APRIL 2015 Message from the Pastor First Press www.fpcjacksontn.org FIRST PRESBYTERIA N C HURCH OF JACKSON, TN Over the past several weeks, our congregation has had a lot to cope with. A lot. We have lost several folks to death, and have had others with serious injuries and illnesses. We are in the process of losing our Director of Music, our Organist, our Cook, and our Children’s Choir Director. We have had the controversial same sex marriage amendment to deal with, and that has included seeing your pastor on television and on the front page of the Jackson Sun. It would be easy to become distracted by these things, and to become discouraged…but you have not. In the midst of all of this, you have managed to keep your eyes firmly focused upon Jesus, and I am so proud of you for that! We begin each worship service by singing “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” What a powerful reminder that is of the fact that, though the storm may swirl around us in terrifying ways, Jesus is the immovable center, the Rock, the Foundation, the Firstborn of all creation who will not leave us or desert us. In Philippians 4:8, Paul says: “Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and | meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse." Turn your eyes upon Him, and hold your eyes upon Him. God is doing amazing things in our midst even now. Let us celebrate the Christ who lives among us and welcomes us! (Eugene Peterson translation) How very true. And the truest of the true, the noblest of the noble, the most reputable and authentic and compelling and gracious of them all, is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Scripture of the Month — Philippians 4:8 “Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and |meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse." (Eugene Peterson translation) Inside this issue: Special points of interest: Mission Trip to Peru 2 Holy Week Services, Mar 30—April 3 Wednesdays at First 3 Holy Week Schedule 3 Maundy Thursday Worship & Communion—April 2 Presbyterian Women 4 *be still* Women’s Retreat at Pinecrest 4 Good Friday, April 3 Church offices close at Noon Membership Corner 5 Bunny Breakfast and Egg Hunt—April 4 Youth Connection 6 You are Invited! McNeal/Fry Wedding 6 Easter Sunday—April 5 One Great Hour of Sharing 7 *be still* Women’s Retreat—April 10-11 Cornerstone Event—AARP Driving Course Playschool News 11 Session Highlights 11 Rotation Sunday School 12 The Children’s Corner 13 Financial Update 15 Pentecost Gathering 15 Newsletter Deadline for May issue—Apr 18 Woman of the Year 2014 15 Children’s Sabbath—April 19 Adult/Youth Basketball Game 16 Soup Kitchen April 6-10 PW Spring Gathering—April 11 AARP Drivers Course—April 30– May 1 Session Meeting—April 12 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 1573 N. Highland Ave. Jackson, TN 38301-3454 Phone: (731) 422-1591 Fax: (731) 427-2321 www.fpcjacksontn.org STAFF John H. White, Pastor fpcjohn@eplus.net Sharon Junn, Associate Pastor Mission Trip to Peru ~ June 19-28 Why Peru? Over a period of three months the FPC mission committee discerned where God was leading us to participate in overseas mission work. Through prayers and discussion the team arrived at these objectives: 1. fostering leadership in local churches and our mission co-workers; Dr. Ronald Boud, Organist 2. promoting connectional church relationship; ronboud@gmail.com 3. supporting vision/work which will be sustained by the Peruvians. fpcsharon@eplus.net Margaret Harrison, Director of Music fpcmargaret@eplus.net Ceil Cowles, Dir. of Congregational Life fpcceil@eplus.net Libby Smith, Dir. of Children’s Ministries fpclibby@eplus.net Ginna Houston, Dir. of Children’s Choir vcherry1@k12tn.net Vicki Pope, Financial/Education Secretary fpcvicki@eplus.net Nelda Rhodes, Church Secretary fpcnelda@eplus.net Sharyn Thompson, Website and Internet Coordinator sharyn.thompson10@gmail.com Ernie Wilson, Facility Maintenance ewilson1@eplus.net Tamara Haynes, Housekeeper Jennifer Geraghty, Playschool Director fpcjennifer@eplus.net SESSION Class of 2015 Dixie Berryman Benita Brown Jim Campbell Jeff Chambers Robert Reeves Heath Thompson These objectives became our guidance as we sorted out different options and led us to Peru. Moreover, Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson, the mission co-workers sent by PC(USA) to serve in Peru, happened to be visiting Westminster Presbyterian Church in Nashville. Several members of the missionary team went to