GRAND LODGE FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF WASHINGTON DAVID P. OWEN Grand Secretary 4970 Bridgeport Way W. University Place, WA 98467 253-625-7891 or 800-628-4732 FAX 253-625-7896 March 31, 2015 To the Officers and Members of the Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. of Washington Dear Brethren: As provided in the Washington Masonic Code, this Booklet contains the following information regarding business to be conducted at the 158th Annual Communication to be held in Kennewick, Washington, June 12 & 13, 2015. 1. Resolutions. Resolutions received in accordance with W.M.C. 5.06 B.L. were referred to the Code Commission and then to the appropriate Standing Committees, whose reports, received by press time concerning the same, are appended thereto. Some final reports regarding some Resolutions will be made at the Annual Communication by the appropriate Standing Committee. 2. Grand Lodge General Fund Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 is included. 3. Washington Masonic Charities Budget Adopted for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 is included. 4. Statements of Availability. As provided by W.M.C., Sec. 2.04 B.L., those members of Grand Lodge who have indicated their availability to serve as Junior Grand Warden or Grand Secretary. 5. Statements of Availability. As provided by W.M.C., Sec. 10.02 B.L., those members of Grand Lodge who have indicated their availability to serve as Trustee on the Washington Masonic Charities Board. 6. Statements of Availability. As provided by W.M.C., Sec. 8.30 B.L., those members of Grand Lodge who have indicated their availability to serve as Trustee on the Washington Masonic Grand Lodge Building Association. Fraternally, DAVID P. OWEN RESOLUTION NUMBER TO AMEND SECTION SUBJECT VOTE REQUIRED PAGE 2014-4 Carry Over Standard Work and Freemasons Guide To Amend the Standard Work Freemasons Guide pages 1-3, 2-3 and 3-3 2/3 11 2015-1 Sec. 20.10 B.L. Wearing of Masonic Jewelry 12 2015-2 Sec. 15.11 B.L. To provide more flexibility to a Lodge in this Jurisdiction in the use of the various materials and types of Aprons and Collars that may be used. Out of Order 3/4 2015-3 Standard Work and Freemasons Guide To bring the terminology of the Standard Work and Freemasons Guide in line with the duties of the Junior Warden, pages 1-8, 2-8 and 3-8. Labor to Refreshment. 90% 14 2015-4 Sec. 2.01 Const., Sec. 2.03 Const., Sec. 3.05 Const., and Sec. 8.09 B.L. To separate the secretarial and financial responsibilities of the Grand Lodge into the offices of Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer. 90% 15 2015-5 Sec. 15.20 B.L. To require the Treasurer to provide copies of statements of accounts (i.e., Bank statements, Broker statements and investment statements) and IRS Form 990 filing to elected Lodge Officers for transparency. 3/4 18 2015-6 Sec. 7.13 B.L. and Sec. 18.11 B.L. To provide a way for the Grand Lodge of Washington to provide scholarships for Masons. 3/4 19 2015-7 Sec. 7.03 B.L. To exempt all fifty-year Life Members from being included in Grand Lodge assessments to the Lodges. 3/4 21 2015-8 Sec. 15.11 B.L. To amend apron requirements within the Grand Jurisdiction of Washington for Lodge Officers, Past Masters and Members aprons. 3/4 22 2015-9 Sec. 5.18 B.L. and Sec. 9.05 B.L. To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No.1, to clarify the impact of a Grand Master’s Edict. 3/4 23 2015-10 Standard Work and Freemasons Guide To implement Grand Master's Recommendation No. 2, to make the Flag Ceremony a mandatory part of the opening and closing in each of the Degrees. 90% 24 2015-11 Sec. 8.01 B.L., Sec. 8.05 B.L., Sec. 8.14 B.L., Sec. 8.22 B.L., Sec. 8.23 B.L. and Sec. 10.01 B.L. To implement Grand Master's Recommendation No. 3, to move certain Standing Committees from Chapter 8 of the Washington Masonic Code to Chapter 10 of the Washington Masonic Code. 3/4 26 2 13 2015-12 Sec. 27.04 B.L., Sec. 27.05 B.L. and Sec. 27.06 B.L. To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 4, to clarify when a summons is to be used for a Masonic trial. 3/4 28 2015-13 Sec. 28.04 B.L. and Sec. 29.07 B.L. To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 5, to specify the time required for due and timely notice of hearing. 3/4 29 2015-14 Sec. 3.05 Const. and add Appendix K To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 6, to have a list of Grand Lodge Forms included in an appendix. 90% 30 2015-15 Sec. 7.17 B.L. To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 7, to amend the purpose for the Capital Fund. 3/4 32 2015-16 Sec. 7.03 B.L. and Sec. 11.06 B.L. To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 8, to amend and add Directors and Officers insurance coverage for Lodges. 3/4 33 2015-17 Sec. 5.07 To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 9, to allow the use of electronic balloting for both Resolutions and the election of Grand Lodge Officers. 3/4 34 3 FINANCIAL Proposed Budget – Expenses 5 Proposed Budget – Income 8 Washington Masonic Charities - Proposed Budget 9 STATEMENTS OF AVAILABILITY Junior Grand Warden James H. Kendall 35 Paul G. Waadevig 36 Charles E. Wood 37 Grand Secretary David P. Owen 38 Trustee, Washington Masonic Charities Larry D. Foley 39 Dean W. Heinemann 40 Bruce E. Vesper 41 Trustee, Washington Masonic Grand Lodge Building Association Clinton M. Brown Jr. 42 Matthew D. Rutledge 43 4 PROPOSED GENERAL FUND OPERATIONS BUDGET Current Budget (as passed) 2014-15 Next Year Don Munks FYE 04.30.16 26,100.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 766.44 900.00 1,100.00 DGM's Expense Reimbursement 14,866.67 16,000.00 16,000.00 SGW's Expense Reimbursement 7,750.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 JGW's Expense Reimbursement Grand Secretary's Expense Reimbursement 7,750.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 Conference Expense Reimbursement 6,792.40 7,500.00 8,000.00 Appointed GL Officer Travel Expenses 7,133.23 9,200.00 9,200.00 12,714.32 17,400.00 17,400.00 90,873.05 102,000.00 102,700.00 1,758.94 3,000.00 1,500.00 40,998.40 42,000.00 41,000.00 657.29 1,000.00 2,000.00 43,414.64 46,000.00 44,500.00 24,680.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 Awards & Recognitions 1,463.67 1,700.00 2,200.00 Computer Expense - Upgrades 2,935.87 4,000.00 3,000.00 Copier Lease 8,044.69 8,500.00 9,000.00 Database Annual Fee 4,277.33 5,000.00 5,000.00 Depreciation Expense 8,196.59 8,000.00 8,000.00 266.67 300.00 300.00 50.00 50.00 GRAND LODGE BUDGET GRAND LODGE OFFICERS: Grand Master's Expense Reimbursement Past 3 Years Average Grand Master's Regalia District Deputy Travel Expenses GRAND LODGE OPERATIONS: Annual Communication: Arrangements Expense Sessions Expense Session Equipment Replace/Repair Grand Lodge Office Operations: Auditing Expense Dues & Fees: Conference Of GM/GS Fraternal Recognition 5 GRAND LODGE BUDGET Past 3 Years Average Current Budget (as passed) Next Year Munks Masonic Service Assoc. 971.76 1,000.00 900.00 Masonic Relief Assn. US & CA 177.99 200.00 200.00 Equipment Maintenance 607.86 1,500.00 1,500.00 Equipment Replacement 2,050.45 2,500.00 2,500.00 Grand Lodge Regalia Replacement Insurance: 3,382.22 5,000.00 4,000.00 33,813.00 38,000.00 39,000.00 2,796.00 3,000.00 5,400.00 1,414.06 2,400.00 1,600.00 18,061.72 25,000.00 25,000.00 876.81 1,000.00 - 7,859.68 9,500.00 8,500.00 Portfolio Manager (N. R. Shaw) 68,623.00 70,000.00 80,000.00 Postage 12,077.23 16,000.00 16,000.00 Print & Distribute Code Changes 1,299.81 1,800.00 1,500.00 Printing - Forms 1,023.42 2,000.00 1,000.00 53,910.29 60,000.00 60,000.00 589.55 1,500.00 1,500.00 Telephone 5,702.98 6,000.00 6,500.00 Print/Distribute Proceedings 2,316.99 3,000.00 2,000.00 267,419.66 304,950.00 312,650.00 Grand Secretary's Salary 56,666.53 59,516.49 60,111.65 Assistant Grand Secretary's Salary 17,515.04 18,396.01 18,579.97 134,360.96 156,471.92 169,229.44 4,996.08 6,100.92 7,006.25 15,987.90 17,930.41 18,965.96 State Industrial Insurance (L&I) 1,691.64 2,069.50 2,181.71 Pension, 401K ER-Matching 6,421.47 7,031.53 8,778.63 Lodge Liability Deputies & Officers Internet Legal Fees Legal Masonic Trial Office Supplies Rent/Lease Taxes/ Insurance Salaries and Related Expenses: Office Staff Salaries Unemployment Compensation (SUTA/FUTA) FICA Contribution 6 GRAND LODGE BUDGET Pension, 401K ER-Admin Expense Medical Insurance Reimbursement Contract/Wages/Services/Staff Training GRAND LODGE COMMITTEES: Committee Expense Reimbursement Subtotal without GL Programs Past 3 Years Average Current Budget (as passed) Next Year Munks 2,908.83 3,000.00 3,000.00 27,648.61 38,400.00 44,700.00 7,583.48 275,780.54 11,000.00 319,916.78 13,000.00 345,553.61 1,296.60 5,000.00 10,000.00 1,296.60 5,000.00 10,000.00 678,784.49 777,866.78 815,403.61 500.00 500.00 500.00 14,039.67 13,200.00 12,800.00 GRAND LODGE PROGRAMS: Educator Award/Public Schools George Washington Masonic Memorial Grand Master’s Pin $5,000 GL Officer Training 455.97 1,500.00 3,000.00 14,514.67 13,200.00 5,000.00 Masonic Tribune Publication 7,618.28 7,500.00 8,000.00 Secretary Handbook/Training 1,265.60 2,000.00 3,000.00 VA Hospital Visitation 1,333.33 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,864.38 43,591.90 2,000.00 41,400.00 2,000.00 40,800.00 722,376.39 819,266.78 856,203.61 Masonic Public Relations Website Re-Do GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL BUDGET: Technology 11,000.00 Capital Fund - 30,000.00 30,000.00 Apron Mausoleum - 50,000.00 - Home Endowment Fund-Loan - 54,000.00 54,000.00 7 INCOME Income Current Management Fee Life Membership Management Fee GL Fees to Lodges Petitioners for Degrees FYE 2015 Estimated Final 404,450.00 401,204.00 FYE 2016 Income 431,160.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 282,750.00 266,794.00 304,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 7,900.00 Petitioners for Affiliation 700.00 700.00 600.00 Interest Corporate Bonds 9,000.00 5,800.00 5,800.00 Dividends Common / Preferred Stocks 15,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 Sale of Supplies / Postage 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 General Fund Endowment George Washington Memorial Cell Tower Leases Annual Communication Registration 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 13,200.00 13,200.00 12,800.00 8,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 10,000.00 10,060.00 10,000.