Force of Will Comprehensive Rule ver. 5.1 Last Update: May 30, 2015 1. Overview ............................................................ 2 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 2. 5. 10. Constructing the Deck ...................................10 Setting Up the Game .....................................10 Draw Phase ................................................... 11 Recovery Phase ............................................. 11 Main Phase .................................................... 11 End Phase ...................................................... 11 11. Player's Action ................................................. 14 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 7.8. 7.9. 7.10. 7.11. 7.12. Play Resonator or Regalia .............................14 Play Addition ................................................14 Play [Spell:Chant] .........................................14 Initiate Battle.................................................14 Do Judgment .................................................14 Put a Card in Chant-Standby Area.................15 Play [Spell:Chant-instant] .............................15 Play [Activate] Ability ..................................15 Play [Spell:Chant-Standby] ...........................15 <<Valhalla>> Perform lifebreak....................15 Call magic stone ............................................16 Pass ...............................................................16 12. Losing the Game ...........................................28 Destroying .....................................................28 Illegal Addition .............................................28 <<Valhalla>> Excess Lifebreak Area ............28 Other Rules ...................................................... 29 14.1. 14.2. 1 Awakening ....................................................27 Incarnation ....................................................27 [Quickcast] ....................................................27 Rule Process..................................................... 28 13.1. 13.2. 13.3. 13.4. 14. [Pierce] ..........................................................26 [Target Attack] ..............................................26 [First Strike] ..................................................26 [Explode] ......................................................26 [Flying] .........................................................26 [Swiftness] ....................................................26 [Imperishable] ...............................................26 Keyword Skill .................................................. 27 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 13. Add (an addition) ..........................................23 Pay Wills .......................................................23 Remove from the Game ................................23 Reveal ...........................................................23 Summon ........................................................23 Deal Damage .................................................23 Chase.............................................................23 Draw .............................................................23 Destroy ..........................................................24 Banish ...........................................................24 Cancel ...........................................................24 Rest/Recover .................................................24 Choose/Search...............................................24 Trigger...........................................................24 Call................................................................24 Copy..............................................................24 Prevent ..........................................................25 Discard ..........................................................25 Become/Gain.................................................25 Symbol Skill ..................................................... 26 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5. 11.6. 11.7. Perform Priority Sequence ............................12 Play automatic abilities .................................12 Available Actions ..........................................12 End of priority sequence ...............................13 Ability and Effect ..........................................19 Active Ability ................................................19 Play and Cards and Abilities .........................19 Continuous Ability ........................................20 Activated Ability ...........................................20 Automatic Abilities .......................................20 Will Ability and Produced Will .....................21 One Time Effect ............................................21 Continuous Effect..........................................21 Replacement Effect .......................................22 Last Known Information ...............................22 Action by Rules ............................................... 23 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. 10.5. 10.6. 10.7. 10.8. 10.9. 10.10. 10.11. 10.12. 10.13. 10.14. 10.15. 10.16. 10.17. 10.18. 10.19. Priority Sequence ............................................ 12 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 7. General ............................................................7 Cards Orientation ............................................7 Main Deck.......................................................7 Magic Stone Deck ...........................................7 Hand ................................................................7 Field ................................................................8 Magic Stone Area ............................................8 Ruler Area .......................................................8 Graveyard........................................................8 <<Valhalla>> Lifebreak Area ..........................8 Chant-Standby Area ........................................9 Removed Area .................................................9 Chase Area ......................................................9 Play Ground ....................................................9 Zone Movement Restriction ............................9 Beginning of Battle Step ...............................17 Declare Attack Step .......................................17 Declare Block Step........................................17 First Strike Battle Resolution Step ................17 Normal Battle Resolution Step ......................18 End of Battle Step .........................................18 Cards and Abilities .......................................... 19 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. 9.7. 9.8. 9.9. 9.10. 9.11. Turn Sequence ................................................. 11 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 6. 9. Type ................................................................4 Name ...............................................................5 Cost .................................................................5 Text .................................................................5 Race/Trait ........................................................5 Attacking Power (ATK) ..................................5 Defending power (DEF) ..................................5 Art ...................................................................5 Additional Information....................................5 Setting Up the Game ....................................... 10 4.1. 4.2. Battle ................................................................ 17 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. Zone .................................................................... 7 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. 3.11. 3.12. 3.13. 3.14. 3.15. 4. 8. Number of players ...........................................2 Valhalla Rule and Bifrost Rule ........................2 How to win......................................................2 Golden rules of the game ................................2 Basic Concept .................................................2 Characteristic of cards ...................................... 