visit with them in the home of Westminster members who have an ongoing mission project in Peru, led by Sara and Rusty. The philosophy and work of Sara and Rusty was the model that matched our objectives. They would be the bridge to connect us to a Peruvian church community we would work together with to accomplish the goals the Peruvians have set. Rev. Sara Armstrong & Rusty Edmondson Where in Peru? While the FPC mission committee was praying for God’s guidance, in the other continent there were other people who were seeking God’s help. The Peruvian pastor Leopoldo asked Sara and Rusty for a U.S. church to partner with to build a Bible school to train lay pastors and church leaders for the rapidly growing church in the remote jungle. In the letter from Sara and Rusty, Two Continents Bonded, “...So in answer to your question, Pastor Leopoldo, there is a PC(USA) church that will be a partner in this journey”. Yes, prayers certainly brought two continents together! We are Class of 2017 Lynn East Barbara Fowler Twyla Morgan Steve Spurlin Richard Swaim Don Thomson Class of 2016 Steve Bowers Mark Harris Randy Jones John Ross Chuck Thompson Brenda Welling OUR VISION First Presbyterian Church is called to be a faithful and inclusive congregation which enthusiastically glorifies God in our worship, education, nurture and service through the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Leopoldo Aguilar (continued page 14) Lectionary Readings for April 2015 April 5 ~ Easter Sunday) Acts 10:34-43; Isaiah 25:6-9; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; I Corinthians 15:1-11; John 20:1-18; Mark 16:1-8 April 12 ~ Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; I John 1:1-2:2; John 20:19-31 April 19 ~ Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4; I John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48 April 26 ~ Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; I John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18 Page 2 FIRST PRESS Wednesdays at First @ 5:15 PM Our regular schedule is dinner at 5:15 PM followed at 6:00 PM with BLAST!, Launch Pad Kids, Youth Group, and Small Group study. Join us for wonderful food, fellowship, fun and study. See schedule and menus below for month of April. April 2— Maundy Thursday (Note date change!!) MENU: Spaghetti and Meatballs, Green Beans, Garlic Bread, Italian Salad, and Brownies and Ice Cream for dessert. PROGRAM: Maundy Thursday Worship and Communion. April 8— MENU: Chicken Alfredo, with Penne Pasta, Caesar Salad, Normandy Vegetables, Antipasto Platter, and Lemon Pound Cake for dessert. PROGRAM: Small groups and age-related activities. April 15— MENU: Smoked Chicken, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Garden Salad, Rolls, and Pineapple Cake for dessert. PROGRAM: Small groups and age-related activities. April 22— MENU: Baked Pork Chops, Wild Rice, Sauteed Squash and Onions, Salad, Rolls, and Chess Pie for dessert. PROGRAM: Small groups and age-related activities. April 29— MENU: Fried and Baked Chicken, Potato Casserole, Lima Beans, Baked Apples, Rolls, Salad, and Pecan Pie for dessert. PROGRAM: Small Groups (last meeting! - next Wednesday is Talent Show) Children will be doing a talent show rehearsal. All meals include Bread, Beverages (tea, lemonade, coffee or water), and “Kids’ Foods”. Children’s menu will vary weekly, but will be kid-friendly foods. Juice boxes and milk provided. Peanut butter, jelly and bread is always available for our more selective eaters. Reservations required in church office by Monday at 4 PM (422-1591). Cost: $6 for adults, including children over age 12, $4 for children ages 3-12, with an $18 max per family. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Changes on Wednesday Night Saying Goodbye….and Saying Hello! Patricia Fields is retiring after 10 years of cooking delicious Wednesday dinners for us. Please join us in thanking her. A "love offering" is being collected for those interested in contributing. Please bring it to the church office or put in the offering plate marked "Patricia-Love Offering." It will be presented to her on Wednesday April 8th, her final night to cook for us. Gloria Dupree will be joining us beginning on March 18. Gloria is retired from the food services department of the city school system and has cooked Wednesday dinners for Aldersgate Methodist Church, First Baptist Church and Highland Park Baptist Church. Please welcome her! Sunday, March 29—Palm Sunday worship @ 9:30 AM, Palm