April 2015 this issue Dear Members The beginning of 2015 has been a busy year, I am sure you will agree. The FPSSA office has been busy at work keeping up to date with the day to day running of the society. As a society we are very proud of our posi'on in a world prospec've. Feed back from the KFPS is posi've about our breeding and horses, as South Africa con'nues to improve. We are fortunate to be in a posi'on where our horse are ranked with the best in the world. • • • • • • HOY 2015 Results FPSSA Survey Gabriele Boiselle SA 1st Model Mare Worlds Best Breeder 2014 Marelines As a society we con'nue to grow. Our membership is steady as we head into 2015 and our financial posi'on remains stable. As a Board we are happy that our society sits in a good posi'on with a broad base of members. As a society, it is important to remain up to date with the KFPS rules, regula'ons and improvements of the Friesian Breed. We encourage our members to embrace the improvements con'nually being made by the KFPS. Much 'me recourses and money goes into the con'nual research of the Friesian breed to keep it viable in todays market. Over the past months cri'cism has been levelled at the FPSSA with regards to changes of rules, new rules and regula'ons. Please remember that these rules, regula'ons and development are not ins'tuted by the FPSSA. We are given all our direc'ves from the KFPS as an affiliated associa'on of the KFPS. We ask for your co-opera'on and understanding. We believe ul'mately that these rules, regula'ons and developments will only ensure that the Friesian breed will con'nue to thrive in South Africa. With this in mind it is our inten'on to con'nue to promote the importance of being a member of the FPSSA. The FPSSA is the only studbook in South Africa recognised by the KFPS for the registra'on of purebred Friesian Horses. The importance of this is significant when it come to breeding and selling of Friesian horses. Buyers are becoming more educated and the value of the KFPS paper is playing a significant role in the sale of Friesian horses. It is an insurance to a well bred horse. KFPS English Newsle8er Interesng news from the KFPS. Enjoy reading Click on the link below for all the info . hp://phryso.m3.mailplus.nl/ genericservice/code/servlet/React? encId=EVJfHJKBEhS2duw&actId=2272 61&command=openhtml I encourage all our members to please keep up to date with all the happenings with the FPSSA. We have a busy Facebook page and our website is up dated regularly. Our SMS & email systems is up and running . The Mail Chimp system provides us with a report each 'me we send out mails to our members giving us informa'on as to who has received the mail and who has opened the mail. Through this informa'on, despite our efforts we see that many of our members do not open their mails from the FPSSA. These mails contain all relevant informa'on to the society and we would encourage our members to please take the 'me to read the informa'on. I am looking forward to a posi've and produc've year and I look forward to seeing you at the various show and events during 2015 Tim Horses make a landscape look beauful Alice Walker HOY 2015 RESULTS IN HAND CLASSES AUTOMATIC CHAMPION: STALLIONS OVER 2 YEARS BUT UNDER 3 YEARS Placing Horse Name Owner 1St Olof B Janine de Bruyn AUTOMATIC CHAMPION: MARES OVER 1 BUT UNDER 3 YEARS Placing Horse Name Owner 1St Rubie van Quantum Quantum W van Niekerk 2nd Ulrike fan M Esme Venter MARES OVER 3 YEARS 1St Nimco Liza Linde STAR MARES 1St Janneke van Doorndraai Doorndraai – M Botes 2nd Jolanda van Doorndraai Doorndraai – M Botes 3rd Rina fan’t ReidBild ‘Sport’ E Venter 4th Miranka C v De Wijdewormer Quantum – W van Niekerk CROWN MARES 1st Titske van Kolderveen Doorndraai – M Botes 2nd Nella Doorndraai – M Botes SENIOR CHAMPION MARE IN HAND CHAMPION TITSKE VAN KOLDERVEEN DOORNDRAAI – M BOTES RESERVE JANNEKE VAN DOORNDRAAI DOORNDRAAI – M BOTES STALLIONS OVER 3 YEARS 1st La Mont QC Juan Smit STAR STALLIONS 1st Bart van Doorndraai Zwarteprag – L vd Berg 2nd Lourens van Doorndraai Doorndraai – M Botes 3rd Wietse de Leije Henson – G Stolz FPS STALLION WITH BREEDING PERMISSION 1st Friso fan S. ‘Sport’ Doorndraai – M Botes AUTOMATIC CHAMPION – GELDINGS OVER 5 YEARS 1st Hindrik van Quantum Quantum – W van Niekerk 2nd At van Doorndraai Y Steyn SENIOR CHAMPION STALLION IN-HAND CHAMPION BART VAN DOORNDRAAI ZWARTEPRAG – L VD BERG RESERVE FRISO FAN S. DOORNDRAAI – M BOTES SUPREME RESERVE Handler Janine de Bruyn Handler Claire Steele John Smith Moses Tumi Khabo Thomas John Smith Claire Steele Tumi Khabo Thomas TUMI KHABO THOMAS David Jean van Deventer Thomas Sias Horn Tumi Khabo Claire Steele Tumi Khabo JEAN VAN DEVENTER TUMI KHABO SUPREME CHAMPION IN HAND TITSKE VAN KOLDERVEEN DOORNDRAAI – M BOTES BART VAN DOORNDRAAI ZWARTEPRAG – L VD BERG TUMI KHABO JEAN VAN DEVENTER SINGLE HARNESS SHOW DRIVING SINGLE