The Steeple Bell “Under the Green Steeple” Shining God’s Light Since 1798 Making disciples…Building Christian community…Transforming lives! From the Pastor May 2015 This month we celebrate Pentecost, often referred to as the birth of the Christian church. Among the Bible readings for Pentecost Sunday is a passage from the Acts of the Apostles that describes the scene when Peter and the other disciples had gathered for worship and began speaking in various languages as the Holy Spirit descended on them: “They saw what seemed to be individual flames of fire alighting on each one of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them to speak.” (Acts 2:3-4; CEB) Through the action of the Holy Spirit the kingdom of God could be known by all people of all cultures for all time. The same Holy Spirit empowers the ministry of the Christian church today as it offers the gospel to the world. But our mission goes deeper than simply proclaiming the kingdom of God to a diverse audience. We are called to be shepherds for all who seek Jesus. Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd...I give up my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that don't belong to this sheep pen. I must lead them too...there will be one flock, with one shepherd.” (John 10:1416; CEB) This is the model for our ministry through Christ’s church today. We are called to be good shepherds, willing to make the sacrifices necessary to bring all people together as one, caring for one another as a good shepherd would care for his or her flock. In our celebration of the beginning of Christ’s church, let’s not forget that he calls us to be shepherds. Let’s strive to give faithful witness to the unconditional, sacrificial love of Christ in our interactions within the church and as we bring his good news to those who are not yet part of – or who have strayed from – his flock. And may God add his blessings to all we do. Grace and peace. May 2015 Lectionary Texts May 3rd Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8 May 10th Sixth Sunday of Easter Mother’s Day Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17 May 14th Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 47; Ephesians 1:15-23; Luke 24:44-53 May 17th Seventh Sunday of Easter Ascension Sunday Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19 May 24th Pentecost Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:22-27 John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 May 31st First Sunday after Pentecost Trinity Sunday Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17 A Reservoir of Love Few roles afford someone the opportunity to shape and impact a human life quite like being a parent. Elizabeth Everest never had that privilege. Born into humble means, Elizabeth became a nurse and nanny rather than a wife and mother. She looked after the small daughter of a clergyman before accepting the role of caring for an infant named Winston. Eventually, a little brother named Jack arrived. Though she had a few material possessions to share with the boys, she gave them a priceless treasure: her love. She poured her gift of storytelling on them. She painted wild imaginary pictures with words and told cliffhanging tales. She cared for the boys during the trials of adolescence and the tribulation of puberty. She continually shared from her reservoir of love, affection, and nurturing grace with wholehearted abandon. Elizabeth Everest died in 1895. She never knew the impact she inadvertently had on the young man and on the course of history. The child she nurtured eventually grew up to be Winston Churchill, the prime minister of England who bravely led his nation through the turbulent years of World War II. One woman’s love helped shape one of the greatest leaders of all time. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give! Winston Churchill A Mother’s Love A Mother’s heart and a Mother’s faith And a Mother’s steadfast love Were fashioned by the Angels And sent from God Above Happy Mother’s Day Church Life “Under the Green Steeple” Worship Schedule Sunday Worship 9:15 The Journey Christian Education for adults A Bible study which includes reading the scriptures together and entering into a discussion, sharing our thoughts on the meaning, and discussing how we are to apply God’s word to our life today. We’ll save a seat for you 9:30 Alleluia Gathering Christian Education for adults The group, led by Charlotte Summer, is engaged in a series of discussions giving a practical application of Scripture to daily life. Each week will be a self-contained conversation about selected Bible passages. The class concludes in plenty of time to worship (e.g. choir). 