Dear Families of 5th Grade Students, I’m excited to announce that our 5th Grade Concert this year will be, Pirates! The Musical. This will take place on Thursday, April 23 at 7:00 pm in the Autumn Creek Gymnasium. This week in music class, we have been discussing the audition process, as well as good audition techniques. Students interested in auditioning will be bringing home excerpts from the script to work on in order to prepare for our audition. Auditions will take place on Monday, March 17Friday, March 20 during their General Music class time. There are thirteen speaking roles. In addition, we will be turning our 5th Grade General Music classes into a Choir for the next couple of months. We will be preparing the songs for our Musical that all of 5th Grade will be participating in. If you have further questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. For more information, along with song lyrics for student practice, visit the ACES Music website ( These are a few more little things for you to know before we get this process rolling. The rehearsal schedule for speakers and soloists will be sent home after parts are assigned. Many rehearsals for these parts will be during the 5th Grade recess. There are a lot of students auditioning for thirteen roles. Please make sure to reiterate with your student that if they are not cast as a speaking role, there are still a lot of ways to participate. We will need stage crew, dancers, and lots of other talent. Every 5th Grader will be participating in the songs that they will be learning in music class over the few weeks. Every student will have something to do! I am going to need some help finding costumes, props, set pieces, and the list goes on. If you are interested in helping put our production together, please fill out the attached form and return it to me. Thank you so much for your support in your child’s music education! I know the 5 th Graders are excited about this and so am I! Mrs. Vicich (Perez) ACES Music and Choir Director Follow @ACESMusicMakers on Twitter for updates about the concert and other music happenings! 5th Grade Musical Volunteer Please check any areas where you can help and return to Mrs. Vicich (Perez). _____ I can help create props or set decorations _____ I can help make or find costumes _____ I can take pictures during the concert that I will share with Mrs. Vicich. _____ I can take video during the concert that I will share with Mrs. Vicich. _____ I can help set-up before the concert on April 23 _____ I can help clean up after the concert (take down decorations/set) on April 23 _____ I can help in another way:_____________________________________ Student Name:__________________________________________________ Parent Name:___________________________________________________ Parent Contact (e-mail):____________________________________________ Rehearsal CD Order Form In preparation for the show, I am making a practice CD available for a suggested donation of $1.00. This is a recording of the songs for the show that your student will be able to practice with at home. Practicing at home ensures student success the night of our show. If you would like to order a CD, please fill out the bottom portion of this notice and return it to school as soon as possible. Students may bring in their own blank CD from home, if they choose. If you choose to send your student with a CD, please make sure it is a CD-R or it will not work. 5th grade students will receive a packet of words to the songs so they can practice at home. The words are also available on the ACES music website ( Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you! ___________________________________________________________________ Please complete and return to Mrs. Vicich with your payment. I would like to take advantage of the opportunity to have the practice CD at home for my student. Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Teacher Name: _____________________________________________________ Number of CDs: ________ Amount Enclosed: __________ (cash only, please) **CD is to use at home to practice, this is not a CD of the actual performance.**
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