Spring 2015 MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTER By Marie Thomas, OFS, Five Franciscan Martyrs Regional Minister Dear Fellow Franciscans and Guests, Our Annual Regional Fraternity Meeting will be May 15-17, 2015 at the San Pedro Retreat Center in Winter Park, Florida (location and directions may be found at www.sanpedrocenter.org). This year we will celebrate the Region’s Tri-Annual Chapter of Visitation. Our two distinguished guests will be Deacon Tom Bello, National Minister, who will be the Fraternal Visitor and Brother Bob Brady, OFM, the President-inTurn of the CNSA (Conference of National Spiritual Assistants), who will be the Pastoral Visitor. Our theme will capitalize on the words, “Be the Joyful Face of Christ.” Carolyn Townes, the Chairperson for JPIC of NAFRA, will be the focal speaker on Friday evening. We will also honor those celebrating their 25 and 50+ Jubilees as Secular Franciscans. Come meet and greet the Ministers and Jubilarians from your neighboring fraternities in the region. If the Minister must pass up this wonderful opportunity, then please send an official delegate from the fraternity Council, normally paid for out of the fraternity common fund. By official delegate is meant: the elected vice minister or another elected member from the fraternity council. This official delegate must bring a letter stating that they were officially delegated by you, the Minister, so they may vote. However, EVERYONE is welcome to come and enjoy the Franciscan Charism of the weekend as observers. The registration form for the annual meeting follows. It may be duplicated, for others in your fraternity. Please register and pay in full by May 7. Please note that paid registrations canceled after May 7 are non-refundable. We’d appreciate you making your checks payable to FFMR-SFO. Please refer to the end of the Annual Meeting Agenda for a list of the items you need to bring with you. Registration and check-in will begin 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 15, 2015. No dinner will be served at San Pedro on Friday so stop for a bite; however, there will be a social later. MISSION STATEMENT The Five Franciscan Martyrs Region of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States is the organic union of all Secular Franciscan fraternities in the State of Florida, South Georgia, and Lower Alabama. We desire to promote in the world a deeper presence of the Catholic Faith and the Franciscan tradition; and we seek to bring the Gospel Beatitudes of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as personified by St. Francis of Assisi, to all our secular, daily lives. We foster a spirit of prayer, conversion, reconciliation, justice and service, especially to the marginalized in our society. We invoke the intercession, honor the memory, and advance the Cause of the patrons of our Region, the Five Franciscan Martyrs of La Florida, who, in A.D. 1597, freely gave their lives in testimony to the dignity of Christian marriage and family life. (Rewritten from original 1991 version and approved in February 1999, updated February 20.) The weekend begins formally with Evening Prayer at 7:00 pm in the Chapel. The weekend will conclude after the 10:00 a.m. Mass in the Chapel, celebrated together with the regular San Pedro Community on Sunday, May 17th, Trinity Sunday. There will be no lunch served after Mass. Wishing all of you a Blessed Holy Lent! Marie Thomas, OFS Regional Minister ANNUAL REGIONAL FRATERNITY MEETING Other Items to Remember: On Friday: REGIONAL EXECUTIVE C OUNCIL Marie Thomas, OFS Regional Minister Jeane Swaynos Regional Vice Minister Patricia Gagnon, OFS Regional Treasurer Carole Bertrand OFS Regional Secretary Rosemarie Ingersoll, OFS Regional Formation Minister James Grant, OFS West Central Councilor • Place your donated baskets for the Raffle (with your Fraternity Name on it) in Building 300 on Friday evening. Bonnie Barlow, OFS East Central Councilor • Place your fraternity banner and stand in the Chapel BEFORE 7:00 pm and pick them up before the 10:00 am Mass on Sunday. Maureen O’Hare, OFS Southeast Councilor • Place all your local fraternity items for display or sale, etc. in Building 100. • Bring your list of deceased members from last year to Evening Prayer in the Chapel for the Commemoration of All Deceased Members. On Saturday during the Annual Regional Fraternity Business meeting: Barbara Carroll, OFS Southwest Councilor Alice McDonald, OFS Northwest Councilor Fr. Kevin Queally, T.O.R. Regional Spiritual Assistant • Remember to bring your OFS Ritual. Janice Novello, Ph.D. OFS Regional Chair for Franciscan Young Adults • Bring your copy of the minutes (they will not be available nor will they be read but corrections, etc. taken.) Fred Schaeffer, OFS Regional Webmaster • Bring your copy of Book of Guidelines (they won’t be available nor will they be read or discussed.) Theresa Zesiewicz, MD OFS Regional Newsletter Editor • Bring your most current roster and give it to Carole Bertrand, OFS or Bonnie Barlow, OFS. THE FIVE FRANCISCAN MARTYRS OF LA FLORIDA: Servants of God, 1597 Bro. Antonio de Badajoz, OFM, Fr. Miguel de Auñón, OFM, Fr. Pedro de Corpa, OFM, Fr. Blas Rodriíguez, OFM, Fr. Francisco de Beráscola, OFM ANNUAL REGIONAL FRATERNITY MEETING Theme: “BE THE JOYFUL FACE OF CHRIST” May 15-17, 2015 San Pedro Center, Winter Park, Florida (Please note that all times, except meals, are subject to change) FRIDAY, MAY 15 TIME ACTIVITY LOCATION 4:00 pm Arrival and Check-In (Dinner is on your own) 300, Lobby 7:00 pm Evening Prayer including: Annual Commemoration of all Deceased Members since last year Chapel 8:00 pm Conference by Carolyn Townes 300, Conference 9:00 pm – ? Social 300, Dining 10:00 pm Optional Night Prayer (Please use your own Breviary) Chapel SATURDAY, MAY 16 TIME