Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 First Presbyterian Church Santa Fe, New Mexico 208 Grant Avenue 505.982.8544 Celebrating Spring photos in the lobby courtesy of Charlie Stringfellow and above courtesy of Pat Luiken. Hospitality First Presbyterian Church is an inclusive, reconciling congregation which welcomes into its worship and full membership all persons who profess faith in Jesus Christ regardless of race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or economic status. We are delighted you joined us today and invite you to register your presence with us on the friendship sheets. On Sundays Parking can usually be found in the Santa Fe County lot behind the church and at metered parking without charge. Childcare available all morning and children’s classes between services on the second floor. Ask the ushers if you have questions, need a Hearing Assistance Device, or would like a Large Print Version of the service. Worship & Study —Sundays 9:45–10:45 In Pope Hall West today Jim Brown concludes his five-week Adult Education class on the Book of Confessions, which is the part of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) containing some of the great affirmations of the Christian faith. Gun Epidemic, a three-week series on gun violence in America, begins Sunday, May 24, and will be presented by New Mexicans for Gun Safety, a grass-roots non-profit organization begun in Santa Fe after the Sandy Hook shooting and includes several members of our congregation. On May 24th we look at the situation we find ourselves in today as a state and a country. May 31 will continue the conversation and feature a film highlighting some of the issues in-depth. June 7th will focus on several ideas and hopeful solutions which are addressing gun violence. —Weekdays Religion & Science Discussion 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7:00PM, Rendon Room Mary’s Women 2nd Monday each month at 5:30PM, Rendon Room—a spiritual reflection of Karen Armstrong’s book Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life Morning Prayer Wednesdays at 7:00AM, McFarland Chapel Base Community Bible Study on Wednesdays at noon in the Rendon Room Taizé Service Thursdays at 5:30PM, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 841 W Manhattan Ave Spanish Bible Study Saturdays 9:00–10:00AM—Moore Conference Room (third floor). Music & Art Get Involved in the Life of the Church: Have questions about the church or what Presbyterians are all about? Gatherings are held monthly on the second Sunday after each service. Contact the church office (982.8544) for more information about the gathering or about how to become involved in the church. TGIF Concerts every Friday night at 5:30PM. Free will offering. Pick up a schedule in the lobby of the concerts through the summer and take one to friends and neighbors. May 15 Trio de Los Alamos, piano trio May 22 Chancel Choir of First Presbyterian Church May 29 Joel Becktell, cello Bach Suites June 5 Linda Mack and Scott Hagler, duo pianists June 12 Chancel Bells of First Presbyterian Church June 19 eSSO June 26 Grand Champs from Pro Musica Carol Redman July 3 Linny Smith, flute, and Richard Bentley, piano July 10 Charlotte Rowe, piano Counseling by arrangement with the Pastoral Counseling Center (988.4131). Medicare and most insurance accepted or sliding scale fees negotiable. The show Artful Birds in the Back Pew Gallery is a gathering of bird art from Westminster and First Presbyterian Churches. We have invited artists from Casa Real, Ponce de Leon, and the Montecito to join us. All of these groups have painted small wooden birds which are for sale. Funds from these small bird sales go directly to the respective art programs. Other art sales will go to the artist. We welcome donations to these various groups and the Back Pew Gallery as well. May 10, 2015 11:00AM Those who are able may stand The moments before worship are a transition from “getting here” to “being here.” Take the opportunity to listen to the prelude and quiet one’s mind and become open to the spirit. God Calls Us PRELUDE HYMN 774 WELCOME AND CALL TO WORSHIP bold in unison Andante Sostenuto by Charles-Marie Widor There Is Now a New Creation And Jesus said, “come!” to all mothers and all children: he said, “come!” to the motherless and the childless: he said, “come!” to all who long to be mothered: he said, “come! Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your souls.” Let us worship God! CANDLELIGHTING A LITANY FOR MOTHERS bold in unison To those who gave birth this year to their first child—we celebrate with you To those who lost a child this year—we mourn with you To those who are foster moms, mentor moms, and spiritual moms—we need you To those who have warm and close relationships with your children— we celebrate with you To those who have disappointment, heart ache, and distance with your children—we sit with you To those who lost their mothers this year—we grieve with you To those who experienced abuse at the hands of your own mother—we acknowledge your experience To those who lived through driving tests, medical tests, and the overall testing of motherhood—we are better for having you in our midst To those who will have emptier nests in the upcoming year—we grieve and rejoice with you And to those who are pregnant with new life, both expected and surprising—we anticipate with you This Mother’s Day, we walk with