File - Emma K. Doub PTA

It’s here! Spring is finally here! Well, almost. With warmer weather we look toward our many exciting
upcoming activities. There are many events in the coming months, but let’s take a moment to look back at
January and February. We had a blast at the Snow Ball with nearly 1/3 of our school in attendance! In
February, many families attended our Chuck-E-Cheese night and participated in the Pottery By Me
fundraiser raising over $300. We finished with a wonderful free family Skate Night. Mark your calendar as
we spring forward!
Thank you to the many families who donated snacks for PARCC testing!
We reached our goal!!!!
Thanks to EKD Families like you,
the PTA has earned over $1500 this
year from Box Tops for Education.
Thank you for clipping those little
tops. They add up! We will continue
collecting for next year’s submission
so keep clipping!
Congratulations to Miss Rager’s
class! They had the most submissions
and won Minecraft EDU time.
Volunteers are Our Heroes!!!
Whether you volunteer your money in contributions or your
time, volunteers are what make our PTA possible. Have not had a
chance to help yet? Interested in spring opportunities? We have
just the spot for you. We are currently seeking:
• 2-4 people to help staff the refreshment at the Art Gala
• 5 people per day for the spring Book Fair
• 2-3 people for each of the music performances
• 4-5 people for each day of Teacher Appreciation Week
during the lunch shifts to set up festivities.
Please contact to give a hand.
Our 5 Below fundraiser is ready to launch! Make a purchase at 5 Below in Hagerstown between March
22nd and March 29th to earn money for the school Just present your flyer and EKD earns a portion of the
purchase price. Make copies of the flyer and give them to friends and family. Every bit helps!
Upcoming Events:
Art Gala
22-29 5 Below Fundraiser
Board Meeting 1:30
Spring Book Fair Begins
Panera Family Night 6-9pm
Literacy Night at the Library
Teacher Appreciation Week
Music Performance (3rd)
Board Meeting 1:30
Music Performance (1st and 2nd)
Flying Pie Family Night
Music Performance (4th and 5th)
One of the things that set our school apart from others is the
prevalence of wonderful activities and opportunities for our
children. Many of these are provided by the PTA.
* Free field trips
* Dance, Movie Night, Skate Night
* Testing snacks
* Book fairs
* Holiday store
* 5th Grade Celebration
* Walk a thon
* Instructional materials
Like us on Facebook at Emma K Doub PTA
Visit our webpage at
If you would like to continue
seeing these activities, we
desperately need you to
volunteer for a board position.
Our terms are up and without a
new president, treasurer, and
secretary, EKD PTA will be
forced to dissolve! That means
field trips will cost and activities
will be cancelled.
Nomination forms (Yes, you
nominate yourself) went home
and are available on our website.
Please help us save our PTA for
the future!