Processional at 9:15 AM Monday, March 30—Holy Week Service at 6 PM, Skyline Church of Christ; Speaker: Pastor Don Thrasher Tuesday, March 31— Holy Week Service at Noon, First Presbyterian Church; Speaker: Father Wes Gristy Wednesday, April 1— Holy Week Service at Noon, St. Mary’s Catholic Church; Speaker: Pastor John White Thursday, April 2—Holy Week Service at Noon, Light of Life Ministries; Speaker: Dr. Logan Hampton Thursday, April 2— Maundy Thursday Dinner (5:15 PM) Worship & Communion (6:00 PM) Friday, April 3—Good Friday, office closes at noon Friday, April 3—Holy Week Service at Noon, First United Methodist Church; Speaker: Pastor Jeff Brown Saturday, April 4—Bunny Breakfast & Egg Hunt @ 9:30 AM Sunday, April 5—Easter Sunday “Jesus Christ is Risen! A P R I L 20 1 5 Page 3 Presbyterian Women PW Calendar: Service Opportunities: MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Soup Kitchen—April 1—Baara; May 1—Claudia CT Meeting: Monday, April 6 @ 9 AM Circle meetings: Monday, April 13 Morning Circles: 10 AM Abigail Circle—will meet with Marilynn Ames, 28 Belle Trace Cove, 664-8948 Baara Circle—will meet with Sharon Hill, 28 Bruce St., 668-2015 Claudia Circle - will meet with Eleanor Cahill, 108 Barrett Pl., 731-217-5609 PB&J Ministry—April—Deborah; May—Abigail PW SPRING GATHERING: Date: Saturday, April 11, 2015 Time: 9:30 AM with lunch at Noon Place: Parkway Gardens United Presbyterian Church Keynote Speaker: Judge Loyce L. Ryan Theme: “Yes, We Are Our Sisters’ Keepers” Cost: $15 (to defray cost of lunch) ● be still ● presbytery women’s retreat at pinecrest april 10-11 linda hensley ● leader Start: Friday at 4:30 pm—9 pm Saturday: 7:30 am (morning prayer & breakfast) Evening Circle: 6:30 PM (note time!) Deborah Circle - will meet with Nora Alexander, 1723 N. Highland Ave., 424-2380 for a Salad Supper; Please bring your favorite salad. Regular session: 9 am– 3 pm See insert in bulletin for more! April 12 at 11:45 AM Easter Lilies POTTED MEMORIAL EASTER LILIES will be used to decorate the sanctuary on Easter Sunday. You may contribute to the fund between now and the deadline, which is Tuesday, March 31. Please make your check payable to FPC with “Memorial Lilies” on the memo line. You may use the form in your bulletin or call the church office ASAP. Please include the name(s) being remembered/honored as well as the contributor as you would like them to be listed. Names will be listed in the Easter bulletin April 5, 2015. Please note that you are not actually purchasing a potted lily with your donation – you are helping to purchase the lilies that will decorate the sanctuary Easter morning. Money in excess of what is needed for the lilies will be used for the Flower Fund, which is used to purchase flowers for other worship services throughout the year. Have a blessed Easter Weekend! Adult Education Planning Meeting On April 12, a meeting will be held immediately following Sunday School in the church Library to start planning for Adult Christian Education. Over a light lunch, we will be discussing ideas for a Summer Sunday School series, new ideas for small groups in the fall, as well as some special programs If you have ideas for programs that will help lead our members to develop a stronger relationship with God; if you are a new member looking for a way to get more involved; if you would like to hear about new program ideas, please come—your input is needed! Please let us know if you are coming, so we can plan lunch, by contacting Twyla Morgan—by email twyla91355@aol.com or text message to 731-2258962. Hope to see you there! BABY SHOWER SUNDAY, APRIL 12 FROM 1—3 pm Memorial Hall Hosted by: Connections Sunday School Class Please join us! Honoring: Katy Justice, Linsey Pickens, Marlie Richardson and Melody White Save the date! For more info, check out your bulletin & emails! Page 4 FIRST PRESS Membership Corner “In Christ, we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:5 IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECOME PART OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FAMILY PLEASE CONTACT CEIL COWLES OR JOHN WHITE AT CHURCH OFFICE 422-1591 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! SUMMER DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR! June 8—11 Vacation Bible School “The Wacky World of Water” July 31-August 2 Family Camp at NaCoMe Mark your calendars for this annual summer tradition. Plans are already being made for another fantastic weekend! Check out “Photos Tab” on website for