APRIL 2015 - First Presbyterian Church, Hackettstown, New Jersey

OFFICE: 908-852-4011
e-mail: fpch@juno.com
FAX: 908-852-4976
Church website: http://www.fpchackettstown.org
Barbara DeBoer, Newsletter Editor
APRIL 2015
Pastor: Rev. Birda Ferguson
Choir Director/Organist: Lorinda Ravo
Treasurer: Al Ravo
Financial Secretary: Deborah Gulick Shepherd
Church Secretary:
Head Usher: Lyman M. Gulick
Sexton: John Mark Wojcicki
Clerk: Sandra Sentner
Class of ’15:
Carl Erickson
John Mark Wojcicki
Peg Russack
Brian Ligarzewski
Class of ’16:
Dan Gardner
Donald Luques
Pam Covert
Ryan Van Orden
Class of ’17:
Diane Hull
Jim Butts
Ron Heil
Grace Clegg
Moderator: Lorinda Ravo
Vice-Moderator: Barbara DeBoer
Corresponding Secretary: Barbara DeBoer
Recording Secretary: Donna Erickson
Treasurer: Brenda Neice
Class of ’15:
Brenda Neice
Donna Erickson
Lorinda Ravo
Cynthia Luques
Class of ’16:
Kim Newton
Barbara DeBoer
Haeja Kim
Charles Lee
Class of ’17:
Alisa Dartnell
Sharon Heil
Patricia Butts
Nicole Keane
Office: 852-2006
Alisa Dartnell
Pam Venturini
Ginny Plumbo
Kim Ligarzewski
Dear Friends in Christ,
My family knows I often cry at sweet or touching movies, TV programs, or commercials. My
church family knows I sometimes cry during worship when telling a story, or singing a hymn.
As a member of the Adult Choir, I can attest that sometimes the message expressed in the
words of the anthems and cantatas are so powerful it’s difficult for many of us to sing!
Now that Holy Week is upon us and Easter is very near, the colors, symbols, words, and music
all tell the powerful and touching story of what God was willing to do through Jesus to reveal the
depth of God’s love.
I urge you to be part of our worshiping community as we share the Lord’s Supper and the
drama of the Tenebrae on Maundy Thursday, April 2 at 7:30 p.m. Members of the Confirmation
Class will participate and the Tone Chime Choir and Adult Choir will offer music to set the mood of
the last day of Jesus’ life.
Easter Sunday, you are invited to our community-wide, very early Sunrise Service at Alumni
Field at 6 a.m. Wear warm clothing, bring a blanket to sit on, and a lamp or flashlight to light your
way. We’ll sing, pray, and listen to the words of surprise and delight as the disciples discovered the
tomb was empty!
Our sanctuary will be fragrant with the blossoms of dozens of Spring flowers as we celebrate
the Resurrection at 10 a.m. Bring your family, neighbors, and friends to hear and sing the greatest
story of hope and new life ever told!
I am grateful for the love you have shared with me the last few weeks when my husband was
hospitalized. I can never thank you enough for your support and expressions of concern and care.
I’m so happy to be a part of this faith family as we celebrate the Good News that God’s love is
victorious in the face of sin and death. Alleluia!
Birda Ferguson, pastor
Please keep the following individuals and families in your prayers. Diane Hull, whose uncle recently
died in Georgia. Kim Newton, whose father died in Florida and the Del Plato family,. Chris’ mother
died in March. Keep the Fryauff family in your prayers as we remember Robert Fryauff, who died in
March. May God’s love surround you with hope and peace in the Resurrection faith.
Thanks to our new sound system purchased by the Deacons a few years ago, Sunday services in the
sanctuary are now recorded. These recordings allow shut-ins or members who missed the service to
listen to the sermons and musical anthems. There are 2 ways you can listen to the recordings:
1. On the Library page of the church website, www.fpchackettstown.org, you can find the
sermons and anthems of recent months.
2. CDs are available for shut-ins or others without access to the internet, or for our friends of the
congregation who would like a permanent recording that they can listen to when and where
they want.
Available music CDs that feature the choirs and the FPC Ringers:
Anthems from January through June 2013.
Anthems from September through December 2013.
Anthems from January through June 2014.
Cantatas from December 2013, May 2014 and December 2014.
