AHT KS5 - Fort Pitt Grammar School

Fort Pitt Hill, Chatham,
Kent ME4 6TJ
Tel: 01634 842359 Fax: 01634 817386
e-mail: office@fortpitt.medway.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Carol A Winn, BEd (Hons), MA, NPQH
Our ref: CAW/SP
26th March 2015
Dear Applicant
Post of Assistant Headteacher (Key Stage 5)
Thank you for considering the post of Assistant Headteacher at Fort Pitt Grammar School.
Fort Pitt is an 11-18 girls’ selective school in Medway with a growing co-educational sixth form.
Post-GCSE numbers have increased by 34% in the past two years; an indication of the increasing
popularity of the sixth form from students both within and beyond the school.
A range of subjects are offered at AS and A Level and Cambridge Pre-U. Our subject offer is
extended as result of an informal ‘consortium’ link between us and 3 other local secondary school
(both selective and non-selective). Most recent L3VA and 6th PANDA data confirm that a positive
Value Added score has been achieved in every category of qualification taken by our students.
However, there is still work to be done in terms of reducing the ‘achievement gap’ which exists
between subject areas within the school.
Fort Pitt is certainly not a leafy, suburban grammar school. It still caters for many daughters (and
sons in the 6th form) whose parents have not experienced 6th form or H.E. (in our present 6th form
31% of parents had received a post-compulsory education and only 24% had attended a H.E.
institution). Raising aspiration and self-belief is a key focus for the school and the 6th form in
particular. We are looking for a colleague who will embrace and contribute fully to our focus on
and drive for social mobility. There is evidence of success: 85% of our present Year 13 has
applied to H.E. with 66% applying to one or more Russell Group universities.
Our Senior Leadership Team comprises 6 members. Each of our Assistant Headteachers has
responsibility for progress and achievement within a key stage as well overseeing key events
within the school calendar relating to that key stage. In addition, members of the senior leadership
team work with and monitor a group of departments to drive up standards and reduce any interdepartmental variation by sharing outstanding practice and working collaboratively.
This is an exciting time to join Fort Pitt as Assistant Headteacher i/c Key Stage 5 with growing
sixth form numbers and an academic track record of which we are rightly proud but want to
improve further. If, having read the documentation relevant the post and looked at our website,
you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or, indeed, arrange to visit
the school.
If you feel you can make a difference to and an impact on the young people of Fort Pitt Grammar
School, I look forward to receiving your application.
Yours sincerely
Carol Winn