10:45 Worship Service in the Sanctuary, includes a congregational singing through prayer, praise and sermon message. June – Aug service is at 10:15 am. Sept – May service is at 10:45 am 10:45 am Faith Walkers Class (Grades 4-6) will meet during Sunday worship, leaving for their classroom after the praise songs On Communion Sundays, they will remain in worship. Join us for refreshments after the service, in the dining room 4:00 pm Adult Seekers Christian Education Class The class format and topic discussed change according to the wishes of the group. The topic may be the message given by Pastor Bryan at that morning’s worship services, a special book or a seasonal study. The sacrament of Holy Communion is offered during worship on the first Sunday of each month. In the United Methodist Church, the Lord’s Table is open to all. Parking and Accessibility We are a fully accessible building. We have canes and a wheelchair available. We also have an elevator and an electric chairlift. There are reserved areas for loading and unloading passengers. We have limited street parking, but there are two banks across the street from us and you are more than welcome to park in either of their lots. Rehearsal Schedules Monday Choir Rehearsals (Sept-May) Double Trio (1st and 4th Sundays after worship) Wednesday Choir Rehearsals (Sept - May) 6:50 pm: Chancel Choir 7:45: pm: Bell Choir As our church family grows, we’re not always aware of the musical gifts in our congregation. If you enjoy singing or playing bells, please see the following ladies: Monica Rhude Tami Chamberlain Groups & Meetings FUMC has a number of small study and fellowship groups. The church is also a meeting site for several community groups. Sunday Youth Meetings First and Third Sundays at 6:30 pm NA Meeting 7:00 pm Meets in the Dining Room Franklin Aggies 4 H Group Contact the church office for date and times Monday Women's Circle 6:30 pm 2nd Monday Meets Monthly Sept. – May Contact the church office for location Tuesday Ladies Walking in Fellowship 6:30-7:30 pm Meets weekly in the Fellowship hall Grief Support Group 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 3:00 pm Led by Evelyn Morris Wednesday Thursday Friday Franklin-Carlisle Rotary 12:10pm Meets weekly in the Fellowship Hall NA Meeting 7:00 pm Meets weekly in the Dining Room Saturday Men’s Group Third Saturday of each month at 9:00 am. This is a breakfast meeting held in our Church Dining Room. Sowing Seeds of Ministry Opportunities to Serve in the Church! Nursery: If you know families with young children who are hesitant about attending services, please let them know that we have nursery available every Sunday. Kroger Community Rewards Program. Kroger shoppers, have you enrolled in the Community Rewards program? Sign up online and designate our church as beneficiary so that a portion of your purchase is donated back to our church. All you have to do is shop and swipe your rewards card! If you're already enrolled, you must re-enroll each year. Our church's number is 84747. Reminder! Any time you are using the church for an activity, please remember to double check before you leave to make sure all the doors are securely locked, lights are all off and the coffee pots are turned off. Thanks! We Share: If you're unable to attend church, you may give your tithes and offerings on line via We Share. We Share can be used for recurring OR one-time offerings. No envelope, no stamp, no hassle, no worries! See the link on our webpage. If you have questions about how to use We Share, please see Tami Chamberlain Franklin First Family Dear Friends, I want to thank you for the wonderful send off you gave me on my last Sunday. The certificate, picture and special spoon trophy will always remind me of the time spent with you in worship and service. The years at Franklin First have been a joy in my life journey. Brenda and I came to the Church in 1988 and made it our Church home. I can’t thank you enough for accepting us into your midst and making us part of your families. It is not easy leaving this loving place. I just feel it’s time as I go into the final chapters of my life journey to travel and explore a new area of the country and spend more time with my children and grandchildren. Hope to visit in the future. Love, Carl Mitchell Mark Your Calendars Every Monday 4:30-6:00 pm Community Dinner Every Tuesday 6:30 – 7:30 pm Women’s Walking in Faith Exercise Fellowship to everyone that helped with the Spring Salad Luncheon. We made $1200 including the Historical Dinner and lunch May 4th Women’s Circle Meeting at Sammy’s El Pueblo in Springboro at 6:30 pm May 11th Mother/Child Banquet 