4 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 3. Effective: June 12, 2015 Loop ..............................................................29 <<Bifrost>> Referring Lifebreak ..................29 1. Overview This document is the description of the rules for Force of Will. 1.1. Number of players This game is played by two players. 1.2. Valhalla Rule and Bifrost Rule In this comprehensive rules, we describe Valhalla rules and Bifrost rules. If not specified, all rules are applied both in Valhalla rules and Bifrost rules. If "<<Valhalla>>" is written on a section, that rule is applied only in Valhalla rules. If "<<Bifrost>>" is written on a section, that rule is applied only in Bifrost rules. Players must agree which rules they use in the game they play before the game begins. 1.3. How to win During the game, players fulfilling the losing condition loses the game. If a player loses the game and the other one hasn't, the player not losing the game wins. If both players lose the game in the same time, the game ends in draw. During a game, players may concede the game and leave from it. In this case, his or her opponent wins. Conceding the game is not replaced by any effects and no effects force players to concede. 1.4. Golden rules of the game If comprehensive rules and texts of a card is contradicted, card texts precede. When an effect instructs you to do something and part of it is impossible to do, you do anything others that can legally do. When an effect instructs you to do something a number of times and you cannot do it fully, you still do that as many times as possible. If you would perform something zero or minus times or amounts, you don't perform it at all. If an effect resolved and a status of a card or a player changes to the status that exact same as before, it's never treated as "becoming" that status. If an effect prohibit to do something and the other effect instructs to do that, prohibiting effect precedes. If an effect instructs you to choose a number, you need to choose an integer 0 or higher. 1.5. Basic Concept Player:One who plays this game. On each turn, player who perform the turn is called turn player, and the other player is called non-turn player. Owner: Owner of a card is a player who bring the card at the beginning of the game. Control: During a game, each of cards, abilities and effects are controlled by a player. A player who controls cards abilities or effects is a controller of them. If a card or an ability refers "you", it refers its controller. If no controller-changing effects are applied, the controller of a card, ability or effect is determined as below: ▶ Controller of a card is an owner of it. ▶ Controller of an ability is an controller of the card with that ability. ▶ Controller of an effect is an controller of the ability generates that effect. 2 Life Point: Each player has a number called life point. If a player has life point 0 or below, he or she loses the game. ▶ Life point is increased and decreased by a multiple of one hundred. If an effects instruct player to pay any amount of life point, he or she pays it by a multiple of one hundred. Whenever you have any fractions less than a hundred, in your life point, round it up to the nearest hundred. ▶ If a card refers 'life', it refers life point. 3 2. Characteristic of cards Ruler Regalia Resonator Addition (1) Type (2) Name (3) Cost (4) Text (5) Race/Trait (6) ATK (7) DEF (8) Art (9) Additional Information J-Ruler 2.1. Spell Magic Stone Type The group this card belongs. Category of cards. It can be "ruler", "J-ruler", "magic stone", "resonator", "spell", "addition", "regalia" or "astral ruler". ▶ In this comprehensive rules and card text, "resonator or J-ruler" is written as "J/resonator". ▶ In this comprehensive rules and card text, "ruler or J-ruler" is written as "J/ruler". ▶ Type "astral ruler" is used for special case and never appears on actual cards. Some of the type has subtype belongs with it. Subtype is a phrase after type name and ":". ▶ Spells have subtype "chant", "chant-instant" or "chant-standby". ▶ Additions have subtype "field", "resonator", "ruler", "J-ruler", "J/resonator" or "J/ruler". If something refers an addition with "resonator" subtype, it doesn't refer additions with "J/resonator" and vice versa. Same rule is applied for subtype "ruler" and "J/ruler", "J-ruler" and "J/resonator" or "J/ruler". Some cards have general type. General type is a phrase before type name. ▶ Some magic stone cards have general type "Special". If a card is referred by its type name without any zone it's in, the card in a play ground is referred. If a card is referred by its "[type name] card" in a zone, it refers a card with that type in the zone. 4 2.2. Name Name of the card. Name is referred when you build your deck as its restrictions. If an effect refers a name with "" (double quotation symbol), it refers a card with that name or a part of a name. 2.3. Cost Information referred when you play this card. Cost includes attribute cost that pays with specified attribute will and free cost that pays with any attribute will. Attribute cost is shown by will symbols on left side of the cost. You need one specified will for each of will symbol shown on here. Free cost is shown by number on right side of the cost. You need numbers of any will equal to the number on here. Total cost is the number of wills on attribute cost plus number on free cost. Card with attribute cost has attribution specified with each symbol on it. 2.4. Text Abilities of this card. If a card has more than one paragraph on its text, each of them is different ability. Some cards have sentences with different font in its card text area. The sentences are called flavor text and have no rule purpose. 2.5. Race/Trait A part of information of this card. Phrases shown on ruler, J-ruler or resonator are called race, and on other cards are called trait. Card's race and trait are written on right side of its type. Trait is written inside of parentheses. If there are no "/" (slash) on the race or trait, it means one phrase for a race or trait. If there are "/" (slash), each of the phrase separated by "/" is a phrase for a race or trait. Race or trait itself doesn't have any specified rules, though it is referred by some abilities and effects. If an effect refers race or trait without any zone it's in, it refers cards in a play ground with that race or trait. 2.6. Attacking Power (ATK) Information J-ruler and resonator have. ATK is the value after "ATK" and it means how much damage it deales while in combat. 2.7. Defending power (DEF) Information J-ruler and resonator have. DEF is the value after "DEF" and if the card in a field suffers equal or more damage than its DEF, it's destroyed. 2.8. Art Image for the card, Art has no rule purpose. 2.9. Additional Information Collector number, rarity, copyright, and artist name. 5 Additional Information has no rule purpose. 6 3. Zone Zone is an area that cards and abilities are put into. 3.1. General During a game, cards are placed in a one of places called zone. Each player has his or her own zones except for chase area. Each of the zone is divided into "public zone" and "hidden zone". Each player can see information of cards in public zone. Each player cannot see information of cards in hidden zone. ▶ Each player can see the number of cards in a zone regardless it's public or hidden. If a card moves from a zone to another, if it moves from playground to playground, it's treated as a same card and keeps its orientation. Otherwise, it's treated as a new card in a new zone. If not specified, any effect applied in older zone is not applied to the new card. If more than one card is move to a new zone and the order of cards in new zone is managed, owner of those cards decides the order of them in new zone. If the new zone is hidden, players other than owner of the cards moved cannot know the order of the cards in new zone. If a card is moved to a zone and the zone is not specified who it belongs, the card is moved to the zone belonging to the owner of that card. 3.2. Cards Orientation In some zone, a card has specified orientation, recovered or rested. Recovered cards are placed vertically and rested cards are placed horizontally. ▶ Changing orientation of a card from recovered to rested is called "to rest (a card)" and from rested to recovered is called "to recover". ▶ When a card is placed in a zone that the cards orientation is specified, it7s placed recovered. In some zone, a card has specified orientation, face up or face down. Face up cards are placed all the information on the cards visible, and face down cards are placed all the information hidden. Hidden cards information can be checked by anytime by a player if he or she know the information of the cards (because they're move from public zone, for example). ▶ Rulers and J-rulers are always face up and any effects to face them down is not applied. 