THIS IS YOUR TIME The Y offers fitness programs for older adults like water exercise, yoga and stretching classes. But, we know that older adults also want a sense of community and to strengthen social ties. ACTIVE OLDER ADULTS UPDATED ON: MAY 1, 2015 STAFF CONTACTS ACY - Chelsey Latimer Fitness Coordinator P 733.9622 E APY - Sue Grosenick Adult Program Coordinator P 954.7610 E FWY - Jennifer Ruis Health & Fitness Coordinator P 560.3407 E HVY - Paula Beyer Wellness Director P 830.5708 E NMY - Jean Wollerman Active Older Adults Director P 886.2152 E MSC - Barb Taylor Active Older Adults Assistant P 967.3530 E SENIOR FRIENDS Open to the Winnebago County Community SENIOR DONATION PASS – (55+) County Community Senior Donation Pass – (55+) Available at the Neenah-Menasha YMCA and the Menasha Senior Center for social activities. MENASHA SENIOR CENTER – (55+) Cards, coffee, computer usage, Large screen T.V., health screenings, resource center, Wii, shuffleboard, dartball board, quilting, wireless internet, exercise classes ($10.50 and a $21.00 punch card to include Zumba Gold, Gentle Stretch, Silver Sneaker Classic, F.A.B.S. linedancing classes, art classes, computer classes, Dial a Ride tickets, speakers, bus trips, friends and fellowship, special events, Advocap meal site. SENIOR PROGRAM PASS (60+) - Available at the Neenah-Menasha YMCA only. Winnebago County Residents only. Calumet County if you are paying City of Menasha taxes. Must show proof of residency. $21.00 per month + $50 registration deposit for new participants. Monday-Friday (Times may vary for each activity.) YMCA Solarium – Senior Social area for coffee and treats, Cribbage/Cards, Game tables, Speakers, luncheons, Blood Pressure Screening, “Y-Not” Singers, Knitting Club and Book Club, Wireless internet and Special Events. YMCA SENIOR MEMBER OR INSURANCE BASED MEMBERSHIPS (65+) Includes membership to YMCA and also Senior Friends Program. Inquire within the YMCA for Adult, Family, Membership Rates. Monthly and yearly memberships available. SENIOR PROGRAM PASS SCHEDULE: Summer Only MONDAY Coffee, treats, cards, fellowship - Solarium - 8:00 AM-3:00 PM Strength Training Center/Aerobic Training Ctr. – 6:30 AM-NOON Use of the walking/running track/gyms/racquetball courts – 6:30 AM-NOON Lap Swimming – 6:30 AM-NOON Water Exercise – 7:00-7:45 AM (Yard Pool) H20 Challenge – 8:00-8:45 AM (Yard Pool) H20 Exercise - 9:00-9:45 AM (Yard Pool) Silver Sneakers Classic - 9:00-9:45 AM - (Upper Gym) Gentle Stretch – 10:00-10:45 AM (Keller Room) Knitting Club– 10:00-NOON PM – Riverside Room All Summer Session: June 8-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 2: July 20-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 1: June 8-July 19, 2015 This is a working document and is subject to change. 1 TUESDAY Cards & fellowship - Solarium - 8:00 AM-3:00 PM Lap Swimming – 6:30 a.m.-NOON Strength Training Center/Aerobic Training Ctr. - 6:30 AM-NOON Use of the walking/running track/gyms/racquetball courts – 6:30 AM-NOON Cardio Gold - 9:00-9:45 AM (Upper Gym) H20 Strength and Stretch – 8:00-8:45 AM (Yard Pool) H20 Exercise – 9:00-9:45 AM (Yard Pool) Deep Water Exercise – 9:00-9:45 AM (Meter Pool) WEDNESDAY Coffee, treats, cards, fellowship - Solarium - 8:00 AM-3:00 PM Strength Training Center/Aerobic Training Ctr. – 6:30 AM-NOON Use of the walking/running track/gyms/racquetball courts – 6:30 AM-NOON Lap Swimming – 6:30 AM-NOON Water Exercise – 7:00-7:45 AM (Yard Pool) H20 Challenge – 8:00-8:45 AM (Yard Pool) H20 Exercise - 9:00-9:45 AM (Yard Pool) Zumba Gold - 9:00-9:45 AM - (Upper Gym) Gentle Stretch – 10:00-10:45 AM (Keller Room) THURSDAY Cards & fellowship - Solarium - 8:00 AM-3:00 PM Lap Swimming – 6:30 AM-NOON Strength Training Center/Aerobic Training Ctr. - 6:30 AM-NOON Use of the walking/running track/gyms/racquetball courts – 6:30 AM-NOON Cardio Gold - 9:00-9:45 AM (Upper Gym) H20 Strength and Stretch – 8:00-8:45 AM (Yard Pool) Aqua Zumba – 9:00-9:45 AM (Yard Pool) Deep Water Exercise – 9:00-9:45 AM (Meter Pool) FRIDAY Coffee, treats, cards, fellowship - Solarium - 8:00 AM-3:00 PM Strength Center/Aerobic Training Ctr. – 6:30 AM-NOON Use of the walking/running track/gyms/racquetball courts – 6:30 AM-NOON Lap Swimming – 6:30 a.m. - NOON H2O Exercise – 7:00-7:45 AM (Yard Pool) Silver Sneakers Classic - 9:00-9:45 AM - (Upper Gym) Y Nots Chorus Practice - 9:00-11:00 AM (Plexus Room) Deep Water Exercise – 8:00-8:45 AM (Meter Pool) H20 Exercise – 9:00-9:45 AM (Yard Pool) Other YMCA Exercise Classes: Non-Member Rates apply for these classes with Senior Program Pass. Additional opportunities for Senior Program Pass participants and are held during the hours of the Senior Friends Program. Inquire at the Member Service Desk for fees and times. Strength & Resistance Personal Training Arthritis Aquatics Class More in Program Brochure Riverside Café - Open 8:00 AM-1:00 PM. Breakfast, lunch, snack items, hot & cold beverages and fresh fruit. All Summer Session: June 8-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 2: July 20-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 1: June 8-July 19, 2015 This is a working document and is subject to change. 