6 pm I truly don't know how to express fully my appreciation and gratitude for all your efforts to provide the delicious meals, setup and rearrange for tables, providing the A/V support, music, and the printed materials, etc. for our meeting. May 16th Men Group Meeting: 9:00 am this is a breakfast meeting. Please RSVP by 5/13 Teresa or John Lass. I have heard only positive comments from the attendees. I believe this was a very successful meeting for everyone. I'm certain our guests will fondly remember their experiences at Franklin First UMC. It is all due to your contributions. Again, many thanks. Bob Bowman UMHSO Past President Music Sunday, May 17: Join us for our special music presentation honoring God and Country! We'll be honoring members of the Armed Services and veterans at the service, with a small reception to follow. Music by the Chancel Choir, Aspenleiter Bell Choir, One Voice Double Trio, piano, organ, and more. All veterans and active armed services are invited to celebrate our freedom! Graduation Sunday: May 31. It's time to honor our graduates! Please let the office know of church family members who are graduating from high school, college, grad school, or other programs. Celebrating Our Church Family Anniversary May 22 Rick & Tami Chamberlain Birthdays 1 Jessica Lucas 8 Bailey Alexander Robison 9 Pam Trout 10 Sherrie Myers 11 Jenny Chamberlain 15 Charlotte Summer 18 Steve Robison 20 Mark Johnson 27 Pam Bishop 31 JoAnn Achtermann Potato Casserole Jackie Messmore 2 lbs frozen hash browns ¼ c margarine, melted 1 tsp salt ½ tsp pepper 2 cans soup (cream of mushroom or chicken) 1 pt sour cream ½ c onion chopped 10 or 12 oz cheddar cheese Topping: 2 c cornflakes, crushed 1/4 c margarine, melted Thaw potatoes. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Mix and put in casserole dish. Sprinkle on topping. Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees. Power Walking Class. The Tuesday night exercise class is a power walking class that follows a Jessica Smith DVD. Anyone, no matter what your fitness level is, can do it. This class should provide a good balance of increasing your activity level while enjoying the company of a fun group of gals. Our outreach project through the end of May is Imagine No Malaria We’re collecting change each week in response to our blessings. The class is Tuesday nights, 6:30 to 7:15ish. Sorry guys, this is a ladies-only class. If you need more information please see Mary Lauzau. Public welcome! Pam has been singing in the choirs at our church since she was 4 years old. She has helped with our Nursery and taught Sunday school. She has also been our youth group leader, helped with Bible school and helped serve the Lions Club dinners. Pam has also helped with the assembly of our Salvation Army Christmas Food Boxes. She has been on a number of committees for our church and a representative for our Annual Church Conference. Kaylee, who is currently in high school, has been singing in our choirs, played in our childrens bell choir and helped with the Nursery. Kaylee has also helped with the assembly of our Salvation Army Christmas Food Boxes. During the summer, she helps with the Rotary dinners. Kaylee has also been our liturgist. As you can see, this group of women has been an important part in our church family. It all started with Sarah teaching Pam to give to the cause of Christ and now Pam passing this down to Kaylee. A mother’s wisdom is carried on through their children and also their love of Christ. Thank you Sarah, Pam and Kaylee for your faithfulness to our church and continued love for this church family. We appreciate all that you have done and continue to do. Thumbs Up Every month, we will give thumbs up to special groups or people of the congregation that have served our community or just to let someone know that they are appreciated. This Month, we are recognizing: Sarah Marie Myers, Pam Bishop and Kaylee Bishop. Three generations When you are listening to our Chancel Choir sing, you are looking at three generations of women in this choir. Sarah Myers, Pam Bishop and Kaylee Bishop. Sarah has been a member of our church, along with her husband, Jerry since 1969. Their daughter, Pam has been a member of our church since 1978 and their Grandaughter, Kaylee has been attending our church since 2000. Sarah has been active in our church for many years. She helped in preparing meals for the Lions Club for 20 years when they had their meetings here. She also helped in preparing the meals for the Rotary Group for their Friday Meetings. She has helped with the youth when her children were active and also assisted Nell Dicken with Bible School. Sarah