UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FACILITIES OPERATIONS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Subject: Request for Service - Dusting FO SOP-H26 Page: 1 of 3 Last Modified: 3/16/2015 Approved: Duane Siemen PROCEDURE: Request for Cleaning Service - Dusting INTENDED AUDIENCE: All Facilities Operations personnel involved with performing Preventive Maintenance The purpose of this SOP is to provide instructions on the proper method of distributing the Desk Request for Cleaning Service/Dust Cards. PURPOSE: Section 1.01 Definitions: Horizontal surface – A flat surface such as a desk top, table top, or window sill. Section 1.02 Frequency: Customer Request for Service Card or by work order request. Section 1.03 Safety: Gloves Eye protection (Goggles) Section 1.04 Equipment: Dusting tool Dust-Off Disinfecting Office Surface Wipes Section 1.05 Proper Outcome: A horizontal surface that is clean and free of dust. UCF FO SOP version 1, March. 16, 15 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FACILITIES OPERATIONS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Subject: Request for Service - Dusting FO SOP-H26 Page: 2 of 3 Last Modified: 3/16/2015 Approved: Duane Siemen Section 1.06 Distribution: If housekeeper notices that the horizontal surfaces in the employees work area is becoming quite dusty. Notify the supervisor. The supervisor and the housekeeper will print their name on the back of the Request for Cleaning Service – Dust Card. Place the Request for Cleaning Service – Dust Card between the keys on the employee’s keyboard. Section 1.07 Procedure: Line Employee responsibility: Pilot i. Choose one building to pilot the dust card. ii. Sign Card - The housekeeper and supervisor must print their name on the back of the card. iii. Staple two of the Dust-Off Disinfectinf Office Surface Wipes to the Request for Cleaning Service – Dusing Card. iv. Place the card between the keys on the keyboard. v. The housekeeper must check the desk the next night to see if they employee wishes to have hisher area servcied. vi. If the employee marked “No” on the back of the card, please move on to the next desk area. If the employee marked “Yes” on the back of the card, please proceed to dust the area. Line Employee responsibility: Work Order Request for Service i. When a work order is created for for the Request for Cleaning Services, the supervisor will schedule the appropreate housekeeper for the task. ii. The housekeeper will follow the tasks lsited below. UCF FO SOP version 1, March. 16, 15 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FACILITIES OPERATIONS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Subject: Request for Service - Dusting FO SOP-H26 Page: 3 of 3 Last Modified: 3/16/2015 Approved: Duane Siemen Section 1.08 Tasks: Use dusting tool to remove heavy dust from all exposed horizontal surfaces. Do not move items on the horizontal surface to dust under them. Do not brush dust onto the floor, if possible. If dust must be brushed onto the floor, be sure to clean it up. Follow up with using the Dust-Off Disinfecting Office Surface Wipes to wipe down the horizontal surface. If the surface is dirty after dusting (e.g. cup marks, smears), spray all-purpose cleaner on a clean cloth and wipe the horizontal surface until it is clean. To avoid dust particles flying everywhere, place the duster firmly on a flat surface and with your wrist, move along the horizontal surface while twisting the dust mop. This will help the dust collect on the mop and not on the floor. UCF FO SOP version 1, March. 16, 15
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