3.3. Main Deck The zone a player put his main deck. Each player has his or her main deck zone, its hidden and order of the cards are managed. 3.4. Magic Stone Deck The zone a player put his magic stone deck. Each player has his or her magic stone deck zone, its hidden and order of the cards are managed. 3.5. Hand The zone player put his cards drawn. 7 Each player has his or her hand, its hidden and order of the cards are not managed. Hand is hidden zone but the player the zone belongs can see any information of cards in that zone. Each player has maximum hand size. At the beginning of a game, each player's maximum hand size is seven. 3.6. Field The zone player puts his or her J-ruler, resonators and additions. Each player has his or her field, its public and order of the cards are not managed. In a field, a card has specified orientation, recovered or rested. If a text refers "card" without the zone it's in, it refers card in a field. If a text refers "resonator", "J-ruler" or "Addition" without the zone it's in, it refers a card with specific type in a field. Each player can see face down side of J-ruler card in a field. If a card moves from a field to another, or from a magic stone area to a field, it's not considered as "enters" or "comes into" that field. 3.7. Magic Stone Area The area players put his or her magic stone. Each player has his or her magic stone area, its public and order of the cards are not managed. In a magic stone area, a card has specified orientation, recovered or rested. If a text refers "magic stone" without the zone it's in, it refers cards with magic stone type in magic stone area. If a card moves from a magic stone area to another, or from a field to a magic stone area, it's not considered as "enters" or "comes into" that magic stone area. 3.8. Ruler Area The area player put his or her ruler or astral ruler. Each player has his or her ruler area, its public and order of the cards are not managed. In a ruler area, a card has specified orientation, recovered or rested. If a text refers "ruler" without the zone it's in, it refers cards with ruler type in ruler area. Face down side of a card in a ruler area can be seen only by its controller. While a card with J-ruler side up is in ruler area, it loses type "J-ruler" and gains type "astral ruler". it loses all of its ability and doesn't have ATK and DEF. 3.9. Graveyard The zone destroyed or used cards are placed. Each player has his or her graveyard, its public and order of the cards are managed. Any new cards put into a graveyard is put onto the top of the cards in it. 3.10. <<Valhalla>> Lifebreak Area The zone player put his or her cards as lifebreak. Each player has his or her lifebreak area, its hidden and order of the cards are managed. Any new cards put into a lifebreak area is put onto the top of the cards in it. Each player has maximum lifebreak size. At the beginning of a game, each player's maximum lifebreak size is four. 8 3.11. Chant-Standby Area The zone you put your card from your hand face down. Each player has his or her chant-standby area, its hidden and order of the cards are not managed. Chant-standby area is hidden zone but the player the zone belongs can see any information of cards in that zone. 3.12. Removed Area The zone a player put his or her removed cards. Each player has his or her removed area, its public and order of the cards are not managed. 3.13. Chase Area The zone played cards and abilities placed until they're resolved. There is only one chase area, its public and order of the cards are managed. It's called "summon spell" if the type is resonator, and called "normal spell" if the type is the other. If spells , abilities or effects refer "spell" without specific zone, they refer cards on chase area. 3.14. Play Ground Fields, ruler areas and magic stone areas are play ground. A card in a player's play ground is controlled by the player. If a card would be put in a player's play ground, it's put under that player's control. 3.15. Zone Movement Restriction If a ruler card would move to a zone other than graveyard or ruler area except for doing judgment, it doesn't move. If a J-ruler card would move to a zone other than ruler area or field, it doesn't move. If a resonator card, an addition card or an regalia card would move to magic stone deck, magic stone area or ruler area, it doesn't move. If a spell card would move to magic stone deck or a play ground, it moves to graveyard. If a magic stone card would move to hand, main deck, ruler area, it doesn't move. If an astral ruler would move to a zone other than ruler area, it doesn't move. 9 4. Setting Up the Game Before the game, each player constructs his or her deck and prepare for the game. 4.1. Constructing the Deck Each player prepare his or her main deck, magic stone deck and a ruler card. Each player prepare exact one ruler card. Main deck is a pile of cards that contains cards other than ruler or magic stone. Main deck must contains forty or more cards. Magic stone deck is a pile of cards contains magic stone cards. Magic stone deck must contains no less than ten and no more than twenty cards. In a main deck or magic stone deck, it can contains up to four copy each of the same name cards. Non-special magic stone cards are exception of this rule and can put any number in a magic stone deck 4.2. Setting Up the Game Before the game, each player shuffles his or her main deck and magic stone deck and put each of them into main deck zone and magic stone deck zone, appropriately. Each player set his or her life point to 4,000. Choose a player at random and he or she chooses play first or not. Each player moves top five cards from his or her main deck to his or her hand. Then, the player plays first chooses to change any cards in his or her hand, then the other player do the same. Then each player moves chosen cards to the bottom of his or her main deck in any order, then move that many cards from his or her main deck to his or her hand. The first player must choose which cards to change first. <<Valhalla>> Each player moves top four cards from his or her main deck to his or her lifebreak area. Each player put his or her ruler to his or her ruler area. The first player is a turn player, and begin the turn. 10 5. Turn Sequence The game is played by turns each player performs alternately. In each turn, the turn player performs the phases in this order. 5.1. Draw Phase "At the beginning of turn", "at the beginning of draw phase" and, if this is the first turn of the game, "at the beginning of game" trigger conditions are happened. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. Turn player draws a card from his or her main deck. However, if this is the first turn of the game, the player doesn't draw it instead. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. 5.2. Recovery Phase If this is the first turn for turn player, skip recovery phase. "At the beginning of recovery phase" trigger conditions are happened. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. All produced wills are cease to exist. Turn player recovers all cards in his or her play ground. "At the end of recovery phase" trigger conditions are happened. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. 5.3. Main Phase "At the beginning of main phase" trigger conditions are happened. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. In a main phase, turn player can perform some specific actions. 5.4. End Phase "At the beginning of end phase" trigger conditions are happened. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. "At the end of turn" trigger conditions are happened. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. As a final step, all the following action is performed in this order: ▶ All the damage on resonators or J-ruler becomes zero. ▶ All the continuous effect applied until end of turn end. ▶ All produced wills are cease to exist. ▶ If turn player has any maximum hand size and he or she has more cards than that in his or her hand, choose any cards in his or her hand excess his or her maximum hand size and discard them. ▶ If there are any rule process or any abilities triggered, perform priority sequence and repeat this final step again. Otherwise, finish this final step. The player not the turn player becomes new turn player and start the new turn. 11 6. Priority Sequence During a game, a player may gains priority and perform priority sequence. The player with priority performs any action that can do at that time. Priority Sequence Perform rule process. Repeat it as long as any rule process left should be performed. Play automatic If any abilities triggered, choose After choose one of them, abilities. one of them and play. repeat priority sequence from the beginning. Repeat this until all automatic abilities are chosen. Actions while The player with priority he or she has performs any action that can do priority at that time. End of priority If it's a consecutive passes by both player, resolve a card or sequence an ability that's put last in chase area. If none in chase area, finish priority sequence. Otherwise, start new priority sequence. 6.1. Perform Priority Sequence When players perform priority sequence, do the following: ▶ If there are any rule process to perform, do them. Repeat it while there are any rule process to perform left. ▶ Choose and play triggered automatic abilities. ▶ The player with priority performs any action that can do at that time. ▶ Perform any actions for end of priority sequence. 6.2. Play automatic abilities If there are any triggered automatic abilities, choose one of them. If more than one automatic abilities are triggered, turn player choose one among them he or she controls, if any exists. If none of them are controlled by turn player, non-turn player choose one among them. If an ability chosen, play it if he or she can legally. Then, regardless he or she played it, decrease the number of the ability triggered one. If any ability is chosen, repeat this priority sequence from the beginning. 6.3. Available Actions The player with priority performs any action as below: ▶ Play [Spell:Chant-instant] card. ▶ Choose an [Activate] ability on a card he or she control and play it. ▶ Play [chant-standby] card if its trigger condition is met. ▶ <<Valhalla>> Perform lifebreak. ▶ Pass. The player with priority performs any action as below if it's his or her turn, in a main phase, not in a battle and chase area is empty: 12 ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ 6.4. Play resonator, addition, [Spell:Chant] or regalia card. Initiate battle. Do judgment Put a card in his or her hand into his or her chant-standby area. Call magic stone. End of priority sequence Depending the action the player with priority performed, do the following: ▶ If he or she chooses any action other than pass, the player with priority keeps it. ▶ If he or she passed and that is the consecutive pass by both player, if the chase area is empty, end the priority sequence; otherwise, resolve the last card or ability put into chase area, then turn player gains priority. ▶ If the player passed and it is not consecutive pass by both player, the player who doesn't have priority gains priority. If the priority sequence is not end, start new priority sequence. 13 7. Player's Action Player may perform an action while he or she has priority. Below are description of them. 7.1. Play Resonator or Regalia Turn player may play an resonator card or regalia card if he or she has priority, it is his or her main phase and chase area is empty. The player chooses a resonator or a regalia card, pay the cost and play. If not specified, he or she can play resonator or regalia card in his or her hand. When resonator or regalia card in chase area resolved, the resonator or regalia card is put into its controller's field. 7.2. Play Addition Turn player may play an addition card if he or she has priority, it is his or her main phase and chase area is empty. The player chooses an addition card, pay the cost and play. If not specified, he or sha can play addition card in his or her hand. If the card is not [Addition: Field], it needs a target when he or she play it. The target must be a card in a field that have type X, specified with [Addition:X]. ▶ You cannot target J-ruler in a ruler area with [Addition: J-ruler]. When addition card in chase area resolved, the addition card is put into its controller's field if the target of the addition is legal. If it's not [Addition: Field], the card is put into its controller field, added to the target. If the target is not legal, put the addition into its owner's graveyard. 7.3. Play [Spell:Chant] Turn player may play [Spell:Chant] card if he or she has priority, it is his or her main phase and chase area is empty. The player chooses a [Spell:Chant] card, pay the cost and play. If not specified, he or she can play [Spell:Chant] card in his or her hand. When a [Spell:Chant] in chase area resolved, perform the text and put it into the owner's graveyard. 7.4. Initiate Battle Turn player may initiate battle if he or she has priority, it is his or her main phase and chase area is empty. See 【8Battle】 for more detail. Initiate battle doesn't use chase area. 7.5. Do Judgment Turn player may do judgment if he or she has priority, it is his or her main phase, chase area is empty, he or she has recovered ruler in his or her ruler area and he or she haven't done judgment this turn. Player preform any action specified [J-activate] section and put the judgment onto chase area. ▶ If will symbols are shown on the section without specific notice, you need to pay the will to do judgment. ▶ If any conditions are shown on this section, they are conditions need to be met to do judgment. When the judgment resolved, put his or her ruler into his or her field, J-ruler side up. 14 7.6. Put a Card in Chant-Standby Area Turn player may put a card in his or her hand face down to his or her chant-standby are by paying [2], if he or she has priority, it is his or her main phase and chase area is empty. This action doesn't use chase area, and put the card when he or she perform the action. You can put cards other than [Spell: chant-standby] card in this way, but you cannot play it without effects to allow it. 7.7. Play [Spell:Chant-instant] The player with priority may play [Spell:Chant-instant] card. The player chooses a [Spell:Chant-instant] card, pay the cost and play. If not specified, he or she can play [Spell:Chant-instant] card in his or her hand. When a [Spell:Chant-instant] in chase area resolved, perform the text and put it into the owner's graveyard. 7.8. Play [Activate] Ability The player with priority may play an [Activate] ability on a card he or she control. The player with priority choose an [Activate] ability on a card he or she control and play it. If it's an will ability, resolve it immediately. If not specified, he or she can play [Activate] ability on a cards he or she controls. When an ability in a chase area resolved, apply the effect of the ability, then remove it from chase area. 7.9. Play [Spell:Chant-Standby] Some [Spell: Chant-Standby] cards have automatic abilities(9.6). ▶ [Spell: Chant-Standby] cards that contain triggering condition before the colon (:) of [Trigger] text are automatic abilities. [Spell: Chant-Standby] cards in hand or in chant-standby area become triggered when you reveal the cards at the time their trigger condition fulfilled. To play [Spell: Chant-Standby], as its cost to play, perform actions shown on the [Trigger] text before colon. You also need to pay the cost of the card if you play it from a zone other than your chant-standby area. [Spell: Chant-Standby] cards in chant-standby area cannot play or reveal to trigger when its trigger condition met in the same turn its put into the area. If [Trigger] text before colon is "anytime", it means "pay [0]". When a [Spell:Chant-standby] in chase area resolved, perform the text after colon of its [trigger] text and put it into the owner's graveyard. 