FairviewFalconFlyerMay2015 - Fairview Elementary School

Fairview PTA Newsletter
Falcon Flyer
May 7, 2015
Letter from PTA Co-Presidents………2
Letter from the School’s Principal...............3
Calendar ……4
Virtual Backpack Information….5
Box Tops Education Information….5
Reflections Update ………6
Reading Recognition Information………6
Breakfast with Dad – Thank you………6
Chorus Announcement………7
PTA HELP Wanted………8
Book Fair Information………8
Field Day Information………9
PBIS Newsletter………10
Schaumburg Boomers Flyer ……… .pdf attachment
Fairview Elementary School
375 E. Arizona Blvd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Phone: (847)357-5700
Absentee Line: (847)357-5702
Judy Gurga
Asst. Principal:
Christina Sosin
PTA Co-Presidents:
Patty Perry and
Jennifer Ratkovich
Marzena Pallotto
Copy Editor:
Suzanne Bekielewski/
Kathy King
Next Deadline:
Have a Great Summer!
Volume 58, Issue 9
Here we are with just a little over a month of school left, time flies when you’re having fun, and
we sure have a lot of fun left until the end of the school year. We’re at the tail end of showing
our teachers how much they are appreciated. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
We were able to see our future scientists and writers at the recent Science Fair and Writers
Showcase. There were some amazing science fair projects submitted and we’re sure some of
our future writers will be coming from our very own Fairview School!
We’re sure the students are looking forward to the BMX Assembly that will be held on May 13
and please don’t forget about our next Book Fair to be held on May 14th and 15th. Please
remember that the PTA will be buying a book for every student this year and since it’s a BOGO
sale every child will go home with two books. No fear if your child is absent, books will be set
aside for them to come pick from. This book fair is buy one get one free so please remember
to come out and pick up some great bargains. This book fair will only be open during the day
but we will be open until 4 on the 15th if you would like to come in and check it out after school.
Our final PTA meeting of the year will be held later than usual this month due to previously
scheduled activities. Come out and support your 2014 – 2015 PTA one final time and welcome
your newly elected 2015 – 2016 PTA Board. Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 20th at
7:00 in the library.
We end the month with a day off of school on Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day,
which is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of
See, we told you there was still a lot of fun left in the final weeks of school. We would also like
to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our families for helping us serve Fairview this year.
For those of you who helped out with any task, big or small, your help contributed greatly to our
Fairview Community and please know, your help was GREATLY appreciated.
One last request, for those of you who have not turned in your committee’s year-end report or
plan of work, please submit your reports to John Paul Pizzica at jppizzica@gmail.com.
Until next year……..
Jennifer Ratkovich and Patty Perry
Your Fairview PTA Co-Presidents.
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Volume 58, Issue 9
From the desk of the Principal…
We’re in the home stretch with the end of the school year fast approaching! I’m thrilled to
see trees budding and flowers peeking through the soil! We still have five weeks of
learning left, so please encourage your children to continue to put their best foot forward.
As summer approaches, families are looking for ways to engage their children
academically during the summer months. Maintaining a reading schedule over the
summer can be challenging, but making reading a family event will be fun for all! You will
soon receive information from the Fairview PTA as they will continue the Reading
Recognition program, which culminates in a pizza lunch in September. Here are some
ways to rack up those minutes and engage in authentic literacy activities.
 Your children are never too old for a read aloud! Depending on your child’s age, you may
do all the reading out loud, your child may read, or you can switch off.
 After reading a book together, create a scrapbook, including written or drawn responses
from different family members.
 Write or discuss a possible sequel (or prequel) to a favorite book.
 Read nursery rhymes! Young children used to learn to read, the days of the week, and
other important information through nursery rhymes. Read them and have fun
researching their origin.
 Engage in drama! Your children and their friends can take a simple story or fairy tale and
put on a show. It may be a simple afternoon of fun or they can take a week or two to
direct, practice lines, create costumes, and film their show!
A few other resources in the immediate area with activities for children include the
Schaumburg Township District Library, both Schaumburg and Hoffman Estates Park
Districts, and Spring Valley Nature Center, which also houses the Heritage Farm. They
all have program guides, which may be accessed online or if you visit their facility.
Since is the last Falcon Flyer of the year, I want to wish you all a summer of creating
shared memories with your children. Don’t pass up the opportunity to relax and simply
enjoy each other’s company.