ACTIVITY LOCATION 7:30 am Morning Prayer Chapel 8:00 am Breakfast 300, Dining 9:00 am Annual Regional Fraternity Business Meeting • • • • • • • • Open with Prayer from the Ritual Introduce the Pastoral & Fraternal Visitors from NAFRA Roll Call to establish quorum – Carole Bertrand, OFS Approval of Minutes (They will NOT be read, only corrections, etc. taken) 300, Conference Talk by Fr. Kevin Queally, TOR, Regional Spiritual Assistant Approval of Treasurers Report and Budget – Pat Gagnon, OFS Formation Goals & Achievements – Rosemary Ingersoll, OFS Vote on the Book of Guidelines (No discussion) – Jim Grant, OFS 11:00 am Mass for Saturday, the 6th Week of Easter Chapel Noon Lunch and Break 300, Dining 1:00 pm Regional Triennial Chapter of Visitation: Re-Introduce Fraternal Visitor Tom Bello and Pastoral Visitor Br. Bob Brady, OFM 300, Conference 4.00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction (Franciscan Crown Rosary will be recited) Chapel 5:30 pm Break 6:00 pm Dinner 300, Dining 7:30 pm Evening Prayer Chapel 8:00 pm Surprise Announcement and Raffle Basket Drawing 300, Conference 9:00 pm – ? Social 300, Dining 10:00 pm Optional Night Prayer (Please use your own Breviary) Chapel SUNDAY, MAY 17 TIME ACTIVITY LOCATION 7:30 am Morning Prayer Chapel 8:00 am Breakfast 300, Dining 9:00 am Closing Remarks by the NAFRA Visitors 300, Conference 10:00 am Mass for 7 Sunday of Easter Chapel 11:00 am Celebrated with the local San Pedro Community 300, Lobby th Departure After Mass and May God Keep You Safe in Your Travels! MESSAGE FROM THE REGIONAL MINISTER By Marie Thomas, OFS, Regional Minister How Are You? Really, how are you? Most folks respond, “Staying very busy.” We’ve become a nation of very, very busy people who must constantly be doing something. We are either texting, or composing, or cooking, or sewing, or saying the rosary, or helping others, etc. We’ve become very busy people who feel we must fill up ALL the empty spaces in our lives. It seems ‘being busy’ has become a status symbol. It makes us feel important. We tell ourselves, “After all, if we didn’t do it, who would?” My goodness, we are so vital. Others couldn’t get along without us! We are needed. And… We are fooling ourselves if we believe any of that hogwash written above! Our need to fill every moment of spare time, reveals our own intolerance for free time and has us anxiously looking for ways to fill it up. But if all our time is used up, there is no time to experience or hear of new things. So many of us simply hang on to the old familiar ways which, we are convinced, are the best. In other words, we often prefer to hang on to a bad certainty rather than risk experiencing a better uncertainty. How can we expect new results, if our hearts and minds are so full of our own convictions that we cannot listen to the sounds of a new reality? We must make time and learn to listen to our own inner heart. This reminds me the parable from the gospels about the master who was leaving town. Before he left, he gave his three servants some talents. To one servant, he gave 10 talents, to another 5, and to the third one, he gave only one talent. Well, you know how it goes: the first and the second servants doubled their money so the master gave them much more. The third one, however, buried it. He didn’t want to lose any of it. We are a good deal like these servants except for one big difference. The Master is NOT leaving us. We are never totally alone or in charge! Yet, many of us are still afraid to say “yes” to God when we refuse to accept a nomination for an office. We are afraid of “change” when we insist on doing the same thing at every monthly gathering. We are even afraid to put down the rosary and sit quietly for a few minutes with God to listen to Him. Let’s not wallow in our fears and take a chance at a new experience! Contemplation, to which all Franciscans are called, is a vision of the heart. If our heart is open, God can speak to us and He will show us true reality and lead us to love. Did You Know? Only the Provincial of the Province or the Provincial Spiritual Assistant to which your fraternity is bonded, has the authority to appoint a Spiritual Assistant. No one else has the authority to appoint a local spiritual assistant: not a Regional Spiritual Assistant, not a Bishop, etc. If You Need... • A Permanent Franciscan Register is now available in 2 different styles. As of May 1, 2014, fraternities were able to purchase a beautiful up-to-date, hardcover, permanently bound fraternity register in their choice of styles. To see a full description of each style and place an order, see the information on the back cover of the TAU-USA, or go to TAU Publishing’s website at http://www.tau-publishing.com/ • Cancelled Stamp Collecting is a simple project for any fraternity and the Franciscan Missions would appreciate receiving them because they can turn them in for money. Their Address: Franciscan Missions, P.O. Box 130, Waterford, WI 35185-0130. If you wish more information, contact Elizabeth Wincelowich, OFS, 4752 21st Avenue N., St. Petersburg, FL 337133104. She collects these used, cancelled stamps for St. Anthony of Padua Fraternity in St. Petersburg. • Medications: Don’t know what to do with your unused medication? ‘Hope for Haiti’ accepts them. Unfortunately, they cannot accept open bottles of medications due to Haitian customs’ regulations. All meds they ship to Haiti must be in a sealed container and have at least 1-year before expiration. There is only one location in Florida: Hope for Haiti, 1021 5th Avenue North, Naples, Florida 34102 and phone 2397183 Ext 206. Remember, the meds must be sealed and must have a 2016 expiration or later. Thank you! And We Need…. • History of the Five Franciscan Martyrs and/or Our Region: In preparation for our Region’s 25th