Newsletter 3-20-15 - Folly Quarter Middle School

 Folly Quarter Middle School 13500 Triadelphia Rd. | Ellicott City, MD 21042 | 410.313.1506 | 410.313.1514 - Guidance | March 20, 2015
3/23 – B Day
3/24 – A Day – Homework Club, Ms. Machado, 2:30-3:30
3/25 – B Day – Nest 2B | Homework Club, Ms. Newman, 2:30-3:30 | 6th & 7th Gr. Student Council, 2:30-3:30 | Leo Club, 2:30-3:30
3/26 – A Day
3/27 – B Day – Falcon Day | School closes 3 hrs early
3/30-4/6 Spring Break
3/27 – Schools close 3 hrs. early | Falcon Day AM
3/30 – 4/6 – Spring Break, schools closed
4/8 – Spring Picture Day
4/9 – PTA Board Meeting, 7 pm, Media Center
4/14 – Report Cards issued
4/23 – PTA Coffee Meeting at 1pm, Media Center
Thank you for participating. So far the 2014-2015 program YTD total has earned us $2,448.68
If your child needs to ride a different bus after school, please send them in with a note stating that they need to do so for daycare
purposes. Thank you
In order to complete our yearbook and the 8th graders’ final year at Folly Quarter, we are asking each 8th grade student to bring a baby
picture to Mrs. Bader by March 27th. We cannot guarantee the return of these photos so please make sure to have extra copies just in
case! If you must copy a photo, make sure it is on very white paper and that it is a good, clear copy devoid of streaks. Polaroids are not
accepted, as well as any photo over 8x10. Neatly label the back of your photo with your name. If there is more than one child in the
photo, please let us know which is the student without actually marking it. We can’t wait to see all the adorable photos!
Please congratulate the FQMS Black Saga Team for coming in second in the state competition. Ada Beams, Sam Beams, and Audrey Lin
each won a trophy, a book, and $200 in cash. Please congratulate them when you see them on Monday.
FQMS's Audrey Lin finished as the alternate for Howard County. She received a huge trophy, a $750 scholarship, and a dictionary. If
the winner is unable to fulfill her duties, Audrey will represent Howard County at the National spelling bee.
Please continue to congratulate Audrey Lin who, along with Jeffrey Read, performed with the Maryland Junior All State Band this
weekend! It was a fantastic concert and our students certainly did us all proud! (Former FQMS student Harry Wu and Bella Marcellino
were also part of the ensemble! What a weekend for Audrey! Jeff, too!
Please check your student’s myschoolbucks account. There are many accounts that need to have money added to them.
Payments can be made online at (there is a $2.25 processing
fee for each transaction). Students also have the option of bringing in cash to add onto their accounts.
2015 Voices for Change Youth Summit
On March 13, FQMS students participated in a day of planning with a county-wide cadre of students. “ Voices for Change” is a diverse
group of youth and adults whose mission is to empower young people to take action and create positive change in Howard County. The
Youth Summit brings together students from across the county to discuss issues that affect teens and brainstorm solutions to the issues.
The annual meeting included high school students, 8th graders from each middle school, and community members.
FQMS wishes to recognize our 8th grade representatives to “Voices for Change”. Neha Kirshnamoorthi, Thomas Maloney, Emily
Quisenberry, and Martayn Van de Wall spent the entire day planning with high school students and community members. We are grateful
to have such positive leaders representing our FQMS students at “Voices for Change”.
2015 Carson Scholars Fund Scholarship Program Winners
Folly Quarter Middle School staff is proud to announce that this year’s winner of the Carson Scholars Fund Scholarship Program is
Anastasia Lesho. The Carson Scholars Fund is a non-profit organization founded in 1994 by world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, Dr.
Benjamin S. Carson, and his wife, Candy. The Carson Scholar Fund aims to recognize and reward students in grades 4 -11 who earn the
highest level of academic achievement and also display strong humanitarian qualities.
Anastasia Lesho, 8th grade, has been recognized for a fourth year as a Carson Scholar winner! Anastasia will be honored at a Carson
Scholars Fund Annual Awards Banquet on Sunday, April 19, 2015. The celebration will name the local winners, who are among 6,700
gifted students from across the country. Anastasia will receive a commemorative pin and certificate. Folly Quarter Middle School will
receive a nameplate, which will be affixed to the school’s Carson Scholar trophy.