CDs of sermons are available by requesting the specific service(s) you would like.
CDs can be requested by emailing Al Ravo at alpravo@gmail.com or mailing a request to the
attention of Al Ravo at First Presbyterian Church, 298 Main Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey,
07840. When requesting a CD, please provide the address where the CD is to be mailed along with
the specific sermons or music anthems you want.
2 Apr
Maundy Thursday
5 Apr
Carol and HermanGranitzski
Maria Koskulics - Back Door
Russ Read - Front Door
12 Apr
Cynthia and Donald Luques
19 Apr
26 Apr
Jen and Owen Cooper - Back Door
Sandy Lindstedt - Front Door
Pat and Jim Butts
Saturday, April 4th, the fishermen of the Hackettstown are invited to enjoy a hot bowl
of chili after a morning of the first day of trout fishing! You don’t have to be a
fisherman or woman to enjoy this chili! Just come to our Chapel between 10 a.m. and
1 p.m. for a bowl of hot chili--$5. The proceeds will support the Appalachian Service Project, assisting
people in need in Tennessee in the summer of 2015.
Our church will hold its annual Fish & Chips dinner on Friday, April 24, 2015, at our Chapel
Building. The dinner is open to church members and the general public.
The meal will include the fish and chips (French fries) provided by Tastefully British,
homemade coleslaw, green beans, applesauce, bread & butter, beverages and dessert. Sit down
meals and take-out orders will be served between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Ticket prices
are $14.00 for adults and $8.00 for children under age 12.
This is a church sponsored event being coordinated by our Dinner Planning Team. Tickets
will be sold after worship at the church parking lot entrance by Dinner Team members, or you can
contact Vicky Lee (813-3418) or Barbara Yankiv (852-3025).
In order to make this a successful event, we need your help! Please let us know if you can:
provide baked goods for the desserts; buy and sell tickets; assist with set up; serve and/or clean up
afterwards. We anticipate that the Boy Scouts will once again provide their services at the dinner. It
is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy good food and fellowship, so bring a few friends and neighbors
Part of the proceeds will be designated as our church’s annual contribution to the Presbytery to
assist with the mission work of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The remaining funds will be used for
church purposes as decided by the Session.
The Expenses Paid and Income amounts below do not include the funds transferred from the
Endowment to meet the operating expenses.
Expenses Paid
Net Operating Income / (Deficit)
Amount Needed from Endowment
Year To Date
The 2015 Per Capita is $33.00 for each of the 238 members of our Church. The total amount due in
2015 is $7,854.00 or $654.50 monthly. Four quarterly payments of $1,963.50 will be made to the
Newton Presbytery in March, June, September and December. In February, $579.00 was received
for the Per Capita bringing the Year To Date total to $2,419.00 or 31% of the annual amount due.
Please contact Al Ravo if you have any questions or would like to discuss Per Capita, the Church’s
operating finances or the Endowment Funds.
Social media can be a terrific way to find out what’s happening in your
church and the church’s nursery school, especially if you can’t always
make it to events, activities, and/or worship services. During the month of March, Facebook had
videos of the FPC Ringers Chime Choir performance. There were pictures of the Sunday School in
action. There were updates and photos from our Lenten Bible Studies. There were cute and clever
cartoons to give you a chuckle, and there were pictures from the past for “Throw Back Thursdays
The church website has information about what to expect at worship services. It had reminders of
special programs happening. It has
information about our congregation and our denomination.
Have you checked out either site yet? You’ll want to! Check out these pages that are regularly
updated! On Facebook you can find us at First Presbyterian Church of Hackettstown, and on the web
at fpchackettstown.org.
We have been enjoying our new hymnals, Glory to God, since Reformation Sunday
last October. The books are filled with songs we know and songs we have yet to
learn. The nameplates have been placed into hymnals for those dedications received
to date. Thank you to everyone who has made a contribution!
There are still a number of hymnals which may be dedicated in memory of, or in
celebration of, your family members or friends. The cost to sponsor each hymnal is $15. Please
provide the necessary information on the form below. Checks should be made out to First
Presbyterian Church and write “new hymnal” on the memo line.
