First Presbyterian Church 270 Woodbridge Avenue, Metuchen, NJ 08840 Telephone: 732-491-2300 Sunday Morning Worship starts at 9:30 AM The Parish News March 2015 From the Senior Pastor’s Study Inside this issue: Dear Fellow Disciples, From the Senior Pastor’s Study New Member Class 2 Presbyterian Women Camperships for Johnsonburg 3 2015 Lenten Recital Series Easter Food Gift Cards Confirmation and Farewell Re- 4 ception—March 29 Youth & Family Ministries 5 Confirmation Class 2015 6 Treasurer’s Two Cents Prayer Shawl Ministry 7 Spotlight on Music Ministry 8 Children’s Choir Festival Dining to Donate—UNO Grill 10 What Does Your Church Mean to & You? 9 Worship Schedule —Holy Week 11 Easter Plant Order Form The Lower Room—March 30th 12 Farewells are hard. I dread them. I'm downright terrible at saying "Goodbye" to people I've known and cared about. Call it a growth area, I guess. No matter how hard I try, I can't make peace with wishing a friend Godspeed and bidding farewell. I've been overheard remarking, "Goodbyes stink. They're awful." I mean, really—they just are. It's one thing to offer a "Goodbye" to a place—such as a big, old house that one has called "home" for over a decade, or a beautiful sanctuary where one has sung hymns and spoken prayers and read the Scriptures alongside fellow disciples. It's quite another to speak the word to people who are a great deal more than (mere) neighbors or colleagues or partners in ministry. I speak of people who, over time, have become friends. Once upon a time, C.S. Lewis shared a superb take on the word "Friend." He put it this way: “Friendship arises out of mere companionship when two or more of the companions discover that they have in common some insight or interest or even taste which the others do not share and which, till that moment, each believed to be his own unique treasure (or burden). The typical expression of opening friendship would be something like, 'What? You too? I thought I was the only one.'" Repeatedly throughout the past ten and a half years, I've discovered friends. Too many to count. I know this is true because I've listened to myself murmuring, "This person shares my perspective? Whoa. How about that? How great is that?" Another word for this is grace—when we receive a gift that we've neither earned nor deserved. Daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 8 It's an amazing and miraculous thing when two or more people share details about their faith in the God we find in Jesus Christ, and, upon doing so, reflect to themselves, "What? You too?" It happens all the time—when people gather for worship, fellowship, mission work, and Bible studies. It happens when people open their hearts to God and one another and make themselves vulnerable. It happens, thank God, when we dare to offer a bit of ourselves— our reflections, hopes, and prayers—to others. (continued on page 2) Page 2 The Parish News March 2015 From the Senior Pastor’s Study (Continued) Hence the anguish of a spoken "Goodbye." To have known people as friends who are traveling the same journey—to have shared in trials and joys and challenges and celebrations—is some kind of wonderful. And to know that, at some point, fellow travelers will part ways and take other roads as they continue, by God's grace, to make their way to the same destination—well, this is bittersweet indeed. So, what makes for a good "Goodbye"? Good wishes for the future, prayers for travel mercies, and a heartfelt smile—the basic ingredients, I think. But there's something else—the mutual reassurance that, way down the road, we'll definitely meet again. Maybe at a turn or twist of the long road home. And beyond the end of the road, there's the home where all of God's saints reside forevermore. As Jesus shared with his friends, "I go and prepare a place for you all. And I'll come back and take you to be with me so that you also may be where I am." And so it is that all farewells are temporary. No spoken "Goodbye" lasts forever. The reunion of all humanity and the restoration of all creation is the last word of the last sentence of the last chapter of the story God has been authoring since the beginning of time and space. How's that well-known passage read? "All things work together for good..." Yes indeed. Amen to that. And thanks be to God. Grace and peace, Pastor Sam On that day the group will review basic Christian beliefs and the history of this church. They will also be introduced to our church’s mission work locally and around the world. Members of the Session will