fun memories from our previous Vacation Bible Schools and NaCoMe trips! Ruffin and Jenny Craig joined March 22, 2015 64 Stonehaven Circle Jackson, TN 38305 Chesley and Jenny Dennison and Sophie joined March 29, 2015 August 22 Starlight Symphony on FPC front lawn! 18 Doral Cove Jackson, TN 38305 PB & J MINISTRY! On Monday afternoons at 3:30 PM we meet at Allenton Heights at the Boys and Girls Club building, where we tutor those who need a little extra help with homework, and deliver meals of PB&J sandwiches, applesauce cups, granola bars, and water to the children in the housing project. We assemble the sandwiches on Sunday right after Sunday School at 11:45 AM. We could always use some extra hands! Donations are also welcomed! For more information, please call Ceil Cowles at 422-1591 or 394-2234, or Jim McKissack at 574-7777. Watch for upcoming events! A P R I L 20 1 5 Supplies needed: Applesauce cups, Granola bars, Peanut butter Crackers, Peanut Butter and Jelly. Page 5 APRIL CALENDAR…. YOUTH CONNECTION: Easter Sunday—No Youth Connection April 12—Noon—Day by Day April 19—Youth Connection April 26—Youth Connection No Youth Group Wednesday, April 1. Moved to April 2 for Maundy Thursday Service at 6:00 PM. Deadline for May 2015 issue is April 18! SOUP KITCHEN DATES 2015 April 6—April 10 Dec 7—Dec 12 UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR: May 3—Baccalaureate Sunday and Luncheon May 17—Youth Pool Party June 8—Vacation Bible School July 19—Montreat Youth Conference APRIL DATES ARE COMING UP QUICKLY! SIGN UP SHEET IS IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL! Your Help is Needed!! Thank you!! You are invited to Carly and Jake’s wedding! If you plan to attend the wedding and reception, please RSVP to Lesa McNeal at lesamcneal@eplus.net or 731-217-4690 . The FPC Flamingoes were undefeated in the regular season, and then lost in the 2nd round of tournament play. Our high school girls had a great year in church league basketball! We are so very proud of: Team: Sierra Benson, Moira Brown, Megan Buehler, Allie Cowles, Rebecca Hurt, Jackie Isaacs, Maddy McKissack, Abby McNeal, Samantha Morgan, Mari Morgan, Alexis Murphey and Brittney Tran Coaches: Jay Benson, Ty Cowles, and Carly McNeal Page 6 F I R S T PR E S S Cornerstone Event ~ AARP Driving Course AARP DRIVING COURSE: Take the classroom refresher course especially designed for drivers age 50 and over. Join us on April 30-May 1 (Thursday and Friday) for two four-hour sessions in the Fellowship Hall of First Presbyterian Church. On April 30, Registration is at 8 AM, with class from 8:30 AM- 12:30 PM. On May 1, class is from 8:30 AM-12:30 PM. You must complete both days. COST: AARP members only $15; all others $20. BENEFITS: Taking the course will help you brush up on your driving skills, and you may qualify for a reduction in your auto insurance. You will have to check with your insurer to see what they offer. Some insurers offer great discounts. This certification lasts for three (3) years. CONTACT: Nora Alexander at 731-424-2380 to register or for more information. A sign-up sheet is in the Fellowship Hall. Happy Birthday! Birthday blessings to the following members who celebrate their special day this month! 04/01 Ty Cowles Rhett Smith Sharyn Thompson 04/02 Teresa Ide 04/18 King Kolakowski Tricia Mathis 04/19 Lily Byrd 04/20 Susie Alexander Anabelle Thomson 04/21 Lisa Spurlin David McClune 04/22 Jody Pickens 04/05 Mona Campbell 04/23 Gavin Grobmyer Ben Norwood Ginger Fiorvanti 04/06 James Shaw Isabella Norwood 04/08 Jimmy White Will Norwood 04/24 Allison Kew Jean Winterbottom Katie Dunnavant 04/14 Sandy Singleton 04/25 Gail Marple 04/15 Mark Harris 04/26 Jeff Halter 04/16 Chloe Hudson 04/27 Margaret Harrison 04/17 Elizabeth Jerge Samantha Morgan Martha Hanserd Lark Taylor Happy Anniversary! Nhan Nguyen 04/03 Jessica Donnell 04/10 Chris Alexander 04/29 04/05 04/06 Libby and Nick Reynolds Kenedie and Gary Kreutzer 04/09 04/12 04/15 04/16 04/23 04/24 04/28 Emily and Nathan Smith Addie and Ben Molpus Martha and Jerry Kizer Susan and Tom Blackmon Patty and Bill Lawrence Gail and Jim Marple Allison and Rex Climer Ranse Houston 04/28 Luke Thompson Sarah-Tucker Pickens Please let the church office know your birthday and anniversary! If your April birthday or anniversary is not listed, we don’t have it on record in the church office. We don’t wish to miss anyone and would appreciate you calling the office (422-1591). A P R I L 20 1 5 Page 7 Prayer Concerns PRAYER PROGRAM Each