working copy December - Cougar Valley Elementary School

December 2014 News
13200 Olympic View Road, Silverdale, Washington 98383 ~ Phone: 360-662-8400
Chris Visserman, Principal
District Website: School Website:
Winter Break
No School
Monday, December 22, 2014
Friday, January 2, 2015
(back to school on January 5th)
Upcoming Events
Happy Holidays
From the Cougar Valley Staff
Report Cards
Report Cards will be sent home in December before Winter Break. If
you have any questions regarding your student’s report card please
contact your child’s teacher with any questions.
3rd— PTA Board Meeting 9:30 am
4th — Early Release 1:55 pm
11th— Early Release 1:55 pm
16th—3rd grade Winter Concert 6:00 pm
16th —Chorus Concert 7:00 pm
17th — PTA Invest Family Night 7 pm –8:30pm
18th— Early Release 1:55 pm
19th—Report Cards go home with students
December 22 -- January 2 Winter Break
(Back to School January 5th)
Lost And Found
Remember to check the lost and found BEFORE Winter Break!
Any clothes or items that are left in the lost and found after
Friday, December 19th will be donated to charity. Please look to
make sure that none of your students misplaced items are in the
bin. The bin is located outside the music room.
5th—Return to school after break
7th—PTA Board Meeting 9:30 am
8th—Early Release 1:55 pm
15th—Early Release 1:55 pm
19th—Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (No School)
22nd — Reading with Guests 2:45 pm
22nd—Early Release 1:55 pm
26th—Non-Student Day (No School — possible makeup day
due to snow/emergency school closures
29th—Early Release 1:55 pm
Reminder to Dress Warm
With wintery weather upon us, please remember to send
your children to school with warm clothing: coats, hats,
mi ens, and scarves are always helpful when they have
an opportunity to play outside!
Are you planning an extended family vaca*on
over the holidays? Winter break begins
December 22 and ends January 2. Remember
to contact the school office for pre-approval by
the principal and to get homework, if your
plans will begin early or end a0er these dates.
An extended vaca*on form will need to be
filled out if your child will miss more than 3
school days. The forms can be picked up in the
office or sent home with your
child if you call the office at
You Must Contact the Office
to Excuse Absences
Please be sure to call the school office by 9:30am if your student is going to either be late or absent. It is
important that we verify each child’s absence or tardy. Please let us know if your child will need a hot lunch
upon arriving at school and we will order one for them. Any absences not reported to us by 9:45am will be
sent to our automated calling system and you will receive a call reminding you to call us to excuse the absence.
Failure to respond within two school days will result in the student receiving an unexcused absence for
that day.
Call to Excuse an Absence
(360) 662-8400
Coughs and Colds and Comfort
Just a li le reminder: students are not allowed to have cough drops at
school. These are considered a medica*on. Parents can send in hard candy,
which works well to help soothe a cough or sore throat.
Please do not send any medica*on to school in your student’s backpack.
Take a peek at the next ar*cle for informa*on
on when to keep your child home from school
due to illness.
Health Services
P.O. Box 8
Silverdale, WA 98383
(360) 662-1070
FAX: (360) 662-1041
Fever consideredastemperatureof100°orgreater :Studentmuststayhomeuntilfeverfreefor24hourswithouttheuseoffeverreducingmedication.
Diarrhea consideredasmorethantwiceina24hourperiod :Studentmuststayhome
In+luenza consideredfeverwithoneormoreofthefollowing:bodyaches,chills,sore
throat,orcough :Studentmuststayhomeuntilsymptomfreefor24hours
Cougar Valley
Food Drive
A “Great Success”
Many of our families were provided with
a great Thanksgiving meal due to your generosity.
Thank you for your help!!!
Music News
All Grade Levels are constantly working on one or more of our 3 musical areas:
Tuneful-singing in tune with a pleasant tone of voice.
Beat-ful-keeping a steady beat with the music at various tempos (speeds).