HARNESS: STALLIONS 1st Bjorn Galgendaal SHOW DRIVING SINGLE HARNESS: MARES 1st Miranka C v D Weidewormer SUPREME RESERVE Kavalo – K Venter Klaas Venter Quantum – W van Niekerk Claire Steele SUPREME CHAMPION SINGLE HARNESS BJORN GALGENDAAL KAVALO – K VENTER MIRANKA C V D WEIDEWORMER QUANTUM – W V NIEKERK KLAAS VENTER CLAIRE STEELE HOY 2015 RESULTS cont …... UNDER SADDLE CLASSES CROWN & MODEL MARES SHOW RIDING 1st Titske van Kolderveen GELDINGS SHOW RIDING 1st At van Doorndraai 2nd Gregory van Doorndraai 3rd Hindrik van Quantum 4th Eli of Millford 5th Merlin van Geyerspan STALLIONS SHOW RIDING 1st Bart van Doorndraai 2nd Fresco T MARES SHOW RIDING 1st Nimco 2nd Miranka C v d Wijdewormer STALLIONS WITH BREEDING APPROVAL SHOW RIDING 1st Reinoud fan ‘e Homar 2nd Friso fan S. SUPREME RESERV Doorndraai – M Botes Jolanda Schreuder Y Steyn Alida De Jager Quantum – W v Niekerk Debbie Rangousis Y Engelbrecht Karen Vorster Alida De Jager Claire Steele Debbie Rangousis Y Engelbrecht Zwarteprag – L vd Berg Adelprag – N Pienaar Jean van Deventer Chere Burger Liza Linde Quantum – W v Niekerk Liza Linde Claire Steele Millford Stud – K Baynes Doorndraai – M Botes Calet de Vos Alida De Jager SUPREME CHAMPION SHOW RIDING REINOUD FAN ‘E HOMAR MILLFORD STUD – K BAYNES BART VAN DOORNDRAAI ZWARTEPRAG – L VD BERG CALET DE VOS JEAN V DEVENTER DRESSAGE CLASSES Adult Preliminary Test 3 (2013) 1st Adelprag Fresco T 2nd Eli of Millford 3rd Bagheera Adult Novice Test 5 1st Toetsie van Smitsvlei 2nd Warn Van't Wisselend Tij 3rd Meteor R Adult Elementary Test 4 1st Adelprag Alwin 2nd Vicki van Benmar Black Adult Elementary Medium Test 4 1st Geyerspan Freek Adult Medium Test 4 1st Adelprag Menno 2nd Adelprag Eelke Adult Advanced Test 1 1st Willem Adelprag Stud Debbie Rangousis Caly Michaelides Chere Burger Debbie Rangousis Caly Michaelides Kerry-Lee Brannigan Nicki Van Heerden Henson Friesian Stud Charmaine Gardener Nicki Van Heerden Samantha Ellis Adelprag Stud M Volkmer Wium van Huyssteen Jean-Marie Ge8liffe Georgia Diedericks Georgia Diedericks Adelprag Stud Adelprag Stud Wium van Huyssteen Chere Burger Esme Venter John Smith DRESSAGE CHAMPION Willem Sport Esme Venter John Smith FPSSA NATIONAL SHOW 2015 This years Na'onal Show will be held at Misty Meadows on the 23rd—25th Oct 2015 incorpora'ng the 1st and 2nd rounds of the Stallion Rounds IMPORTANT SE PLEA • FPSSA AGM and FPSSA get together will also be around the me of the show. • Judging will be available to a limited number of horses. This will be me dependant. DIAR ATES D E S HE ISE T FPSSA Survey 2015 At the Special General Meeng in Feb, we unfortunately did not have a corium to vote in a new board member. It gave our members and the board an opportunity to speak in an informal environment. During these discussions the following points arose. • The FPSSA Board needs a few more members to help run the organisaon, and the urgency thereof • The need for more social interacon. It was decided by the board to get a general overview of the FPSSA members to help us make the decision and to gauge how our members felt. The survey was sent to all our members via Mail Chimp. This email system allows us to see that the mail has been delivered and who has read it. • It was received by all our members—no mails were returned to the office • Of which 50 % of our members read the mail • And only 18% of our members replied Form the replies the general consensus is as follows: • There is no need for a Special General Meeng to vote in new board members. This can wait unl our AGM in Oct. • A fully catered funcon in the Gauteng/Pretoria area to coincide with the Naonal show would be best suited. • No members are willing to host or organise the event. Taking the above into consideraon : • Vong of new board members will be done in Oct at the AGM. Please look our for all relevant informaon. • Please consider if you would be prepared to stand as a member of the board. • A fully catered funcon will be organised during the Naonal Show in Oct. We could like to thank the members who took part in the survey and would please encourage all our members to please parcipate in surveys such as this one so we can get a beer representaon of our members. Foal leers for 2015 W, X, Y, Z Newsleer & Sales Barn The newsle8er is a task to put together each month. We rely on many of our members for info and pics. Gathering all this informa'on takes 'me. We have decided to publish the newsle8er every 2 months along with the Sales Barn. Pls send all info for the newsle8er and the Sales Barn to ALTIE at office@fpssa.co.za Material deadline 1/06/2015 Sales Barn ads are charged at R 100 per ad. Gabriele Boiselle visits SA In April 2015 famous Equine photographer Gabriele Boiselle from Germany paid a visit to South Africa taking photos of Friesians, Arabs, Percherons, Lipizzaner and many more for her sought aIer calendars