week we randomly select individuals or families for whom we encourage everyone to pray. During the coming weeks, please pray for: April 5 ~ Chase and Madaline Ames, Luke and Trice Mullens; Sharon, John and Sam Junn; Carol Sue Keathley April 12 ~ Carlene March; Rex, Allison, Trey and Crystal Climer; Ellen Henry April 19 ~ John Hill; Don and Kathleen Huneycutt; Jim and Gail Marple April 26 ~ Paula Mathews; Scherry Priddy; Ray and Kakky Tanner Please minister through prayer, cards, calls and visits. IN CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY: Andrea Parker & family upon death of mother, Merita Upton, on March 24, 2015; John Singleton & family upon the death of his wife, Sandy Singleton, on March 22, 2015; Susannah White & family upon the death of her mother, Bonnie Gordon, on March 21, 2015; Betty Mastick and family upon the death of her husband, Ford Mastick, on March 18, 2015; Harry & Dixie Berryman and family upon the death of their son, Harry Scott Berryman, on March 1, 2015; Vivian Pauley & family upon the recent death of her nephew, Woody Woodson. NURSING HOMES Maplewood Health Care Center Willa Mae Greene Regency Retirement Village Martha Stockard CONTINUING PRAYER CONCERNS Scott Haff Mac Thomson Jimmy Gordon Pat Sims Bill Pauley Margaret Suttle Imogene Tisdale Barry Fowler Carter Cox Edith Spaulding Brenda DePriest Chase Mobley Paul McAfee Nancy McAfee Susie Webb Gordon and Dorothy Gartrell Ginger Fiorvanti Lynn Turnage Anne and Bill Dellastatious Mike Silver Jackson Woodruff Marsha Woodruff Joshlin Woodruff Camille Jimerson Clampitt Clay Band and family Kevin Stumpenhorst Sonny Taylor Page 10 Glen Welling Becky Tedder Judy Melton Reagan Parker Carmen and Mike Bell Kali and Jacob Leonard & family Polly Hatch Jerri Taylor Nancy Staggs Navie Jean Roach Jean Caldwell Goad (Lesa McNeal’s aunt) Bill Puckett, Jim Marple’s son-in-law Martha Hanserd John Ross, Sr. Charles Huffman Judi Wilson Walter Coleman Ellen Henry Richard Odle Christie Thomson Harry Berryman Janice Patterson Jim Cahill Betty J. Carr (Sherry Taylor’s mom) Penny Hill and family Francye Burling Scott Davenport Henrietta McCutcheon Nancy Strawn Norwood Jones Eleanor Cahill Howard Hamilton Woody Forbes Clif Moyers Carl Vesper Mo Pledger The Walton Family The Fullington Family The family of Virginia Dorris Bank of Jackson employees Day by Day Hunter Gray (mission trip to Kosovo) The Gartrell’s (missionaries to Brazil) Our Mission Team to Peru FPC Youth and their activities FPC Children and their activities Teachers and Students FPC Staff PBJ Ministry Children at Allenton Heights The Worldwide Body of Christ Violence in the world National and Local Church Our men and women in the military Unspoken and unpublished PRAYING FOR EACH OTHER IN THE PRESBYTERY During the month of April, please pray for the following churches and congregations in our Presbytery: Cordova Church, Cordova, TN First Church, Dyer, TN Germantown Church, Germantown, TN Oak Street Church, Union City, TN PRAYER LIST POLICY: We will be glad to keep anyone on the list as long as needed. However, due to the ever expanding list, and a lack of information about current needs, we will begin dropping names after 8 weeks, unless we hear updates and the need to keep them on the list. FIRST PRESS Playschool News There is a wonderful transformation occurring in our students at this time of year. The teachers have taken note of the change in the children. For months now the children come to school to see their friends and play together. We know that play is the best way for them to learn at this time in their development. Now as the world around us is awakening from winter, our children are transforming into individuals that have discovered the joy in purposefully learning. “Miss” Mary Beth has noticed them racing into the classroom in the morning to be the first one to sit and complete their math PEP; before taking time to build with the blocks or sand. “Miss” Toni’s students come into school wanting to know what they can learn to read that day. Playdough and puzzles now come second on their to-do lists. We are so excited and proud to see this love of learning emerging in our students. When it is time for them to move on we miss them terribly, but we are very proud of them and know they are ready for “big kid” school. To paraphrase Dr. Seuss, we can only imagine the places they will go! SAVE THE DATE!! FAMILY CAMP AT NACOME ~ July 31 – August 2, 2015 Guest Speaker: Rev. Walter Lockhart More info later. Make