The Folly Quarter Middle School staff is extremely proud to have all of these Carson Scholars: Evan Meehan 2004; Emily Schweich
2008; Leyla Balimtas 2009; Mason Rogers 2010; Gianna Grebren 2011; Sarah Rosso 2012; Anastasia Lesho and Sarah Rosso 2013;
Anastasia Lesho and Sophie Shen 2014; Anastasia Lesho 2015.
Please join Folly Quarter Middle School in congratulating Anastasia Lesho!
Asset #40: Positive View of Personal Future
Have you seen the movie or read the book, “The Blind Side”? Stories about people who have overcome incredible odds to make a
difference or achieve a dream abound throughout history. It’s important to have goals and dreams, but what do you do when the
going gets tough? It’s important to model a positive attitude, seek solutions to problems, and keep moving toward your goal.
Studies show when people envision themselves reaching their goals, they’re more likely to make them happen. Positive View of
Personal Future is Asset 40 of Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets, the qualities, experiences, and relationships that help
young people grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.
Research shows that young people who are optimistic about the future have better relationships with their parents, increased selfesteem, and decreased emotional or behavioral problems, such as depression, early sexual activity, and violence. About 72 percent
of young people, ages 11–18, are optimistic about their personal future, according to Search Institute surveys. Since young people
are our future adults, it’s important to help them realize the positive aspects of their lives now and in the years to come.
Having a sense of hope is one of the most important human traits to embrace. Everyone faces ups and downs in life. But it’s
important to teach young people that a bad day, failed test, break-up, or loss of a loved one doesn’t mean the future is without hope.
When bad things happen or mistakes occur, help young people focus on solutions or positive aspects of the situation instead of
Try this…
In your home and family: Clip articles from newspapers or magazines of people doing hopeful things. Post them so the entire family
sees them.
In your neighborhood and community: If you have concerns about your neighborhood, talk to neighbors about them. Gather a
group to address these concerns and create a better future for everyone who lives nearby. Young people who live in a safe, clean,
friendly neighborhood are more likely to feel positive about their future.
In your school or youth program: React positively when young people tell you their dreams—no matter how far-fetched or
unreachable they may seem. Together, figure out a plan to make their dreams come true.
Want to know more about the 40 Developmental Assets and ideas for helping young people build them? Visit
------------------------Developmental Assets® are positive factors within young people, families, communities, schools, and other settings that research
has found to be important in promoting the healthy development of young people. From Instant Assets: 52 Short and Simple EMails for Sharing the Asset Message. Copyright © 2007 by Search Institute®, 877-240-7251; This
message may be reproduced for educational, noncommercial uses only (with this copyright line). All rights reserved.
HCPSS Superintendent Named Among Maryland’s “Top 100 Women”
HCPSS Superintendent Renee A. Foose has been named one of The Daily Record’s 2015 Top 100 Women. Dr. Foose and the other winners
were recognized for their outstanding achievements demonstrated through professional accomplishments, community leadership, and
Nearly 400 women were nominated for the statewide honor. A panel of judges comprised of business professionals and past winners from
throughout Maryland selected this year’s honorees. An awards program will be held May 4. Winners also will be profiled in a special
magazine that will be inserted into the May 8 issue of The Daily Record and available online.
Foose previously was honored by The Daily Record as a Most Admired CEO, and as a 2014 Innovator of the Year.
The Personal Geographies: Maps as Art exhibit is now on display at the Howard County Center for the Arts. Members of the public are
invited to stop by and take a look!
Presented annually in partnership with the Howard County Center for the Arts, this year’s Youth Art Month exhibit features hundreds of
works by HCPSS students in grades K-12. The students’ artworks, selected from public school art classes throughout the county, investigate
the many ways that maps inform and influence the way we see and navigate within the visual world.
The maps in the K-12 HCPSS student exhibition have in common their creators’ willingness to venture beyond the boundaries of place,
geographical limits, and the conventions of traditional map-making. Artists have appropriated, manipulated and created portraits and
sculptures, they have dissected, reconstructed and designed new maps as the basis for visionary travel in thought provoking ways. No
matter of the working method and process, each student artists’ work on display is a distinctive map that charts a unique story and creates
personal meaning.
The display is at the Howard County Center for the Arts, 8510 High Ridge Rd, Ellicott City. Showcase hours are Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.8 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m-4 p.m.; and Sunday 12-4 p.m., now through April 24.
