BSocSci specialising in Industrial Sociology and Labour Studies

Faculty of Humanities
Purpose of the study programme
The study programme is structured as follows:
Why does South Africa have such a high rate of
unemployment? What will the impact be of the global
financial crisis? Why are recent strikes so violent? These are
some of the burning questions this programme seeks to
address. The aim of this programme is to provide students
with in-depth knowledge of the wider socio-political and
socio-economic context of the world of work. Students will
be taught not only the substantive knowledge captured by
Industrial Sociology around matters of management and
labour, but also the skills to critically evaluate the many issues
that characterise the world of work. Practical issues such as
strikes, increasing productivity, gender, retrenchments and
the globalised economy are critical to this programme.
Fundamental modules
Career prospects
The BSocSci degree in Industrial Sociology and Labour
Studies offers opportunities in various areas of employment,
Industrial Relations
Labour Consultation Services
Government sectors such as NEDLAC
Various positions in trade unions
Dispute resolution
Human resources
Organised Labour Market
The study programme
Department of Sociology
BSocSci specialising in
Industrial Sociology
and Labour Studies
The programme consists of fundamental, core and elective
modules. Both the core and fundamental modules are
compulsory in order to ensure that the student is adequately
equipped with knowledge regarding all aspects of the work
situation. The elective modules offer a great choice regarding
subjects to enable each student to obtain a degree that is
specific to the student’s interest.
• Computer literacy
• Academic literacy
• Information literacy
Core modules
• Sociology and several of the following:
• Introduction to the law
• Labour Law
• Political Science
• International Relations
• Business management
• Philosophy
• Politics
Elective modules from:
• African languages
• Business management
• Labour relations
• Introduction to the law
Please consult the Faculty of Humanities Regulations and
Syllabi guide for more information.
The Department of Sociology is situated on the nineteenth
level of the Humanities Building.
Enquiries regarding this programme can be directed to
Prof. Andries Bezuidenhout at tel: 012 420 4908 or e-mail:
Department of Sociology: 012 420 2330
Doel van die studieprogram
Die leerprogram is soos volg saamgestel:
Hoekom het Suid-Afrika so ’n hoë werklooosheidskoers?
Wat gaan die impak van die globale finansiële krisis op
ons wees? Hoekom is onlangse stakings so geweldadig?
Hierdie is voorbeelde van die brandende vraagstukke wat
hierdie program aanspreek. Die doel van die pakket is om
aan studente in-diepte kennis van die breër sosio-politieke
en sosio-ekonomiese konteks van die wêreld van werk te
verskaf. Studente sal nie alleenlik die substantiewe kennis
van die Bedryfsosiologie rakende aspekte van bestuur en
arbeid bestudeer nie, maar ook die vaardighede verwerf
om die vele kwessies rakende die wêreld van werk krities te
evalueer. Praktiese kwessies soos stakings, produktiwiteit,
gender, afdankings en die globale ekonomie vorm ‘n kritiese
deel van die program.
Fundamentele modules
Die BSocSci-graad in Bedryfsosiologie en Arbeidstudies bied
geleenthede in verskeie beroepsrigtings, insluitende:
• Arbeidskonsultasie
• Staatsinstellings soos NEDLAC
• Verskeie posisies in die vakbondbeweging
• Georganiseerde Arbeidsmark
• Menslike hulpbronbestuur
• Onderhandeling, en geskilbeslegting
Die studieprogram
Departement Sosiologie
BSocSci met specialisering
in Bedryfsosiologie en
Die studiepakket bestaan uit fundamentele, kern en keusemodules. Beide die kern en fundamentele modules is
verpligtend ten einde te verseker dat die student voldoende
toegerus is met kennis met betrekking tot alle aspekte van
die arbeidsituasie. Die keuse-modules bied ‘n groot keuse
ten opsigte van vakke ten einde dit vir die student moontlik te
maak om ‘n graad te behaal wat spesifiek voorsiening maak
vir sy/haar spesifieke vereistes en belangstelling.
• Rekenaargeletterdheid
• Akademiese geletterdheid
• Sosiologie en verskeie van die volgende:
• Inleiding tot die reg
• Filosofie
• Internasionale verhoudinge
• Geskiedenis
• Politiek
Keuse-modules van:
• Afrikatale
• Ekonomie
• Inleiding tot die Reg
Raadpleeg asseblief die Fakulteit Geestes-wetenskappe:
Regulasies en sillabi gids vir meer inligting.
Die Department Sosiologie is geleë op die negentiende vlak
van die Geesteswetenskappegebou.
Navrae kan gerig word aan Prof Andries Bezuidenhout by
012 420 4908 of e-pos:
Departement Sosiologie: 012 420 2330