Anniversary, it would be beneficial to have the history of our Region and of the Five Franciscan Martyrs. Anyone who remembers anything or even just knows about it or has any old regional newsletters with this information, please, please give us the article or write an article that we can print and post on our website. (Search through your archives because I am sure there are one or two articles in our old Regional Newsletter.) Thanks for your help! • Photographers: We are in need of a few more photographers in the various areas because travel is both tedious and costly! If you have a digital camera (or phone that takes pics) and are willing to share them with the region, please contact Michael Winoski, OFSChairperson from St. Francis of Assisi Fraternity in Dunedin at Mwinoski@hotmail.com Your generous spirit will be appreciated! • Annual Report: Most of the fraternities/communities in our region have submitted their Annual Reports. Thank you! Thank you! However, we need ALL of them before we can send the summary to NAFRA. This information is important to NEC, CNSA, the Commissions, and many of your dioceses because all this information ultimately goes to the Vatican! Please complete the form NOW. If you don’t have the Fair Share money, send it later, but complete the forms now! Many folks will be grateful! Time to Prepare for our Region’s 25th Anniversary! To celebrate the Five Franciscan Martyr’s Region’s 25th Anniversary on October 23, 2017, the Regional Executive Council is sponsoring a 10 day trip to Assisi and Rome. The potential trip is scheduled for sometime in the middle of October, 2017. We will spend 7 days in Assisi and 3 days in Rome. Our tour guide will be none other than our Regional Spiritual Assistant, Fr. Kevin Queally, TOR, who has acted as a tour guide 3 or more times and knows his way around. However, he warns that there will be a great deal of walking so start your fitness program now and bring out the piggy bank so you can start saving. Watch for more details in the future. “To celebrate the Five Franciscan Martyr’s Region’s 25th Anniversary on October 23, 2017... We will spend 7 days in Assisi and 3 days in Rome.” MESSAGE FROM THE VICE MINISTER By Jeane Swaynos, OFS Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Five Franciscan Martyrs Regional Council is sharing some of our travels and activities with you so you know where we will be and what we will be doing. Below you will find a partial schedule. Pax et Bonum, Jeane Swaynos, OFS FIVE FRANCISCAN MARTYRS REGIONAL VISITATION & ELECTION SCHEDULE For April to August, 2015 APRIL 1 Regional Newsletter Deadline V 1 Wednesday 9:00AM San Damiano St. Mark Hall, Summerfield V 11 Saturday 9:30 am S. John Capistrano Holy Redeemer, Tampa N V 11 Saturday Noon S. Francis of Assisi Our Lady of Lourdes, Dunedin V 18 Saturday 8:30 am Stigmata of St. Francis St. Thomas, Sarasota E 25 Saturday 8:00 pm S.Francis/Espejo de Cristo Im Concep PCtr, Hialeah V 25 Saturday 9:30 am Queen of Peace Queen of Peace, Ocala MAY V 2 Saturday 8:30am Padre Pio St. Martin DePorres Church, Jensen Beach 15-17 Annual Meeting (Chapter of Visitation Bro. Bob Brady, OFM, Pastoral Visitor), San Pedro and Deacon Tom Bello, Fraternal Visitor JULY 1 Regional Newsletter Deadline 9-12 National Servant Leadership Workshop, Loretto, Mary Frances Charnesky & Fa. Michael Higgins AUGUST 20-23 Peace Retreat for Youth at Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, IL (JPIC invited) 28-30 Formation Workshop Francisan Retreat Center, Independence, MO MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER Respectfully submitted by Patricia Gagnon, OFS, Regional Treasurer 2015 PROPOSED BUDGET - REGIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ACCOUNT 2014 Actual Budget 2014 Approved Budget 2015 Proposed Budget BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS Income: Annual CHAPTER $15,220 $15,500 Accomodation Income at San Pedro Center FAIR SHARE $35,790 $36,575 $35,790 (2013 Actual: 672 Professsed paid) (2014 actual 653 Professed @ $55) Other Inc REC Non Cash Donation $1,959 $- $2,000 Basket Raffle at Chapter $1,109. Visitation stipends $850 $2,220 $- $3,800 REC expenses - not reimbursed- donated back to region - actual was 7 months in 2014 Workshops $214 $- $250 Income from 3 workshops TOTAL INCOME $55,403 $36,575 $57,340 Income from Chapter was not included in Proposed Budget for 2014 $13,111 $1,500 $13,500 offset by Annual Chapter income. $500 Region to subsidize 50th anniversay attendees to Chapter - estimate 10 at $50 each $11,475 NAFRA per capita contribution @ $17 for 665 members (Includes TAUUSA, CIOFS and FAN) $2,400 3 NEC to come to Winter Parks - estimate $800 each - travel from NC, DC, CA. Expenses: Annual CHAPTER Expense Annual Chapter Subsidy NAFRA Per Capita (FAIR SHARE) $11,305 $11,305 NAFRA Regional visitation 2015 NAFRA meeting 2016 -Reserve REC Minister's Expense $1,722 REC Vice Minister Expense $491 $11,505 REC Secretary Expense REC Treasurer's Expense $235 REC Formation Director $2,000 NAFRA Conference Nov 1, 2016. $3,000 Travel Reimbursement - Mileage, Lodging, Tolls, etc $2,000 Travel Reimbursement - Mileage, Lodging, Tolls, etc $500 Travel Reimbursement - Mileage, Lodging, Tolls, etc $500 Travel Reimbursement - Mileage, Lodging, Tolls, etc $500 Travel Reimbursement - Mileage, Lodging, Tolls, etc REC Councilors Expense $2,400 $3,000 Travel Reimbursement - Mileage, Lodging, Tolls, etc REC Meeting Expense $6,167 $6,200 $6,200 REC Meetings 2 scheduled for 2015. Web Site $590 $700 $600 Web Site (100% paid by FFMR beginning in 2013). Regional Spiritual Assistant (RSA) $200 $- $500 Stipend to RSA General Liability Insurance $800 SA Training/Workshops NAFRA Annual Meeting (Minister) $1,625 RSA assistance, courses, books $800 $2,000 NAFRA meeting Travel Expense for Minister and