7.10. <<Valhalla>> Perform lifebreak The player with priority may remove the top card in his or her lifebreak area if the number of cards in the area is equal or larger than [(his or her life point-1)/1000] (rounded down). if the removed card has [Break] ability, that player must play the ability as long as he or she can play it legally. When an ability in a chase area resolved, apply the effect of the ability, then remove it from chase area. The card removed in this way is put into its owners graveyard immediately if it doesn't have [Break] ability or the ability cannot be played legally. If the [break] ability is played, put the card into its owner's graveyard when the ability is removed from chase area. 15 7.11. Call magic stone Turn player rest his or her ruler, J-ruler or astral ruler if he or she has priority, it is his or her main phase, chase area is empty, he or she hasn't call magic stone and he or she hasn't done judgment this turn. If he or she does, put the top card of his or her magic stone deck into his or her magic stone area. This procedure is called "calling magic stone". 7.12. Pass The player with priority may pass. In this case, do nothing. The player with priority may not pass if it's his or her turn, in a main phase, not in a battle and chase area is empty, and he or she controls a J/resonator that requires to attack and can attack legally. "Can attack legally" means fulfilling all the conditions below: ▶ You control the card continuously from the beginning of this turn. ▶ It's recovered. ▶ You can choose an attacked object. ▶ No effects prohibit it to attack. ▶ No voluntary action is needed to attack with it. 16 8. Battle In a main phase, turn player may initiate battle with J/resonator he or she controls. To do that, perform the following step in this order. 8.1. Beginning of Battle Step "At the beginning of battle phase" trigger conditions are happened. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. 8.2. Declare Attack Step "At the beginning of declair attack step" trigger conditions are happened. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. Turn player choose to attack or forfeit to attack. If he or she forfeits, this battle ends and go directly to end of battle step. If he chose to attack, he choose the following: ▶ A recovered J/resonator he or she continuously controls from the beginning of this turn. If he or she controls any J/resonator require to attack, you need to choose one of them. ▶ For an attacked object, an opponent player or a rested J/resonator in the opponent's field. To attack, the player must choose them legally. If he cannot choose any of them, he cannot attack and must forfeit. Rest attacking J/resonator. If he must perform any action to attack, do it at this point. If he cannot, he may not do that attack and rewind the game situation back to choose attack or forfeit. From this point, the J/resonator is attacking J/resonator and it battles. If non-turn player played no spells or abilities in this battle and turn player chose forfeit, turn player may not initiate battle again in this turn. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. 8.3. Declare Block Step "At the beginning of declare block step" trigger conditions are happened. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. Non-turn player choose to block or forfeit to block. To block, the player chooses recovered J/resonator he or she control that can block the attacking card. To block, rest a J/resonator non-turn player control other than attacked object. If he or she must perform any action to block, do it at this point. If he or she cannot, he or she may not do that block and rewind the game situation back to choose block or forfeit. From this point, as long as that J/resonator is in a field, it is blocking J/resonator, and the attacking J/resonator is blocked J/resonator. As long as there's a blocking J/resonator, attacking and blocking J/resonator battle with each other. If there're no blocking J/resonator, attacking J/resonator and J/resonator chosen as are attacked object battle with each other. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. 8.4. First Strike Battle Resolution Step If there are no attacking J/resonator at this point, go directly to end of battle step. If the attacking J/resonator has first strike, it deals damage equal to its ATK. This damage is battle damage. ▶ If there's a blocking J/resonator, the damage is dealt to it. 17 ▶ If there are no blocking J/resonator, the damage is dealt to the object chosen in declare attack step. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. 8.5. Normal Battle Resolution Step If there are no attacking J/resonator at this point, go directly to end of battle step. If the attacking J/resonator didn't deal any damage by rules in first strike battle resolution step, it deals damage equal to its ATK. This damage is battle damage. ▶ If there's a blocking J/resonator, the damage is dealt to it. ▶ If there are no blocking J/resonator, the damage is dealt to the object chosen in declare attack step. If there's an blocking J/resonator, or if there're no blocking J/resonator and attacked object is a J/resonator, it deals damage equal to its ATK to the attacking J/resonator. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. 8.6. End of Battle Step "At the end of battle phase" trigger conditions are happened. Turn player gains priority and perform priority sequence. As a final step, all the following action is performed: ▶ All the continuous effect applied during this battle or until end of the battle end. ▶ If there are any rule process or any abilities triggered, perform priority sequence and repeat this final step again. Otherwise, finish this final step. Attacking and blocking J/resonators stop attacking or blocking and battle ends. 18 9. Cards and Abilities 9.1. Ability and Effect Ability is the sentences on a card to do something. Abilities are "continuous ability", "activated ability" or "automatic ability". ▶ Activated abilities are abilities with text "[Activated] <cost>:<effect>" or "<cost>:<effect>", and the controller of that abilities can play them at the time he or she allowed by performing all the cost. ▶ automatic abilities are abilities with text "[Continuous] <effect>" or "<effect>", or [Spell: Chant-standby] cards, and need to meet any condition or [Trigger] to play. They're played in the next priority sequence as the triggering condition met. ▶ Continuous abilities are abilities with text "[Continuous] <effect>" or "<effect>" that is not trigger ability. Continuous abilities apply their effect as long as the abilities are active. ▶ Some of abilities have ability names. Ability name is shown as <(name)>. If two abilities have the same ability name, they treated as the same ability. Also, if something refers an ability name, it refers an ability with that ability name. An effect means the order itself by an ability. Effects are, based on how it's applied, "one time effect", "continuous effect" or "replacement effect". ▶ One time effect is an effect to do something and end the applying just after that. ▶ Continuous effect is an effect that applied in some duration, or if there're no duration specified, applied as long as the ability active. ▶ Replacement effect is an effect applied to specific action that would perform, and instead, not performing it and do the other thing. 