Given by:______________________________________________________________________
Number of hymnals _______
Amount enclosed _______ (@ $15.00 each)
In Memory/Celebration (circle one) of:
In Memory/Celebration (circle one) of:
Anthems for the month of April include:
April 2: Maundy Thurs
Lead Me to Calvary-Sr. Choir
Were You There? -FPC Ringers
Both our FPC Ringers Chime Choir and our Senior Choir will be providing music for this emotional
and beautiful worship service.
April 5: Easter
Because He Lives-Sr. Choir
He Is Alive-Sr. Choir
Jesus Shall Reign
Our choirs celebrate the joy of the resurrection with beautiful and uplifting music of the season.
April 12: Soloist
Our choirs take a well-deserved Sunday off after their very busy Lenten season and Holy Week.
This morning, our talented Senior Choir performs their annual Spring Cantata. We present this
year’s work in loving memory of Scott Tomlinson who sang in the choir for many years.
April 26: Blessed Quietness
Today’s anthem brings to the listener a sense of peace and comfort.
The children in our Youth Choir are enthusiastic, energetic, and filled with joy-filled spirit. In March,
they WOWED us when they joined with members of The Grace Notes, singing “His Eye is On The
Sparrow” that featured Emily Ligarzewski as the soloist. Choir members rehearse on Thursday
evenings from 6:00-6:30 pm for their performances with the Senior Choir during morning worship. If
you have a child who loves to sing, they are welcome to join us!
For more information, contact Lorinda.
Our ringers took their show “on the road” in March. The played two pieces
during The House of the Good Shepherd’s Sunday afternoon worship
service, and received much appreciated feedback from the HOTGS
residents. During Holy Week, the chime choir will be playing on Palm
Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and on Easter morning. You can hear recordings
of the Chime Choir performances on both the church’s website and Facebook page.
We welcome new ringers, of all ages, at any time! You don’t need to read music to be a ringer, and
we’ll help you learn how easy it is to play! If you would like to find out about ringing, come and try it on
a Thursday evening at 6:40 pm in the music room. There is no commitment, but we’re pretty sure that
you’ll find yourself returning, because ringing is so much fun!
Our confirmation class helped to lead worship during Lent, by serving as
readers for the Lenten wreath opening of worship, and by doing readings
at the Maundy Thursday service.
They’ve been learning more about being Presbyterians, and what makes
our denomination different from other denominations in our area, and what we all have in common.
They have explored why they believe in God, who their faith role models are, and they’ve met their
mentors who are walking through this preparation with them. As they get near the finish line, these
remarkable young people are bringing such joy and inspiration to their teachers.
We ask our congregation to keep Christopher Bramley, Isabelle Fernandez, Christina Risko,
and Morgan Risko, and their mentors Ryan Van Orden, Pam Venturini, Jen Aquino, and Sharon Heil,
in your prayers throughout the coming month.
May 2, 2015, the local chapter of the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is holding a
fundraiser and awareness walk in Meadow Breeze Park, Washington, NJ. They ask supporters to
form a team, fundraise, support a loved one, and celebrate recovery!
WWW.NEDAWALK.ORG/WASHINGTONNJ2015. You can also register in
person at the walk. The Opening Ceremony is at 11 a.m.
Church member Haley Del Plato has challenged us to form a team to walk
together, raise money, and help the organization. For more information,
contact Haley at hdelplato@colgate.edu or 908-852-5632! Thanks!
March certainly came in like a lion…but it also went out like a lion! We were
surprised to celebrate the first day of spring with a snowstorm!
In March, the children learned about St. Patrick’s Day: leprechauns,
rainbows, pots of gold, the Blarney Stone, and learning about the Holy Trinity
by using a shamrock were all part of our March lessons. But March this year
was also the time when we were getting VERY close to Easter, so we learned about Jesus, the cross,
the empty tomb, the Easter bunny, Easter eggs, and spring flowers. Our many and varied art projects
made our hallways come alive with color and fun!
We are delighted to be welcoming Mrs. Jen Bujno into our classrooms on most days. Jen will be the
new director of Heaven Sent when Lorinda retires in June. She is in getting to know our program, our
students, and all that she’ll need to know when she assumes her leadership role. Jen will be a
wonderful asset to Heaven Sent and we are thrilled to know that Heaven
Sent stays in very capable hands!
