Urban Meadow Creation and Management - E

Urban Meadow Creation and Management
Workshop for community groups in Bristol
Sunday 26th of April
New HAB building at Bennett's Patch and White's Paddock Nature Reserve
Join Avon Wildlife Trust and Buglife to gain some wildflower meadow establishment tips and
techniques in order to make the most of our green spaces in Bristol.
The workshop is for community groups and organisations involved in the creation or enhancement
of urban wildflower meadows and grassland in and around the city. Let's get Bristol buzzing during
The workshop will look at:
Site selection and ground preparation
Meadow establishment techniques
Choosing the most appropriate seeds and plants
Perennial V's annual meadows
Long term management
Ongoing support for community groups and potential for free meadow seed
Please arrive by 9.50 ready for a prompt 10.00am start.
10-11. The first hour will focus on the principles and guidelines behind successfully establishing and
managing wildflowers in small and medium sites, the importance of wildflower meadows in urban
environments and local conservation projects that you can engage with.
11-12. The final hour will be a chance to have a go at practical wildflower seeding and planting in
the Bennett's Patch and White's Paddock Nature Reserve. Please wear appropriate clothing and
footwear. All materials and tools will be provided.
After the workshop there will be further opportunities to explore the reserve during the open day.
This is a free event but booking is essential. Please contact Janice Gardiner by Friday 17th of April
janicegardiner@avonwildlifetrust.org.uk or Tel: 0117 980 0398
Bennett's Patch and White's Paddock
Portway, Sneyd Park
ST 55168 75172
Entrance to Bennett's
Patch and White's Paddock
To arrive at Bennett's Patch and White's Paddock from Bristol, head towards Avonmouth on
the A4/ Portway, under the suspension bridge, past Bennett's Patch and White's Paddock on your
right and take the left on to Hadrian close, then first right onto Sea Mills lane, then right onto Avon
Lane followed by a first right onto Branscombe Rd. Follow the road back onto the Portway towards
the city. The entrance to the reserve is the first on the left.
You will find us in the new building set up from the car park.