you. Mothering is not for the faint of heart and we have real warriors in our midst. We remember you. Amen. RESPONSE printed at right God Renews Us SCRIPTURE READING Psalm 98 New Revised Standard Version, pg 551 ANTHEM Chancel Choir How Lovely is your Dwelling Place SCRIPTURE READING John 15:9–17 MESSAGE Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III Friends with Jesus HYMN 693 OFFERING AND OFFERTORY Chancel Choir by Joel Martinsen New Revised Standard Version, pg 109 Though I May Speak If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments by Thomas Tallis RESPONSE printed at right PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER God Sends Us on Our Journey HAPPENINGS OF THE WEEK PASSING OF THE PEACE 752 in the hymnal, words at right HYMN 771 ♫ Dona nobis pacem, pacem. Dona nobis pacem. What Is the World Like BLESSING POSTLUDE Toccata, Adagio, and Fugue in C Major, BWV 564 by J. S. Bach The service of worship concludes after the postlude. The music can be enjoyed and this time can be used for prayer. You may remain seated or depart quietly. Serving today Officiants: Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III Liturgist: W. Grant Wright Music Director: Linda Raney Choir Accompanist: David Solem Call to Worship written by Amy Young, and posted on her Messy Middle blog. Prayer of Confession posted on the PC(USA) website. Assurance of Pardon written by Thom Shuman. Worship coordinators Worship Chair: Ushers: Liturgists: Liturgical Arts: Communion: Outreach: Chris Haynes Sarah Miller Jane Alexander Jane Stringfellow Malissa Haslam Bruce Black Community News Friday, May 15, 7:00–9:00PM, Tipton Hall, Santa Fe College of Art and Design, Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine/ Israel welcomes Kathy Christison, internationally recognized expert on Palestinian-Israeli relations. She will report on her recent visit to Gaza and the West Bank. Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine/Israel are also sponsoring a musical commemoration of Nakba Day on the Plaza that noon with a percussionist ensemble led by renown Palestinian American Issa Malluf. For more information e-mail or phone 469.0714. The Santa Fe Fuego baseball team is looking for host families for the team members who range in age from 20– 25. You get two free tickets to every game and the chance to help someone pursue their dream. If you are interested, call Yvonne Encinias, General Manager, at 204.2093. We will also be having a First Presbyterian night at the ballpark this year. Stay tuned for more info on date. The Fuego are also looking for singers/instrumentalists who would like to sing the national anthem or lead the seventh inning stretch and bat boys and girls (age 10 and up) for a game or two this season. The Santa Fe Police Department would like to cordially invite supporters of Public Safety to attend a Blue Mass. The Blue Mass will take place on May 14, at 5:15PM which is during National Police Week. The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi is kindly hosting this event at 131 Cathedral Place. The Blue Mass is a blessing for Police Officers, Deputies, Firefighters, Military, Corrections Officers, and Emergency Medical Personnel. The mass is to thank them for their service to our community, remember those who have fallen, and for the families that love and support them. Prayers and Praise Names of those to pray for will be listed for four weeks unless otherwise requested. Notify the church office 982.8544 or with your joys and concerns. Pray for Dave Grayson battling an aggressive cancer. Continue to pray for Gay Hill who is in rehab in California for several weeks recovering from a fall; friends of Jim and Pauline Toevs—Tony Herrera who has struggled for many years with a painful cancer and Karen who is having knee surgery; Deacon Rosie Mott; bell choir member Jodi Bustos; Joe Armbruster; and Lolly Bair. Pray for insight, health and safety for Dick and Ann Rowe as they visit Presbyterian Mission Co-workers Elizabeth and Dan Turk In Madagascar and the projects of reforestation through the two evangelical seminaries there. Deacon on call: Anne M. 466.1120 Pentecost Offering Each year our congregation participates in four church wide Special Offerings of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in support of Presbyterian Mission. These offerings play an important role in what it means for us to be part of a connectional church, bringing together the diversity of the PC(USA) to focus us on faith based action on shared concerns. We held the One Great Hour of Sharing offering on Easter to support the Hunger Program, Disaster Assistance and Self Development of People. Our second opportunity will be the Pentecost Offering in a few weeks that supports youth-focused programs of the PC(USA). Forty percent of what our congregation gives to this offering will be directed to ministries with young people at risk here in Santa Fe. The Peace Offering is in October and the Joy Offering in December. Fill out suggestions for events for the 150th anniversary celebrations—forms on lobby table—and put them in the bank for the 150th Task Force. Next meeting May 13 at noon; new participants always welcome. Child Development Center Pasta Sale Next Sunday, May 17. Purchase pasta box for $10 or layered salad for $8 in support of our four-star preschool program IDEA BANK 2 150 15 0th 1 7
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