2 THOMPSON COMMUNITY CENTER CLASSES FOR ADULTS AND OLDER ADULTS MUSIC, HEALTH/WELLNESS, COMPUTER, LANGUAGES, TRIPS The Thompson Community Center at 820 W. College Avenue in Appleton is committed to enhancing the quality of life of adults and their families through a network of activities and services that focuses on improving emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual wellness. The center serves baby boomers, older adults and their families. Programming and services there are many and varied. TCC is funded by fees for programs and services as well as by gifts and grants. Unlike many other community centers, it receives no government funding or subsidies. The TCC reception desk is open from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM, however, the YMCA has both day and evening programs there. Evening Y class instructors provide access to the facility. Evening instructors will meet students at the facility entrance several minutes before the class begins. Most classes have a 7 week session duration and are open to ages 18+ unless noted otherwise. Summer classes can run for one 10-week session or for two 5-week sessions. Check the schedules. Or call the Appleton Y Adult Department for confirmations. The monthly Bridge contains information about all programs and services. The Adult Department of the Appleton YMCA branch offers the following fee-based classes at the Center. Registration for all classes can be done through any branch of the Y as well as at the front desk of TCC. Advance registration for all classes is appreciated. If there are class changes and you haven’t registered, the Y has no way to contact you to inform you of the change. STRENGTH AND RESISTANCE (APY/TCC) Learn the basics of strength training using multiple tools (free weights, small weighted balls, exercise bands) and one’s own body weight. Participants can work from a seated position or standing based on their own ability level. Everyone can benefit from strength training. Reduce body fat and improve bone density. Exercises are adaptable to all fitness levels. BALANCE AND FLEXIBILITY (APY/TCC) Improve balance, flexibility and core strength. This class and regular practice helps to prevent falls. Perform simple exercises seated, standing and walking which will move you into a better physical state. Class participants notice increased stability and progressively improved balance. Although the class is geared to older adults with balance concerns, other fitness levels will benefit from this practice. JOYFUL QI GONG (APY/TCC) Suspended for Summer 2015. Will resume in September 2015. Enjoy a gentle yet effective workout where students, concentrate and focus, breathe and move. In this class Qi Gong is practiced with simple movements and a light-hearted approach; movements are freer than following a prescribed movement series such as in T’ai Chi. Practitioners experience greater awareness, calm, relaxation as well as improved coordination and range of motion. Qi Gong can be learned and practiced by people of all ages and most physical conditions. TAI CHI THERAPY (APY/TCC) During the summer, open “practice” is held in Pierce Park on most Thursday evenings at 5 PM unless there is thunder and lightning. That is, there is no formal teaching for the summer session. Contact the Adult Department at the Appleton YMCA 920 954-7610 to confirm the dates. From September through May, students practice relaxation techniques, develop body and space awareness and learn to focus. As class progresses, practitioners learn a “form”, moving from one position or posture to the next very slowly. As one learns this graceful exercise, one develops improved breathing, core and limb strength, improved balance (mental as well as physical) and the ability to relax. Learning and practicing T’ai Chi is recommended by many physicians and the Mayo Clinic. All Summer Session: June 8-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 2: July 20-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 1: June 8-July 19, 2015 This is a working document and is subject to change. 