Vice, Oct 10, 2015, Clinton, NJ $800 $- No one attending in 2015 $762 $1,000 $800 Loretto Summer Seminar, July 7, 2015. St. Francis University, Loretto, PA (Regional Vice-Minister to attend) $300 Reserve for Franciscan Youth Activities $833 $1,000 $775 Andy to attend $500 To be determined $675 ($1 per professed member) $2,944 at end of 2014 Amount in Reserve $377 RSA Workshop Loretto Summer Seminar YouFra National Retreat Belleville,IL JPIC Did not renew - covered under NAFRA Apostoates/Donation Regional Emergency Assistance Fund $665 Record Retention/Storage $1,137 $1,200 Record storage at Uncle Bobs Storage at $72.54 per month + misc. Postage, Copies, Office Supplies $213 $200 $500 Printing, Supplies, Postage, Copies Other Miscellaneous Expense $75 $100 $100 Spiritual Bouquet, Gifts Reserve to savings $15,785 $2,190 Accrual to bring region into compliance with 1 year reserve guidelines Total Expenses $55,403 $36,575 $57,340 Net Income $0 $0 $0 MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY By Carole Bertrand, OFS, Regional Secretary Dear Brothers and Sisters, Below is a short synopsis of the Regional Executive Council Meeting that was held in early March, 2015. We are publishing this in an effort to keep you fully informed of all that we both decided and are discussing. Peace & good, Carole Bertrand, OFS Regional Secretary Highlights of March, 2015 Meeting To All Fraternity Councils: Many of the Annual Reports and Demographics have been completed and sent to the Regional Minister. However a few are still missing so they cannot be compiled and forwarded to NAFRA, etc. We completed the Pre-Visitation Questionnaire for our NAFRA Visitation Chapter which is slated for this May. However, they wish to view all the Certificates of Establishment (& Reactivation) AND the Spiritual Assistant’s Appointment Letter from the Provincial Spiritual Assistant of the Province to which you are bonded (Give them to your Area Councilor) and we are missing quite a few. These MUST be in Regional Permanent File that Carole, Regional Secretary, maintains. A new Spiritual Assistants course is beginning for 2015. Both Fr. Kevin Queally, TOR, and John Deaton, OFS, are the Instructors. But if you look at the directory, there are many fraternities with no Spiritual Assistants so if you have been professed 5 years or more and ‘think’ you ‘might’ be interested in becoming a SA, contact Fr. Kevin immediately. Formators’ Workshops are being planned in each area. Formation Directors and their teams will meet with Rosemary Ingersoll, OFS, Regional Formation Director, to review the initial steps of formation: First Contact, Orientees, and Inquirers sessions. The first successful workshop was held in the Southwest Area. A time and place needs to be established in the other areas. The Regional Newsletter was sent not only to all the Provincial Spiritual Assistants this year but also to all the Bishops in Florida. The Book of Guidelines was revised in order to include the excellent recommendations made by fraternity members. They have been re-typed (for the umpteenth time by Jim & Jeannette Grant) and the final copy will be distributed by email to members. At the Annual Meeting, there will be an ‘up and down’ vote with no other comments or corrections. We wish to thank all those members who contributed those wonderful recommendations. After about 12 years of faithful and conscientious work, Fred Schaeffer, OFS, requested assistance and is considering retiring from the Regional Website. Fortunately, Robert (Bob) Davis, from Our Lady of Guadalupe Fraternity in Tallahassee has volunteered to pick up the site. He has worked for IBM, designing and managing website for 29 years. We welcome Bob with open arms and look forward to working with him as he and Fred begin this effort. In anticipation of the Region’s 25th Anniversary on October 23, 2017, a ten day pilgrimage to Assisi and Rome is in the early stages of planning. Andy Buchleitner, OFS, Regional JPIC Chairperson, will represent the Five Franciscan Martyrs Region in August at the JPIC Retreat in Bellesville. Jeane Swaynos, OFS, Regional Vice Minister, will represent our region in July at the Leadership Workshop in Loretto, PA. Fraternities who have had their last Visitation or Election in 2012 are due for another visit this year. Please contact your Area Council with a date. Annual Meeting procedures were discussed. A cover letter, agenda, registration, and evaluation were completed. The fee for full commuters and Saturday only participates was reduced and Jubilarians who are 50+ years deduct $50 from the entire weekend, full commuter, or Saturday only. You should have received a copy. Next year’s Annual Meeting was moved up to the earlier date of April 29 to May 1, 2016 to avoid conflicts with Holy Communions, Graduations, Weddings, etc. The next Regional Newsletter deadline date is July 1 so …send in a paragraph on what you have been doing ….professions, how many you have in Formation, special speakers at your meetings, what apostolates you are working on, exciting things you have done this year so far, etc. Submit your articles to Theresa. tzesiewi@health.usf.edu MESSAGE FROM THE FORMATION DIRECTOR By Rosemary Ingersoll, OFS Dear Brothers and Sisters: I would like for any fraternity who is able to host a formation workshop contact me as it is important that formation review be given to all formation directors and teams. A central location in your area is something to consider so as to minimize travel time for all. I look forward to and thank you for your assistance in getting these workshops underway in all areas. Recently I noted some remarks from Lester Bach,OFM Cap, the author of many Franciscan books, “The Franciscan Journey” among them. He speaks about formation, use of the FUN formation plan and this book as