SCOTT LOWER SCHOOL Messages from Mrs Barker……UPDATE AND REMINDERS W/E 5/06/15 ISSUE 33 As we are fast approaching the summer holidays. I wanted to remind you all about the importance of having a school bookbag, rather than a back-pack in school. Back-packs do not fit into the children’s drawers and they fall off their pegs, causing a trip hazard! You are able to order book bags from Tesco directly, please go to PLEA - Summer Fayre Helpers needed urgently please see Emma Barker (PTA Chair) Thank you in advance for you support. Year 1 Pirate Day THE CLASS WITH THE BEST ATTENDANCE THIS WEEK IS Yr 4 Foxes with 99.3% WELL DONE! Jimbo will enjoy being in your classroom this week Early Years Safety by PC Cray Birch Many thanks to Cray Birch, who came into Early Years to talk to our children about ‘Safer Strangers’, what to do if they get lost and ‘Safer Buildings’. The children learnt so much about staying safe and they particularly enjoyed getting into the police car. Our Year 1 children had a fabulous time in the woods dressed as pirates earlier this week. They had a wonderful time following clues which lead to treasure! PTA Sponsored Bounce raised a massive £1019.08p. Thank you to everyone who sponsored the children. These are our ‘Superstars of the week’ ~ Well done! HOLLY BURRIDGE RANKIN NICOLE NUNEZ HOLLIE DOUGAN ASHLEIGH HAMMOND APRIL BROOKMAN THESE ARE OUR HANDWRITING AWARD WINNERS THIS WEEK-WELL DONE! SAMUEL MONICO NEVE JOHNSTONE CASEY MILES HAYDEN DRAKE NOAH BROWN KRYSTIAN JAMROZINSKI PTA Mufti Day—Friday 19th June 2015 (For PTA Summer Fayre) Please bring either £1.00, a drink, cakes or sweets to the value of £1.00. (All sealed and in date please) We would be grateful if you would send your donation into the school office on the day. Thank you. PROVISIONAL DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: (TBC) JUNE 10th….NEW Reception Children for Story session 2.30pm 12th….Chicks Assembly 16th….Class & Staff Photographs. 17th…..NEW Reception Children for Story session 2.30pm 19th….Cygnets Assembly 19th….PTA Mufti Day (Letter to follow) 22nd….Healthy Schools Week 22nd….Nursery Consultation Afternoon 4.00-5.30pm 23rd ….Year 2 LEGOLAND Trip 24th…..Chicks, Cygnets & Ducklings Sports Day 24th…..Nursery Consultation Evening 6.00-7.30pm 26th…..Year 1—4 Sports Day 28th…...PTA Summer Fayre JULY 1st…...Transition Day (All years) 2nd….YR4 Tolmers Camping. 7th…...YR4 University Visit. 8th …. 9.00 am Summer Concert 9th….. 2.00 pm Summer Concert 10th….YR4 Leavers Disco. 16th….LAST DAY OF TERM...YR4 Leavers Assembly. Back to School on the 7th September. EMILY LAIRD ALICIA ANDERSON-VARNERY LLOGAN BRADY EMMA WESCOTT PLEASE make sure that your child’s lunch box is clearly named to avoid them picking up the wrong one and starting on someone else’s lunch just because it looks the same. This applies to everything else that your child brings in or wears to school – it is vitally important that you CLEARLY name EVERYTHING. It is extremely time consuming trying to match children with their belongings and it also causes unnecessary upset for them when they mislay something! Thank you for your co-operation. COFFEE MORNING every Friday morning from 9.00.-10.00 Please come along and join us for coffee and a chat. Make friends and swap ideas. Chat about anything and everything – a problem shared is a problem halved!! THANK YOU Jodi and Andy Devine-Chinneck would like to say a Massive thank you to all the parents, children, teachers and staff of Scott Lower School for their unbelievable kindness and generosity in the aftermath of their house fire. The love and support they have received has been truly breath-taking. Thank you so much! Thought for the week….. ‘Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless!’
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