3 YOGA/CHAIR YOGA (APY/TCC) This gently-paced yoga class is designed for anyone who would like to take yoga even if you have mobility/physical challenges. Yoga poses are modified so if you cannot stand, you can do a version of the pose. If you cannot get down to the floor, you can do a version of the pose. With instructor guidance, participants can do versions of twists, hip stretches, forward and backward movements. Poses can be adapted to all fitness levels. Yoga practice over time conditions muscles and joints to become more elastic, increases balance, strength, flexibility and range of movement. Participants learn to focus and improve breathing techniques as well. YOGA BOOK STUDY (APY/TCC) Some think mistakenly that yoga is a religion. It is not. In this “book study”, participants will learn about yoga from a different perspective that that of practicing postures. The group will read and discuss the book Yamas and Niyamas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice by Deborah Adele. Your purchase price will be about $12. All students should have the book. Participants will explore the yoga guidelines (yamas) that pertain to our interactions with the external world including nonviolence, truthfulness, not stealing, nonexcess, and nonpossessiveness. And then those that can characterize our internal observances, known as the niyamas or observances—purity, contentment, self-discipline, self-study, and surrender.” 10weeks. No fee for Summer 2015. ADULT COMPUTER CLASSES AND PRIVATE COMPUTER INSTRUCTION (APY/TCC) Details of all instruction offered is located in the Education and Leadership Section of the Program Descriptions as well as on a tri-fold publication available at the Y branches and at TCC. SPANISH - 2 LEVELS (APY/TCC) See descriptions under Language in the Education and Leadership section of the Program Descriptions. Motivated students may join on-going classes at the discretion of the teacher. Fall session is 14 weeks. Winter/Spring sessions are 21 weeks. Summer session is 10 weeks. Confirm dates with the Appleton Y Adult department. Class name Balance & Flexibility 10 weeks Strength & Resistance 10 weeks Tai Chi TherapyPierce Park Practice only YMCA TCC TCC TCC Spanish Level 1 TCC Spanish Level 2 TCC Yoga/Chair Yoga Yoga/Chair Yoga 18 years and older 18 years and older 16 years and older 16 years and older 16 years and older Day Start End Y Member General Public TR 9:30 AM 10:15 AM $70 $70 TR 8:35 AM 9:20 AM $70 $70 R 5:00 PM 5:45 PM Donation Donation R 5:30 PM 6:30 PM $60 $60 R 4:00 PM 5:30 PM $85 $85 TCC 18 years and older M 10:30 AM 11:30 AM $50 $50 TCC 18 years and older W 11:00 AM 12:00 PM $50 $50 TCC 18 years and older F 10:30 AM 11:30 AM $50 $50 TCC 18 years and older W 10:00 AM 10:15 No fee No fee Yoga/Chair Yoga Yoga Book Study Age All Summer Session: June 8-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 2: July 20-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 1: June 8-July 19, 2015 This is a working document and is subject to change. 4 PRIVATE ADULT PIANO LESSONS (APY/TCC)Develop new neural pathways and add life to your years by learning or continuing to increase your skill level at the piano. 30-minute piano lessons on Monday mornings for all levels of students. New students learn notes, rhythms, chords and basic theory application as a beginner. Or continue to improve your skill as a player. Several time slots between 8:45 and Noon available. Contact the Appleton Y Adult department 920.954.7610 to arrange your lesson time. ADULT COMPUTER CLASSES schedule and information is in the Education & Leadership section. SMART PHONE WORKSHOPS are held monthly at the Appleton Y. PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS for Adults schedule and information is in the Music section. AOA FRIENDLY SOCIAL/BALLROOM DANCE, CONTRACT BRIDGE, AND MODERN BELLY DANCE are offered at the Appleton YMCA. Information about these classes can be found in the Dance section and the Educational and Leadership section/Adult Enrichment of this program book. Also see AOA Friendly Health and Fitness classes, Land and Water, in those sections of the program information guide. ADULT BUS TRIPS YMCA ADULT BUS TRIPS (ACY/APY/FWY/HVY/NMY) For ages 18 (sometimes 21 and sometimes as young as 8) to 108. Get on board! Head out of town and see some sights. Meet some new people and visit some new (or favorite) places. Motor coach touring is not only a very safe way to travel, it’s also a very green way to go. If you want to avoid the planning, the driving, the parking, try taking a Y bus trip. You board and let a professional handle the driving. Look out the window, enjoy the scenery, sit back and relax. The Y offers mostly one-day trips to give our association members as well as community members an opportunity for meeting new people, seeing new places, for fun, education, and