The 2015 Summer Classes and Camps catalog is now posted on the Howard County Public School Website, PTA
Folly Quarter Middle School’s INDOOR YARD SALE- Sat. March 21st 8:00am-12:00pm. It’s time to clean out your closets,
basements, and garages. Rent a table to sell your treasures or donate them to our designated Donation Tables. Vendors selling their items
will keep their profits. Invited guests from local agencies serving families in need, will have the opportunity to shop for free at our
Donation Tables. Donations may be dropped off on Friday, March 20th 4:00-8:00pm in the cafeteria. All donations are tax deductible. To
reserve a table ($20.00/table), please email or call 443-506-7394. If you're interested in volunteering, please
WANTED: A FEW HANDY HELPERS to assist in assembling the 12 new bench/desks which will be placed in FQMS's new
OUTDOOR CLASSROOM. (Link to Bench)<> These
benches are relatively easy to assemble - but we do have 12 and we do need the assistance of both adults and students on an upcoming
weekend day. Please volunteer your time and we will determine a date which works for the most!
To Volunteer please sign up here: SIGN UP LINK<> HIGH SCHOOL NEWS
The public is invited for a free evening of beautiful choir music performed by the Choir of the College of William & Mary on
Monday, March 23, 2015 at 7 pm at Glenelg High School.
2015-16 Glenelg High School PTSA Executive Board nominations are being accepted for the following positions: President, 1st Vice
President, Treasurer and Secretary. Please contact Sandy Segrist,Holly Moyer or Yolanda
McMillan to let us know what position you would like to be added to the Nominations ballot for the
Executive Board. There are also several Committees that need a Chairman, if you would like more information on any of the Committees
please contact anyone listed above. Volunteering for the PTSA is a great way to be involved in your child’s school and education.
The GHS PTSA typically meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Media Center. All members are welcome to attend.
All agenda items should be sent to the PTSA President by Friday prior to the meeting date. If you have any agenda items to submit or
questions about the meetings, please contact the PTSA president, Mrs. Bose Abu at
The River Hill Cheerleading program is hosting a Saturday cheer clinic in April! The clinic will be offered to students
interested in learning about and experiencing cheerleading. The clinic will be run by the River Hill Cheerleaders & Coaches on April 18,
Questions? Visit or contact Coach Kerri Finkelston at
The annual RHHS Yard Sale will be held March 21st, 2015! This year the River Hill SGA will be teaming up with the River Hill
Cheerleading program in an effort to host a great event!!! We welcome all types of vendors i.e. those interested in selling old and/or new.
We will be advertising this event through all types of social media, county and local publications, posted signs and advertisements and
plenty of word of mouth. If you are interested in reserving a vendor spot, you may register with me via email. Vendor spots cost
$30/table (checks payable to River Hill High School) and are first come, first serve, so reserve your spot today!! For questions contact
Description: "Do you want to see unicycling, jump roping, or a Chinese yo-yo group? Or are you more of a singer, dancer, or Bollywood
fan? Whatever your interests are, the River Hill Talent Show has something for you and your family! Come out to River Hill High School
on March 25th at 7 PM for a night of talent and fun! Proceeds will go to Wounded Warriors Association, Grassroots, and We Care Solar.
All children 6 years or under will be admitted for free! If you are interested in this event, please contact (410) 313 - 7120
Event: River Hill's 18th Annual Talent Show, Date: Wed., March 25, 7 to 9 PM, Location: River Hill High School, Tickets: $10 at the
door/$8 in advance
Community news
These events are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School System.
Living with Wildlife! April 18, 2015, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Howard Community College, Burrill Galleria and Quad
RAIN OR SHINE! (Most of GreenFest is inside.) Complete information can be found here:
MONTH 9-11am. Call 410-489-7260 or email: We are accepting cash donations.
GIRLS ON THE RUN AT DAYTON OAKS We are looking for volunteer coaches for Girls on the Run at Dayton Oaks. Girls on the Run® is a life-changing, experiential learning
program for girls third through fifth grade. The program combines training for a 3.1 mile running event with self-esteem enhancing,
uplifting workouts. The goal of the program is to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, spiritual and physical development. The
lessons promote self-challenge instead of competition; self-worth instead of societal worth; and cooperation instead of rivalry. Our
mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.