9.2. Active Ability Each ability can be played or apply its effect as long as it's active. If not specified, abilities are active as long as the card with them is in a zone below: ▶ Abilities on J/resonator or addition are active while the card is in a field. ▶ Abilities on ruler are active while the card is in a ruler area. ▶ Abilities on magic stone are active while the card is in a magic stone area. If an ability has a text that is available in specified area, the ability is active in the area. 9.3. Play and Cards and Abilities Cards are played and then placed in specified zone. Activated or automatic abilities are played and then resolved. Cards and abilities are played as below: ▶ If the card is a face down card in chant-standby area, face it up. ▶ When a player plays a card, put that card into chase area. When a player plays an ability, put that ability as an pseudo-card into chase area. ▶ If the ability has a text "choose (number)", the player choose that number of options in that text. Options not chosen is treated that doesn't exist. ▶ If the card or ability needs targets, the controller chooses legal ones. If he or she cannot choose legal target, he or she cannot play the card or ability. ▶ If the card or ability requires to do something to play, determine quality and quantity of them at this time. If there're any effects altering the quality, apply 19 them first, then apply any effects increasing the quantity, then apply any effects decreasing the quantity. Then do them all. If he or she cannot do any part of them, he or she cannot play the card or ability. If any part of them is replaced by another replacement effect, it is still treated as he or she did it. Cards and abilities are resolved as below: ▶ If the card or ability require to choose target, check the target at this point. If it's not legal, all the effects involving to it is not applied. Even if all the targets of the card or ability is illegal, the other effects not related with the targets is still resolved. ▶ If it's a card, perform the action depending of the type of it. If it's an ability, apply the effect of the ability, then remove it from chase area. 9.4. Continuous Ability Continuous abilities apply their effect as long as the abilities are active. All the effects of continuous abilities are continuous effects. If a continuous ability on a card defines attribute, race, trait, ATK or DEF of the card without any condition, the ability is called "base ability" and applied in any zone. ▶ Abilities with "Treat this card as (attribute) magic stone" text is base abilities. 9.5. Activated Ability Activated abilities are abilities that controller of them may play them at any time he or she can play it. Playing activated ability follow the rules of playing abilities. included in required action can be played Activated ability of resonator with if it's in your playground continuously from the beginning of this turn. included in required action can be played if Activated ability of J-ruler with it's in your field continuously from the beginning of this turn. 9.6. Automatic Abilities Automatic abilities are abilities with text "[Continuous] <effect>" or "<effect>", or [Spell: Chant-standby] cards in hand or chant-standby area, and need to meet any condition or [Trigger] to play, or [Enter] abilities. Automatic abilities watch game situation and if its trigger condition is met, it's automatically played in priority sequence. ▶ [Enter] abilities are triggered when the card with it is played from a player's hand and put from chase area, or when judgment resolved and J-ruler is put into a field. If the card is put into chase area from zones without playing it from hand, or the card comes into a field from zones other than chase area, [Enter] doesn't trigger. Each of automatic abilities has it's condition to play it. It's called triggering condition. If the condition is met, number of triggered times of the ability is increase one. If the number of triggered times of an ability is one or more, the ability is considered "triggered". ▶ Automatic ability of [Spell: Chant-Standby] in chant-standby area doesn't trigger in a turn that the card is put into that area. During priority sequence, after all rule process resolved, turn player checks if he or she controls any triggered automatic abilities. If he or she do, choose one of those abilities and play it, then decrease the number of triggered times of that ability one. Then non-turn player do the same, and repeat it until no abilities triggered left. 20 Triggered automatic abilities have to be played unless it is prohibited. Players cannot choose not to play. If a player choose an triggered automatic abilities but cannot play it for any reason, just decrease the number of triggered times of that ability one. Some automatic abilities trigger when a card move from a zone to another. If these abilities refer the moved card or other cards moved in the same time, they refer the information or status of the card as below: ▶ If the card moved from public zone to hidden zone, or hidden zone to public, the ability refers the card when it's in public zone. ▶ If the card moved from play ground to an area other than play ground, or vice versa, the ability refers the card when it's in play ground. ▶ Otherwise, the ability refers a card when it's in destination zone. Some effects make automatic abilities that triggers later in some specific time. This ability is called delayed automatic ability. ▶ Delayed automatic ability is, if not specified, trigger once and once only at the time it specified. After that, even in the same situation, it doesn't trigger. ▶ If something refers card with a delayed automatic ability, it refers a card with ability that make that delayed trigger ability. Some automatic abilities watch if a specific status is fulfilled in a game. This ability is called status automatic ability. ▶ Status automatic ability is only triggered when it's not triggered and the status is fulfilled. For a reason, when a player plays his or her automatic ability, it is possible the card with that ability moved to another zone, lost the automatic ability or the ability become inactive. Even in these case, the ability is still played and resolved, 9.7. Will Ability and Produced Will Activate abilities that need no target to choose and produce wills are will abilities. Automatic abilities that triggers by playing will ability, need no target to choose and produce wills are will abilities. Spells that produce wills are not will abilities. A player can play will abilities while he or she has priority or when he or she needs to pay wills. Will abilities doesn't use chase area and resolved just after it's played. Produce wills are kept by the controller of the abilities. They left until they are paid for something or be ceased to exist by the rules. Wills are attribute will specified by will symbol and wills without attribution specified by number. :one light, :one fire, :one water, :one wind, :one dark :one will without attribution (same for the other numbers) Some wills have specific characteristic. " means "produce one ▶ Some will have characteristic "moon". "Produce will with moon characteristic without any attribute". ▶ Characteristic is not an attribute. 9.8. One Time Effect One time effects are performed when it resolved. 9.9. Continuous Effect If two or more continuous effects applied, they are applied in the order below: 21 ▶ Information on the card itself and base abilities on the card are the base information. ▶ Apply all continuous effects that add or remove any ability. ▶ Apply all continuous effects that change non-value information. ▶ Apply all continuous effects that change value information. If a continuous effects contains multiple layer above, apply them separately according to the order above. If two or more continuous effects are applied in the same time in above conditions, apply them in the order below: ▶ If there are effect A and effect B, and if you apply A before B changes what or how B applies than you apply A after B, B is considered depending A. If effect B depends effect A and A doesn't depend B, B is always applied after A. ▶ If the order is not decided after this, apply the effect earlier applied first. Timing of an effect applied is determined is, at the time the continuous ability become active, or the time the effect is made by an ability. If, for a reason, the timing is still the same, the turn player at the time decide which one apply first. If an continuous effect is made by an automatic ability or an activated ability, and if it applies to any cards with some conditions, not specific cards, it applies to any cards fulfilling that conditions, no matter when the card starts to fulfill the condition. Also, it stops to apply if the card stop fulfilling the condition. When a card is moved to a zone and any continuous effect is applied to the card in the new zone, the card comes into the zone with the effect applied. If continuous effect changes a information of cards to another, it lost the older information. If something refers 'printed' information of a card, it refers the information of the card without any continuous effect applied. 