SCOTT LOWER SCHOOL UPDATE AND REMINDERS Messages from Mrs Barker…… W/E 1/05/15 ISSUE 29 Blue-Bells Our Chicks class had a fabulous time walking to the woods to see the beautiful blue bells this week. Many thanks to Emma Roomes, our parent helper who organized this wonderful walk. Year 1 Butterflies Assembly I am sure that everyone who attended the Butterflies’ assembly this morning, will agree when I say that the children were amazing, so confident and so knowledgeable about Africa. I am so proud of you all. THE CLASS WITH THE BEST ATTENDANCE THIS WEEK IS Yr4 Foxes with 99.6% WELL DONE! Jimbo will enjoy being in your classroom this week WELCOME I would like to welcome our new Business and Finance Manager Charlotte McCarthy to the Scott Family, some of you may already have met Charlotte I am sure that you will all make her feel part of our school. COATS - Due to the changing weather please ensure that you send a coat in with your child everyday, some children are still coming into school without their coats or school jumpers. AQUATHLON—WELL DONE to Tulip Riches-Tomei who came 4th in the 133m Swim and 1.2k run and Isaac Arnold who came 6th in both events. We are so proud of you both. These are our ‘Superstars of the week’ ~ Well done! DRAKE BATH SHANICE CHIKANYA OLIVER HUTTON DAVID HALLSWORTH TULIP RICHESTOMEI THESE ARE OUR HANDWRITING AWARD WINNERS THIS WEEK-WELL DONE! ELEANOR BROWN OLIVER SANDERS MATILDA ROOMES JACK BURNAGE GRACE NEWCOMBE FINLEY CROFTS DEMI MARTIN TAHERAH JANNAT SHEA GLEESON-SMITH FREE Courses for Parents Pamper Day on Saturday 9th May Miss Wallbank is holding a ladies pamper afternoon at Scott in aid of Snehalaya, an Indian charity. Lots of pampering and gift, stalls to enjoy, along with a raffle and refreshments. Tickets in advance will be £2.50 and can be bought from the school office, alternatively it's £3 on the day - price includes a drink! Thank you for your support in advance. Miss O Wallbank PROVISIONAL DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: (TBC) MAY 4th….Bank Holiday Monday 12th….Year 1 Trip to Shepreth Wildlife Park 15th…..PTA Sponsored Bounce (letter to follow) 15th…..Scott’s Got Talent (letter to follow) 19th….Open Evening for Nursery Parents 6pm. 25th - 29th HALF TERM BREAK JUNE 12th….Chicks Assembly 16th….Class & Staff Photographs. 19th….Cygnets Assembly 22nd….Healthy Schools Week 23rd ….Year 2 LEGOLAND Trip 24th…..Chicks & Cygnets Sports Day 26th…..Year 1—4 Sports Day 28th…...PTA Summer Fayre JULY 1st…...Transition Day (All years) 2nd….YR4 Tolmers Camping. 7th…...YR4 University Visit. 8th …. 9.00 am Summer Concert 9th….. 2.00 pm Summer Concert 10th….YR4 Leavers Disco. 16th….LAST DAY OF TERM...YR4 Leavers Assembly. Back to School on the 7th September. JUSTIN LAU Keeping up with the children’ Literacy course starts Monday 11th May 1pm-3.00pm for 5 weeks. ‘Playing for Learning’ starts Tuesday 12th May 9.00am11.30am for 8 weeks. This course is aimed at parents of Pre-school children. (FREE CRECHE ON THIS COURSE ONLY) Please see Mrs Noble on the gate to book onto these courses. TRANSITION DAY It is that time of year when I am sure that some of you might be wondering how we prepare the children for their new classes in September. Wednesday 1st July is our official ‘Transition Day’, when the children will spend the morning with their new teachers. The Chicks & Cygnets classes will get to meet their new teachers on several occasions to help with the transition. Our Year 4 children will spend the day at their prospective middle schools. Thought for the week….. ‘”Be the change you want to see in the world.!” REMINDERS Our supply of boxes of tissues has run dry, with Hayfever season upon us , we would be very grateful if you were able to donate some. Thank you for your generosity
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