enrichment. Fees are two-tiered; Y members pay less than non-members. Register early if a trip interests you. Trips can fill very quickly and if you procrastinate, you may be left behind. Avoid disappointment; book early. Each trip is geared to different levels of activity and vigor, and the trip description will provide a gauge, so look at the Bus Booklet on this website - available early April annually), or pick up the complete booklet in the Y lobby. Payment at the time of registration secures your seat. If all seats are filled, your name may be added to a waiting list at no cost. Registration is in person at any YMCA of the Fox Cities branch, on-line with a credit card through the Y website, or by phone with a credit card at 920.739.6135. When you register, please make absolutely sure that the Y has your current address and telephone number. Trips are organized by the Appleton YMCA Adult Department, so if you have questions or you’d like to be on our mailing list, please contact us at 920.954.7610. Transportation for one-day trips is by deluxe motor coach chartered from local providers unless otherwise noted. Complete descriptions and costs are or available on the Y website under the 2015 Bus Trip link as well as in the 2015 Adult Bus Trip Booklet. As trips are developed before booklet publication and opened for registration, use the on-line registration process with “Education and Leadership” as the department and “trip” as the sub-department. A link to the trips opens and you will be able to see the details for each trip currently available. You can also register on-line for most of the one-day trips. Any multiple-day trip requires registration through the Appleton Y. What follows is a list of trip titles, including some destinations and dates to provide a sense of what’s coming in 2015. All Summer Session: June 8-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 2: July 20-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 1: June 8-July 19, 2015 This is a working document and is subject to change. 5 BADGER BAND SPRING EXTRAVAGANZA HORICON MARSH – WILDLIFE & BRONZES MINERAL POINT AND PENDARVIS PORT WASHINGTON - MEMORIES – KOHLER DUNES MISSISSIPPI PADDLEWHEEL CRUISE - REFUGE CHICAGO YOUR WAY BREWERS BASEBALL - MILWAUKEE v ATLANTA CHARTER FISHING-LAKE MICHIGAN GERMANFEST: FUN, CULTURE, FOOD LAKE WATCH EXPEDITION SAIL & BAYPORT TOWN CENTER SUMMERTIME KOHLER TRAILS & FALLS COLORADO AND THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS 9-Days SISTER BAY FALL FESTIVAL – DOOR COUNTY THE MUSIC OF ELVIS PRESLEY – CLAUSON SHOW TASTES OF NOVEMBER MAGNIFICENT MILE - CHICAGO Saturday, April 18 Thursday, May 7 Tuesday, May 19 Tuesday, June 2 Thursday, June 11 Saturday, June 20 Wednesday, July 8 Wednesday, July 15 Sunday, July 27 Thursday, July 30 Tuesday, August 18 Weds, September 16 September 26-Oct 4 Friday, October 16 Friday, October 23 Tuesday, November 17 Saturday, December 5 CANCELLATION POLICY FOR ONE DAY BUS TRIPS If a participant cancels at least 15 days before the trip, a full refund will be given. However, if a component of the cost has been pre-paid by the Y, that amount will not be included in the refund. Cancellations that occur inside a two-week window will not be refunded unless we have a waiting list for the trip and are able to make a substitution. If a participant must cancel a trip due to illness or injury, that person will receive a credit provided a written doctor’s explanation is submitted or the vacancy is filled. Charges pre-paid by the Appleton YMCA, such as, but not limited to, theater or cruise tickets, are not refunded. If the transportation company determines that it is unsafe to transport passengers due to weather, the trip may be rescheduled and/or a credit issued. One-day trips are sold as packages, so there is no difference in cost if a passenger decides not to participate in included elements of the trip. CANCELLATION POLICY FOR EXTENDED TOURS If a registered participant withdraws from the trip more than 15 days before departure, a $40 administrative and processing fee will be retained by the Y. Cancellation from 15 days before the trip up until the departure date will result in a 100% penalty. Extended tours are sold as packages, so there is no refund to passengers who choose not to join the group on pre-arranged tours or for meals included in the tour cost. The purchase of travel insurance may cover particular instances and cases for individual travelers. All Summer Session: June 8-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 2: July 20-August 23, 2015 Summer Session 1: June 8-July 19, 2015 This is a working document and is subject to change. 6
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