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 804,300.00 789,858.00 856,360.00 VISA Total Income 8 WASHINGTON MASONIC CHARITIES - Combined Budget Summary DRAFT Budget 2015-16 Revenue Contributions 39,000 Foundation Grants 2,500 Morgan Stanley Investment Income - Outreach 7,500 UBS Investment Income - Library & Museum 5,000 Trusts/Home Fund (Irvine, Gehr, Anderson (s), Anderson S/D) Misc Income A 415,000 - Library Income - Books 1,246 Outreach Services - G.L.Case Management Rev 50,000 Outreach Services - G.L. Reimb Exp Rev 2,500 Scholarship Fund Raised/Donation Appropriated from Grand Lodge Total Program Revenue - B 510,811 C 1,033,557 Program Expenses Advertising /Printing Expense 21,400 Copier Lease 10,000 Depreciation Expense 9,000 Employee Education 3,500 Equipment Maint/Repair/ Replacement 4,000 Insurance Prop/Liab/D&O 8,000 IT Support Expense 4,000 Legal Fees 5,000 License, Dues, Fees 12,998 Office Supplies/Furniture Expense 11,675 Payroll, Taxes, Benefits (84% Masonic Outreach Services Program & Case Management) 579,616 Postage Expense 11,500 Professional Services/Audit Expenses 51,000 Program - Bikes 4 Books Expense (thru 4/30/2015) Program - Charity Expense 9 D - E 21,000 F Program - Childrens Programs (MMSAP/Safe Schools/CHIPS/Bikes4Books 2015-16) 45,500 H - H Program - G.L. MRC for Services Rendered (Outreach) (2014-15) Program - Library & Museum Expenses Program - Outreach Program/Housing/Skilled Care Expense 7,250 I 100,000 J Program - Scholarship Program Expense 25,000 Rent 60,000 K 5,400 L Telephone/Internet Travel, Meeting, Mileage Expense 25,075 Trustee Expense M 1,000 Vehicle Expense (Fuel, Lease, Maint) 10,650 Total Program Expenses 1,032,564 Combined Net Revenue Less Expense N 993 A - Combined, all programs B - Included in line 1 contributions (2015-16) C - Includes new request for support for senior housing/skilled care financial assistance D - 84% payroll supports Masonic Outreach Services E - 2015-16 folded into Children's Program expense F - Includes Civility Project Contribution G - In addition to program expense, includes contribution to MASONICHIP & NMCF H- Redistributed through MOS staffing & housing/care support in 2015-16 I - Non-operating expenses (office supplies, license, dues, etc in other lines) J - New MOS program service - add funds to assist seniors bridge fund skilled care, assisted living, etc K - Allocated between Admin & MOS, when Library has revenue, then will allocate accordingly. L - IP phone system & internet access state-wide. M - Meetings, conferences, information gathering and state-wide program/info gathering/presentation travel combined Admin & MOS. N - 68% total expenses support Masonic Outreach Services 10 Carry Over Resolution 2014-4 To Amend the Standard Work Freemason’s Guide pages 1-3, 2-3 and 3-3 Statement of Purpose: To allow the nondenominational term, Volume Of Sacred Law (VOSL), to be used during references to the Holy Bible, contained in the Standard Work and Freemasons Guide, at the Master’s discretion. Resolution: To allow the use of the term Volume Of Sacred Law (VOSL) during special and Stated Communications, at the discretion of the Worshipful Master. Whereas: Masonry allows the use of sacred texts other than the Holy Bible, and Whereas: The Lodge Officers Handbook describes these sacred books as “Volumes Of Sacred Law” (VOSL), and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that the term ‘Volume Of Sacred Law’ (VOSL) be added to the Standard Work and the Freemason’s Guide on pages 1-3, 2-3, 3-3, after the Contents with the following explanation: Contents pages 1-3, 2-3, 3-3 Volume Of Sacred Law (VOSL). This term can be used in place of the words ‘Holy Bible’ by a Lodge at the Worshipful Master’s option, during Stated or Special Communications. Respectfully Submitted, Daylight Lodge, No. 232 Sam Ali, Worshipful Master Coe Tug Morgan, Secretary Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a carryover Constitutional amendment it requires a 2/3 vote for adoption. 11 Resolution 2015-1 To Amend Sec. 20.10 B.L. Current references: None referenced: Possibly inserted into Sec. 20.10 BL At the present the Washington Masonic code does not reference the wearing of jewelry by Enter apprentice or Fellowcraft even the Master mason before proving his proficiency. The lodge hand book only reference is at the end of each degree the candidate is briefed about the wearing of Masonic jewelry it does not say he can or cannot wear such items. We realize this subject could be a bylaw item but feel it is important enough to be a Washington Masonic code change. Proposed change to the Washington Masonic code would include the following. No entered apprentice will be allowed to wear any type of Masonic jewelry. Fellow craft will not be allowed to wear any type of Masonic jewelry. A newly raised master mason will not be allowed to wear any Masonic jewelry until he has completed his proficiency exam at a stated meeting. A newly raised master mason will not sign the lodge by laws until proficiency has been completed. Supporting document; Note: Five states that their Grand Lodge has adopted such requirements For wearing of Masonic jewelry include: Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico The wearing of Masonic jewelry is not a right but a privilege and must be earned. By completing the proficiency before the lodge members the new master mason has shown his desire to complete the ritual which all master masons have done before him. By not being allowed to sign the lodge by laws would mean that the dues would not be paid which would put the responsibility on the lodge to encourage the member to prove up. Possible solution: Maybe an enter apprentice pin could be designed along with a fellow craft pin and upon completion of proficiency a certificate could be awarded to the new master mason. Respectfully Submitted, Kettle Falls Lodge, No. 130 Stephen King, Worshipful Master Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence: This Resolution is not in the proper format and is not ready for consideration by the Grand Lodge. It is declared out of order. 12 Resolution 2015-2 To Amend Sec. 15.11 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To provide more flexibility to a Lodge in this Jurisdiction in the use of the various materials and types of Aprons and Collars that may be used. Resolution: To provide guidance for Lodges to determine the appropriateness of the aprons, jewels, badges and implements of office authorized for use in the Grand Jurisdiction of Washington. Whereas: Some Lodges within the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington have in good faith used historic aprons, jewels, badges and implements of office, and Whereas: Many of these items have historic value to the specific Lodges, and Whereas: These items have been in use by some Lodges for years, if not decades, without intent of noncompliance to the Grand Lodge or the W.M.C., and Whereas: The WMC currently uses words commonly known in the English language to be optional in nature, such as "may " or "should", and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that Sec. 15.11 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.11 B.L. Jewels and Aprons. The jewels of Lodge Officers shall be of silver or of white metal, to be worn as a badge on the left breast or suspended from a blue velvet collar, or satin collar, or blue cord, which may be trimmed appropriately with silver lace and silver thread emblem(.), or with silver or white metal chain collar on blue velvet or satin backing. The jewels of a Past Master and of the officers of a Lodge are: No changes until the last paragraph of this section. The officers' aprons shall be white and should be of lambskin, or simulated lambskin, approximately fifteen inches wide and thirteen inches deep, of a rectangular shape, and may have a (sky-) blue lining and edging, with the respective emblems thereon. The aprons may also be adorned with the Lodge number, " all seeing eye", or other appropriate Masonic emblem. Adornments to the aprons should be of a matching color to the edging, but may include silver or gold highlights. Past Master aprons should conform to the qualities of the Officers' aprons, but with additional latitude to adornment as approved by the Grand Master, and color (to exclude purple). Respectfully Submitted, Temple Lodge, No. 42 Michael Mercer, Worshipful Master Robert Heinemann, Secretary Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. 13 Resolution 2015-3 To Amend the Standard Work and Freemasons Guide, Labor to Refreshment Statement of Purpose: To bring the terminology of the Standard Work and Freemasons Guide in line with the duties of the Junior Warden, pages 1-8, 2-8 and 3-8. Resolution: To define the duties of the Junior Warden, pages 1-8, 2-8 and 3-8. Whereas: The duties of the Junior Warden are to call the Craft from Labor to Refreshment, and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved: that the Standard Work and Freemasons Guide, pages 1-8, 2-8 and 3-8 be amended to read as follows: LABOR TO REFRESHMENT WM*--BJW, wt is t hr? JW --Hi Twv, WM. WM-- It bng hi tv, cl t cf fm L. to R unt t sd o t gv i t E. JW***--Bn, i i t o o th WM i t E tt ts L b nw cld fm L t R unt t sd o t gv i t E. Of ts tk d ntc an gv ysvsd acy. L T T E. WM--I dcl ts L at R. BJD, inf t T. BSD cl t G Ls. JD***--(T***) BT, t L is at R. Y W T A. (to WM) T D I P, WM. SD--T D I P, WM. (WM--*) JW* Respectfully Submitted, Parkland-Lakewood Lodge, No. 299 Thomas Dow, Worshipful Master Daryl McLaughlin, Secretary Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a Constitutional Amendment, it requires a 90% affirmative vote for adoption. 