!! ! !!! ! Mark Your Calendars ! ! !April 29th: Spirit Night at North Hills !May 2nd: Belk Charity Day Sale ! ! ! 04/20/15 ! Nominations for PTA Board ! WE WANT YOU – To Serve on the PTA Board! It is time to start working on the PTA board for the 2015-2016 school year! Anonymous nominations may be made by using the Nominations Box found on the table in the Main Hall. This table is immediately to your left as you walk in the front door. You may also reach out to the Nominating Committee to suggest candidates. Please feel free to email any of the following members of the Nominating Committee. ! Jennifer Roberson jenroberson72@gmail.com Jean Brunson jbruson321@gmail.com Katie Lyon Katie_lyon@yahoo.com Brooke McDaniel wmcdaniel3@gmail.com Elizabeth Merritt emerritt@cherokeefund.com ! We need nominations for the following positions: ! PTA President-Elect PTA VP-Elect Funding VP-Elect Secretary Treasurer Elect ! to serve as president 2016-2017 to serve as VP 2016-2017 to serve as FVP 2016-2017 to serve 2015-2016 to serve 2016-2017 No form is necessary, just a nominee and a position. We look forward to receiving all of your helpful suggestions ! April Spirit Night Join us Wednesday April 29th for Root's Spring Spirit Day in North Hills!!! Enjoy Shopping at Charlotte's AND Omega Sports followed by dinner at Chik-Fil-A. Both Charlotte's and Omega Sports are offering 10% discounts to you and 10% back to Root! Be sure to tell all 3 places you are part of Root! Please go out to North Hills on April 29th to do your Spring Shopping, enjoy Chik-Fil-A and support Root! Thank you! ! ! ! ! ! ! Belk Charity Days Tickets Belk Charity Sale is back!! Enjoy savings on your favorite brands while helping the Root PTA. The Belk Charity Day sale is Saturday, May 2 from 6:00-10:00am. Buy your ticket from Root for $5 and receive $5 off your Belk purchase and a ticket to the sale which includes extreme savings on rarely discounted brands such as Vineyard Vines, Lilly Pulitzer, Ralph Lauren, Nike and more! Root will receive $5 for each ticket sold. Presale is available with a Belk Credit Card. To purchase your tickets see Sandy in the front office or contact Tiffany Lund (teallison@hotmail.com) or Alison Hawse (abhawse@nc.rr.com) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! EOG Testing Dates: 3rd-5th Grade Friday, May 22nd - Science EOG Wednesday, May 27th - 3rd-5th Math EOG Thursday, May 28th - 3rd-5th Reading EOG Please make sure that your student is well rested and on time (9:15) on testing days. Also, make sure they eat a healthy breakfast that contains some form of protein! ! ! ! ! Come Workout at Barre3 and Support Root Barre3 is teaming up with the Root PTA for a 2 classes for $20 promotion. Look for your voucher in Tuesday folders in the coming weeks. K-1st grade students will bring their voucher home this week, 2-3rd grade students will follow a few weeks later and then 4-5th grade students a couple of weeks after that. For every voucher used, Barre3 will donate $10 to Root. If you haven't tried Barre3 or if you are a regular, now is the time to go and get ready for swimsuit season! Barre3 workouts (think ballet barre meets yoga and pilates) are designed to transform the body to one of equal balance, strength and flexibility. ! ! ! ! ! ! Girls on the Run Thank you for the great response to Girls on the Run! We had lots of interest and feel we can fill the fifteen spots that will hopefully be available at Root this Fall. We are still looking for two volunteer coaches, so if you know someone age 18+ who might be interested (runner or not), contact Melanie (melanie@gotrtriangle.org). One-day coach training provided through GOTR. For more information, email Wendy Pedraza wcpedraza@yahoo.com or visit gotrtriangle.org. We will be in touch with additional details soon! ! ! ! ! ! Donations for the Greenchair ! The Green Chair is a great organization that has helped several of our Root families! Visit the link to learn more and see what items are most needed. Please consider donating as you clean out or upgrade items in your house! ! *Root Word Submissions* ! If you would like to submit information to the Root Word, please visit the Root Homepage or click here for an online submission form. Submissions are due by THURSDAY of each week in order to be included in the following Monday’s Root Word. ! Volunteer Registration available Mondays ONLY starting November 3rd! ! All Continuing Volunteers approved for the 2013-2014 school year MUST reactivate as a volunteer. ! ! From November 3, 2014 through May 18, 2015, the volunteer system will be open on Mondays only, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. However, during this time period, the volunteer system will be closed on the following Mondays: December 22, 2014, December 29, 2014, and January 19, 2015. There is a laptop in the Front Office available daily from 8-4 for registration. Mr. Clark's Robo Call Process If you have something you want Mr. Clark to add to his weekly Robo call, please email him at bclark2@wcpss.net by Sunday night. You need to email him EXACTLY what you want him to say. He will include it in his Monday robo call. ! ! ! !
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