Madison Station Elementary School * 459 Reunion Parkway * Madison, MS 39110 Mark Your Calendar May 1: May 5 & 7: May 5-9: May 11-14: May 16: May 19: May 20: May 21: August 4: August 6: August 8: Eric Carle Day—K MSE Corner Bakery Nights 5th grade State Science Test 5th grade State Science Test and End of Year testing 3rd & 4th grades MSE Honor Choir sings with the Symphony at 6:00 2nd grade “Sick Day” 5th grade Class Day 9:00 A.M. Broadmoor Baptist Church Classes dismissed at 11:30, Report Cards sent home with students Meet the Teacher 4:30-6:30 First day of School Summer Packets due FROM OUR PRINCIPAL Dear MSE Families, As this month ends, it is once again time to say good-bye to another wonderful school year. Our students had an extensive array of experiences this year. From class projects, field trips, and parties to Fun Fridays, Arts Night, Fall Fest and picture days, our parents, teachers, and children made lots of memories. It thrills me to know that our students are ending the year having gained so much academically as well. A special thanks to our yearbook committee for once again capturing our memories in a special way. Thank you to our Fit in 15 day committee for working so hard to make the day great. Our kids will have a blast!! My sincere thanks to each of you for your continued support of our school and for your words of encouragement and prayers throughout the school year. You are the best!! Happy summer, Mrs. Johnston Principal FROM OUR PTO PRESIDENT May 4 4 6 12 13 14 15 20 23 25 Meagan Kinsley Adcock (K) Hailee Rush (5th) Lou Ann Morgan (K) Ms. Cook (Assistant) Babs Aslam (Data Entry) Amy Harrelson (4th) Rena Esco (Assistant) Haley Jones (4th) Stephanie Weldon(Strings) Karen Richard (1st Asst.) June 4 18 23 27 Margaret Sanders (2nd Asst.) Sandi Palmore (Bookeeper) Cara Quick (Assistant) Ashley Herden (4th) July 5 8 11 12 15 28 Martha Hannah (Assistant Principal) Misty Pitts (2nd) Denise Dunigan (SPED) Krysten Hall (3rd) Rhonda Twitty (K – Asst.) Ms. Miller (Assistant) Here we are! We have come to the end of another school year. The older my children get, the faster time seems to be moving. It seems like yesterday, we were putting away the carefree days of summer for new teachers, early bedtimes and early mornings. And, now here we are again on the cusp of the carefree days of summer. Thank you all for your support of Fit in Fifteen! The day promises to be full of fun and fitness and through it we have raised lots of money for our school. Thank you also for purchasing your child’s beautiful watercolors. Because of these fundraisers and our Fall Fundraiser we have accomplished so much this year! We have continued paying for our full time art teacher, re-mulched the playgrounds, provided Science Labs and brought in professional arts experiences for our children like puppets, plays and even traveling drums! These experiences and so many others have enriched our children’s educations and YOU are to thank! It has been such a blessing to serve as your PTO President this year. What an honor it has been to serve alongside some of the smartest, dedicated and most talented people I have ever known. Thanks especially to everyone who served on the Board this year. Your dedication to Madison Station is part of what makes this place so special. You truly made my job easy! Wishing you all a summer full of relaxation and rest…. Melissa Bell Madison Station’s 3 Major Goals! Goal 1: Academic Excellence (focusing on a child’s mind) Summer Reading and Summer Packets Research shows that students need to continue reading and practicing skills learned during the summer months in order to be ready to pick back up with learning in August on the same level they left off in May. Teachers no longer spend the first 6 weeks of school reviewing the previous year as it seemed we did in generations past. Thus, we are asking all of our students to complete the summer packets that will be sent home. The activities will be a review of many of the skills he/she worked on during the school year. Your child should be able to complete the activities on their own. However, it is okay for you to work on it together. Try to set aside the same time every day for your child to complete the activities, just as you would for homework during the school year. For summer reading in grades 3-5, each student will be asked to read 2 books (OF THEIR CHOICE) on their approximate reading level. Third- fifth grade students should all be reading chapter books as opposed to picture/story book types of books. The students will then complete an assignment on one of the books to return to school in August. The summer packet and the reading assignment will count as a grade in both math and reading and will be due on August 8th. Goal 2: Arts Integration (focusing on a child’s heart/soul) SYMPHONY ON THE SQUARE - May 16 - Historic Canton Square MSE’s 5th Grade Honor Choir is so excited to be performing for this live music even honoring the arts and our military on Armed Forces Day. Honor Choir will open the event at 6:00 p.m. singing a variety of songs including a medley saluting our armed forces. At 6:45, there will be the Presentation of Colors by National Guard 112th MP Battalion with the Mississippi Symphony performing at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $5 and available at or at the gate (children under 10 and all military