14 Resolution 2015-4 To Amend Sec. 2.01 Const., Sec. 2.03 Const., Sec. 3.05 Const., and Sec. 8.09 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To separate the secretarial and financial responsibilities of the Grand Lodge into the offices of Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer. Resolution: To re-establish the position of Grand Treasurer, whose position was stricken from the Washington Masonic Code in 1920. Whereas: At the 1920 Annual Communication, the Grand Lodge acted accordingly: “Grand Treasurer: duties stricken, 1920. Due to the services rendered by banks serving as depositaries, the present day trend is to save the expense attendant to the office of Grand Treasurer.” (Grand Lodge Proceedings 1920 Pg. 95). The Funds of Grand Lodge were ordered to be placed in a Depository designated by the Committee on Finance and approved by the Grand Master.” (Grand Lodge Proceedings 1920 Pg. 109), and Whereas: Currently the Grand Lodge Secretary handles the financial operations of Grand Lodge along with the Grand Lodge Secretarial functions, and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that Sec. 2.01 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 2.01 Const. List and Title. The officers of the Grand Lodge shall be as follows: ELECTIVE (1.) A. Grand Master (2.) B. Deputy Grand Master (3.) C. Senior Grand Warden (4.) D. Junior Grand Warden (5.) E. (Grand Secretary) Grand Treasurer F. Grand Secretary Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 2.03 Const. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 2.03 Const. Eligibility. Any member of Grand Lodge who has been installed Master of a Lodge of Masons shall be eligible for any office in the Grand Lodge. Any member of a Lodge of this Jurisdiction shall be eligible for appointment as Grand Chaplain, Grand Musician or Grand Tyler. Minimum Qualifications for Grand Treasurer shall be a bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance and five years of practical business experience. Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 3.05 Const. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 3.05 Const. (Grand Secretary's Duties. The Grand Secretary shall: A. Record all Proceedings of the Grand Lodge proper to be written, B. Register all initiates and members of Lodges in this Jurisdiction reported to him on the Lodge returns, C. Receive, file, and keep all papers and documents of the Grand Lodge committed to his custody, D. Prepare, sign, and certify all dispensations, Charters, and other instruments issuing from the Grand Lodge and affix its seal thereto when required, E. Receive all monies of the Grand Lodge, keep a proper account of the same, and pay them over promptly to the depositories selected by the Grand Master and the Committee on Finance, F. Submit a financial report annually to the Grand Lodge, including operating statements of the various Grand Lodge funds, all prepared in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles and procedures, G. Report annually to the Grand Lodge those Lodges that have failed to render proper returns of their elections, members, and dues and such general facts regarding the financial and 15 membership condition of the Lodges as may be proper for the information or action of the Grand Lodge, H. Conduct the correspondence of the Grand Lodge under the direction of the Grand Master, I. Attend, with the necessary books and papers under his control, all communications of the Grand Lodge and, when required, attend upon the Grand Master on Masonic business, J. Supervise all printing ordered during the Annual Communication, and cause to be produced and distributed, after approval by the Grand Master, the Proceedings and such reports and documents as may be required, K. Arrange promptly for the printing and distribution of sufficient copies of all Code changes after approval of Grand Lodge and codification by the Code Commission, L. Examine the returns made by the Lodges for the preceding year and see that errors and irregularities are corrected. Tabulate the Master Masons, Fellowcrafts, and Entered Apprentices reported, the number admitted, initiated, passed, raised, reinstated, dimitted, dropped, suspended, expelled, deceased, and rejected; the net increase and decrease of membership in each Lodge for the year; the amount of dues paid and the amount due to the Grand Lodge, M. Obtain the blank forms required for Grand Lodge use, and provide to the Lodges, at Grand Lodge expense, the forms to be used by the Lodges in transmitting returns and other reports required by the Grand Lodge, N. Make, and retain in his office, duplicates of all Lodge Charters, O. Appoint and be responsible for the official acts of an Assistant Grand Secretary who must be a member in good standing and a Past Master of a Lodge in this Jurisdiction, and who will, in the absence, disability, or illness of the Grand Secretary, perform the duties of that office under the direction of the Grand Master, P. Be placed under surety bond, along with the Assistant Grand Secretary in like amount, at Grand Lodge expense. The limits of bonding to be determined by the Grand Master and approved by the Committee on Finance, Q. Appoint such assistants as he may require, R. Print and mail to the Constituent Lodges, prior to April 1, a budget of estimated income and expenditures for the General Fund and Washington Masonic Charities for the ensuing year and; Review, update and maintain as necessary the Grand Lodge Forms and report at the Annual Communication as to the status of the Grand Lodge Forms.) Sec. 3.05 Const. Grand Treasurer’s Duties. The Grand Treasurer shall: A. Receive, file, and keep all papers and documents of the Grand Lodge committed to his custody, B. Receive all monies of the Grand Lodge, keep a proper account of the same, and pay them over promptly to the depositories selected by the Grand Master and the Committee on Finance, C. Submit a financial report annually to the Grand Lodge, including operating statements of the various Grand Lodge funds, all prepared in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles and procedures, D. Report annually to the Grand Lodge those Lodges that have failed to render proper returns of their elections, members, and dues and such general facts regarding the financial and membership condition of the Lodges as may be proper for the information or action of the Grand Lodge, E. Be placed under surety bond, along with the Assistant Grand Secretary (if such position is maintained) in like amount, at Grand Lodge expense. The limits of bonding to be determined by the Grand Master and approved by the Committee on Finance, F. Print and mail to the Constituent Lodges, prior to April 1, a budget of estimated income and expenditures for the General Fund and Washington Masonic Charities for the ensuing year. (Code Commission to re-number as necessary) Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 3.05 Const. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 3.0(5) 6 Const. Grand Secretary's Duties. The Grand Secretary shall: A. through D. (No Change) 16 E. Receive all monies of the Grand Lodge (taking his receipt therefore. keep a proper account of the same, and pay them over promptly to the depositories selected by the Grand Master and the Committee on Finance,) pay them over to the Grand Treasurer, F. Submit a financial report annually to the Grand Lodge, including operating statements of the various Grand Lodge funds, all prepared in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles and procedures, G. Report annually to the Grand Lodge those Lodges that have failed to render proper returns of their elections, members, and dues and such general facts regarding the financial and membership condition of the Lodges as may be proper for the information or action of the Grand Lodge, H. through O (No Change) P. Be placed under surety bond, along with the Assistant Grand Secretary in like amount, at Grand Lodge expense. The limits of bonding to be determined by the Grand Master and approved by the Committee on Finance, Q. (No Change) R. Print and mail to the Constituent Lodges, prior to April 1, a budget of estimated income and expenditures for the General Fund and Washington Masonic Charities for the ensuing year. and; S. (No Change) (Code Commission to re-number and re-letter as necessary) Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 8.09 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 8.09 B.L. Finance. The Committee shall: A. (No Change) B. Examine and compare the books, papers, vouchers and accounts of the (Grand Master and the Grand Secretary) Grand Master, Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, and make detailed reports thereon and submit the same to the Grand Lodge before the close of each Annual Communication; and report the financial condition of the Grand Lodge, C. through I. (No Change) Respectfully Submitted, Chehalis Lodge, No. 28 Charles Wood, Worshipful Master Larry Wilkinson, Secretary Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a Constitutional Amendment, it requires a 90% affirmative vote for adoption. Report of the Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred this Resolution finds that adding a Grand Treasurer would increase the Salaries and Related Expenses of the Grand Lodge Budget. In particular, this new position would increase the costs for salaries, unemployment compensation, FICA contribution, L&I insurance, 401K Contribution, and Medical Insurance. The exact amount of this increase depends on the actual salary for this position, but the overall increase could be expected to be over $50,000 per year. 17 Resolution 2015-5 To Amend Sec. 15.20 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To require the Treasurer to provide copies of statements of accounts (i.e., Bank statements, Broker statements and investment statements) and IRS Form 990 filing to elected Lodge Officers for transparency. Resolution: To amend the duties of the Treasurer by adding additional duties creating transparent accounting. Whereas: Currently the Treasurer is not required to provide copies of statements of accounts to the elected Lodge Officers for transparent accounting, and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that Sec. 15.20 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.20 B.L. Treasurers Duties. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to: A. through E. (No Change) F. Within thirty days of receiving statements of accounts from financial institutions provide the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Secretary of the Lodge a copy. Respectfully Submitted, Lakeside Lodge, No. 258 Gene Ulrich, Worshipful Master W. Dean Markley, Secretary Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. 18 Resolution 2015-6 To Amend Sec. 7.13 B.L. and Sec. 18.11 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To provide a way for the Grand Lodge of Washington to provide scholarships for Masons. Resolution: The WMC has a Masonic Scholarship Endowment Fund, but it is available to youth. Many Masons have trying times throughout their lives and seek education, further education or re-education. Washington's Masons should have a mechanism with which to help their Brother Master Masons obtain that education. Whereas: The Washington Masonic Code already has a provision for a Masonic Scholarship Fund, and Whereas: There is no provision to allow the Grand Lodge of Washington to grant scholarships to Brother Masons, and Whereas: All Masons seek to be "Better enabled to support myself and family and contribute to the relief of distressed, worthy Brother Masons, their widows and orphans", and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that Sec. 7.13 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 7.13 B.L. Masonic Scholarship Endowment Fund. This special Fund shall be maintained for the purpose of awarding Grand Lodge scholarships annually to deserving students as selected by the Committee on Public Schools Outreach. The principal of the Fund shall constitute, be, and remain, a permanent trust Fund. This fund shall receive: A. Money or property that may be donated to the Fund by gift, bequest or devise; and B. ((Five dollars ($5.00)) Ten dollars ($10.00) for each petition approved for conferral of the Degrees, from the conferring Lodge. Revenue generated by this Fund shall be divided among the programs that provide Grand Lodge Scholarships to high school juniors and seniors and to worthy Brother Masons for academic and/or vocational pursuits. At least one scholarship shall be awarded to a deserving applicant who is a member of the Order of DeMolay, Job's Daughters International, (or) the International Order of Rainbow for Girls(.) , or a member of a Lodge. If there are no deserving applicants in (this) any of these (category) categories, then this scholarship may be awarded to another deserving student. Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 18.11 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec 18.11 B.L. Fees. A. Fees for the Degrees shall include: 1. through 4. (No Change) 5. A contribution of ((Five Dollars (5.00)) Ten Dollars ($10.00) to the Masonic Scholarship Endowment Fund. Respectfully Submitted, Daylight Lodge, No. 232 Dean L. Willard, Worshipful Master Coe Tug Morgan, Secretary Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. Report of the Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred this resolution, finds that by raising the amount charged for each petition from $5.00 to $10.00, the total raised for the Scholarship Endowment Fund annually by this method would increase by approximately $2,000 assuming 19 400 petitions per year. It would also result in petition fees increasing by $5.00 per petition which most likely would be passed on to the petitioner. 20 Resolution 2015-7 To Amend Sec. 7.03 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To exempt all fifty-year Life Members from being included in Grand Lodge assessments to the Lodges. Resolution: To amend Sec. 7.03 B.L. to exempt all fifty-year life members from paying Grand Lodge Dues. Whereas: Currently Grand Lodge levies (dues) a fee of $23.00 (soon to be $25.00) on each Master Mason including fifty-year Life members, the Lodge can exempt fifty-year dues paying members, and Now, Therefore be it Resolved, that Sec. 7.03 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 7.03 B.L. Revenue for the General Fund. A. (No Change) 1. through 5. (No Change) 6. a. through f. (No Change) g. A fifty-year Life member shall be exempt from paying Grand Lodge dues or assessments. Respectfully Submitted, Sultan-Monroe Lodge, No. 160 Jack R. Houston, Worshipful Master Steve Martin, Secretary Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. Report of the Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred this Resolution, finds that revenue generated for the General Fund would be reduced by approximately $23,000.00 each year assuming $23.00 per assessment and 1000 Brothers meeting the criteria of being a Life Member and a 50year member. 21 Resolution 2015-8 To Amend Sec. 15.11 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To amend apron requirements within the Grand Jurisdiction of Washington for Lodge Officers, Past Masters and Members aprons. Resolution: To remove a requirement for aprons to be of a rectangular shape. Whereas: Lodges in this Jurisdiction have worn aprons with rounded corners before Sec. 15.11 B.L. was amended in 2012, and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that Sec. 15.11 B.L. Jewels and Aprons, be amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.11 B.L. Jewels and Aprons. No change until: The Lodge Officers' (not Past Masters and Lodge members) aprons shall be white and should be of lambskin, approximately fifteen inches wide and thirteen inches deep (,of a rectangular shape), and may have (sky-) blue lining and edging, with the respective emblems thereon. Respectfully Submitted, Grandview Lodge, No. 191 Robert Russell, Worshipful Master John C. Booth, Secretary Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. 22 Resolution 2015-9 To Add Sec. 5.18 B.L. and Amend Sec. 9.05 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No.1, to clarify the impact of a Grand Master’s Edict. Resolution: To add a new section to the Washington Masonic Code to vote on whether a Grand Master’s Edict shall remain in force following the next Annual Communication. Whereas: The Grand Master has the power to issue Edicts the authority of a Grand Master’s Edict after his term of office is not clearly defined in the Washington Masonic Code, Whereas: A Grand Master’s Edict will have the force of Masonic Law, provided the Grand Lodge confirms it at the Annual Communication, and Whereas: It is in the best interest of the Craft to know if they must comply with an Edict issued by a Past Grand Master, and Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, that a new Sec. 5.18 B.L. be inserted to read as follows: Sec. 5.18 B.L. Edicts. Edicts of the Grand Master will be an order of business at each Annual Communication. A simple majority will affirm the Edict. A copy of the Edict will be placed in the Appendix under the letter (next in line) of the Washington Masonic Code. Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 9.05 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 9.05 B.L. Continuing Proceedings. The Grand Master has power to: 1. through 4. (No Change) 5. Review Edicts of Grand Masters. All decisions will be decided by a simple majority. (Code Commission to re-number as necessary) Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Laws and Usage and is ready for consideration by the Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinions as to the wisdom of the changes the Resolutions proposes. As this Resolution contains a By-Laws Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. 23 Resolution 2015-10 To Amend the Standard Work and Freemasons Guide pages 1-8, 1-9, 2-7, 2-9, 3-7 and 3-9 Statement of Purpose: To implement Grand Master's Recommendation No. 2, to make the Flag Ceremony a mandatory part of the opening and closing in each of the Degrees. Resolution: To delete the word [Optional] under the Flag Ceremony on Pages 1-8, 1-9, 2-7, 2-9, 3-7 and 3-9 and to make consistent the appearance and notation of these sections of the Standard Work and Freemasons Guide. Whereas: One of the hallmarks of the Masonic Fraternity is that of being a patriotic organization, and Whereas: Freemasons foster and promote patriotism as a Masonic virtue, and Whereas: The Grand Lodge recognizes and supports the National Sojourners, Inc., an organization operating in this Jurisdiction, who includes in their statement of purposes, ” … for supporting all patriotic aims and activities in Masonry, for developing true patriotism and Americanism", and Whereas: Respect for the flag of our country is a primary way to demonstrate patriotism and cultivate a love and respect for the United States of America, and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that page 1-8 be amended to read as follows: FLAG CEREMONY ([Optional]) ((“When the Flag is to be presented, that ceremony shall immediately follow the opening of the Lodge.” The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing.)) When the flag is to be presented, that ceremony shall immediately follow the opening of the Lodge. The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing. Be it Further Resolved, that Page 1-9 be amended to read as follows: RETIRING THE FLAG (When the flag is to be retired, that ceremony shall immediately precede the closing of the Lodge. (The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing.)) When the flag is to be retired, that ceremony shall immediately precede the closing of the Lodge. The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing. Be it Further Resolved, that Page 2-7 be amended to read as follows: FLAG CEREMONY ([Optional]) ((“When the Flag is to be presented, that ceremony shall immediately follow the opening of the Lodge.” The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing.)) When the flag is to be presented, that ceremony shall immediately follow the opening of the Lodge. The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing. 24 Be it Further Resolved, that Page 2-9 be amended to read as follows: RETIRING THE FLAG ((“When the Flag is to be retired, that ceremony shall immediately precede the opening of the Lodge.” The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing.)) When the flag is to be retired, that ceremony shall immediately precede the closing of the Lodge. The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing. Be it Further Resolved, that Page 3-7 be amended to read as follows: FLAG CEREMONY ([Optional]) (“When the Flag is to be presented, that ceremony shall immediately follow the opening of the Lodge. (The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing.)) When the flag is to be presented, that ceremony shall immediately follow the opening of the Lodge. The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing. Be it Further Resolved, that Page 3-9 be amended to read as follows: RETIRING THE FLAG ((“When the Flag is to be retired, that ceremony shall immediately precede the closing of the Lodge.” The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing.)) When the flag is to be retired, that ceremony shall immediately precede the closing of the Lodge. The Flag should be carried upright and free flowing. Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a Constitutional Amendment, it requires a 90% affirmative vote for adoption. 25 Resolution 2015-11 To Amend Sec. 8.01 B.L., Sec. 8.05 B.L., Sec. 8.14 B.L., Sec. 8.22 B.L., Sec. 8.23 B.L. and Sec. 10.01 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To implement Grand Master's Recommendation No. 3, to move certain Standing Committees from Chapter 8 of the Washington Masonic Code to Chapter 10 of the Washington Masonic Code. Resolution: To better align the purposes, functions and administrative activities of the current committees to these declared purposes, responsibilities, goals and objectives of Washington Masonic Charities. Whereas: Washington Masonic Charities was created in 2012 to serve as the Grand Lodge's charitable activities committee, and Whereas: The purpose of Washington Masonic Charities is to invest in children's programs; provide support for seniors and those in need; preserve and share the Masonic heritage of Washington State, and to advise and assist with planned gift giving and contributions for charity and relief, and Whereas: There is confusion as to which committee in the Grand Lodge of Washington or in Washington Masonic Charities the Brethren should direct their requests for assistance, and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that Sec. 8.01 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 8.01 B.L. Standing Committees. A. through C. (No Change) (D. Children identification Programs (Chips)) E. though L. (No Change) (M. Library and Museum) (U. Planned Giving) W. through X. (No Change) (V. Public Schools Outreach) (Code Commission to re-letter as necessary) Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 8.05 B.L. be amended as follows: Sec. 8.05 B.L. Children Identification Programs. The Committee shall be responsible for and implement the CHIPS program, throughout the Jurisdiction, and report to the Grand Lodge at each Annual Communication the results of its efforts. (Code Commission to re-number as necessary) Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 8.14 B.L. be amended as follows: Sec. 8.14 B.L. Library and Museum. The Committee shall be responsible for the daily administration and operation of the Washington Masonic Library and Museum, preserving the artifacts of Masonic history in and for this Grand Jurisdiction and perform such archival functions as may be necessary and proper. The Committee shall also act as a fund raising committee for the Washington Masonic Library and Museum Foundation. (Code Commission to re-number as necessary) Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 8.22 B.L. be amended as follows: Sec. 8.22 B.L. Planned Giving. The Committee shall foster, promote, increase and develop the objectives of the Planned Giving program as set forth in the Washington Masonic Code. 26 Its members shall work under the direction of the Grand Master. The members shall visit the Lodges, dispense information, provide speakers, encourage interest, develop programs, prepare and distribute literature, prepare talks, make an annual report to the Grand Lodge and, in conjunction with the Trustees of the Washington Masonic Charities, engage in such further activities as will promote and further the soundness and growth of the Planned Giving program. (Code Commission to re-number as necessary) Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 8.23 B.L. be amended as follows: Sec. 8.23 B.L. Public Schools Outreach. The Committee shall: A. Be responsible for all Grand Lodge programs involving the tax-supported Schools including development of long range planning. Recommend and develop programs available to Lodges that promote the Public Schools and enhance public awareness of improved educational opportunities for students, Investigate and support worthwhile Public School recognition programs developed by individual Lodges, and communicate this information throughout the Jurisdiction. B. Assist Lodges and Districts in the development of single and multi-Lodge programs for worthwhile public school recognition including, but not limited to: 1. Literacy Outreach – providing Lodges with information on the importance of a literate society and Freemasonry’s role through educational outreach programs, 2. Selection of deserving students for scholarship awards from the Masonic Scholarship Endowment Fund in accordance with established guidelines; and 3. Identification of Public School educators who demonstrate exceptional instructional ability and motivation for students. (Code Commission to re-number as necessary) Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 10.01 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 10.01 B.L. Washington Masonic Charities. The Grand Lodge may establish and maintain a Public Charity, the purpose of which will encompass the charitable activities of the Grand Lodge of Washington. The Public Charity shall be incorporated as a Washington State not for profit corporation subject to the laws of the State of Washington and the Internal Revenue Code of the U.S. Treasury Department, which laws, rules regulations and requirements shall have supremacy over the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington, and the Rulings and Decisions of the Grand Master, and the By-Laws of the corporation established or any successor corporation established hereafter. (Washington Masonic Charities will encompass all of the various purposes from the existing 501(c)(3) Public Charities of which the Grand Lodge is a member, to include: A. Children Identification Programs, and B. Washington Masonic Library and Museum.) Washington Masonic Charities, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization will serve as the Grand Lodge's charitable activity and will encompass the following purposes: A. Investing in youth, education, and safety through literacy, scholarships, Bikes for Books, child identification, teacher training for at risk students and additional programs designed to enhance, encourage and protect children. B. Advise and assist with programs enhancing the ability of the aging and other individuals to access functional needs to live independently, transition to higher levels of care, or meet financial necessities. Maintain a Planned Giving subCommittee whose purpose will be to provide information and to assist Masons with estate gift planning and giving issues. Preserving and sharing the Masonic heritage of our Grand Jurisdiction through the administration of the Washington Masonic Library and Museum, photographic archives and heritage education. Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. 27 Resolution 2015-12 To Amend Sec. 27.04 B.L., Sec. 27.05 B.L. and Sec. 27.06 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 4, to clarify when a summons is to be used for a Masonic trial. Resolution: Currently, the word “citation” is used in the context of a summons and needs to be clarified. Whereas: A summons is different than a citation, and Whereas: Masons are obligated to obey all due signs and summons, and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that Sec. 27.04 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 27.04 B.L. (Citation) Summons. The (citation) summons served by the Committee Secretary shall include: A. A copy of the charges, B. The date, time and place assigned for the trial; and C. A (summons) notice to appear for the accused to (appear and) answer the charges. Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 27.05 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 27.05 B.L. Service. Due service of the (citation) summons shall be deemed complete when made by either of the following procedures: A. Personal Service. 1. Delivering a copy of the summons directly to the accused; or 2. Leaving a sealed envelope addressed to the accused, containing a copy of the (citation) summons, at the accused’s usual place of abode with a person of suitable age and discretion residing therein. B. Postal Service. Depositing the (citation) summons in a postage pre-paid envelope in a U. S. Post Office within the Grand Jurisdiction, addressed to the accused at his last known post office address. Service of the (citation) summons by Postal Service shall be deemed complete five business days after deposit in a U. S. Post Office. Mail shall be by certified mail, return receipt requested. (A minimum of twenty days shall have expired following date of) Service of the (citation) summons shall be a minimum of twenty calendar days before the trial shall commence. Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 27.06 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 27.06 B.L. Return of Service. Service of the (citation) summons shall be certified in writing by the Secretary of the Grand Lodge Trial Committee. The record shall show how the (citation) summons was served and the date on which it was served. Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. 28 Resolution 2015-13 To Amend Sec. 28.04 B.L. and Sec. 29.07 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 5, to specify the time required for due and timely notice of hearing. Resolution: Currently, the WMC is unclear regarding the amount of time required for due and timely notice. This Resolution will define the amount of time required for due and timely notice. Whereas: Timely written notice is ambiguous, and Whereas: Both parties to a Masonic trial will be given a specific timeframe for due and timely notice, and Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that Sec. 28.04 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 28.04 B.L. Timely Notice of Hearings. The accuser and the accused shall have (timely) twenty calendar days written notice and opportunity to attend in person or by counsel, and examine and cross-examine all witnesses at all hearings including the taking of all depositions under commission. Be if Further Resolved, that Sec. 29.07 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 29.07 B.L. Failure to Affirm Original Judgment. When the Grand Lodge, on review of a judgment of expulsion or suspension, reverses or annuls the judgment, or fails to approve a judgment of expulsion, or modifies the same, the accused shall be thereby restored to membership in the Lodge(s) in which he was a member. When a case is remanded for a new trial, no amendment to the original charges and specifications shall be made without giving the accused (due and timely) twenty calendar days notice thereof. Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. 29 Resolution 2015-14 To Amend Sec. 3.05 Const. and add Appendix K Statement of Purpose: To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 6, to have a list of Grand Lodge Forms included in an appendix. Resolution: This Resolution will give Lodges and Masons a common place to find a reference to specific forms used by the Grand Lodge. Whereas: Grand Lodge uses standard forms and no list is available, and Whereas: all Grand Lodge forms were removed from the Washington Masonic Code in 2003, and Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that Sec. 3.05 Const. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 3.05 Const. Grand Secretary's Duties. The Grand Secretary shall: A. Through R. (No Change) S. Review, update and maintain as necessary the Grand Lodge Forms, Appendix K - Grand Lodge Forms, and report at the Annual Communication (as to the status) for approval of the Grand Lodge Forms. Be it Further Resolved, that Appendix K Grand Lodge Forms be added: APPENDIX K GRAND LODGE FORMS Certificate for Dropped NPD Certificate of EA or FC (release or dimit) Certificate of Good Standing Committee Request for Reimbursement Dimit Dimit from Plural Membership Dues Statement/Dues Cards Order Form Election Form Grand Mound Petition Investigation Form (Committee Reports) Lewis Jewel Life Membership Lodge By-Laws Lodge Standing Resolutions/Rules & Wills/Bequests) Monthly Return - Full Report Monthly Return - Nothing to Report Petition for Affiliation Petition for Plural Membership Petition for Reinstatement Petition for the Degrees Renounce Irregular Lodge Request for Another Lodge to Confer Degrees Request for Masonic Relief Temple Board - Certificate to Amend-Restate Temple Board - Property Tax Exempt Guidelines Temple Board Articles of Incorporation (Multi) Temple Board Articles of Incorporation (Single) Temple Corporation By- Laws - (Multi) Temple Corporation By- Laws - (Single) Trial - Certificate of Service of Citation and Copy of Charges Trial - Charges for Un-Masonic Conduct Trial - Citation to Appear for Trial Trial - Commission to Take Testimony Trial - Notice of Commission Trial - Notice of Suspension or Expulsion Trial - Request to Summon Witnesses 30 Trial - Return of Service of Summons Waiver of Jurisdiction - No Degrees Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a Constitutional Amendment, it requires a 90% affirmative vote for adoption. 31 Resolution 2015-15 To Amend Section Sec. 7.17 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 7, to amend the purpose for the Capital Fund. Resolution: This Resolution will change how the funds from the Capital Fund are used. Whereas: Grand Lodge purchased a new building and relocated the offices of Grand Lodge in 2013, and Whereas: Grand Lodge will continue to have capital costs associated with the new building and Masonic projects, and Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that Sec. 7.17 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 7.17 B.L. Grand Lodge Capital Fund. This special Fund shall be maintained for the purpose of (relocating the Grand Lodge office, or use the interest therefrom for unanticipated and unbudgeted legal expenses) capital costs directly associated with the Grand Lodge office. This Fund may receive such sums as may be appropriated for that purpose by the Grand Lodge, together with all monies or property donated to or for the benefit of said Fund by gift, bequest or devise. Expenditures from this Fund will require approval of the Grand Master, Grand Secretary, and Grand Lodge Finance Committee and will be reported at the subsequent Annual Communication. Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. Report of the Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred this resolution, finds that this resolution will have no impact on the finances of Grand Lodge. 32 Resolution 2015-16 To Amend Sec. 7.03 B.L. and Sec. 11.06 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 8, to amend and add Directors and Officers insurance coverage for Lodges. Resolution: This Resolution will add Lodge Directors and Officers (D&O) coverage to the existing Grand Lodge policy and each Lodge will pay an equal amount for the coverage. Whereas: Lodges who currently purchase D&O coverage, the cost is about $400.00 per year, and Whereas: Given the current Grand Lodge D&O, each Lodge would pay $50.00 per year for D&O coverage, and Whereas: Each Lodge has a duty to provide D&O coverage for their officers, and Now, Therefore be it Resolved, that Sec. 7.03 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 7.03 B.L. Revenue for the General Fund. A. Every Lodge shall pay into the treasury of the Grand Lodge in support of Grand Lodge general activities the following: 1. through 7. (No Change) 8. Each Lodge will pay a prorated share of the premium for Directors and Officers insurance but not less than $50.00 per year per Lodge. B. through D. (No Change) Be it Further Resolved, that Sec. 11.06 B.L. be amended as follows: Sec. 11.06 B.L. Blanket Insurance Coverage. The Grand Lodge may authorize and appropriate funds to cover the cost of the following insurance coverage for the Constituent Lodges: A. through E. (No Change) F. Directors and Officers coverage. The limits of insurance coverage provided in sub-sections A, B, C, (and) D, and F shall be published annually to the Constituent Lodges and the cost included in the General Fund Budget. Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This resolution is consistent with Masonic Laws and Usage and is ready for consideration by the Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes the Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment. It requires a 3/4 vote for adoption. Report of the Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred this resolution, finds that this resolution will have no impact on the finances of Grand Lodge because the premium costs for including Lodges will be passed on to those individual Lodges. If a Lodge does not currently have any D&O insurance, this will increase the expenses for that Lodge by at least $50.00 per year. If a Lodge does currently have D&O insurance, this new program will most likely result in a decrease of expenses for that Lodge. 33 Resolution 2015-17 To Amend Sec. 5.07 B.L. Statement of Purpose: To implement Grand Master’s Recommendation No. 9, to allow the use of electronic balloting for both resolutions and the election of Grand Lodge Officers. Resolution: This Resolution will allow the Delegates at the Annual Communication to use a remote device to vote on legislation and Grand Lodge Elected Officers. Whereas: Use of electronic voting devices will quickly and accurately record the number of votes on any Resolution or election of Grand Lodge Officers, as well as including those attending with proxies, and Whereas: The use of a remote electronic voting device will reduce the time for verification versus the time required for a hand count vote, and Whereas: The use of similar devices are being used in other Grand Lodges with success, and Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that Sec. 5.07 B.L. be amended to read as follows: Sec. 5.07 B. L. Manner of Voting. All questions in Grand Lodge shall be decided by members either by voting with their left hand or (written) secret ballot as determined by the Grand Master. The election of officers shall be by (written) secret ballot. The (written) secret ballot may be conducted by means of the use of an (electronically scored ballots) electronic device. Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence. This Resolution is consistent with Masonic Law and Usage and is ready for consideration by Grand Lodge. The Committee expresses no opinion as to the wisdom of the changes this Resolution proposes. As this Resolution is a By-Law Amendment, it requires a 3/4 affirmative vote for adoption. 