resources for formators as they offer lessons to newcomers through orientation, inquiry and candidacy to profession. He also stresses the need for feeling in the heart, not just facts about the Order to capture the essence of living the Franciscan life. Both of these texts provide the necessary material to fulfill these needs and have been accepted by the National Formation Commission as the current formation plan to be used by all fraternities. My continuing goal is to provide the necessary formation review to accomplish this task and assist where needed along the way. Remember that without formation there would be no Franciscan Order. We must all work together as we travel this journey of conversion and spread the Gospel to others by living our Franciscan way of life. There will be a formation workshop for regional formation directors held in August, in Independence, MO and hosted by the National Formation Commission. I look forward to attending, meeting those from other regions, and hearing about updates and plans about formation in the future. If you are blessed with a Spiritual Assistant for your fraternity, please keep him/her informed as to all activities and formation schedules so that attendance can be planned. One of the most important responsibilities for the S.A. is to attend formation lessons, guiding and advising as needed. Having an S.A is a wonderful asset for fraternities! As Lent comes to a close, many blessings for a joyful Easter. Rosemary Ingersoll, OFS FFMR Formation Director MESSAGE FROM THE REGIONAL NEWSLETTER EDITOR NEWS FROM NAFRA: By Theresa Zesiewicz, OFS Greetings! Outreach Sunday: “I Will Make You Fishers of Men” For those of you who have been breathlessly awaiting news about the 2015 Summer Seminar - here it is! All information can be found in the attached flier and Registration Form, or Online at: https://my.francis.edu/sfubus/ICFL/ICFLseminar. asp For a minute, sit back and remember the first time you felt a desire or “call” to be a Secular Franciscan. Each of us has our personal story to share. Perhaps this “calling” was our burning desire for many years, or it may have been a powerful, newfound conversion. If you were fortunate enough to belong to a parish that has an associated fraternity, you may have known fraternity members who introduced you to the Order. If not, how did you learn about the Secular Franciscan Order? Do you perhaps wish someone had told you about the Order earlier in life? Many Catholics may be drawn to live the Gospel Life and practice ongoing daily conversion in the footsteps of St. Francis, but simply do not know about the Secular Franciscan Order. The Five Franciscan Martyrs Regional (FFMR) Council voted to proclaim the Sunday after the Transitus as Outreach Sunday (October 4, 2015). On this day, we will go out and teach our brothers and sisters in our respective parishes about the Secular Franciscan Order, only with permission from our respective Pastors. How can we tell others who and what we are? • We are currently developing a brochure that explains the what it means to be a Secular Franciscan. These will be included in your Annual Regional Meeting packets, for Ministers and Council. • Your Council may ask representatives of your fraternity to speak at Mass on October 4th following Communion about the Secular Franciscan Order. • Additional fraternity members could be available after mass to answer questions. • Your pastor may allow you display your fraternity banner in church. • We will also mark Outreach Sunday in all the diocesan newspapers. More information will be available at the Annual Regional Meeting, if you can mark the date now! Peace and Blessings, Theresa The topic for this year’s seminar is “Servant Leadership” and we have two wonderful speakers: Rev. Michale Higgins, TOR and our own Mary Frances Charsky, OFS. A profile of each of them is given in the attached information. Please share this information within your regions and fraternities. Remember, space is limited, so please register early. We hope to see many of you this summer in Loretto. Pat Patricia B. Serotkin, O.F.S., D.Ed. Vice President for Strategic Initiatives Saint Francis University P.O. Box 600 Loretto, PA 15940-0600 Email: pserotkin@francis.edu Voice: 814-472-3222 “Start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; suddenly, you will be doing the impossible.” - St. Francis of Assisi 2015 OFS SUMMER SEMINAR July 9-12, 2015 Endorsed by the National Executive Council of the Secular Franciscan Order - USA “SERVANT LEADERSHIP” – PRESENTERS Fr. Michael Higgins, TOR – Special Assistant to the Mary Frances Charsky, OFS – National Councilor, President, Franciscan School of Theology NAFRA-USA Fr. Michael is a Franciscan of the Third Order Regular (TOR) and is currently working as Special Assistant to the President and Dean of the Franciscan School of Theology in Oceanside, California. He has been a Franciscan, TOR for thirty-seven years and was ordained to the priesthood in June of 1985. Prior Mary Frances Charsky, OFS, professed as a Secular Franciscan in 1981 and is a member of St. Francis Fraternity in Binghamton, NY. She currently serves as a National Councilor for NAFRA-USA. Regionally, Mary Frances has served as Minister, Councilor and Formation Team member and in her to religious life, he served in Viet Nam as a radar repairman in the US Army and was the assistant manager of a large electronic store in Natick, Massachusetts. Since joining the Third Order Regular he has served in parish ministry, campus ministry, adult education, and college instruction on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has also served in formation as the Director of Novices for the Sacred Heart Province. Finally, he also has served the Third Order Regular in Rome first as the Secretary General of the