your plans now to join us! Session Highlights At the March 8, 2015 regularly scheduled meeting, the Session conducted its normal business. The Session voted to: approve the hiring of Patricia Gooch to complete the 2014 audit; approve the Property Committee’s recommendation to include Memorial Hall, the Church Sanctuary, and the Education Building in the application to place First Presbyterian Church on the National Register of Historic Sites; approve three fundraisers with proceeds going toward the upcoming mission trip to Peru: March 22 concessions, April 19 lunch, and FPC t-shirt sales; approve a Minute for Missions skit to be presented at Worship Service to educate the congregation on how to respond to indigent requests for assistance; approve One Great Hour of Sharing Offering to be received on Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015. NEXT SESSION MEETING April 12, 2015 @ 5:00 PM A P R I L 20 1 5 THANKS! To my dear church family, Words cannot fully express the love and appreciation I have for you. You have been supportive, patient, and kind to me through several times of physical stress and discomfort. I am moving toward the point to where I will be back to whatever activity percentage a man my age can become. Your cards, calls, visits and prayers have been a real boost. Thank you all so much. With much love, Richard Swaim My family and I would like to thank our church family for all the loving kindness shown to us by so many of you during Butch's illness and passing. You were so caring throughout his long and courageous battle with MS. We will never forget that. Thank you for your prayers, staff visits, cards, food, calls, texts, memorials, and loving concern shown to Butch and us for so many years. Our church family is the best. The Butch Evans familyNelda, Cory, Traci, Trey, and Grandkids Page 11 Rotation Sunday School Page 12 F I R S T PR E S S The Children’s Corner Grow, Proclaim, Serve! Growing our Faith by Leaps and Bounds! Children Are A Gift From God! Acolytes are an important part of worship! Children’s Upcoming Events Monday, June 8—Thursday, June 11 If you have any questions feel free to contact us: Ginna Houston vcherry1@k12tn.net; Libby Smith fpclibby@eplus.net, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook under: “First Presbyterian Church”. A P R I L 20 1 5 Wed. April 1st- NO ACTIVITIES Thurs. April 2nd - Maundy Thursday Worship Service- BLAST children will begin preparation for Children's Sabbath from 6 to 7 PM in the Education Building. Every child will have the opportunity to participate. Sunday, April 19th - Children's Sabbath. It will be a meaningful and rewarding way for our children to lead the entire worship service. We will practice in the sanctuary on Wed. April 8th and Wed. April 15th during regular BLAST time from 6-7 PM. Wed. night- May 6th -Talent Show in Fellowship Hall. Final night for all Wednesday night activities Bunny Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt! April 4, 2015 @ 9:30 AM B.L.A.S.T.! Because you will…. Laugh, learn, listen!.... Always….. Singing, serving and sharing Together!!!!! Page 13 Mission Trip to Peru ~ June 19-28 (continued) going to a new hillside community of Villa el Sol. This is on the outskirts of Cusco consisting of migrants from Andean peasant communities who are in extreme poverty What is the Project? The seventeen (17) members of the FPC mission team will be: 1. building tables and chairs for children and students to worship and learn, so they don’t have to stand or sit on the floor; 2. teaching Sunday School to children; 3. establishing a Christian School for Women to help educate and train women to lead others to Christ; 4. visiting women in the villages and leading Bible studies. The beautiful Quillabamba Valley from the Theological Institute. YOU as a member of FPC will have the opportunity to: 1. 2. 3. 4. support the 17 member (listed below) visiting team with your prayers; support the team with the following fundraisers: - come to the luncheon on 4/19; (Tickets will be sold in advance and childcare will be provided) - buy a FPC t-shirt, with profits going towards the Peru mission trip; volunteer to take the team to the airport (6/19) or pick up the team from the airport (6/28); donate materials needed to take to Peru (stay tuned for more details). This is an exciting beginning of two continents bonded to carry out the work and mission of the gospel of Jesus Christ. **To be continued with more exciting stories.