When we return after Easter vacation, our 4 year olds will be learning about
community helpers-the jobs in our community, and our 3 year olds will be
learning many of the wonderful classics
As the warmer weather approaches, (have faith; it will arrive soon.), it is time to clean out all those
winter clothes and make room for a new spring / summer wardrobe. Pack up all your unwanted
clothes, shoes, linens and stuffed animals in garbage bags and bring them to the Deacons’ Clothing
Drive on Saturday May 16th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Church’s parking
lot. All the clothing will go to a new home and be reused – it is never shredded.
The proceeds from the Clothing Drive go to help the Deacons’ mission work in
our local community. Can’t make it on May 16th? No problem, you can drop off
your bags beforehand in the garage at your convenience. Thank you for your
Tuesday, March 17, 2015, a majority of presbyteries in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted
to approve a change in the official definition of marriage in our church’s constitution. Our constitution
has now broadened the definition of marriage from being between “a man and a woman” to “two
According to an article by Laurie Goodstein in the New York Times, other religious
denominations that have officially decided to permit their clergy to perform same-sex marriages
include the Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ, the Quakers, the Unitarian Universalist
Association of Churches and, in Judaism, the Reform and Conservative movements. The Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America left it open for individual ministers to decide.”
Our own Presbytery of Newton voted in January to approve this amendment.
On June 19, 2014, in a letter to all of the churches, the Moderator of the 221st General
Assembly (2014) wrote:
“Earlier today, the 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
approved a recommendation from its Assembly Committee on Civil Union and Marriage Issues
allowing for pastoral discretion to perform ‘any such marriage they believe the Holy Spirit calls them
to perform,’ where legal by state law.
“They also approved a recommendation to change language in the Book of Order to indicate
that ‘marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman.’
Both decisions came with much thought, discussion, and prayer, and clearly the entire body that is
the PC(USA) will be interpreting these actions for some time.”
If you have any questions about these actions and how they will or will not affect life at First
Presbyterian Church in Hackettstown, please ask your pastor, Birda Ferguson.
Yes we know it’s April, and we’re excitedly planning for the third Annual Vacation Bible School at
FPC. We’ve had our first planning meeting, and we know that our dates will be July 6-10, and our
Theme is “The Miracle Machine!” We’ll be teaching the children about Miracles from the Bible:
Feeding the 5,000, Jesus Walking on Water, Jesus Healing the Blind Man, Moses parting the Red
Sea, and Jesus helping the first disciples catch nets full of fish. So start spreading the word that we’ll
be hosting children that week, and please prayerfully consider teaching a class or helping as a
member of our support staff. We can’t do it without LOTS of adult assistance! And we promise, you’ll
get more out the week that you give! Watch for information about the next planning meeting!
Sharing God’s Bounty - April
What’s Your Gift?
Perhaps you haven’t spent much time, if any, pondering that question. God has given each of us
at least one gift, though, and if even one of us does not use that gift, the Body of Christ suffers. Paul,
in Ephesians 4:16 writes, “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting
ligament, grows and build itself up in love, as each part does its work.”
Christian stewards tend to have a lower opinion of themselves than they ought, denigrating their
abilities and talents and even their financial capabilities. When we keep in mind that it is God himself
who has chosen our gifts and blessed us materially, we realize that to belittle these gifts is to question
God’s wisdom and generosity. Again we read Paul’s words, now from Romans 12:5, “. . . in Christ, we
who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” He goes on to say that
whatever our gifts are, we are to use them as effectively as we can.
Yes, it is the pastor’s job to preach the Word and administer the Sacraments, but we, as stewards
who have received the Great Commission from Matthew 28:19-20, are to be obedient also to Jesus’
command to tell the Good News to the whole world.
Yes, there are those in your congregation who seem to have more abilities and talents than you,
and there may be members who have more money than you – perhaps may even be very wealthy.
Does that exempt you from the responsibility to serve or to give? By no means! In 2 Corinthians 9:7
we’re commanded, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or
under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Each one is to give and to give cheerfully – of his
time, his talents, and his treasures. God looks at the size of the heart of the giver rather than at the
size of his gift. “For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not
according to what he does not have” (2 Corinthians 8:12).
If you are not using your gifts, if you are not giving your money, if you are not sharing your time,
the Body of Christ suffers. We need each other and our individual gifts in order that we might carry
out our responsibilities as stewards to the end that the name of Christ might be made known.