Order and then as the Vicar General and Minister General. local fraternity as Minister, Vice-Minister, Formation Director, Councilor and Formation Team members. Her leadership training has included professional as well as Franciscan spiritual experiences. Fr. Michael’s academic credentials include: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychology, Master of Divinity (M.Div.), Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.), Master of Arts in Spirituality (M.A.), Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.Th.D.), and Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education Administration (Ph.D.) Fr. Michael is committed to the spread of lay ministry and leadership in the local church and has served the Sacred Heart Province both as the Provincial Spiritual Assistant to the Secular Franciscan Order and as the Local Spiritual Assistant to St. Clare’s Fraternity in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. During his time as Vicar General of his Order he also held the position of General Spiritual Assistant to the Secular Franciscan Order. Mary Frances’s academic credentials include: Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Education, Master of Science (M.S.) in Special Education, Certificate of Advanced Study in Supervision and Administration, and doctoral level graduate study in Supervision and Administration. She has also completed coursework in Clinical Supervision and Staff Development, and the IDEA Fellows program sponsored by the Kellogg Foundation on leadership development. Her Franciscan spirituality training includes multiple experiences such as workshops, retreats, summer seminars at Saint Francis University and course work at the Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure University. Mary Frances has been employed as a teacher of students with special needs, as well as an elementary teacher, a coordinator of special services, an elementary school principal and an adjunct professor at Binghamton University. She is also involved as a volunteer in a wide variety of parish, hospital, diocesan, and foreign-service ministries. 2015 OFS SUMMER SEMINAR July 9-12, 2015 Endorsed by the National Executive Council of the Secular Franciscan Order - USA TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Thursday- July 9, 2015 Saturday – July 11, 2015 • 12:00 - 4:30 PM – Registration (Christian Hall) • 8:00 AM – Breakfast (Torvian) • 5:00 PM – Dinner (Torvian Dining Hall) • 9:15 AM – Morning prayer (DiSepio) • 6:30 PM – Evening prayer (DiSepio) • 9:30 AM – Session 5 (DiSepio): TBA • 7:00 PM – Session 1: TBA • 11:30 AM – Break • 8:30 PM – Social (Christian Hall) • 12:00 Noon – Lunch (Torvian) • 2:00 PM – Session 6 (DiSepio): TBA Friday – July 10, 2015 • 8:00 AM – Breakfast (Torvian) • 3:30 PM – Break • 9:15 AM – Morning prayer (DiSepio) • 4:00 PM – Eucharist – Sunday liturgy (Immaculate Conception Chapel) • 9:30 AM – Session 2 (DiSepio): TBA • 5:00 PM – Dinner (Torvian) • 11:30 AM – Break • 6:30 PM – Evening prayer (DiSepio) • 12:00 Noon – Lunch (Torvian) • 7:00 PM – Session 7 (DiSepio): TBA • 2:00 PM – Session 3 (DiSepio): TBA • 8:30 PM – Social (Christian Hall) • 3:30 PM – Break • 4:00 PM – Eucharist (Immaculate Conception Chapel) Sunday, July 12, 2015 • 5:00 PM – Dinner (Torvian) • 8:00 AM – Breakfast (Torvian) • 6:30 PM – Evening prayer (DiSepio) • 9:15 AM – Morning prayer (DiSepio) • 7:00 PM – Session 4 (DiSepio): TBA • 9:30 AM – Session 8: TBA • 8:30 PM – Social (Christian Hall) • 12:00 Noon – Lunch and Departures 2015 OFS SUMMER SEMINAR July 9-12, 2015 Endorsed by the National Executive Council of the Secular Franciscan Order - USA DRIVING DIRECTIONS TO SAINT FRANCIS UNIVERSITY From Northwestern Pennsylvania: Take I-79 to Rt. 422 East to Ebensburg. In town, turn left at the traffic light onto High Street. Continue straight at next light. Turn left on to Manor Road. Saint Francis University is six miles on the right. From Cleveland (Ohio area): Take Ohio Turnpike East to I-80 East. Take I-680 South to Route 422 East (approximately 120 miles) to Ebensburg. In town, turn left at the traffic light onto High Street. Continue straight at next light. Turn left on to Manor Road. Follow this road for six miles to the Saint Francis University entrance on right. From Southwestern PA and Southeast Ohio: Take Route 22 East from Pittsburgh to second Ebensburg exit (Ebensburg/ Loretto exit). Bear right at end of exit ramp. Proceed straight (crossing over Route 22). Turn right at the first light on to Manor Road. Follow this road for six miles to the Saint Francis University entrance on right. From Northeastern PA/Central New Jersey: Take I-80 South to I-80 West to Exit 161 (Bellefonte). Take US99/Rt. 220 South approximately 50 miles to Altoona. Take Rt. 22 West to Lilly/Portage Exit. Turn right onto Rt. 53 North. Continue on Rt. 53 North approximately two miles to traffic light (Sheetz on left). Turn left at light and continue beneath railroad overpass. 