also have the opportunity to meet you and receive you as new members. Sunday, March 8 On Sunday, March 8, immediately following the 9:30 AM worship service, adults interested in becoming members of the First Presbyterian Church are invited to meet with Pastor Sam in the church library in the education building. The class will be no longer than an hour. Child care will be provided in the nursery. On Sunday, March 22, during worship the new members will be recognized by the congregation followed by a reception at the Social Center. If you are interested in becoming part of this congregation or have any questions, please call the Church Office any weekday (8 AM to 4:30 PM) or you may email Merry Matlock, our Administrative Assistant-Pastoral Services, at First Presbyterian Church of Metuchen, NJ Parish News — March 2015 Page 3 Presbyterian Women Bible Study Circles — Monday, March 2 — Esther Circle will meet at 10:30 AM in the Social Center and the Mary-Ruth Circle will meet at Ruth Endicott’s home at 7:30 PM. PW Coordinating Team Meeting — Wednesday, March 4, at 7:00 PM in Room 109 in the Education Building. PW Evening Craft Circle — Monday, March 16, at 7 PM in the Social Center. Presbyterian Women Spring Rummage Sale 2015 First Presbyterian Church 270 Woodbridge Avenue, Metuchen, NJ Social Center Friday . . . April 17 Saturday . . . April 18 Sale Hours 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Sale Hours 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Drop off of donations will be accepted Monday, April 13, through Thursday, April 16, from 9 AM to 8 PM. Camperships for Johnsonburg What a winter, but Spring will arrive in a few weeks! With Spring comes warmer weather and thoughts of Summer activities and vacations. Again this year the Presbyterian Women and the Board of Deacons are offering Camperships to FPC Youth who attend Camp Jburg this summer. Camp Johnsonburg’s Mission is, “To create a place apart where all people can experience God’s love in a welcoming Christian Community.” For information and to register, go online to To reserve your camper’s choice, only a $100 deposit must be paid upon registering. Online is this summer’s Schedule, Registration, Brochure, and Forms/ Packet which must be completed. FPC Campers do NOT need to complete the “Church Reimbursement Acknowledgement Form”. Camp Jburg is having an Open House on Sunday, May 3, from 1 PM to 4 PM. Parents, for further information or questions regarding the PW and the Deacon’s Camperships, please contact Dee Bonner ( After your camper has made his/her selection, please send to Dee Bonner: Camper’s Name Grade in School in September 2015 Birth Date Name of Camp Event Attending Date of Event Applications for Camperships from PW and the Deacons are available in the Church Office and on the FPC website. The deadline for submission is 12 Noon on Friday, May 8th. Page 4 The Parish News March 2015 2015 Lenten Recital Series Wednesdays at Noon in the Sanctuary — Free Admission — FREE 30-minute recital each Wednesday, March 4 to March 25 March 4 Chris Deibert, Organ March 11 Metuchen High School Ensembles For the past few years, First Presbyterian Church has sponsored a Lenten Concert Series at noon during the Wednesdays of Lent. The concerts are in the sanctuary March 18 Holly Roadfeldt, Piano and are free and open to the public. Please encourage March 25 Brenda Day, Organ come to our sanctuary for 30 minutes of beautiful anyone you know who is available during the day to music and a chance for meditation. Easter Food Gift Cards On Wednesday, April 1, the Mission Commission will once again be providing local supermarket gift cards and fresh produce to sixty (60) families in need for the purpose of providing an Easter dinner for their families. If you would like to provide assistance, please make any donations payable to: First Presbyterian Church and in the memo write “Easter Basket.” Yours in Mission, Mission Commission Palm Sunday, March 29, — Reception After Worship — Welcoming Our Newest Members of the 2015 Confirmation Class and also Honoring Pastor Massengill’s Ministry at FPC-Metuchen. After 9:30 AM worship — All are welcome to join us at the Social Center on Palm Sunday, March 29, for refreshments and fellowship to welcome our newest members of the 2015 Confirmation Class and to honor Pastor Sam and his family. Page 5 First Presbyterian Church of Metuchen, NJ Parish News — March 2015 Youth & Family Ministries Habitat Youth Mission Hosting Pancake Breakfast Sunday, March 15, after worship in the