Broken Ground School Newsletter May 4, 2015 Dear Broken Ground School Families, Congratulations to the entire Broken Ground School community, students and staff for completing the first year of the Smarter Balanced Assessments March - April. May is a very busy month for our school. Students in grade 4 will be taking the NECAP science tests on May 11, 12 and 13 from 9:45- 11:45. If your child will be absent from school that week, please contact me at your earliest convenience to schedule a make-up session. In addition, all students will complete reading and math assessments before the end of the year. Students have already taken the spring writing performance tasks in all classes and teachers will be scoring these samples through May 15th. The fourth grade concert is scheduled for Monday, May 11th in the Mill Brook multi-purpose room and the fifth graders will present their chorus, band and string concert the following week, Mon. May 18th in the BGS gym. The concerts will be held at 1:15 and 6:30. Our fifth grade students will visit RMS for move-up day on Friday, May 22nd and fifth grade parents are invited to RMS on Tuesday May 26th at 6:00 pm. Krypto is in full swing with in-school tournaments. All in all it can be a hectic time of year for families to juggle all the school events plus sports and music/dance recitals. Please try to help your child by planning ahead and building in some time for homework, relaxation, sleep and fun! We will begin the formal placement process the week of May 19th; all family input should be sent to me by May 5th. There will be six sections of grades 3 and grade 4 and five sections of grade 5 for the 2015-16 year. Students and their families will find our about their fall placement on move-up day June 15th. Our last day for students is scheduled for June 18th. It is that time of year when we ask you to help out with the PTA. You can volunteer to coordinate one or more specific events like the ice cream social, Walk –a -thon or the fall fundraiser. We also are looking for parents to join the PTA board. In fact, we desperately need someone willing to assume the role of President. That might seem daunting but there are so many parents and teachers who pitch in throughout the year. Please consider how you might lend your talents to our school. Happy Spring to all!! Susan Lauze, Principal UPCOMING EVENTS May 5 Parent input letters for placement are due to Mrs. Lauze May 11 May 11, 12, 13 May 18 May 19 May 22 PTA, 7:00 pm Grade 4 Concert 1:15 pm and 6:30 pm @ Mill Brook School Grade 4 Science NECAP testing 9:45 – 11:45 am Grade 5 Concert, Chorus, Band & Strings & BGS Gym 1:15 pm and 6:30 pm Grade 2 Parent Night, 6:30 pm; Building Tour 6:10 – 6:30 pm All School Meeting Hosted by Grade 4, Gym 8:00 am May 25 May 26 June 2 Grade 5 visits Rundlett Middle School, 11:30 am – 2:15 pm Memorial Day, No School Grade 5 Parent Night at Rundlett Middle School – 6:00 pm PTA, 7:00 pm June 3 June 5 Title 1 Literacy Café, 5:30 – 6:30 pm Grade 3 – Tour of Concord Field Trip June 10 Sue Ann Martin Walk-a-thon June 12 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 ELL Family Night, 5:30 – 7:00 pm Suziki violin concert, 1:15 pm Move Up Day, 9:15 – 10:00 am All School Meeting Hosted by Grade 5, Gym 8:00 am Grade 5 Field Trip to Elm Brook Super Kids Day Activities, school-wide Warm Weather Thoughts: With the warm weather on the way, students may have questions about appropriate clothing for school. Dress and grooming should be clean, in keeping with good health practices and appropriate for the learning environment. (Parent/Student Handbook page 11). That means that shorts should be at least as long as the finger tips stretch when hands are resting at the child’s sides and undergarments or midriffs should not be showing. Bathing/showering needs to be more frequent also. Thanks for your cooperation in helping students develop good habits!
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