The girls will meet after-school twice a week for 10 weeks with the season ending 5k. If you would like to get involved, and volunteer as a
coach you can check out our website at or email: for more information. WAY2GO MARYLAND WAY2GO MARYLAND serves as a free resource for information to help students grades 6-10 start preparing for college.. Visit us online
for more information: YOUTH OPPORTUNITY FAIR Discover employment, internship, volunteer, educational (university, college and vocational) and scholarship opportunities. March 25, 2015, 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Club Meade. Open to All Area Youth Ages 14-21. Presented by: Army Community Service Child, Youth and School Services - Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation - Navy Fleet and Family Support Center - Airman and
Family Readiness Center - Anne Arundel and Howard County Offices of Workforce Development. For more information contact Army Community Service Employment Readiness Program 301-677-5590. ARMY COMMUNITY SERVICE ACS will assist commanders in maintaining readiness of individuals, Families, and communities within America’s Army by developing,
coordinating, and delivering services which promote self-reliance, resiliency, and stability during war and peace. Find us at: HCYP SOFTBALL Spring Recreational Softball, Our recreational softball program is the largest in Central Maryland. We offer a strong softball experience in
an environment for everyone from beginners to experienced softball players to enjoy the game. Early Bird 10U, 12U, 14/17U - $195 early
bird 8U - $150. HCYP BASEBALL Spring Recreational Baseball. Our recreational baseball program is one of the largest in Maryland with almost 1500 kids participating each
Spring. We offer programs for all ages and skill levels, from instructional coach pitch to kid pitch programs. Rookie (Ages 5-6) - $105
early bird; Pinto (Ages 7-8) - $165 early bird; Little League (Ages 9-12) - $200 early bird; Pony (Ages 13-14) - $200 early bird; Colt
(Ages 15-18) - $200 early bird. HCYP SCHOOLS OUT FOR SPORTS Spring and Summer Break Basketball Camps offered by HCYP, Inc. in an effort to keep youths interested in competitive basketball during the off season. Camps will begin on March 30th. Free of charge after and before care will be provided. Register before April 30th for early bird registration and it will only be $150, otherwise registration is $200. Please visit for more information. BOYS SCOUTS OF AMERICA
Scouting for Food will be held on Sat., Mar. 14. Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts will be out in your neighborhood to collect your donations,
which will go to one of 25 food pantries we service in the county. A bag will be dropped off at your home a few days before. Please
remember to put your donations by your front door or your mailbox by 8 a.m. on March 14. Thanks for your generous donations.
Annual spring production, featuring multiple performances at the Columbia Ice Rink, located at 5876 Thunder Hill Rd., Columbia. Sat,
Mar. 21, 3 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and Sun., Mar. 22, 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
For tickets and more information, please visit the Club’s website: WESTERN HOWARD COUNTY 5K AND FUN RUN
Registration is now available for Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School (TRES) PTA’s Retriever Run on Sunday, April 12th. Bring the
family for a morning of fitness fun starting with a one-mile Fun Run at 8 a.m. for kids ages 12 and under. Cost is $15 per person age 5 and
over. After the Fun Run, a 5K race will take place beginning at 8:30 a.m. Cost for the 5K is $25 per person. Take advantage of the special
early bird registration rates by registering before February 20th. Please visit for online registration.
Dragon Elite Camps, Summer 2015. Basketball, lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, tennis. 410.531.8600. For
more information, go to
RESERVOIR BOOSTERS MARCH MADNESS SPRING BREAK BASKETBALL CAMP 2015 For girls and boys ages 5-14 directed by Coach McDuffie. Starting March 30th – April 2nd. Applications are in the FQMS front office. For further information contact Coach McDuffie: or 443-474-4211 THINK SUMMER!!! JOIN IN THE FUN AT MARRIOTTS RIDGE!!!
Registration is now open for the Marriotts Ridge Booster summer sports and music camps. Several music and vocal camps. Check out
new age groups for many of the camps. For a complete list and registration information, check out the website: Register now, early registration until May 15, 2015
Are you ready for the SAT? Take a timed practice test with The Princeton Review, then return for results and strategies on how to
improve. Ages 14-17. (Students should bring pencils and a calculator) Saturday, March 21 Test 1:00 to 5:00 pm, at the Glenwood Library.
Can't make the practice SAT test? Come to the second session for strategies.
Saturday, April 11 Results and strategy 1:00 to 3:00 pm, at the Glenwood Library. Parents welcome. Register:
150 pieces and 45 minutes—can you build the best LEGO® structure?
Tuesday, March 31, 3:00 to 4:00 pm at the Glenwood Library. No Registration
Here are links to the County website and a pdf of the guide
Over 20 different camps offering nature, art, sports, adventure trips and much more!
Preschool thru 10th grade. Before and After Care available. For more information, please call the CA Camp Office at 410-715-3165 or
visit Registration opens Feb 2.
OPEN HOUSES Sat, March 21•12-3pm at the Columbia Athletic Club & Wed, May 13 • 6-8pm at the Columbia SportsPark