Mrs. Judy Gurga
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Volume 58, Issue 9
~ May 2015 ~
◄ Apr 2015
Jun 2015 ►
Spirit Day – Blue & Gold
Pizza Friday
Staff Appreciation Week
1/2 Day – Inservice –
No School PM
National Teacher Day
Career Fair - All Morning
Chorus Rehearsal @ 3:004:00/Rm. 125
Musical Dress Rehearsal
@ 3:00-5:00pm/gym
D54 School Bd. Mtg.
Science Fair Awards:
PTA Gen. Mtg. @ 6:30pm – Gym,
Viewing @ 6:30pm,
Open House/Writer’s
Ceremony @ 7:00pm/Gym Showcase @ 6:15-8:00pm
Musical Performance @
Hot Lunch
BMX Assembly(s) 12:30 & 2:30
Book Fair Set-Up @
Spirit Day – Dress like a
Falcon Forum
Pizza Friday
Spirit Day – Blue & Gold
D54 Retirement Dinner
Pizza Friday
PTA Scholarship
Recognition Dinner @
Chorus (End of Year Party)
@ 3:00-4:00/Rm. 125
Hot Lunch (Last of the
D54 School Bd. Mtg. @
PTA Mtg. @ 7pm
No School – Memorial
Pizza Friday (Last of the
F/T – Grade 3/4(Gold) –
Adler Planetarium
Spirit Day – Patriotic Day
(red, white and blue)
F/T – Grade 3/4(Blue) –
Adler Planetarium
Spirit Day – Blue & Gold
~ June 2015 ~
◄ May 2015
Jul 2015 ►
No School – NonAttendance Day
Field Day 8:45-1:30
Rite of Passage @
Falcon Forum – PM/Gym
D54 School Bd. Mtg. @
Last Day for 10 month
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Volume 58, Issue 9
DID YOU KNOW…The Illinois PTA publishes its Bill List, In Brief, of the Illinois General
The Illinois PTA will routinely update the list, including bills newly introduced, assigned to
committees, amendments affecting our position, as well as bills that have special significance
for education, education funding, juvenile justice, and health/safety concerns to Illinois PTA
For more information, see http://www.illinoispta.org/Legislation.html
In an effort to eliminate waste and to “take
back our backpacks,” District 54 shares
information about community events with
our students and families through
our Virtual Backpack.
We know that parents are interested in
extracurricular activities. At the same time,
we don’t want the homework, letters from
the teachers, school news and other
important district information to get lost
among the countless other pieces of
paper in our students’ backpacks.
Free Money for Fairview -- Box tops and
Please clip and send those hot pink Box tops for
Education and Labels for Education!
Check your tissue boxes, plastic wrap, cereal, soup
cans etc.
The funds from this program support peer
mediators, patrols and additions to the Fairview
reading room.
Parents who wish to stay informed about
community activities for children will be
able to view the flyers from nonprofit
organizations on our district’s website.
Organizations wishing to post a flyer on
this site should review Flyer Guidelines
and then email a pdf document
to Community Relations Director Terri
Check the District 54 Virtual Backpack often!
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Volume 58, Issue 9
Congratulations to Rebecca K. Her Visual Arts drawing, Peace for
Nature, advanced to the NATIONAL PTA Level of judging! Way to go,
Rebecca! Thank you for showing the whole nation how "The World Would Be
A Better Place If..."
There is some breaking PTA Reflections news to report. The theme for
the 2015-2016 program has been announced. Over the summer, start thinking of some creative
projects for "Let Your Imagination Fly."
Congratulations to all the readers who completed their reading minutes for the
month of April! These students earned a voucher to Dairy Queen. For the
month of May, the reward will be from Lou Malnati's Pizzeria. The blue
colored reward certificate needs to be turned in by June 2nd.
Six Flags Great America and Santa’s Village Azoosment Park tickets will be
sent home during the month of May.
We encourage students to read during the summer. The summer reading program is optional
for those students who want to participate.
Have a great summer and happy reading!
Breakfast with Dad
Thank you to everyone who was involved with this year’s Breakfast with Dad.
This event wouldn’t be such a big success without the help of our volunteers. A
special thank you goes out to the following people this year: Bonnie Fink, Traci
Czarny, Stacy Gatz, Jen Guzaldo, Jacquie Martino, Jenny Miller, Jen Minch, Maria
Moynihan, Marzena Pallotto, Jennifer Ratkovich, Phil Henry, Alex and Samantha.
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Volume 58, Issue 9
The chorus musical is drawing near and I am very excited for the show. Here is some important
information for the next few weeks.