Stewardship is not about large giving, but gifts in small ways. A child’s gift, although
small, gives glory to the Lord in many ways. Stewardship does not have to be in monetary
ways. A gift of time to an elderly shut-in serves the Lord, too, A gift of a loaf of bread to a
homeless family could mean the difference between going to bed hungry or going to bed
© Copyright Parish Publishing, LLC May not be copied without permission. www.parishpublishing.org
3: Sharon Heil
4: Nancy Budd
7: Brenda Neice
8: Kate Sobolewski
10: Sean Wallace
11: Heather Fleischman
Ryan Gelsinger
Brendan Pierson
12: Ron Shepherd
13: Ashley Kimble
15: Gerald Grover
18: Cynthia Chipko
20: Chip Cochran
Michele Cameron
Brian Ligarzewski
21: Ryan Pierson
24: Shane Stone
26: Linda Allegri
28: Isabelle Fernandez
29: Pastor Jeff Archer
5: Jerre & Nancy Budd
15: Harry & Annette Knauer
16: Les & Dana Carpenter
Please keep the following in your prayers:
Dottie Agens
Betty Brodo
Mary Brodt
Jane Buzan
Richard Clegg
Pam Covert & her dad Jim
Alisa Dartnell and her mother
Glenn Ferguson
Maria Ferguson, Birda’ sister-in-law
Robert Fryauff Family
Ron Heil
Bob & Rosalie Hollenfer
Miki Kellum
Dorothy Knauer
Judy Kolwicz
Dottie & George Landiak
Barbara Ligarzewski
Janet Lowery
Maikuu congregation, Kibwezi Kenya
Diana Merzoian
Those in the Armed Forces
Gail O’Brien
Shaun O’Brien
Helen Pace
Edith Payton (mother of Sharon Heil)
Elizabeth Robitsch
Pamela Sampson (daughter of Barbara
Lauren Scavo (niece of Glenn Ferguson)
Barbara Sly
Dean Starr
Mark Tilney
Ray Van Orden
April 2015
Lenten Bible Study; 11:00AM in the Conference Room
Yarn Girls; 1:00PM; in the Conference Room
Lenten Bible Study with Soup Supper; 6:00PM in the Chapel
Maundy Thursday Service & Communion; 7:30 in the Sanctuary
Fisherman’s Chili Brunch; 10:00AM – 1:00PM in the Chapel
Easter Sunrise 6:00 AM; Alumni Field
Easter Service 10:00 AM; Sanctuary
Blood Drive; 3:30PM – 8:30PM; in the Chapel
Building & Grounds; 6:00PM
PW Ruth’s Circle Bible Study; 11:00 AM in the Chapel
Adult Bible Study; 7:00PM in the Conference Room
FPC Ringers Rehearsal; 6:40 - 7:25PM: in the Music Room
Senior Choir: 7:30PM in the Music Room
Men’s Breakfast; 8:30AM in the Chapel
Worship, Sunday School; 10:00 AM; Sanctuary
Confirmation Class; 11:15AM; Balcony
Building & Grounds; 6:00PM
Youth Choir; 6:00 – 6:30PM in the Music Room
FPC Ringers Rehearsal; 6:40 - 7:25PM: in the Music Room
Senior Choir; 7:30PM in the Music Room
Ladies’ Breakfast; 9:00 AM at the River Star Diner
Worship, Sunday School; 10:00 AM; Sanctuary
Confirmation Class; 11:15AM; Balcony
Building & Grounds; 6:00PM
Session; 6:30PM in the Conference Room
PW Meeting; 11:00AM in the Chapel
Youth Choir; 6:00 – 6:30PM in the Music Room
FPC Ringers Rehearsal; 6:40 - 7:25PM: in the Music Room
Senior Choir; 7:30PM in the Music Room
Fish & Chips Dinner; 5:00 – 7:00PM in the Chapel
Worship & Sunday School; 10:00 AM; Sanctuary
Confirmation Class; 11:15AM; Balcony
Building & Grounds; 6:00PM
Deacons; 6:30PM; in the Conference Room
Youth Choir; 6:00 – 6:30PM in the Music Room
FPC Ringers Rehearsal; 6:40 - 7:25PM: in the Music Room
Senior Choir; 7:30PM in the Music Room