Chalmers The United Church of Canada Palm Sunday 10:30am March 29, 2015 Welcoming us are Douglas and Sarah Smith. For the Children: upstairs in the Children’s Ministry area. Infant Nursery and Child Care for children up to 3 years with Joy Yen. Spirit Alive! for children 4 years and older with Margaret Moncrieff. Hearing Devices, Large Print Bulletins and More Voices Hymn Books are available from the Greeters. Hymn Books: VU Voices United MV More Voices Kindly Turn Off Ringers on all electronic devices. The Prayers of the People List Thanksgiving and Intercession requests for persons ill (with permission) and for global, national and local concerns on the Prayer sheet provided on the Prayer Desk (prie Dieu) at the south back wall of the sanctuary. Requests are brought to the Communion Table with the Offering and included in the Prayers of the People. Gathering Fanfare for a King ‐ Antonio Soler WELCOME ? ANNOUNCEMENTS OF COMMUNITY LIFE CALL TO WORSHIP THE LITURGY OF PALMS The Hallel Psalm 118:19 – 29 responsive Open to me the gates of righteousness that I may enter through them and give thanks to God! This is the gate of the Holy One. The righteous shall enter through it. I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation. The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is God’s doing! It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that God has made! We rejoice and are glad in it. O God, give us success. Blessed is the one who comes in God’s name. We bless you from the house of God, for God has given us light. Bind the festal procession with branches, up to the horns of the altar. Give thanks to God, for God is good. God’s steadfast love endures forever. Olivia O’Driscoll stand PROCESSIONAL HYMN VU 122 All Glory, Laud and Honour PRAYER OF FAITH ANTHEM Festival Sanctus ‐ John Leavitt THE VOICE OF THE CHILDREN Godly Palm Play stand HYMN VU 128 Sanna, Sannanina Janice Moncrieff The Children leave for their programs Word Holy Colours Spoken Word, Olivia O'Driscoll and Rev. Drew Strickland Paint, Bridget Doyle and Tara O’Driscoll Song, Katharine Smithrim Through sacred text we meet the living God. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path. Jesus’ Triumphal Entry Mark 11: 1 – 10 The Garden of Gethsemane Luke 22: 39 – 46 2 SOLO From The Confession Stone, Songs of Mary ‐ O. Dodson, R. Fleming Cold and icy in my bed, laid on the ground of Jerusalem, ev’ry flower is withered, the birds have left their song, the sun wears a twisted eye. I’m alone with your dream of redemption, my Lord. Save him, save our son. I’m his mother. Save him. Let me rock him again in my trembling arms. Save him. I’ll receive the silver from Judas. Help him. Your word is all my world. I’ll receive the silver from Judas’ hand and spend it on nothing. Save him Jehovah. Help him, my God. Bless him, my Lord. Redeem him, my husband. Oh save him. Save our boy. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God. Giving Thanks THE PRESENTATION OF GIFTS OFFERTORY REFLECTION Herzliebster Jesu ‐ Daniel Burton stand HYMN VU 664 What a Friend We Have in Jesus PRAYERS FOR THE JOURNEY Words, Music: D. Haas (c) 1989. Used with permission under license #A‐715424 stand HYMN VU 126 Ride On, Ride On, the Time is Right stand BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Introduction and Fugato ‐ Cuthbert Harris 3 Participants Sound Tech Shannon Dickson Coffee Hosts Bruce and Jan Elliott Counters Francis and Rosemary MacLachlan Today Spirit Alive! and Youth United 10:30am The Godly Play Story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, and making palm crosses – with Bruce Elliott and Janice Moncrieff. Margaret Moncrieff and our teens are attending the Ontario Confirmation Retreat at the United Church’s Five Oaks Retreat Centre in Paris, ON. Food Faith Friends 5pm University and College Students Supper in MacCallum Hall. 6pm TalkBack ‐ Do we believe anything in common? How What Where When Why must Church be for Students? Holy Week Tuesday Mar. 31 Noon ‐ The Tuesday Discussion Group meets at Church House studying From Age‐ing to Sage‐ing by Rabbi Zalman Schachter – Shalomi. Brown bag lunch. Tea provided. All ladies welcome. 1pm ‐ We are thrilled to partner with Sydenham Public School offering our sanctuary for a piano concert with Valery Lloyd–Watts. Sydenham School invites the Chalmers community to join them free of charge to enjoy the beautiful music and fun with 135 children! Maundy Thursday Apr. 2 5 ‐ 7pm Holy Food Sacred Time Pot Luck Supper and Communion in MacCallum Hall. We will be led in a Mindfulness Meditation experience with the Rev. Grace McBride, and Movement Prayer with David Melhorn‐Boe and Rev. Drew Strickland. Good Friday Apr. 3 11am Come together with the people of six downtown congregations at Sydenham Street United Church (Sydenham & William Sts) in contemplation of the mystery of the cross. All are invited to a free luncheon following the service. Easter Day Apr. 5 10:30am Celebration Communion and Children’s Program. 