Social Center For information on Christian Education and Children and Youth Programming, Please contact Nancy Leardi Cost of tickets: $8.00 Adults $5.00 Children (under 4 years of age — free) Director of Christian Ed. 732-491-2264 Vacation Bible School 2015 Camp EDGE, this year’s VBS will be held July 6—10. VBS is for children entering kindergarten to 6th grade. Children of our church will be able to register on May 10 in the Christian Education Office. Open House and registration for the community will begin June 1 and June 2 from 9 AM to Noon. Junior Club Grades 4, 5 & 6 March 5 & 19 April 16 (Room 109) May 7 (last meeting) Meetings are 1st & 3rd Thursdays 5:30 PM—6:45 PM in Social Center. First Friday Club Youth Group Grades 1, 2 & 3 Wednesday Night Junior and Senior High March 6, not meeting in April May 1 & June 5 (last meeting) 7th and 8th grades — 5:00—6:00 PM — Room 211 at 6 PM—7:15 PM Combined dinner — $3.00 Join us for some pizza and fun in the Social Center. 6:00 PM—6:30 PM — Social Center Dining Room 9th through 12th grades — 7:00—8:00 PM — Room 201 — ALL ARE WELCOME — ******** Watch Son-Day Paper Page 6 The Parish News March 2015 CONFIRMATION CLASS 2015 Confirmation Sunday is scheduled earlier this year — it will be on Palm Sunday, March 29. Confirmation Sunday is when the Confirmands will be recognized by the congregation as active members during worship. This will be a time of celebration and thanksgiving and an opportunity for the congregation to greet the Confirmation Class at the reception in the Social Center after the worship service. Members of the Confirmation Class of 2015 and their Covenant Partners and Parents: CONFIRMANDS COVENANT PARTNERS CONFIRMANDS’ PARENTS Sarah Blanchard Helen Burr Michelle & Christopher Blanchard Paige Busse Susan Marquard Suzanne & Dirk Busse Rachel Chiusano Staci Gil Laura & Mark Chiusano Madeleine Fenner Janine Haulenbeek Nikki Walter & David Fenner Erin Hausser Virginia Shaw Audrey & Ken Hausser Johanes Kaligis Charles Hedrick Karmilla Lowing & Alex Kaligis Jack Kipnis Charlie Day Nancy Blomn-Kipnis & Jeff Kipnis Victoria Pennix Maggy Cook Andrene Sinclair-Pennix & Michael Pennix Drew Schuchmann Staci Gil Jennifer Lambdin & John Schuchman Kendall Schuchman Julie Shaver Jennifer Lambdin & John Schuchman Joshua Silalahi Robin Kellner Corry & Oloan Silalahi Kayla Van Pelt Christine Young Chris & David Van Pelt Molly Walters Brenda Redshaw Kristine & Scott Walters Connor Wopin Ed Leiva Cathy & Ken Wolpin A Potluck of People Many congregations enjoy gathering for potluck dinners — meals largely unplanned, when people bring food to share. Usually, the main dishes, salads and desserts balance out. The fun is the variety mixing together on a plate and the surprise factor of what’s contributed. Churches and communities — even families — are potlucks of a sort, too. When groups assemble, each person contributes something unique and sometimes unexpected. When all is mixed together, the whole is truly greater than the sum of the parts. A beautiful balance often results: One is a good singer, the other writes well; some are strong leaders, others dependable team members; some are traditional, others innovative. Together, it’s delicious! Potlucks are sometimes called covered-dish dinners. But don’t keep your gifts “covered”! Share them because you’re a valued part of the whole. Article contained in Vol. 37. No. 3 of The NewsletterNewsletter which is published monthly by Communications Resources, Inc. © 2015. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The News Church of Metuchen, NJ FirstParish Presbyterian March 2015 News — March 2015 The Parish Page 7 Treasurer’s Two Cents ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Total Checking/Savings TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS January 31, 2015 $ 27,525.04 $ 27,525.04 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity $ 27,525.04 Special Accounts Haulenbeek Fund Local Assistance Local Assistance CD Melko Fund Memorial Gifts Social Center Renovation Youth Mission Zundel Fund I&E Balance 1/31/15 Budget vs. Actual 1/31/15 Income Expense Net Income January 31, 2015 $ 9,587.48 $ 17,937.56 $ 27,525.04 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY $ 27,525.04 $ 2,308.97 $ 14,063.04 $ 17,293.64 $ 22,141.66 $ 38,137.06 [$30,811 designated] $ 156,434.12 $ 11,295.42 [$2,836 Triennium] $ 1,393.06 $ 4,637,822.58 Actual YTD $ 80,443.74 $ 62,506.18 $ 17,937.56 Projected YTD $ 79,277.95 $ 67,496.95 $ 11,781.00 Difference $ 1,165.79 $ -4,990.77 $ 