Show Information:
 Dress rehearsal is on Monday, May 11th from 3-5 p.m. (please note the extended time)
 The musical will be on Tuesday, May 12th at 7 p.m.
 The students will need to meet in room 125 to get costumes on and get prepared for the
show at 6:40 p.m.
 I will provide most of the costume pieces and props.
 I am asking that each child bring in $5 to help cover the cost.
 In addition, each boy should have a black shirt and pants to wear under their costume.
 Each girl should have a black shirt, and a floor length (maxi) skirt to wear under their
(In the time period of the musical, girls would have worn long skirts, however if you
cannot get a long skirt, black pants will be fine.)
 Dark shoes are preferred, and must be shoes that are comfortable to dance in and will
not slip on the stage.
 Please no sandals or high heels.
 Please send the money as cash or a check made out to Fairview in an envelope with
your child’s name on it and the word CHORUS.
After the Musical:
 Our last rehearsal will be on Monday May 18th from 3-4 p.m. The last rehearsal will be a
 I will send home paperwork about treats for the party at a later date
 This rehearsal is not mandatory
Thank you, I am looking forward to the performance,
Lauren Stoeck
Music Teacher
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Volume 58, Issue 9
HELP Wanted
The PTA is looking for individuals who want get involved at Fairview. We are looking for a
room representative and staff appreciation week chairpeople.
Please know that you will have much support and guidance. The PTA Board is full of kind and
dedicated members who want to pitch in. Former chairpeople are always willing to mentor their
successors. Plus there is a detailed binder full of information, tasks, and directions for every
committee. Thank you for your consideration!
Please contact Jennifer Ratkovich at jratkovich@etsintelligence.com or Patty Perry at
Dear Parents and Families:
As you may be aware, for out next Book Fair, we will be running a
Buy One, Get One promotion. Additionally, the PTA would like to
announce a special surprise for the Fairview students.
In order to help kick off summer reading, the PTA would like to
purchase a book for every student! As a result, we encourage all students to choose a book
(paid for by the PTA), and one free book (as part of the promotion), from the collection at the fair
when they visit with their classrooms. That's two books for every student, on the house!
Students may still purchase additional books during the day on Thursday, May 14th and
Friday, May 15th. We will also be open from 3-4pm both days to allow parents and families a
chance to stop by.
Hope to see you there!!
Nanci Repala and Jen Ratkovich
Book Fair Co-Chairs
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Volume 58, Issue 9
Physical Education
April 2015
Field Day Information/Volunteer Sign Up Form Included
This year’s Field Day will be held on Friday, June 12th. I have attached a volunteer form
for any parent interested in volunteering to host an event. I plan on having at least two to three
people host each event so that those volunteers will have a chance to take a quick break at our
water station or for use of the bathrooms. Event requests will be taken in order of reply!
Field Day Volunteer Form
Field Day is right around the corner! If you would be interested in volunteering at Field Day,
please print your name, email address, and which part of the day you would be able to volunteer
(morning/afternoon/all day). If you have any questions feel free to email me at
Full Day/AM only/PM Only__________________________________
Station Preference(s)_________________________________________
1. Pirates Bowling
2. Volleyball/Nukem
3. Kickball
4. Capture the Flag & Sharks and Minnows
5. Drip, Drip, Drop
6. Tug of War
7. Scatterball
8. Crab Walk Soccer
9. Jump Rope & Hula Hoop Competition(s) and 4-Square games
40-Meter Dash
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Volume 58, Issue 9
Universal Team Newsletter
May, 2015
We had so much fun again at last month’s Falcon Forum! Ms. Garcia, Mrs.
Fellmann, Erin, and Jaida had a friendly competition of a minute-to-win-it
game called “A Bit Dicey,” we congratulated all the Battle of the Books
participants for their hard work this year, and the students got to watch a
video made by the Fairview teachers and staff wishing everyone good luck
on their MAP tests.
During the month of April we worked on the key “flexibility.” Our school-wide
goal for the month was to get five or less referrals for physical aggression. We are
pleased to announce that we made our goal and will celebrate with a pajama
Our new goal for May is to get five or less referrals for lying and cheating.
Students will work on being honest with their words and actions. They will
consider their personal beliefs and school values when making choices.
The key we will focus on for the month of May is balance. Living the key of
balance means:
 Making time for the things that are important to us including school work,
hobbies, friends, and family.
 Considering everything that is meaningful to us when we make choices
about how we spend our time and energy.
PBIS Universal Team
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