9.10. Replacement Effect If a replacement effect is applied to a situation, the original situation never happens and only replaced situation is occurred. If two or more replacement effects are applied, the player of the original situation performs or the controller of the card or effect of the original situation chooses a replacement effect and apply it. All replacement effect must be apply once and once only if the situation that should be replaced occurred. Players cannot choose not to replace it unless the effect allows to do so. 9.11. Last Known Information If, for a reason, any information of a card in a zone should be referred but the card is always moved to another zone, if it is not moved from play ground to play ground, information of the card in former zone is referred. This is called last known information. 22 10. Action by Rules Some action is performed in specific way in the game. The phrases below is the actions by rules and perform as described. 10.1. Add (an addition) To add an addition card, put the card in a field and make it added onto the specific card. If an effect moves an non-[Addition: Field] addition from non-chase area to a field, It comes into the field added on a card it can legally be added. "Card legally add" means a card in a field that type is specified in the subtype of an addition, and no effects prevent the addition to be added. If there're no such card, the addition stays in a zone currently it's in. 10.2. Pay Wills To pay wills, cease to exist specific wills from your produced will. :one light, Wills to pay are specified by will symbols or free will symbol. :one fire, :one water, :one wind, :one dark :one any will (same for the other numbers) When you play a card, the cost of the card is the wills to pay. If you need to pay wills and you cannot pay them all, you cannot pay them at all. You cannot pay part of them. Players may play will abilities when he or she asked to pay wills. , you need to pay any one will with moon characteristic. If you need to pay 10.3. Remove from the Game To remove a card from the game, move the card to his or her removed area. 10.4. Reveal To reveal a card in a hidden zone, show the information of the card to all players. It ends when the effect to reveal it ends or when the card is moved to another area. 10.5. Summon If an effect "summons" a resonator card, put that card onto the top of chase area as a summon spell. If a rule or an ability refers a resonator "summoned", it refers a resonator "put into a field from chase area by resolving itself". 10.6. Deal Damage If any amount of damage is dealt to a J/resonator, increase the number of damage on the card with the number of the damage. If any amount of damage is dealt to a player, decrease his or her life point the number of the damage. ### 10.7. Chase If a card refers "to chase", it refers "put new cards or abilities that is not an automatic ability onto chase area by playing them". 10.8. Draw To draw, the player move the top card of his or her main deck to his or her hand. To draw two or more cards, repeat to draw one card the specific number of times. 23 10.9. Destroy To destroy a card in a field or magic stone area, put the card into its owner's graveyard if it's not J-ruler. If it's J-ruler, move it to its owner's ruler area. If something would destroy J-ruler cards in ruler area, it does nothing. If it's a ruler card in ruler area, it moves to owner's graveyard if the effect says "destroy ruler" specifically. If an effect says a card cannot be destroyed, all effects try to destroy that is ignored, and all rule process try to destroy the card is not fulfill its condition. 10.10. Banish To banish a card, put the card into owner's graveyard. A player may not banish cards he or she doesn't control. 10.11. Cancel When a card or an ability in a chase area is canceled, remove it from chase area. If it is a card, put it into its owner's graveyard. 10.12. Rest/Recover To rest a card, make the card rested. To recover a card, make the card recovered. symbol, it means "to rest this recovered card". If a card text has 10.13. Choose/Search If a player chooses a card or an ability from public zone, he or she need to choose specific ones if there're any. If a player chooses or searches a card in hidden zone, he or she can look all the information of cards in the zone. Then, if all the players can see all the information of those cards, choose cards as he or she chooses from public zone. If any player cannot know the information of those cards and the player chooses a card with specific information, it is not guaranteed there're cards with that specific information. He or she can choose not to find even if there're any. 10.14. Trigger "To trigger" automatic ability means fulfilling triggering condition of that ability and making it triggered. ▶ If an effect says an automatic ability won't trigger, it cannot be triggered even if the triggering condition is fulfilled. "To trigger" an activated ability is to play the ability. 10.15. Call "To call" a magic stone is to perform an calling magic stone action (7.11). 10.16. Copy "To copy" a card or an ability is making an object in the same zone of the card or the ability. It always makes the same object without any continuoes effects on them. ▶ If the copied object is a card, it makes a pseudo-card with the same informations. Pseudo-card is not a physical card, but treated as a card in that zone. If the copy moves out of the zone, it ceases to exist. ▶ If the copied object is an ability in a chase area, make the same ability into that zone. If a player made any choice for the copied object, it is considered that the copy also has the same choice. 24 10.17. Prevent "To prevent" damage is to apply replacement effect that reduce some or all of the damage. ▶ If some point of damage would be prevent, the damage is reduced by that point and deal it instead. ▶ If a damage is prevented without any specific value, the damage is not dealt instead. 10.18. Discard "To discard" a card is to move a card in your hand to your graveyard. If something says "discard hand" without any number or specific cards, that player discards all cards in his or her hand. ▶ If he or she has no cards in his or her hand at that time, it still considered as "discarded". 10.19. Become/Gain If a card "becomes" a type, race or trait, it loses its original type, race or trait accordingly. If a card "gains" a type, race or trait, it still keeps its original type, race or trait accordingly. 25 11. Symbol Skill Symbol skills are abilities shown by symbol icons on cards and affect while the cards are on a play ground. 11.1. [Pierce] DEF of a J/resonator minus damage on it is called the J/resonator's capacity. Attack by J/resonator with [Pierce] is blocked, and as the attacking J/resonator deals damage by rules in a battle resolution step, if it deals more than blocking J/resonator's capacity, the number of damage excess is dealt to the original attacked object. This is continuous ability. Having two or more [Pierce] is redundant. Damage by [Pierce] is battle damage. 11.2. [Target Attack] A J/resonator with [Target Attack] can attack against recovered J/resonator. This is continuous ability. 11.3. [First Strike] Attacking J/resonator with [First Strike] can deal damage before any J/resonator without it. This is continuous ability. See First Strike Battle Resolution Step (8.4) and Normal Battle Resolution Step (8.5) for more detail. 11.4. [Explode] When resonator with [Explode] deals damage by rules in battle resolution step, destroy itself and resonator the damage dealt. This is automatic ability. [Explode] is not applied to J-rulers. 11.5. [Flying] Attack by J/resonator with [Flying] can be blocked only by J/resonator with [Flying]. This is continuous ability. 11.6. [Swiftness] J/resonator with [Swiftness] can attack and use its [Activate] ability with its cost in the turn it's put into a field. This is continuous ability. in 11.7. [Imperishable] If a J-ruler with [Imperishable] is destroyed and would put into ruler area, put it into ruler area with ruler side up instead. This is continuous ability. The ruler doesn't lose any of its abilities. 