6,156.56 Dear Members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, Thank you so much for the lovely prayer shawl. When I wrap it around me, I feel the love and prayers of my church family. It is very comforting and it reminds me that God’s love comes in the form of many caring hands. Bless you all. — Doris :-) Bless you for being so kind as to send me a beautiful prayer shawl. I hope you know how much it means to me and how much you are appreciated. Special kudos to the person who knit so beautifully. How did you know that purple is my favorite color? Thanks to you, I shall always experience warmth and comfort whenever I have my exquisite shawl wrapped around me. God bless. — Joan :-) I thank you so much. It is beautiful and the colors were perfect (greens & blues). I’m not sure I was sick enough to receive the shawl, but so glad I did. I love it and will cherish it. — Lynne :-) The Prayer Shawl Ministry started at FPC-Metuchen in 2008 and we have given out a total of 186 prayer shawls. 2008 to 2011 — 41 shawls; 2012-2013 — 65 shawls, and 2014 to Feb. 2015 — 80 shawls! Thank you to those who have supported this ministry monetarily and/or with your time and talents knitting or crocheting. It is an extremely well-received outreach ministry ! In His Service, Members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry — Brenda Day, Maggy Cook & Victoria Pennix, Doris Gulotta, Grace Hammesfahr, Marie Hoffsommer, Anna Rice, Jennifer Thompson, Diane Beck, Muriel Johnson, and Merry Matlock. Page 8 The Parish News March 2015 Spotlight On Music Ministry Praying . . . Celebrating . . . Expressing Our Love God has bestowed so many blessings upon our church. This month, the Stewardship Committee is focusing on one of the most precious of these gifts: our Music Ministry. ♫ Whenever we gather to praise and worship God, there is music. ♫ Through music we pray, celebrate, and express our love for God and His church. ♫ Music provides us with a universal language for praising God together, and it serves as part of the very fabric of our worship services. Exceptional Music Leadership Music is an essential part of our worship experience, and 1st Presbyterian is blessed with a continuing commitment to music ministry. Under the leadership of our beloved Minister of Music, Brenda Day, our church has a long tradition of excellence in our music programs. A graduate of Westminster Choir College, Brenda is one of the most respected organists and Music Ministers in New Jersey. She is an exceptional teacher, offering members as young as 4 years old music education and appreciation that simply cannot easily be found anywhere else. Every member of our church family is touched in some manner by our music ministry; whether it’s singing in a vocal choir, ringing in a bell choir, singing along during worship, or just experiencing the joy of listening to our children sing. The News Church of Metuchen, NJ FirstParish Presbyterian March 2015 The Parish News — March 2015 Page 9 Music Ministry Facts We have 10 choirs: 5 vocal choirs and 5 bell choirs. Our youngest choir members are the 4-6 year olds in the Carol Choir ( there are currently 17 members). Every year on average, 75 children are involved in our music program. There are hundreds of people in our community and beyond whose music experience began as children in our church choirs. We have approximately 1,000 titles in our church music library. In addition to piano and organ, we have many other instruments join us in worship services, including: guitar, violin, bass, various drums, trumpets, trombones, saxophones, French horns, tubas, flutes, clarinets and harps. Every year, our congregation joins together in song well over 200 times. In addition to experiencing the joy of praising God through music, choir members also receive excellent musical training. Join Us You do not have to be an accomplished musician to participate in any of our choirs. Many choir members have little or no formal training when they join; they just like to sing or want to learn more about music. Just ask someone in a choir robe if you’re interested in learning more. Support Us Our music ministry is funded by you—the members of the 1st Presbyterian Church family. When we pledge our financial support to the church, we are providing the funds necessary to sustain—and grow—our music programs. Our pledges pay for choir robes, sheet music, instrument maintenance, and the exceptional musicians who lead this ministry. As we reflect on this blessing and plan our financial pledge, let