are free). Come support our wonderful singers. Bring your family for a fun evening—lawn chairs, coolers and blankets welcome. Gates open at 5:30 p/m/ Goal 3: Fitness and Wellness (focusing on a child’s body) Congratulations to the students that have worked so hard all year to meet the requirements for National and Presidential Fitness Awards. Thank you to Coach Shows and Coach Crawford for your dedication to our students and to your commitment to the success of this great fitness program! We are committed to continuing to emphasize Fitness and Wellness as one of our 3 MSE goals for students not only through the Presidential Fitness program but daily throughout our building. Registration for the 2015-2016 School Year Utility bills and registration forms are NOW DUE. For current students who reside in the same location, this is the only registration information needed for the 2015-2016 school Artist of the Month April Harris Roberson April Harris Roberson is an artist living in Jackson, Mississippi. April, a New Orleans native, began as a selftaught artist, and much of what she has learned has come from her interaction and observation of great art and God's beauty. When very young, April became fascinated with her self-employed artistic father's craftsmanship and paintings. She also admired her maternal grandmother's sketches and oil pastel flowers and landscape paintings. From a very early age, April was encouraged by her elementary school art teacher, Mrs. Miller, to enter many art contests. When she went on to an all-girls' Catholic high school, she was mentored by her art teacher, Mrs. Mary Jane Moak, a Mississippi native. As fate would have it, April and Mrs. Moak's paths crossed again nearly 17 years later, when Mrs. Moak returned to Jackson, and when April permanently moved to Jackson in 2011. April developed her techniques at Millsaps College. She primarily works with acrylics and oils on canvas. April has always been uplifted by the creative process, whether through acting, playing music, writing, or painting. Besides producing her own work, April has worked at the Mississippi Children's Museum and enjoys creating next to her three daughters. April received a B.S. in Sociology from Millsaps College in 1998. In 2000, she received a M.S. In Counseling/Education from Loyola University New Orleans. She is married to Richard Roberson. Her family are members of Chapel of the Cross. What a wonderful year we've had at MSE! Thank you for your continued support of the many luncheons and gifts the Teacher Appreciation committee has provided our teachers and staff. The teachers and staff really feel so special with all the meals and happies during the year, and it could not be possible without you! Congratulations to Mrs. Linda Perez Best wishes to Mrs. Linda Perez on her retirement. Mrs. Perez has been the librarian at Madison Station for 14 years. She has created an environment that encourages students to read and to develop habits of life long readers. Our library is filled with wonderful books because her priority has been to keep the shelves lined with new and exciting books. Our students have had the opportunity to meet authors and illustrators during her tenure as she arranged for guests each year to visit our school. Whoa! Madison Station families rocked the student ‘FUN’draising portion of Fit in ’15…now it is time to kick back and enjoy the fun! We will keep the individual and class winners a secret until the big week, but look at what you accomplished for our school… K 1st 2nd $3,950.82 $4,819.00 $5,047.00 th 4 5th 3rd $5,007.00 $4,737.00 $3, 432.00 Be sure to save the date for our Fit in ’15 Family Nights at Corner Bakery of Madison! Invite your friends to meet you at Corner Bakery from 3:00-8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5th or Thursday, May 7th. It’ll be a fun night of fellowship as we raise additional funds to support Fit in ’15. MSE will receive 15% of the total proceeds during these times. Be sure to grab a Fit in ’15 flyer to present when ordering and wear your Jag orange and blue! Important Dates: May 4th May 5th May 7th May 8th Drawings Begin K-2 Corner Bakery Night 3-5 Corner Bakery Night Fit in ’15! Check our list of community partners; Fit in ’15 couldn’t be a success without their support! If you visit any of these locations, please offer a “Thank you!” for helping support our school. Corporate Sponsors: BCBS of MS Trustmark Bank Plus Baptist Health Systems C Spire State Bank and Trust Company Corner Bakery The Bike Crossing Allstate – Jon Hammett Agency Renasant Bank J.S. Iupe's City of Madison Donation Sponsors: Baptist Heath Plex Performance Center Busy Bods Chick-Fil-A Madison College Corner Elizabeth Henley Jewelry Fleet Feet Sports Georgia Blue HaLiBel Indian Cycle J&J Printing Learning Express Lisa Koberg Matilda Jane—Maggi Craft Metropolitan Bank Mississippi Wildlife & Fisheries Noonday Jewelry—Leslie Leon Nursery Rhymes Party City Sportique Sweet Dreams Taylor Collection The Gatherings Livingston Wreaths for All Occasions Through joining together in the spirit of FUN, FRIENDS, and FITNESS our school will be a better place for our children. Be sure to mark these important dates in your calendar and we look forward to making memories with you! Kara Davis, Heather Gibson, Shelley Hughes, Kathryn White
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