** FPC Team Members to Peru Abbott, Eden Abbott, Greg Buchanan, Tammy Butler, Linda Cowles, Allie Cowles, Ceil Cowles, Ty Harris, James Herron, Bruce Hurt, Rebecca Junn, John Junn, Sharon Morgan, Samantha Welling, Brenda White, Forrest White, Kathelene White, Susannah The new hillside community of Villa el Sol on the outskirts of Cusco Fundraiser Information Luncheon on April 19 We will have a formal lunch on Sunday, April 19th, immediately following Sunday School. Tickets will be sold in advance and childcare will be provided. Please watch for additional details about how to make reservations and purchase your tickets. Church Logo T-Shirts on Sale! Church logo t-shirts have been designed and will be for sale in the near future, with profits going toward the Peru Mission Trip. Watch for pre-order information. All proceeds will go to offset the cost of the mission trip for the participants. Page 14 F I R S T PR E S S Financial Update Save the Date! FINANCIAL UPDATE – February Year-to-date 2015 Actual This Year Budget 2015 Actual Last Year 2015 Pledges $137,298 $ 86,171 $ 131,671 Total Contributions $149,355 $ 102,005 $ 144,022 Total Income $160,467 $ 130,760 $ 176,313 Total Expenses $ 103,021 $ 130,760 $ 113,714 Net Income $ 57,446 $ --- $ 62,599 Pledges can now be paid using ACH bank drafts on a weekly or monthly basis. If you are interested, please contact Vicki Pope at 422-1591. For questions or more details on the financial report, contact Jim Campbell (Finance Chair) at 668-9399, Carol Green (Treasurer) at 664-9449, or Vicki Pope (Financial Secretary) at 422-1591. Congratulations Virginia Conger! VIRGINIA CONGER 2014 Woman of the Year On Monday night, March 16, 2015, Virginia Conger was named the Altrusa Club’s 63rd Woman of the Year for 2014 at Union University. Virginia was not aware she was the honoree until they announced that the honoree had been married to the mayor of Jackson. Until that moment, Virginia believed that she was there to support her friend, Barbara Fowler. The award came as a complete surprise! This 63rd year for the Altrusa’s Woman of the Year award coincided with what would have been Virginia and Bob Conger’s 63rd wedding anniversary, which she acknowledged in her remarks. In accepting the award, Virginia said, “I believe God put us here to help people, and that’s what we’re supposed to do. I appreciate the friends I have in the room and I appreciate all of you being here.” Several members of her family, members of First Presbyterian Church, and many other friends were in attendance in support of her receiving the much deserved award. “It’s the greatest honor I’ve ever had,” Virginia said. A GATHERING OF THE PRESBYTERY OF THE MID-SOUTH SUNDAY, MAY 31 RHODES COLLEGE, MEMPHIS Join fellow congregations from across our Presbytery to worship and work together. We will celebrate the season of Pentecost. We will join our voices in a mass choir. We will be inspired and challenged by renowned speaker and teacher, Dr. Rodger Nishioka. We will share a meal, then we will make a stand against hunger as we pack 10,000 meals for distribution to 50+ countries through Stop Hunger Now. Watch for further information and details! MEN’S COFFEE GROUP 1ST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH 8:30 AM In April we will meet on April 5 at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us! Dates in April April 7 ~ Connections Class April 21 ~ Fellowship Class A P R I L 20 1 5 Page 15 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Jackson, TN Permit No. 693 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF J A C K S ON , T N 1573 N. Highland Ave. Jackson, TN 38301-3454 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 731.422.1591 www.fpcjacksontn.org OUR MISSION: First Presbyterian Church seeks to provide opportunities for people to encounter the life changing presence of Christ through: preaching, the study of scripture, engagement in worship, faithful stewardship and service to others in the church and community. If you have an article for the newsletter, please send it to Nelda Rhodes, Church Secretary at: fpcnelda@eplus.net. Articles will be used as space permits and may be edited for length. Deadline for submissions are the 18th of each month. Adult/Youth Basketball Game The Adult versus Youth basketball game was a big hit! Great turnout, great fellowship, and great food! The score was 42-41, a very close competitive game, with the adults winning by 1 point!!
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