More copies of this schedule are available from the website... FOREST OF ARDEN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY SCHEDULE OF PRODUCE SHOW WITH DISPLAYS THURSDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER 2015 FRUIT GINGERBREAD. Ingredients 4oz (100g) margarine 4oz (100g) Golden Syrup Quarter pint (150ml) milk 2 eggs 1 level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1 tablespoon Ground Ginger 4oz (100g) Black Treacle 8oz (200g) plain flour 2oz (50g) sugar 4oz (100g) sultanas A few pieces of chopped stem ginger (if liked) Oven temperature – 300 deg. F, 150 deg. C or Gas Mark 2 Method Warm margarine, treacle and syrup in a large saucepan. Add the milk and leave to cool slightly. Beat in the eggs. Sift dry ingredients into a bowl, add the treacle mixture and beat well until smooth. Stir in the sultanas (and chopped stem ginger) and then pour into a greased and lined 2lb loaf tin. Bake for about 1 hour. Keep in an airtight container for 2 days . at Oversley Castle Farm, Oversley, Alcester by kind permission of Messrs. G W Wilson & Sons. Closing date for entries: Saturday 12th September, 2015 The Gladys Jackson perpetual memorial trophy rose bowl to be presented to the competitor gaining most points in Section A, B, C & D. A cup will also be awarded to the competitor with the most outstanding exhibit in each section. The Forest of Arden Ladies Committee Perpetual Trophy to be awarded to the Best Novice in Class 14, Section C. The NFU Cup to be awarded to the child with the most outstanding exhibit in Section E. RULES Exhibits must not be taken away before 4.00pm. Prize money to be collected at approximately 4.00pm from the Produce Show Tent There will be a limit of one entry per class unless otherwise stated. Judge’s decision is final. All Exhibits at owner’s risk. Points will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners only. ALL EXHIBITS TO BE STAGED 9.00am - 10.15 am TENT CLOSED FOR JUDGING 10.15am – 12.00am FLOWERS AND PRODUCE (OPEN) - Section A: SECTION A 1. Composition of flowers depicting “150 years of Alice in Wonderland”. Space allowed 2ft.6” high x 2ft.6” wide. 2. A Table Arrangement in a teacup not exceeding 10” overall, fresh or dried material, not silk. 3. Any Five flowers of one colour. 4. An arrangement in a Shoe or Boot, not exceeding 18” overall. 5. Miniature arrangement to include a Birthday Cake Candle 4” overall. 6. “The Best flower in my garden”. Section B: 7. A Home Grown Flowering or Foliage Pot Plant. 8. One bunch of Mixed Fresh Herbs, minimum of five varieties in a container, 12” overall. 9. Five Tomatoes. 10. Six eggs to be displayed on a white paper plate with sand. 11. The heaviest cooking apple. 12. A selection of four homegrown different vegetables (3 of each) displayed in a Vegetable Box. COOKERY AND PRESERVES (OPEN) - Section C: 13. Your favourite Ginger Bread recipe, or use ours, in a 2lb loaf tin. 14. Novice class for competitors who have not won a 1st prize in the cookery section. Victoria Sandwich with jam filling, top to be left plain. 15. Five plain flapjack. 16. Lemon Citron Tart. 17. A jar of homemade Marmalade. 18. A jar of homemade Chutney. 19. A jar of homemade Lemon Curd. 20. A jar of homemade Jam. 21. A bottle of homemade Alcoholic Beverage. HANDICRAFT (OPEN) - Section D: 22. A New Hand Knitted or Crochet item (2 entries per person allowed in this class) 23. A Metre of Homemade Bunting. 24. A Painting – any medium. 25. A piece of Artwork (16 years and under, please state age). 26. A photograph of a Vehicle, unmounted, not exceeding 5”x7”. 27. A hanging Christmas Tree Decoration . 28. Hand Decorated Flower Pot 7” maximum. CHILDRENS SECTION - SECTION E ( NO ENTRY FEE) 29. The Picture supplied completed in any medium (3-4 years age). 30. The Picture supplied completed in any medium (5-6 years age). 31. An Animal using one Teasel or Fir Cone (7-8 years of age). 32. An Animal using one Teasel or Fir Cone (9-10 years of age). 33. A Lego Model Construction, not exceeding 20cm x 20cm. Please state age. PLEASE STATE FULL NAME, AGE AND SCHOOL (IF APPLICABLE) ON THE BACK OF THE ABOVE CLASSES 29-33. PRIZE MONEY IN ALL SECTIONS – 1ST £5.00 2ND £4.00 3RD £3.00. --------------------------------------------------FOREST OF ARDEN PRODUCE SHOW I wish to enter for the following Classes: Entry Fee: 50p per exhibit. PLEASE ENTER CLASS NUMBER BELOW NAME ADDRESS email: ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................ This entry from to be returned by Saturday, 12th September, 2015. To: Miss Angela Russell, Blue Lane Farm, Goldicote, Stratfordupon-Avon. CV37 7NN. email: TENT CLOSED FOR JUDGING 10.15 A.M.
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