and coffee table books. To have your horses photographed by Gabrielle is a big honour and during her travels she visited three South African Friesian owners. She started off by photographing Michelle Symingtons gorgeous stallion Dakota at Cape Winelands Riding in Simondium from where she went to Marlise Botes from Doorndraai Friesian Stud where she focussed on capturing special moments with big herds of mares, young horses as well as Tjalf 443 ‘Sport’. Her last stop before photographing other breeds was Millford Friesian Stud in Kwazulu Natal where the Midlands landscape provided the ideal backdrop for some stunning photos. In 2016 she will be visi'ng South Africa again to present an Equine Photography clinic which will be organised by the HQ magazine taking place at Doorndraai Friesian Stud. Cost, availability and booking details will be sent out and the clinic is planned for end of March 2016. Private photo sessions can also be booked for this period. Send a mail to office@fpssa.co.za for more informa'on. To read more about Gabriele Boiselle and her work you can visit her website at www.edi'onboiselle.de SA’s First Model Mare During the February 2015 inspec'on the first Model mare was registered in South Africa. All other Model mares to date were imported having already achieved Model status in the Netherlands. Titske fan Kolderveen owned by Marlise Botes from Doorndraai Friesian Stud became model aIer a very successful few months in the show ring. She was the Supreme In-Hand champion at the 2014 FPSSA Na'onal Show as well as the Champion Mare in Hand at the 2015 Horse of the Year WORLDS BEST BREEDER A big congratula'ons to Marlise and her Doorndraai Team. Doorndraai are the best breeders of Friesian horses worldwide. What makes this even more momentous is that Marlise is the 1st women to receive this award and the first breeder to receive this award outside of the Netherlands. Since 2012 the KFPS has compiled a list of the top 50 Friesian Breeders in the World. This list is compiled by calcula'ng 1st and 2nd premies achieved during annual inspec'ons world-wide. Foal and 3 year olds are judged at these inspec'on receiving a premie that is awarded by the KFPS judges using a mathema'cal evalua'on scale. 1st and 2nd Premies achieved in a specific calendar year count towards the score for a breeder that will determine his placing on the World Best Breeders list. 1st premies receive two points and a 2nd premie receives one point. Horses sold that achieve either 1st or 2nd premies will also count towards the final score for the breeder. The premies are achieved for all classes from Foal Inspec'on, Star, Model, Kroon, Studbook Judging etc. will count. Doorndraai Stud owe their success to years of dedica'on to the Friesian breed, correct and clever breeding and true passion. Congratula'ons!!!! South Africa’s Marelines NEW MARE LINES REGISTERED The following mare lines will be registered with the KFPS. If you need more informa'on or would like to register a mare line send a mail to office@fpssa.co.za Eva Marie 45 HSA Corine Nienke 1003 HSA Ida Poppie Klara Vera J Tynke-Helena H. 1007 HSA Pitrik-Rika 1001 HSA 3 Great Stallions Lost The past few months we had to say goodbye to three of South Africa’s much loved stallions. Jaring fan Bokkum Vb Star, owned by Ilse & E'enne Combrink, Arjen Vb Star owned by Adelprag Friesian Stud as well as Wietze de Leije Vb Star owned by Gawie & Henriet Stoltz . All passed away during the first part of 2015. Arjen ridden by Chere Burger was a mul'ple South African dressage champion, Jaring was known for his prowess in the carriage and Wietze de Leije had a promising future in the single harness . This was truly a big loss for the South African Friesian community. Wietze Arjen Jaring DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this newsle8er are those of the authors named, and are not necessarily those of The FPSSA or KFPS. While we try to ensure that the informa'on we provide is correct, mistakes do occur. Photographs may possibly be copy right protected. If you have any ar'cles or informa'on you would like to place in the newsle8er please send well in advance to fpssa@gonc .co.za to avoid disappointment. The FPSSA reserve the right not to publish or edit informa'on provided. EMAIL ADDRESSES FOR THE FPSSA Below are the email address relevant to each aspect of the running of the FPSSA. chairman@fpssa.co.za Tim Baynes vicechairman@fpssa.co.za Wayne van Niekerk accounts@fpssa.co.za All accounts and Al'e office@fpssa.co.za FPSSA office and Al'e entries@fpssa.co.za this is for all judging and show entries ONLY marke'ng@fpssa.co.za Membership, all adver'sing , website and marke'ng news@fpssa.co.za for all info for the newsle8er or Facebook. FPSSA Office Phone: Fax: Email: 074 263 3019 086 260 5265 office@fpssa.co.za
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