us be grateful as we celebrate how much our music ministry means to us. “I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being.” —Psalm 104 Page 10 The Parish News March 2015 Community Nursery School is hosting a “Dining at UNO Chicago Grill” event on Wednesday, March 25. Join Community Nursery School staff, families and alumni for a meal at UNO Chicago Grill on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. UNO will donate up to 20% of your check to Community Nursery School. Come anytime between 11:00 AM and 9:00 PM. UNO offers a “kids create your own pizza.” It is conveniently located on the southbound side of Route 1 before Menlo Park Mall in Edison. CNS staff is looking forward to meeting old and new friends. Children’s Choir Festival Important: The flyer/coupon is needed for your donation to count. Saturday, March 14 On Saturday, March 14, our Junior Choir will be participating in a Children’s Choir Festival at the Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church in Plainfield. They will be joining other children from area churches for a day of making music together and meeting new people. The choir is working on five anthems which they will sing with the other choirs. They will rehearse in the morning, share lunch together, and present a concert for the public at 1:30PM. All are invited to this free concert. Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church 716 Watchung Avenue Plainfield, NJ 908-756-2468 Community Nursery School Metuchen, NJ March 25, 2015 61 US Highway 1, Metuchen, NJ 732-548-7979 The News Church of Metuchen, NJ FirstParish Presbyterian March 2015 The Parish News — March 2015 Page 11 EASTER PLANT ORDER FORM First Church traditionally celebrates the glory of Easter morning (April 5) by decorating the Sanctuary, Chapel, and the Narthex with a choice of Easter Plants (white lilies, yellow tulips and pink tulips) to honor loved ones: If you would like to contribute $8.00 per plant, please mail or bring this form to the Church Office by Monday, March 23. Your Name __________________________________________ Phone No. (________) ______________________________ Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service For Easter Bulletin Listing of Donors April 2 at 7:30 PM Given by Worship and Holy Communion in the Sanctuary Good Friday — April 3 _____________________________________________ In Memory of ____________________________________________ In Honor of _____________________________________________ In Gratitude ______________________________________________ 7:30 PM in the Sanctuary Multicultural Indonesian Language Worship Service of Darkness and Holy Communion. Easter - April 5 7:00 AM – Sunrise Worship and Holy Communion Weather permitting, we will worship outdoors in the cemetery at 7:00 AM on Easter morning – Westminster Choir. Please check [ x ] plant choice & indicate number of plants wanted: White Easter Lilies ______ Yellow Tulips_______ Pink Tulips ______ Number of plants @ $8 each ________ 9:00 AM Worship Service Amount of check $ _________ —Children Choirs, Senior Choir, Brass & Handbells— Sunday School will be in recess. Nursery care will be available for infants to 3-year olds and there will be programming for children ages 4 to 2nd grade for the 9 AM worship service only. Make checks payable to: First Presbyterian Church and mail to the Church Office PO Box 385, Metuchen, NJ 08840 ORDER DEADLINE: Monday, March 23 Please [ x ] check one of the following: 11:00 AM Worship Service and Holy Communion [ ] I will take my plant home after the 11 AM Easter service April 5, 2015. —Senior Choir, Indonesian Fellowship Nazareth Choir, Brass and Handbells— [ ] I will leave my plant for the Deacons to deliver to someone in our Church family. NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION The Parish News March 2015 US POSTAGE PAID NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ First Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 385 270 Woodbridge Avenue Metuchen, NJ 08840 PERMIT 746 Address Service Requested TO: The information contained herein is for Church use only. Individuals using this information must receive permission of the Session of the First Presbyterian Church of Metuchen, NJ. The Lower Room A dramatization Nine women whose lives were dramatically changed by Jesus tell their stories on the night of the Last Supper. Monday, March 30, 7:30 PM First Presbyterian Church—Sanctuary 270 Woodbridge Avenue, Metuchen, NJ 732-491-2300
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