34 OFFICE OF JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN JAMES H. KENDALL LODGES OF MEMBERSHIP William H. Upton Naval & Military Lodge, No. 206 (Life Member) Silverdale Lodge, No. 311 Franklin Lodge, No. 5 Grand Mound Historic Lodge, No. 3 LODGE OFFICES HELD Worshipful Master (Charleston, No. 269/ W. H. Upton, No. 206), Senior Warden, Junior Warden – (2 years), Senior Deacon, Chaplain, Secretary – (7 years) GRAND LODGE APPOINTMENTS District Deputy in District No. 12, Research and Education Committee (1 year), Technology Committee – (10 years - Chairman 4 years), Public Relations Committee – (Chairman), Grand Chaplain - 2013-2014 Membership Development Committee, Credentials Committee - 2014-2015 OTHER MASONIC AFFILIATIONS AND PARTICIPATION Secretary-Treasurer, District No. 12 Masters and Wardens Association (2 years) Secretary – District No. 12 Lodge of Past Masters - (7 years) Temple Association Board, Bremerton Masonic Temple - (10 years) Nile Temple Shrine of North America Scottish Rite Valley of Bremerton, York Rite Bodies - Bremerton Grand Lodge Senior Warden Ritual Competition (1995) - 1st Place EDUCATION BS Electrical Engineering – University of New Mexico, Course work in Master of System Management, U of So. California, Numerous Navy and Civilian training courses. COMMUNITY Life Member – American Legion Life Member – Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Past President, Bremerton Symphony Association (6 years on Board of Directors) Instructor – The Internet and Your Child Internet Safety Program General Class Amateur Radio Operator KE7JMY American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Volunteer Examiner (VE) Better Business Bureau Arbitrator, 1994 to Present MILITARY AND PROFESSIONAL Enlisted USN 1965, Commissioned 1974, Retired 1986, Lieutenant Commander Officer in Charge, Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center, Andros Island, Bahamas 1982-1985 AUTEC is the most active underwater test range in USN inventory, operating in support of multiple military, civilian and foreign government agencies including scientific and war fighting projects and training. Responsible for 1200 civilian and military staff in an isolated facility in a foreign country. AUTEC awarded Navy Unit Commendation for this timeframe. Submarine Strategic (Nuclear) Weapons Officer – 5 Strategic Deterrent Patrols as Division Officer and Department Head, responsible for all submarine strategic and tactical weapons systems. Instructor, Tactical Team Trainer, TRITRAFAC Bangor, two tours District Office Manager 1990 Decennial Census, Responsible for Census in 7 Western-most Washington counties. Supervised more than 1200 staff members during course of the enumeration. Commended for exceptional service, meeting or exceeding all goals and project time-lines. Founding board member and Past President Washington Association of Internet Service Providers (WAISP) President and General Manager, Telebyte NW Internet Services 1994 to Present: responsible for all business decisions including payroll, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. Company provides internet and network services to large and small businesses in the medical, financial, government, and service industries, as well as to individuals for professional and personal business. Manage resources to provide required high stability critical service to the medical community. MASONIC PHILOSOPHY The Masonic Lodge is not made up of four walls, ritual, or old records, but rather consists of its members. Through our shared (and personally affirmed) obligations, we owe our first fraternal duty to our Brothers and not to a particular process or procedure. My three “F’s” are different than VWB Vesper’s. They are Faith, Family & Fraternity. These three sustained me through very difficult times, and sustain me to this day. They are the bedrock of all we have promised to each other as Fraternal Brothers. Finally, “if you ain’t having fun you ain’t doing it right!” PERSONAL Married 46 years to Alta. We have two daughters, 4 grandchildren, and (still!) have a 2010 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Ultra, with 103 Cubic Inches of get-up-and-go! Electra Glide Ultra! 35 OFFICE OF JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN PAUL G. WAADEVIG LODGES OF MEMBERSHIP Columbian Lodge, Boston, MA, 1996-2008 Mt. Hood Lodge, No. 32, 2003-Present – Worshipful Master, 2007-2008; Secretary, 2008-2009 Grand Mound Historic Lodge, No. 3 GRAND LODGE APPOINTMENTS Arrangements Committee Member 2010-2011, Co-Chair 2011-2012, Member 2013-2014 Jr. Grand Steward, 2011-2012 Deputy of the Grand Master, District No. 19, 2012-2014 Membership Development Committee, Present OTHER MASONIC AFFILIATIONS AND RECOGNITION Masonic Junior Achievement Award, Kelso, WA 1983 St. Andrew’s Chapter RAM, Boston, MA Sr. Warden, Vancouver Valley Lodge of Perfection (Present) Scottish Rite, Vancouver Valley Master Craftsman I Diploma, AASR Southern Jurisdiction Afifi Shrine Member, Gateway Shrine Club, Vancouver Philalethes Society, Allen E. Roberts Chapter, Boston, MA (1997-2001) MILITARY Enlisted, USAR, Combat Engineer, 1984-1986, Honorable Discharge (Split option with basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO, between Jr./Sr. of High School) EDUCATION Mark Morris High School, Longview, WA, 1985 Lower Columbia College, Longview, WA, Associate of Arts, Business, 1987 Portland State University, Portland, OR, Bachelor of Science, Philosophy, 1991 Boston College, Carroll School of Business, Master of Business Administration, 1999 Boston College Law School, Juris Doctorate, 1999 LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Student Body President, Lower Columbia College, Longview, WA, 1986-1987 Speech and Debate Team Captain, Lower Columbia College, Longview, WA, 1986-1987 Young Leaders in India (sponsored by the YMCA and Gonzaga Law School), New Delhi, India, 1987 Sargent at Arms, Phi Delta Theta, Portland State U. Chapter, 1990-1991 Reserve Sheriff’s Deputy, Cowlitz County, WA, 1993-1995 Secretary, The Federalist Society, Boston College Law School Chapter, 1997 Waadevig for Washington State House of Representatives Campaign, 2002 Waadevig for Washington State Senate Campaign, 2004 PROFESSIONAL Research Director, Unified Communications and Conferencing, Frost & Sullivan, 14 years Product Manager, Unified Communications, Biamp Systems, Present PERSONAL Wife: Vickie, Children: Hailey, Jasmine, Layla, Preslyn, and Mason. 36 OFFICE OF JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN CHARLES E. WOOD LODGE MEMBERSHIP Member of Chehalis Lodge, No. 28 Worshipful Master of Chehalis, No. 28 December 1990 Currently serving as Worshipful Master of Chehalis, No. 28 Member of Robert Morris Lodge, No. 97 GRAND LODGE APPOINTMENTS Deputy of the Grand Master District No. 17 June 2012 to June 2014 Grand Lodge Finance Committee since September 2011 Appointed as the first Treasurer of the newly formed Grand Lodge Building Association August 2013 OTHER MASONIC AFFILIATIONS & RECOGNITIONS Royal Arch Masons; Chapter No. 44 Past High Priest Sunset Chapter No. 23 Order of High Priesthood of Washington, April 21, 2014 Deputy of Grand High Priest Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Washington Council of Royal and Select Masters; Alpha Council No. 20 Appointed as Chairman of Finance and Budget Committee of the Most Illustrious Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Washington, May 2014 Commandery Past Eminent Commander of St Helens Commandery, No. 12 Currently a member of DeMolay Commandery, No. 6 Order of Eastern Star Chehalis Chapter, No. 3, Served as Chaplain 2012 to 2014 Proficiency in Lodge Management 2012 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Cinebar Community Center, Cinebar, Washington Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 5439, Mossyrock, Washington ACADEMICS AND CAREER Education: Graduated Ingraham High, Seattle Washington 1962 Graduated Centralia Community College 1983 where I majored in accounting Graduated Saint Martins College, Lacey Washington with a BA Degree in Accounting and a minor in Business Administration Career: June 1981 retired from United States Air Force as an Aircraft Maintenance Supervisor. Controlled and scheduled maintenance on some of the worlds most technically advanced aircraft. I attended the United Stated Air Force Non-Commissioned Officers Leadership & Management Academy in Austin Texas. While serving in South East Asia, received the United States Air Forces Commendation Medal. Retired February 2014 from a public held corporation where I spent 23 plus years as West Coast Controller. Managed all accounting functions, created yearly budgets and analyzed monthly income statements results against budget. On a monthly basis, reported results to corporate office while keeping plant manager informed of our progress against monthly/yearly budget. OTHER: Family: My wife, Lorraine is my pillar of support and encouragement. We make all life changing decisions together. Lorraine is my sounding board and her feedback is invaluable. What I enjoy most in Masonry is the fellowship, being among Brothers trying to make a difference, whether it is in Masonry or in their local communities. How we as Masons meet, act and part should be a part of our daily lives with all humankind, not just with other Masons. By keeping true to our beliefs, and adhering to the three tenets and four cardinal virtues, we as Masons can succeed in making a difference within ourselves, our families and in society. “LISTEN AND FACILITATE” 37 OFFICE OF GRAND SECRETARY DAVID P. OWEN LODGES OF MEMBERSHIP - Harmony Lodge, No. 18; Olympia, WA Grays Harbor Lodge, No. 52; Hoquiam, WA Walter F. Meier Lodge Of Research, No. 281; Seattle, WA Hermanos del Arte, No. 314; Brewster, WA Victoria-Columbia, Lodge, No. 1; British Columbia & Yukon Berlin 46 Outpost Lodge, No. 895; ACGL United Grand Lodges of Germany Grand Mound Historic Lodge No. 3; Tumwater, WA LODGE OFFICES HELD Junior Warden of Outpost Lodge, No. 895 – Protem Senior Warden of Outpost Lodge, No. 895 and Harmony, Lodge No. 18 Worshipful Master of Harmony Lodge, No. 18 (1995) Secretary of Harmony Lodge, No. 18 (4 years) GRAND LODGE/MASONIC CORPORATION APPOINTMENTS Board Secretary (7 years) Children Identification Program (CHIPS) Foundation Secretary (11 years) Masonic Library & Museum Foundation Grand Representative to the United Grand Lodge of Germany (14 years) Board of Trustees, Masonic Retirement Center/Washington Masonic Charities (15 years) Internal Communications Committee (1 year) Assistant Grand Secretary (2 years) Grand Secretary (14 years) OTHER MASONIC AFFILIATIONS Goose and Grid Iron, Nest 0 Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Olympia Valley York Rite Bodies, Heidelberg, Germany York Rite College, Washington NILE, Shrine National Sojourners and Hero’s of 76 DeMolay-Legion of Honor Saint Thomas of Acon, Tahoma Chapel Royal Order of Scotland First President-Conference of Grand Secretaries of North America CAREER AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Academic: Seattle Public Schools and Old Reliable University at Fort Lewis; University of Washington, Bachelor’s Degree in Economics; various US Army schools; City University, Masters in Public Administration and a Masters in Business Administration. Professional: Retired (1998) U.S. Army Officer, after 25 years of service to our Great Country; Served as the State Adjutant for the American Legion, Department of Washington; Real Estate Agent. FAMILY A Great Family who is very understanding of my love for Masonry. IT IS A GREAT DAY TO BE A MASON! 