Artful-creating a connection to the words or music by choosing appropriate accents, tempos, instrumentation or vocal inflections.
3rd grade Concert
December the 16th at 6:00pm in the CV gym is about celebrations from around
the world. The students are welcome to wear clothing or hats that represent different cultures or countries. I have
a few costumes the students will be using during the performance. For some of the special parts I have 3 St. Lucia
dresses and crowns with candles and some king crowns for the 3 Kings as well as kimonos, kilts, various hats and
fabric representing different countries. Please have the students arrive by 5:45 to get in costume and warm up
their voices.
4th grade students
The performance at the beginning of November was amazing. CV was the
first elementary school to have students perform at the Native American Celebration. Thank you to everyone who
took the time out of their busy schedules to perform. We’ve received many emails about what a terrific job the 4th
graders did.
The 4th grade students will began using recorders in January. There will be plenty of recorders for the students to
use here at school, thanks to Ted Brown Music for supplying the soprano recorders. Each child will have a recorder assigned to them but if you would like to have your child bring one of their own. Please be sure to mark it with
their name in case it is left behind. I’d like to ask you not purchase one from the Dollar Store, the plastic is very
fragile and they are often out of tune with the others. Ted Brown Music often gives a discount on soprano recorders if you show them this note.
5th grade students — What a fantastic job the students did in the performance of the Veteran’s Day
Concert. Thank you to all who participated and attended.
Chorus News
What a great sound our Chorus has this year. Our caroling at CKH was fun. We had such a great turn out for a
Saturday. The winter concert on December 16th begins at 7 pm in the CV gym.
• Chorus meets every Tuesday: morning Chorus 8:30-9:00 a.m., and afternoon Chorus 3:25-4:00
p.m. Chorus is open for new people to join us in January. We will be learning all new music at that
Thank you for being so prompt in arriving and picking up your child.
• Please add the following dates Chorus concert dates to your calendar:
• • December 16th 7:00pm at CV—Winter Concert
February 23rd we may participate in the Black History Celebration at Olympic High…time
• • April 24th 6:30 at CV—Spring Concert
Honor Choir students will be chosen from the 6th graders in chorus. Soon I will be sending
home invitations to those chosen. I am only allowed to choose 10 students unless other schools have opened more
spaces, and if so, I may be able to choose students by their respectful, responsible behavior and singing ability to
fill those spots.
• •Honor Choir concert is scheduled for February 5th 6:30pm at Ridgetop Jr. High.
If you have any questions feel free to call me at 662-8416 or email:
November 7
November 14
November 21
Jason Fisher
William Berg
Roderick Schenk
Jakob Scheese
Xaivier Wooden
Isabelle Roger
Jessica Hedahl
Franklin Morgan
Lauren Heidt
Phoenix Howell
Lillian Emel
Kaleb French
Kaytlin Kolbas
Alonzo Wilson
Annika Freund
Angelina Diaz
Seth Tu le
Evelyn Ross
Hikari Kondo
DeShawn Ralston
Alexander Lara
Dorian Laws
Jackson Hoffert
Samuel Miller
Natalia Burke
Zoey Whitchurch
Jalen Harte
Collin Kaye
Donovan Evans
Abby Huffman
Shelby Romine
Jerimyah Beam
Brooke Howard
Ara Boghokian
Ka*e Hooper
Amanda Ashmore
Hailey Hall
Josiah Vernon
Tyler Cook
Gabby Polonsky
Anton Berg
Katrina Wiedemann
Faith Chi um
Ellie Tedford
Samuel Lara
Courtney Hedahl
Mason Raty
Owen Wood
Aubrey Harris
Angelena Bendixon
Jaden Muchison
Roslyn Johnson
Rachael Cole
Angelina Lim
Wya McNeal
Lyla Carpenter
Aiden McGrady
Autumn Estes
Juaren Salas
McKenzi Lenz
Sophia Taylor
Joshua Wood
Ava Nordberg
Chloe Kanski