200 yards beyond overpass, bear right at Saint Francis University sign onto St. Joseph Street. Take this road four miles to Loretto. At Village Cross monument on traffic circle, bear left. Saint Francis University entrance is 200 yards on left. From Southeastern PA, Baltimore, MD, and Washington, D.C.: Take PA Turnpike (I-76) West to Bedford Exit 146 (220 North/I-99 North). Turn left after toll booth. At top of hill, turn left onto US99/Rt. 220 North to Altoona. Travel approximately 30 miles to Rt. 22 West. Continue from Altoona -- previous paragraph. If you are programming your GPS, set it to: 117 Evergreen Drive, Loretto, PA 15940 GENERAL INFORMATION: • Room check-in is 3:00 PM, July 9th. • Check out time is 12 Noon, July 12th. • Sorry, no early arrivals or late stays. • All rooms are air-conditioned and have a private bath. Linens and towels are provided. • If you need a hair dryer, bathrobe, umbrella, iron, or other amenity, please bring those with you. • We cannot accommodate special room requests other than handicapped access. • Commuter registration does not include room or board – meals are paid at the door at the dining hall. • Shuttle service is provided to/from residence hall, dining hall, and conference center for all attendees. AIR TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION: Please note: No transportation to/from airports is provided by the Seminar. We recommend flying into one of the following options and driving to campus. • Johnstown Regional – JST (25 mi.) • Altoona-Blair County – AOO (30 mi.) • University Park (State College, PA) – UNV (73 mi.) • Pittsburgh International – PIT (100 mi.) Other questions? Please contact Diane Rombouts at 814-472-3219 (daytime) or e-mail icfl@francis.edu 2015 OFS SUMMER SEMINAR “SERVANT LEADERSHIP” REGISTRATION FORM To register online visit: https://my.francis.edu/sfubus/ICFL/ICFLseminar.asp To register by mail: Please send this registration form and check payable to “Saint Francis University” to: ICFL, Saint Francis University, P.O. Box 600, Loretto, PA 15940-0600 Name (First & Last): _____________________________________ Home Phone: (____)__________________ Address: ______________________________________________ Cell Phone: (____)____________________ City: ________________________________ State: __________ Zip: _______________________________ Fraternity: ____________________________ Region: ______________________________________________ Email: _______________________________ RESIDENT (ON CAMPUS) REGISTRATION Accommodations are located in Christian Hall which is air-conditioned. Rooms: ____ Single Room $270 /After June 1, 2015 registration is $295 per person $__________ (Limited number of single rooms available) ____ Double Room $220 /After June 1, 2015 registration is $245 per person $__________ ____ I will be rooming with:_______________________________________ ____ I will need a roommate – please match me up COMMUTER REGISTRATION (No Room Or Meals) @ $70 per person $__________ OTHER DETAILS • Resident Registration Fee includes residence hall room and all meals. • Commuter Registration Fee does not include room or meals. • Payment must be made at time of registration and is NON-REFUNDABLE. • Register before June 1st to receive a $25 discount on the RESIDENT registration fee. • Seminar registration is limited to 100 participants. • DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS JUNE 18, 2015. No registrations will be accepted after this date. Questions? Contact Diane Rombouts, (814) 472-3219 (daytime) or e-mail icfl@francis.edu OVER 50 YEARS • Michael Esposito, OFS, 69 yrs. • Francis Arnold, OFS, 59 yrs. • Esther Subero, OFS, 56 yrs. • Grace Viola, OFS, 69 yrs. • Mary Jo Bossone, OFS, 59 yrs. • Michael Albano, OFS, 55 yrs. • Marilyn F. Holmes, OFS, 68 yrs. • Bernice Grum, OFS, 59 yrs. • Marie Fry, OFS, 55 yrs • Marie T. Fee, OFS, 67 yrs. • Maria Scorpio, OFS, 59 yrs. • Jackie Musone, OFS, 55 yrs. • Concetta Quatrano, OFS, 64 yrs. • Sheila Thompson, OFS, 59 yrs. • Roy Eidem, OFS, 54 yrs. • John Joseph Steel Jr. OFS, 62 yrs. • Luke Amato, OFS, 58 yrs. • Elaine Goetz, OFS, 54 yrs. • Catherine Arsenault, OFS, 61 • Ed A. (Ted) Rodgers, OFS, 58 yrs. • Joan Keefe, OFS, 54 yrs. • Elizabeth Gessler, OFS, 61 yrs. • Edward Anthony Smith, OFS, 58 yrs. • Gerald Liberti, OFS, 53 yrs. • Marie Grabowski, OFS, 61 yrs. • Karyn Reedman, OFS, 57 yrs. • Nancy Nalewaiski, OFS, 53 yrs. • Marie Curry, OFS, 60 yrs. • Dorothy Carden, OFS, 56 yrs. • Mary A. Roche, OFS, 53 yrs. • Theresa Weeks, OFS, 60 yrs. • Josephine Napinski, OFS, 56 yrs. 50 YEARS • Ann Esposito, OFS • Dcn. Robert Esposito, OFS • John Gerney, OFS • Elaine Janet Licato, OFS • Kristine Littrell, OFS • John Probert, OFS • Udith San Antonio, OFS 25 YEARS • Mina Aldridge, OFS • Aurea Crawford, OFS • Bobbee Chyna, OFS • Martha Dilley, OFS • Joseph Halloran, OFS • Frances Hartman, OFS • Rose Mazaika, OFS • Anastasia McLaughlin, OFS • Marie Munroe, OFS • Lorraine Reagan, OFS • Shirley Szarowitz, OFS NEWS FROM THE REGION EAST CENTRAL AREA Daytona Beach / Debary, Florida Little Flowers of St. Francis Fraternity, Daytona Beach The month of March was special in more ways than one for local fraternities. Douglas Clorey, OFS, President of Franciscans International and former Vice Minister of our Order visited the Little Flowers of St. Francis Fraternity of Daytona Beach on March 13th. The following Saturday, Doug joined St. Maximilian Kolbe Fraternity of DeBary along with his wife Marion, who was successful in getting out of the snowladen Prince Edward Island, Canada. Marion serves Canada as their International Councilor. It was a wonderful experience for everyone – we are truly family no matter where in the world we live and serve. Front (left to right) Karen Szczesniak, OFS, Spiritual Assistant; Marcia The Day of Recollection Rudman, OFS, Minister. Back (Left to right) Douglas Clorey, OFS, The Day of Recollection, held January 10th, was sponsored by the Little Flowers of St. Francis, Daytona Beach. Franciscans from St. Maximilian Kolbe, DeBary and Nombre de Dios (as well as Little Flowers) were led by Deacon Bill Joyce, OFS, Spiritual Assistant for Nombre de Dios, St. Augustine. Deacon Bill traveled from New Jersey to present his program, which centered on Franciscan Saints. Franciscan International President, Mary Jane McMenamy, OFS, Sally Lucchesi, OFS and Louise Taylor St. Maximilian Kolbe Fraternity, DeBary (Left to right) Rev. Blasé Romano, TOR, guest speaker; Carmen Thompson, OFS, Minister; Doug and Marion Clorey, OFS NORTHEAST AREA San Damiano OFS Fraternity, Summerfield, FL By A.J. Monacelli, OFS, Minister November At our November 5th, 2014 gathering