Chalmers Presbyterian Church Chalmers Presbyterian Church… Built by FAITH, strengthened through WORSHIP, bringing HOPE to life’s journey We welcome you to worship at Chalmers. If you are a first-time worshiper at Chalmers we reach out to you with hospitality and friendship in Jesus’ name. A N D M I S S I O N This symbol is being used in the Order of Service to indicate that the people will stand. All the worship songs will be projected on the screen. Please note that some fellow worshippers are sensitive to perfumes. We ask that you consider keeping Chalmers scent free. Thank you. We welcome Oscar Elias this morning as he accompanies the choir with his oboe playing. Thank you Oscar, for sharing your gifts and talents with us. There will be a time of refreshments and fellowship in the lower hall. Today’s hosts are Holly Williams & Bev Cameron. The striped mugs at coffee hour are for visitors. Please help our visitors feel welcome ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AT A GLANCE! March 22-29 SUNDAY Worship – 10 am Library Open – 11:15 am Children’s Choir – 11:30 am Worship, CE, YM meeting- 11:30am Stephen Ministry training – 7pm Men’s Mission Service – 7:30pm MONDAY Gospel Study – 1 pm Gospel Study – 7 pm Outreach & Communication–6:30pm TUESDAY Seniors’ Fitness – 1 pm L I F E WEDNESDAY Knitting Circle – 2 pm Reachout Rehearsal – 7:30 pm THURSDAY Praise Team Rehearsal – 6:25 pm Senior Choir Rehearsal – 7:30 pm Property Management – 7:30 pm FRIDAY Seniors’ Fitness – 9 am NO Seniors’ Euchre SUNDAY Palm/Passion Sunday –10 am Soup Sunday – after worship Library Open – 11:15 am Children’s Choir – 11:30 am Stephen Ministry training – 7 pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please note that the Life & Mission insert from the bulletin is available on the Chalmers website. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you would like to know more about becoming a professing member of the church please speak to Rev. John. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coffee Fellowship Servers: March 29: Soup Sunday April 5: EASTER SUNDAY April 12: Karen Dutton & Heather Reid April 19: Shirley & Bill George ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please PRAY For Grace & Vic Laursen as they grieve the death of Grace’s mother Esther McKinlay. Esther was a professing member of Chalmers and lived to the grand old age of 104. Esther died peacefully on March 15th at Ashwood Manor in the presence of her family. A memorial service will be held in Ridgetown on 9 July 2015 at 11:00 am. For George Leonard as he recovers at home from knee surgery. For healing and strength for Grace Laursen, as she recovers from hip replacement surgery. For God’s blessing for Ross Cole, Dave Dale, Margaret Dale, Doris Doskas, Linda McPherson, and Margaret Middaugh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISSION COMMITTEE Announcements: 1. The proceeds from the Special Easter and loose offering will be designated to Almanarah Presbyterian Church, London and Camp Kintail sponsorship. 2. We will be hosting the Sunday evening service at Men’s Mission this evening at 7:30 pm. Anyone willing to participate and/or donate sandwiches, please call Linda Powers at 226.234.1998. 3. The Ark Aid Street Mission will be presenting “The Living Last Supper” at the Palace Theatre on March 27 and 28 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $13 each. The cast is comprised of clients and volunteers of the Ark. See poster in narthex. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday School Lent Program - Moving with Passion The children have been learning about the Easter story through food, crafts, games and drama over 6 Sundays in February and March leading up to Easter. We will return to trialing ‘Feasting on the Word’ in April. If you have any questions about either curriculum, please speak to Judy Steward, Linda Adamson or Dan Duffin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOOD FRIDAY BREAKFAST we extend an invitation to join us Friday April 3, 2015 9AM ---10:30AM $5.00 per Person/$15.00 per family Children 5 and under FREE Sign-up sheet in narthex ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DID YOU KNOW? Opera Sacred Music Concert featuring Chad Louwerse from Western University at Chalmers PC on Saturday, April 18, at 7:00 pm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEENS &TWENTIES: Volleyball at Westminster Secondary School on March 27th, 7-9pm. $2 per player. Adults welcome too. Join us on Good Friday (April 3rd), 4-7pm for dinner, an egg hunt and lots of great activities. No charge. (If you were at our last TNT lunch, bring your rock. If not, we’ll hook you up with one on Good Friday!) If you are interested in more info about the Mission trip to Montreal this July, please speak to Kim or Lizz. Deadline to register is Mar 31st. Young adults – “You were made for this: a life that makes a difference” – A program for young adults aged 19-28 using the “Dependable Strengths” program. “Discover Your Dependable Strengths” is a program that helps us to understand our gifts by exploring our own life experiences. Through telling our own stories, we discover those gifts that consistently rise to the top and form the basis for what we do best. When: June 15-20, 2015 Where: Presbyterian College, Montreal Cost: $325 for the week-long program. Covers all program material, all meals and lodging at the Presbyterian College residences. Travel bursaries of $100/participant will be offered to those within a six to seven-hour drive from Montreal. How to Apply? For more information contact Rev. Mavis Currie at All applications must be submitted by May 4, 2015. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. James North Yarmouth invites you on a “CrossWalk”, a personal & interactive spiritual journey in anticipation of Easter morning. Tuesday, March 31st from 6:30 – 8:30pm on a drop-in basis (please allow 30 min or more for your journey). ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stewardship Moments The pastor stood before the congregation and said “I have bad news, I have good news, and I have more bad news.” The congregation got quiet. “The bad news is: the church needs a new roof!” the pastor said. The congregation groaned. “The good news is: we have enough money for the new roof.” A sigh of relief was heard rippling through the gathered group. “The bad news is: it’s still in your pockets!” Author unknown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIBRARY In the Company of Others by Jan Karon This is another book in the “Father Tim” series and in true Jan Karon style, lets you enjoy some time with this Anglican priest who just can’t help but draw people to him. In this story, we join Father Tim and his wife Cynthia on a long promised trip to Ireland, home of Tim Kavanagh’s ancestors. Once settled in their Guest Lodge, things go from bad to worse, with terrible weather keeping them housebound, Cynthia damaging a recently fractured ankle, and a very valuable painting being stolen from the Lodge. Unable to do any sightseeing, Tim and Cynthia check out the library in the Lodge and discover a journal written over a hundred years ago. This starts a story that covers many generations, with many personal struggles which, of course, Father Tim gets caught up in, and tries to do all he can to bring peace to this fractured family. I love Jan Karon’s writing, and the Father Tim stories which are gentle family stories with more than a hint of comedy in them. Wonderful story! I can’t wait to read the new Father Tim book that has recently been added to our library – “Home to Holly Springs”. Christine Hunter, Librarian DVD’s of the Worship Services are available in the DVD bookcase in the library (left hand side of Fiction). Please sign out and return the DVD after one week. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOSTS for 22 March 2015 March 22 – World Water Day Access to clean water in Chimbonano village in southern Malawi used to be a huge challenge. Community members had to drink from unclean water sources or travel far distances to access clean water. Flonnie Mpunga knows how dangerous the situation was for her village. “Waterborne diseases were common and we spent a lot of time nursing each other. We couldn’t work hard in our fields, so we experienced food shortages.” But all that has changed thanks to a Presbyterian World Service & Development program providing access to safe water by digging boreholes and wells. Flonnie shares, “Our lives have improved. We no longer spend long hours fetching water. I have enough time to prepare my field and take care of my family. The well has improved my family’s health, as well as the health of the whole community.” PWS&D responds to provide clean water ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anita Powell & Betty Burrows John & Beverley Coy Bob Finlay & Rose Marie McGaw Next week’s Hosts Cathy & Keith Spooner Brian & Pat MacKay Lorna Wilson & Bill George ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POP CANS FUNDRAISING: Thank you in supporting the pop can venture. This venture supports the Youth Ministry. There is a Rubbermaid bin in the narthex for the pop cans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BE A CHALMERS' BLOOD DONOR! When you give blood at Canadian Blood Services, mention that you're a ‘Partner for Life from Chalmers’ and mention our ID# CHAL673812.To the young and healthy, it's no loss. To the sick, it's hope. Donate blood to bring hope to life's journey for others! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There will be a Ham and Scalloped Potato Dinner at St. George's Presbyterian Church, 1475 Dundas Street, London on Saturday, April 18th from 5:00 to 6:30 PM. Tickets are fifteen dollars. For tickets, please contact Patrick Lauren, 519-434-0399.
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