BBMS Information - Bonnie Branch Middle School

BBMS Information
BBMS Information
Sent:Tuesday, March 17, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Claire Striebich
Bonnie Branch Middle School
March 17, 2015
PTA - International Night Festival
There is excitement in the air about International Night! Please join us on
Wednesday, March 18th from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. for a fun filled evening.
Here is a taste of what is in store for you! There will be performances from Belly
dancers, Indian Song, Traditional Korean Instrument, Irish Step Dancing, a
bagpipe and more.
There will also be country displays throughout the Hallways and many crafts such
as Henna art, International bookmarks, origami, face painting, International Photo
both and more. Try your hand at Chinese Jeopardy or the Chopstick contest and
win a gift certificate to La Madeleine.
Free raffles throughout the night to Tersiguel's, Royal Taj, Pei Wei, Green Valley,
Houlihan's and more. There will be cultural food from all over the world as well as
food donated by local area restaurants. There will be something for everyone in
the family and it is all free.
Congratulations to all eighth-grade students who participated in the Howard
County History Day Competition this past Saturday at Reservoir High School!
Hundreds of students from all over HCPSS competed after putting in hours and
hours of historical research and development. We are very proud of our students
and the results!
Tyler Prevost, Griffin Shirodkar, & Lance Weiner
Group Exhibit on Jackie Robinson
Kelsey Crane & Sara Elchynski
Group Exhibit on Nelson Mandela
Austen Roberson
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BBMS Information
Individual Website on Stalin
Katelyn Pearson
Paper on Martin Delaney
These students also competed and did a phenomenal job at the
Aliza Jacobs
Ceoli Jacoby
Michelle Nicklin
Brandon Tringa
Rebecca Warwick
If your student had Spring Pictures taken, the pictures are being sent home this
week. If you are keeping the pictures, you may pay online at or
by returning payment to BBMS. Please return any portraits you don’t purchase to
Community Notices – the following events are neither sponsored nor
endorsed by the Howard County Public School System.
Let's go out to the ball game! - “Lions’ Night” at Camden Yards for family and
friends of Howard HS on Friday, May 1st, 7:00 pm. The Orioles will play the
Tampa Bay Rays. Come out and support our very own JROTC Color Guard as
they present the Flag at the beginning of the game. A portion of the ticket sales
go towards JROTC activities for Howard HS Cadets
Tickets are $16 (more than a $10 savings below online purchase!) Lower
Reserved Sections 69-75, Rows 4-13. Purchase tickets in the Howard High
School cafeteria starting March 17th or contact JROTC at 410-313-2878.
STEM - School is out, STEM is in! Looking for a fun opportunity to let your
child explore the world of robotics? Kids age 9-14 are invited to our robotics
workshop to be held on March 27, 1:30-5:00 at Maryland Center for
Entrepreneurship, 9250 Bendix Rd, Columbia, MD. Kids will build robots and
let them battle each other in a competition circle, Sumo-wrestling style.
Whose robot will prove the strongest?
Register through this link: For more information on
the workshop, please visit: Offered through
STEMaction and Horizons 4-H club.
Howard High School Boys Lacrosse Camp - The Lions' Pride Boys' Lacrosse
Camp will take place July 13-16, 2015. For more information e-mail Coach
Creighton @
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BBMS Information
Bonnie Branch Middle School | 4979 Ilchester Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 | (410) 313-2580 |
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