we recognized those who have been professed for 25 years or more. We have eleven such brothers and sisters. We gave each a certificate stating their number of years. They ranged from 26 years to 60 years. We have two who celebrate their 50 year anniversary this year. They are Deacon Bob Esposito and Ann Esposito. We have one, Libby Gessler, who celebrated 60 years. We are so blessed by all our members and I learn so much from them. On November 14th, we had a retreat day. Father Anthony Baetzold CFR from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal came from New York to be with us. After morning mass, he talked to us about San Damiano and the Blessed mother. He gave us insight to his order and told many stories about Father Benedict Groeschel who was one of the founders of the order and passed away this year on the Transitus. On November 15th, Father Anthony celebrated mass and officiated at the Profession of seven candidates. That was followed by lunch at, of course, an Italian restaurant. This was my first time being Minister at a Profession and I found it very moving. It brought back memories of my Profession. January We started 2015 on a sad note. One of our newly professed members, George Sullivan, passed away on January 2, 2015. George was loved by all of us and he deepened our spirituality by knowing him. We know he now has a heavenly home with St. Francis. At our January gathering, we had the Ceremony of Welcoming for two people to begin Inquiry. We had the Rite of Admission for two people to begin their candidacy. We are growing as we have two other people who are in orientation. March In March, we had Deacon Bob Esposito OFS lead us in the Stations of the Cross. This has become a Lenten tradition for our Fraternity. Ann Esposito OFS assisted him in a version I have never heard before. It was from Mary’s point of view also. What did she feel during our Lord’s Passion? It was a very moving presentation. April In April, we will have our visitation from the Region. We are looking forward to welcoming Rev. Kevin Queally TOR and Marie Thomas OFS to our gathering. This will be my first visitation as Minister so I am sure I will learn much from them. December We closed the year at our December gathering on the 3rd by viewing the movie “Mary of Nazareth” after the gathering. SOUTHWEST AREA The Solanus Casey Fraternity, Venice, FL By Thomas Shumate, OFS, Minister • The Solanus Casey Fraternity meets on the third Sunday of the month, in the Soy Building at the Church of the Epiphany. • On January 18th, elections were held for all council positions, under the supervision of Barbara Carrol. • On March 18th, the Rite of Admission was held for two members from the Inquiry phase, Janina Walczok and Agnes Reid. There are two more members that will be admitted in the near future. • At this time, there are two people in orientation, and three in Inquiry. • One of our members volunteers at the Resurrection House for the homeless. The Fraternity supports this program by donating clothes and other items. WEST CENTRAL AREA By Jim Grant, OFS St. Michael the Archangel, Tampa, FL Wednesday evening January 14th, Regional Vice-Minister Jeane Swaynos and Regional Spiritual Assistant Fr. Kevin Queally, TOR conducted a Fraternal and Pastoral Visitation for St. Michael the Archangel Fraternity, Tampa. The fraternity actively involved in their host church, St. Patrick’s and their community. We welcomed Marie Coady, Ralph Castellano, and Maria Victor into our Candidacy program! Congratulations as you continue to follow in the footsteps of St. Francis in living the Gospel life. Sunday February 15th, Regional Minister Marie Thomas conducted a Fraternal Visitation for St. Anthony of Padua Fraternity, St. Petersburg, FL. The fraternity is very active in their community and have several new members in formation. Saturday March 7th, Regional Vice-Minister Jeane Swaynos conducted a Fraternal Visitation for El Encuentro Fraternity, Lake Wales, FL. The fraternity, although small in numbers, has a large presence in Holy Spirit Church, where they hold their meetings, as well as the surrounding communities in which their members reside. Saturday March 21st, Deacon Ric and Pam Nagle hosted, at their condo complex’s clubhouse, a mini Lenten Day of Recollection for the members of St. John Capistrano Fraternity, Tampa. Franciscans from St. Michael the Archangel Fraternity, Tampa, St. Anthony of Padua Fraternity, St. Petersburg, and St. Francis of Assisi Fraternity, Dunedin were also in attendance. Three members of the Order of Secular Servants of Mary were special guests and led the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary. The day began with a breakfast social, then Fr. Tom Murphy, OFM, the Day of recollection facilitator, was introduced. His discussion subject was from the Gospel of John, chapters seven and eight, “The Chiastic Parallelism” adapted from “The Genius of John” by Peter Ellis. Following the discussion, Fr. Tom and Fr. Guy Morgan, OFM concelebrated Mass for the fourth Saturday of Lent, assisted by Deacon Ric. After the celebration of the Mass, everyone shared a brown bag luncheon, augmented with several shared dishes as well as some fermented grape juice. The afternoon closed with the reciting of the Rosary while Fr. Tom celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Saturday April 11th, Regional Vice-Minister will conduct a Fraternal Visitation for St. John Capistrano Fraternity, Tampa. That same day, Regional Minister Marie Thomas will conduct a Fraternal Visitation for St. Francis of Assisi Fraternity, Dunedin. In March, we also celebrated our Seder meal. Thanks to all who attended, and Sharon McHugh, OFS for her kind and generous donations to the Seder, and her hard work!
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