President: Mrs. Lauri Moore CALENDAR OF EVENTS – May 2015 5/4 – 5/8: 5/4: 5/5: 5/7: 5/7: 5/8: 5/9: 5/18: 5/19: 5/20: 5/21: 5/22: 5/25: 5/26 – 5/29: 5/28: 5/28: 5/28: 5/28: Teacher Appreciation Week Field Day FPDE–PTA Board Meeting at 6:30 PM Case Assessment: Science (5th) FPDE Art Show: 3 – 5 from 5:30 – 7:00 Quarter 4 Interims FPDE-PTA: Spring Carnival EOG: Science (5th) EOG: ELA (3rd) EOG: Math (3rd) EOG: ELA (4th & 5th) EOG: Math (4th & 5th) WCPSS School Holiday – Memorial Day! EOG Make-Ups: Select Students Kindergarten Program: Hoedown at 2:45 Kindergarten & New to FPDE Orientation From 5:30 – 6:15 PM FPDE-PTA: General Assembly Meeting at 6:15 PM 4th Grade: Chorus Concert at 6:30 PM Curriculum Corner – Ms. Giandenoto What is Social Studies at the Elementary Level? We have heard so much about the new Common Core for math and English/language arts, but do you know Social Studies standards have also been updated and written as new Essential standards? When you think about Social Studies, history is usually what first pops into your mind. But, Social Studies actually include five different strands. History- but not the memorization of facts and dates. Higher order thinking, such as: recognizing patterns and making connections in their learning of historical events that may transfer to other topics, events, or disciplines. Civic and Government- preparing young people who are knowledgeable, critical, and capable or making informed decisions about the world and their place in it. Geography- this starts as early as kindergarten thinking about maps. Economics and Financial literacy- we are laying the foundation for basic economics as well as thinking about needs and wants, taxes, and what this means to be financially responsible. Also how resources affect the economy of this or any other region. Culture- helping to create a cultural awareness in an increasingly interdependent world. Social studies is increasingly rigorous, requiring students to think critically. As you plan your summer events, think about all the free museums and other interesting historical opportunities that may arise during your summer travels. It’s a great big world out there! Sly Newsletter monthly Monthly Newsletter – May 2015 So Many Activities, So Little Time Students who are involved in extracurricular activities—from chess club to cheerleading to chorus—tend to have higher selfesteem and stronger connections to school. But an overloaded schedule with too many activities can have the opposite effect, leaving your child—and you!—stressed. Keep these tips in mind for managing your child’s activity load. See: http://www.naesp.org/sites/default/files/RtP_Activities_0.pdf End of Year Parent Survey 2014-15 Please complete the end of year parent survey for 2014-15 by going to the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GLCNWZ7 EOG Testing Schedule: 5/18 - Science (5th); 5/19 - ELA(3rd); 5/20 - Math(3rd); 5/21- ELA(4th & 5th); 5/22 - Math (4th & 5th); 6/1 - Read to Achieve Test (3rd: Non-Exempt Students) 2015-16 Letter Placement Request Parents may write a letter to administration regarding their child’s classroom assignment for the 2015-16 school year describing their student’s needs, strengths, and characteristics. We ask that you not mention a particular teacher’s name, since we will not be able to honor individual teacher requests. All letters should be mailed, delivered to the school, or emailed as an attachment to Dr. Grant (cgrant@wcpss.net) or Mrs. Williams (kwilliams3@wcpss.net) by June 5, 2015. Counselor Corner – Ms. Privette The character trait for the month of May is Kindness. Kindness is being considerate, courteous, helpful, and understanding of others. Being kind means showing care, compassion, friendship, and generosity, as well as, treating others the way you want to be treated. “A kind and compassionate act is often its own reward.” –William Bennett “No act of kindness, no matter how small, goes unnoticed.” –Aesop “The best portion of a good person’s life are the little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.” - Anonymous May is also the time for end of year assessments and testing. This testing may include benchmark assessments, classroom assessments, CASE for grade 2, CASE Science for grade 5 or End of Grade Testing for grades 3, 4, and 5. Here are a few helpful hints for children to use before and during tests. Preparing for the test: Get plenty of rest prior to the test (not just the night before) Eat a healthy breakfast Arrive early to school so you are not rushing around the morning of a test Parents: provide time for your child to relax and unwind the night before a test Wear comfortable clothes Study or review notes and strategies During the test: Think positive thoughts Read and/or listen to the directions Check over your answers Take deep breaths
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