4 Announcements ♦ Giving Envelopes: Please check at the back of the sanctuary to see if your Envelopes are still there and pick them up. If there are none there for you and you would like some, call the Church Office at 613‐546‐3263 ext. 222. Thank you. ♦ The Eleanor Neil Lunch Bunch meets on Friday April 10th at noon at Greco’s, 167 Princess St. For reservations, please call Dorothy Stewart at 613‐544‐1244. All ladies welcome. ♦ The next meeting of the Joint Men’s Group will be at 11:30 am, Tues., Apr.14th at Mino’s Village Restaurant, 1762 Princess St. Our speaker will be Bruce Hutchinson. Bruce will talk on Mining The Data ‐ What Can we Learn? Bruce analyses fascinating information available in The United Church of Canada Yearbook and other sources about mainline churches, the UCC, Kingston United Churches, Chalmers and Sydenham Street. All members of S.S.U.C. and Chalmers congregations are welcome. Please note: In order to determine the number of individuals planning to attend, so that appropriate seating arrangements can be made, members of the Joint Men’s Group will be canvassed by their Team Captains during the first week of April. Other members of Chalmers and S.S.U.C. wishing to attend, or if they have questions, should contact Meikle Turner at 613‐542‐7744 or, during the first week of April. Members of The Joint Men’s Group are reminded that the tour of The Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts for members and their partners will take place on Sunday, April 26, after Church Services. Further details will follow. ♦ Book Table: Help refresh our book table! We need a continuous supply of novels and children’s books (only). ♦ United Church of Canada Comprehensive Review: Find out about the radical changes that the United Church of Canada is recommending in its Comprehensive Review. You can read about it at the following website:‐review‐report ♦ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Chalmers cannot exist without volunteers. Currently we have about 50 people from our congregation who volunteer for a committee. Some of these people have been active volunteers on a number of committees for several years, and they feel that it’s time for a break. They need your help. Committees are necessary to manage Chalmers’ affairs and to ensure that our activities are in keeping with our Mission, Vision & Values. With the vast changes happening in the United Church of Canada, we anticipate a lot of new and exciting changes in our volunteer activities and we would like all of you to be part of this. Most committees meet only once a month. We need you to help ... just a little time from a lot of people will keep things running smoothly at Chalmers and help us to adapt to the changing world around us. Please contact Mary‐Stewart Ross at 613‐384‐0952 or to learn more. 5 Pastoral Care ‐‐a living, healing, sustaining reminder of Chalmers community of faith and Jesus Christ‐‐ Rev. Nancy Clarke – Acting Chair, Mike Hartlin – Keeping in Touch Luncheon and Visitor, Joan Hughes ‐ Visitor, Elma Lank – Sunday Welcome, Rosemary MacLachlan – Cards, Isabel McLeod – Flowers Co‐ordinator, Doreen Morrison – Secretary and Visitor, Rev. D. Strickland Keeping aware of pastoral needs: If you know of persons in hospital or care facility, ill at home or needing contact, please contact: Rev. Nancy Clarke 613‐384‐4698 Rev. Drew Strickland 613‐546‐3263 ext.226, emergency cell 613‐876‐0118 Flowers in the sanctuary are placed in loving memory of Dr. Roy and Kathleen Spooner from David and Rosalie Spooner, Hilary and John Kaler, Norah and Hill Hewson and grandchildren. Communication Nicole Brisson, Mary Carlson, Juliet Huntly, Jane MacEwen, Helen MacIntyre, Mary‐Stewart Ross Visit our Facebook page Like us and you’ll receive updates about everything going on at Chalmers! Let's stay connected! Contact Nicole Brisson with questions! 613‐876‐5240. MINISTER The Rev. Drew D. Strickland 613‐546‐3263 ext.226 emergency cell 876‐0118 MINISTER EMERITUS The Rev. Dr. C. Wayne Hilliker MINISTER OF MUSIC David Melhorn‐Boe 613‐546‐3264 david.melhorn‐ PASTORAL CARE AND VISITATION The Rev. Nancy Clarke 613‐384‐4698 CHILDREN AND YOUTH MINISTRY COORDINATOR Margaret Moncrieff 613‐546‐3263 ext. 223 MODERATOR, COORDINATING COUNCIL OF ELDERS (CCE) Mary‐Stewart Ross 613‐384‐0952 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Carol Sleeth 613‐546‐3263 ext. 222 CUSTODIAN Ivan Brandsma 613‐542‐9012 6 Chalmers United Church 212 Barrie Street, Kingston ON K7L 3K3 P 613‐546‐3263 F 613‐546‐3340 E Sundays 10:30am Live‐Online at 7
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