26 12. Keyword Skill Symbol skills are abilities shown by symbol icons on cards and not included in symbol skills. 12.1. Awakening [Awakening] is a continuous ability. It changes how the card is played and resolved. "[Awakening] (cost): (text)" means "[Continuous] As you play this card, you may pay (cost) as an additional cost. If you do, this card is resolved and comes into a field with (text) ability when it's resolved." . Abilities gained by [Awakening] are not lost at the end of turn. 12.2. Incarnation [Incarnation] is a continuous ability. It changes how the card is played. '[Incarnation] [(atribute)]' means '[Continuous] As you play this card, rather than paying its cost, you may banish specific number of resonators with (attribute)' . ▶ If the attribute is specified with multiple [], you must banish resonator with that attribute for each []. ▶ If the attribute is specified with [(attribute) or (attribute)], you must banish a resonator with any one of those attribute to fulfill the requirement. 12.3. [Quickcast] [Quickcast] is a continuous ability. It changes when the card is played. '[Quickcast]' menas "[Continuous] You may play this card at any time you can play [Spell:Chant-Instant]" . 27 13. Rule Process During a game, if some specific situation is happening, actions by rules are performed. This is called rule process. 13.1. Losing the Game If a player's life point is 0 or less, the player lose the game by rule process. After the most recent rule process, if a player needed to draw cards from his main deck and there were less cards in it than the number need to draw in his or her draw phase, the player lose the game by rule process. 13.2. Destroying If a J/resonator in a field suffers damage equal or more than its DEF, the J/resonator is destroyed by rule process. If a J/resonator in a field has 0 or less DEF, the J/resonator is destroyed by rule process. 13.3. Illegal Addition If an addition other than [Addition: Field] is in a field, and there're no cards it's added or it's added on a illegal card, the addition is put into its owner's graveyard by rule process. ▶ J-ruler in a ruler area is illegal card for [Addition: J-ruler] cards. If an an addition other than [Addition: Field] is in a field added onto more than one card, the controller of that addition choose one of them. The addition isn't added onto the other cards no more. 13.4. <<Valhalla>> Excess Lifebreak Area If cards in a lifebreak area contains more cards than its maximum lifebreak size, choose cards from bottom in the area and put the other cards into its owner's graveyard. 28 14. Other Rules 14.1. Loop During a game, it is possible to be a situation that a player or players can repeat specific actions as many times as possible, or be forced to repeat specific actions indefinitely times. This situation is called loop, and it follows the rule below: ▶ If only one player can stop the loop, he or she declare the number of times performing the loop, then do it that times. After that, the player have to perform other action to perform the loop again. ▶ If both players can stop the loop, turn player declare the number of times and non-turn player do the same, then performing the loop the times smaller number among them. After that, the player have to perform other action to perform the loop again. ▶ If nobody can stop the loop, the game is end in draw. 14.2. <<Bifrost>> Referring Lifebreak If an effect refers cards or number or cards in a lifebreak, it moves a card from or to lifebreak area, ignore that part of that effect. Ignore all [Break] abilities on a card. 29 Updates: May 28th, 2014 Ver 3.0 First English Version June 9th, 2014 Ver 3.1 攻撃を強制される場合の選択の義務を明記。 ゲーム上の行動に「選ぶ」を追加。 4.1 メインデッキの構築条件 6.3 メイン時実行可能行動の条件 6.4 連続パス時のチェイスの解決処理 7.5 ジャッジメントの実行時の条件 8.4 先制攻撃のダメージを与えるリゾネイターの条件 9.5 [条件]能力のプレイのタイミング制限およびリゾネイターのレスト能力の制限 9.11 編集ミスの訂正 10.5 召喚の定義の厳密化 10.11 無効にしたカードの処理 June 9th, 2014 Ver 3.11 誘発型能力のプレイの明確化。 適正に攻撃が行える攻撃の強制がある場合、パスが行えないことを明記。 9.7/ ウィル名称の誤記 11.4 爆散の条件 June 9th, 2014 Ver 3.12 条件能力を使えるのがコントローラーのみであることを明記。 誤記や曖昧な表記の訂正。 May 28th, 2014 Ver 3.13 Changed "at the beginning of a phase" timing. Added "at the end of recovery phase" timing. May 28th, 2014 Ver 3.14 Changed number of cards in magic stone deck. Added triggering condition of [Spell: Chant-Standby] cards. May 28th, 2014 Ver 3.15 Changed some words corrections. August 31st, 2014 Ver 4 Added Valhalla rules and Bifrost rules. Added general type, flavor text and trait. Added play ground and card movement restrictions. Remove call phase and added calling magic stone. Added a rule skipping recovery phase in a player's first turn. Added "battle with" definition and corrected a rule attacking object J/resonator deals damage. Added a "pass and no more attack" rule. Changed the definition of "to summon". Remove life loss when J-ruler is destroyed. Changed some words corrections. September 15th, 2014 Ver. 4.01 Added zero times or amounts activities never done. Changed the timing when will cease to exist in Recovery phase. Added you cannot block with attacking object. September 15th, 2014 Ver. 4.01 Added zero or minus times or amounts activities never done. Defined "J/ruler". Clarified where on the card race/trait is shown. Clarified cards' orientation is kept when it moves from playground to playground. Added face down side of a card in a ruler area can be seen only by its controller. 30 Added calling magic stone can be done only once in a turn and in a turn you haven't done judgment. Changed "attacking object" to "attacked object." Defined base ability. Added cards in ruler area cannot be destroyed. Added J-ruler in a ruler area is illegal for [Addition: J-ruler]. Dec 15th, 2014 Ver. 4.03 Fixed rules about calling magic stone. Added altering and changing the cost to play cards and abilities. Detailed base ability. Added rules about continuous effect. Fixed rules about "destroy". Changed definition of symbol skill. Added keyword skill and [Awakening] ability. Mar 3rd, 2015 Ver. 5.00 Deleted additional winning condition when both player loses at the same time. Moving card from a field or magic stone area to another is not treated as "comes into" that area. Rules can be put to owner's graveyard. Changed rules around chase: - After both players passed, only the last card or ability is resolved, and you may put cards and abilities again after that. - Changed rules how priority goes. - Changed how triggered automatic ability goes to chase. Judgment can be done only once in a turn. Defined "blocked". Defined ability name. Fixed incorrect rules around chant-standby. Detailed how you play cards and abilities. Cards and abilities are still resolved even if all the targets become illegal. Detailed when can you start using rest ability. Detailed about [Enter] ability. Changed rules around global continuous effects. Defined ruler destruction. Defined "cannot be destroyed" rules. Defined term "trigger" "call" and "copy". Changed rules about "Pierce". Removed rules you can have only one copy of [Addition: Field] with the same name. Removed "this ability" and "this ability of this card" rules. Mar 31st, 2015 Ver. 5.01 Defined term "life". Defined additions don't come into field if the target is illegal. Defined "battle damage" and damage from [Pierce] is battle dameg. Defined term "printed". Defined term "prevent" and "discard". Defined keyword skill [Incarnation] and [Quickcast]. May 30th, 2015 Ver. 5.1 Defined type "regalia". Defined type "astral ruler" and rules around it. Changed term "<J/resonator>" and "<J/ruler>" to "J/resonator" and "J/ruler". Detailed about the difference of subtypes of addition. If an effect refers race or trait without any zone it's in, it refers cards in a play ground with that race or trait. If a text refers "card" without the zone it's in, it refers card in a field. Changed rules about [Spell: Chant-Standby] and chant-standby area. Defined new notation for abilities. Detailed about zone-changing automatic abilities. Defined characteristic of will and "moon" characteristic. Defined putting addition directily into a field. Defined term "search", "gain" and "become". 31 Expand the definition of "Awakening". 32
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