has been singing in our chancel choir in the front row for over 20 years. So then next time you see the chancel choir singing, look at these women and say a special thank you to them in your heart! A child dies every minute from malaria. Most of us will never have the hands-on experience of saving the life of a child. We’ll never perform CPR, do the Heimlich maneuver, or save a child from drowning. We won’t appear on TV, or in the newspaper, for a heroic life-saving deed. In 2014, malaria claimed the lives of 453,000 children - 90% of those in Africa. That’s 1,300 kids who lose their lives to a mosquito bite every day. No one should die because of a mosquito bite. What we can do, and what we are called to do as Christians, is simply this: “do something.” So let’s do just that! Let’s save our quarters, fill our containers, and show the world around us that we care; that children dying because of a mosquito bite do matter. We have empty containers available for anyone who wants one. Each container when full holds exactly $10 in quarters – the amount needed for one bed net. This net will provide a mosquito barrier and save lives. We’re collecting quarters now through May 24th. Full containers may be brought in and deposited in the designated area in the sanctuary. Please sign the “I Helped Save a Life” card at that time. Then take another container. On May 24th the containers and cards will be blessed. All the containers and cards will be taken to Annual Conference in June. Let’s not be content as a congregation to collect only what our church can do. There are people in our community who will help if given the opportunity. That was my ah-ha moment. I asked the pharmacy manager at CVS if he would donate some containers. He was very open to my request and I returned to the store to pick them up the next day. He then asked if I’d bring in one of the official mosquito topped containers because some of the employees said that they’d like to participate. So here’s our challenge. The original goal was $500. Let’s set a new goal of 200 containers, that’s $2,000. We give a container to at least one friend or family member. We get these in the hands of our community. Give them to leaders, business owners, groups, and clubs we belong to. If we get the containers out there, God will do the rest. If you’d like to have a more active role in this project, to help get the word out and distribute the containers, please see Charlotte Summer or Mary Lauzau. With God’s help, we can do this! Franklin First UMC 2015 Organization for Ministry Church Council Co-Chairs Dick and LeeAnn Lee 937-748-3402 Secretary Kay Marksberry 513-465-5311 Lay Leader Charlotte Summer 937-746-1935 Lay Member of Annual Conference Kim Chewning 937-232-8754 Annual Conference Mission Partnership Rep. Mike Smith 937-470-6804 Treasurer Tami Chamberlain 937-746-8051 Committee/Ministry Team Representatives: Staff-Parish Relations Committee TBD Finance Committee Ken Smith 937-748-1484 Trustees Jim Martin 937-790-0698 Worship Ministry Team Kathy Martin Ministry Leadership Team Representative * Communications Coordinator Peggy Darragh-Jeromos 937-746-6295 Church Historian Robert Bowman 937-903-4350 Pastor Bryan Lauzau 937-746-5562 *Participation in Church Council rotates quarterly among Ministry Leadership Team members Ministry Leadership Team (Also serves as the Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development) Chairperson: Bryan Lauzau (Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development) Lay Leader: Charlotte Summer 937-746-1935 Brian Graves; Linda Smith; Peggy Darragh-Jeromos Tami Chamberlain; Kim Chewning; Mary Lauzau Staff-Parish Relations Committee (Area Code 937 unless otherwise noted) Chairperson: TBD Lay Leader: Charlotte Summer Lay Member of Annual Conference: Kim Chewning (232-8754) Julie Abell (321-6600); Patti Noland (746-9253); Gene Howe (748-0989) Jack Mokry (746-0420); Sally Fitzgerald (746-8479); Jessica Lucas (321-6683) Cheryl Cyphers (743-1134) Trustees Chairperson: Jim Martin John Lass; Jim Martin; Trisha Dicken Jerry Rhude Finance Committee Chairperson Ken Smith Treasurer Tami Chamberlain Financial Secretary Brian Graves Church Council Chairperson Dick Lee; LeeAnn Lee (Co-chairs) Trustees Representative Jim Martin Staff-Parish Representative TBD Lay Leader Charlotte Summer Lay Member of Annual Conference Kim Chewning Pastor Bryan Lauzau Worship Ministry Team Choir Director Monica Rhude Bell Choir Tami Chamberlain Altar Design Kathy Martin Technical Support Trisha Dicken Lay Leader Charlotte Summer MLT Representative Mary Lauzau Pastor Bryan Lauzau
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