38 TRUSTEE, WASHINGTON MASONIC CHARITIES LARRY D. FOLEY LODGES OF MEMBERSHIP Sultan-Monroe, No. 160 Skykomish, No. 259 Arlington, No. 129 LODGE OFFICES HELD Sultan-Monroe, No. 160 - Tyler, Jr. Deacon, Sr. Deacon x 2 Skykomish, No. 259 - Jr. Steward, Marshal, Jr. Deacon Arlington, No. 129 - Jr. Warden, Sr. Warden, Master GRAND LODGE APPOINTMENTS Public Schools Outreach Committee OTHER MASONIC AFFILIATIONS Monroe Temple Corporation - Treasurer Arlington Temple Corporation - Board Member Grand Lodge Sr. Warden Ritual Competition 4th place 2014 Everett Valley Scottish Rite Chair-Public Schools/Scholarship Committee - Sultan-Monroe, No. 160 Chair-Citizenship Committee-Sultan-Monroe, No. 160 Chair-Public Schools/Scholarship Committee - Arlington, No. 129 Chair-Citizenship Committee - Arlington, No. 129 - 2014 Chair-Bike for Books Committee - Arlington, No. 129 Proficiency in Lodge Management Citizenship Award - 2010 Gold Award-York Rite College EDUCATION AA-Political Science-Cypress Community & Long Beach City College COMMUNITY City of Sultan-Planning Commission - 2009-2011 Sultan/Central Cascade Youth Athletic Assoc. - President 2007-2011 Sky Valley & Monroe Chamber of Commerce - Volunteer Instructor - DOC-MCC new workers “CORE” Safety Advisory Committee - DOC-MCC - 2012 MASONIC PHILOSOPHY Faith, Hope & Charity, the greatest of these is Charity which is taught to us, as Masons in the 1st degree. We as Masons should use these lessons not just among ourselves, but also with our interactions with the public; Making the Lodge and our Charity thereof, a corner stone in the community as they once were. Being an example to all mankind. 39 TRUSTEE, WASHINGTON MASONIC CHARITIES DEAN W. HEINEMANN STATEMENT Several years ago I stated that the time had come for me to fade from Masonic view for a time and go fly-fishing. I am not going to give up fly-fishing but now is the time for me to get back to work doing something that I love and that I can make a difference for the Fraternity. I feel that I still have something of value (Leadership, Management of Assets, Business Long-Term Planning, and Accountability) to offer to the continuing success of Washington Masonic Charities. LODGES OF MEMBERSHIP Temple Lodge No. 42, Cheney (Life Member) (Third Generation) Grand Mound Historic Lodge No. 3 (Charter Life Member) Spokane Lodge No. 34 (Honorary Life Member) Walter F. Meier Lodge of Research No. 281 (Corresponding Member) GRAND LODGE POSITIONS Credentials Committee Deputy of the Grand Master in District No. 27 Long Range Planning Tiger Team Long Range Planning Committee (2) Grand Historian (2) Grand Marshal Chairman, Arrangements Committee - 2009 Appointed to Board of Trustees of the Masonic Retirement Center - 2009 Member Board of Trustees of Washington Masonic Charities – 2012-2014, President 2013-2014 Chairman, Grand Lodge Trial Committee – 2014 to Present Elected Junior Grand Warden – June 2009 150th Grand Master – June 2012-2013 AWARDS Certificate of Proficiency in Lodge Management Grand Master’s Achievement Award DeMolay Legion of Honor (Honorary) DeMolay Achievement Award MASONIC ACTIVITIES Valley of Spokane, Orient of Washington S.J. Scottish Rite (32 KCCH) Board of Directors RiteCare Spokane (2005-2014) Vice President RiteCare Spokane (2006) Treasurer RiteCare Spokane (2007-2010) CAREER AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Academic: BA in Geography & Urban Planning, Eastern Washington State College (Eastern Washington University). Professional: Retired in 2004 after 28 years with Eastern Washington University in Facilities Engineering and Risk Management/Environmental Health & Safety. Community: Planning Committee for the Cheney Community Library, Organizing Committee for the American Cancer Society Cheney Relay for Life (2). Military: 2 ½ years Active Duty in US Army. Family: Married Kerry L. Troyer in 2008: we have three sons; Jason, Andrew, Jacob. 40 TRUSTEE, WASHINGTON MASONIC CHARITIES BRUCE E. VESPER Initiated, Passed & Raised (1973), Washington Lodge, No. 240, Buffalo, NY. LODGES OF MEMBERSHIP Washington Lodge, No. 240, Buffalo, NY (Life Member) Kennewick Lodge, No. 153, (Life Member) Euclid Lodge, No. 125, Benton Lodge, No. 277, Skykomish, No. 259 Grand Mound Lodge, No. 3 Pioneer Lodge, No. 39, Prince Hall (Honorary Member) LODGE OFFICES HELD WM, SW, JW, SD (2), JD (2), SS (and Numerous Committees) GRAND LODGE APPOINTMENT Grand Master (2013-2014) JGW, SGW, DGM (2011-2013) District Deputy (2009-2011) Photography Committee Public Schools Outreach Committee Public Relations Committee Youth Committee Washington Masonic Charities (2012-2014), President (2014) OTHER MASONIC AFFILIATIONS Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Valley of Kennewick AAONMS, El Katif and Columbia Basin Shrine Club National Sojourners: Pacific Northwest Chapter 534 (Life Member), Honolulu Chapter 9 (Past President), Past Grand Master Chapter No. 296 Order of DeMolay: Senior DeMolay, Amherst NY, Chevalier (1974), Legion of Honor (2010) DeMolay Dad, Ewa Chapter, Ewa Beach, HI, Sam Pasco Chapter, Warrington, FL, Amherst Chapter, Amherst, NY, Lower Valley Chapter, Grandview, WA, Kennewick Chapter, Kennewick, WA Order of Eastern Star: Alma Chapter, Kennewick; Offices-Past Patron, Warder, Sentinel, Treasurer (3 years) CAREER & COMMUNITY Education: BA in Biology, State University of Buffalo (1975); MS in Radiation Sciences, Colorado State University, (1984). Professional: U.S. Navy (1969-1990) - Independent Submarine Hospital Corpsman, Medical Service Corps, Radiation Physics, Retired as Lieutenant Commander Health Physicist, Battelle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Westinghouse Hanford, Bechtel (Environmental Restoration Contract) – 1990 to 2005 Community: Church Council, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (3) Past President, Eastern WA Chapter, Academy of Cert. Hazardous. Mat. Managers Board, Secretary, Treasurer, ACHMM & Alliance of Hazardous Mat. Professionals Board of Directors, Lutheran Community Services Northwest (2009-Present) MASONIC PHILOSOPHY I believe that as Masons, we need to carry into our everyday lives those values and virtues that separate us from other men. We need to actively practice Charity, become involved in our communities and with our families. We need to strive to keep those principles that make us distinguished Masons, but be ready to make those changes that are necessary to keep our Fraternity moving into the future. We need to attend to our lodges and the buildings, ensuring that the Masonic Light that our forebearers provided to us will continue to reach succeeding generations of good men, so that they may improve themselves, and in turn, improve the world that they live in. 41 TRUSTEE, WASHINGTON MASONIC GRAND LODGE BUILDING ASSOCIATION CLINTON M. BROWN JR. LODGES OF MEMBERSHIP Harmony Lodge, No. 18 Offices Held: Junior Steward Junior Warden Senior Warden Master Musician Secretary 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Grand Mound Historical Lodge, No. 3 Offices Held: Marshal 2013 & 2014 GRAND LODGE APPOINTMENTS Research and Education Committee 2013-2015 Washington Masonic Grand Lodge Building Association President 2014-2015 Vice-President 2013-2014 Grand Lodge Trial Committee 2014-2015 OTHER MASONIC AFFILIATIONS, OFFICES HELD AND RECOGNITION Scottish Rite Valley of Olympia 32° Member Afifi Temple Tacoma, WA Thurston Mason Shrine Club President 2012 Vice President 2011 Secretary 2010 Proficiency in Lodge Management 2011 EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts - Political Science & Speech Communications-Houston Baptist University - 1990 Juris Doctorate- South Texas College of Law - 1995 BACKGROUND I practiced law in Houston, Texas as a Trial Lawyer for approximately 10 years. I still hold my Texas Bar License. Upon moving to Washington, I joined Harmony Lodge and became a stay-at-home father, volunteering at my daughters’ school as the Auction Chairman for three years and assisting with the Annual Gala Benefit Dinner for three years. I am currently married to Dr. Jane Geraci. We have been married for 20 years and have two beautiful daughters, Anna (11) and Abigail (9). In my spare time, I enjoy camping, playing guitar, model railroading and spending time with my family. I have enjoyed the opportunity to serve my Lodge and Grand Lodge over the past years. 42 TRUSTEE, WASHINGTON MASONIC GRAND LODGE BUILDING ASSOCIATION MATTHEW D. RUTLEDGE LODGES OF MEMBERSHIP Steilacoom, No. 2 Fern Hill, No. 80 LODGE OFFICES HELD Senior Deacon, Steilacoom, No. 2 - 2011 Senior Warden, Steilacoom, No. 2 - 2012 Worshipful Master, Steilacoom, No. 2 - 2013 MASONIC RECOGNITION Hiram Award (2) Proficiency in Lodge Management Certificate GRAND LODGE APPOINTMENT Masonic Medical Research Committee (Present) OTHER MASONIC AFFILIATIONS Tacoma Chapter No. 4 Royal Arch Masons Tacoma Council No. 1 Cryptic Masonry Ivanhoe Commandery No. 4 Knights Templar Scottish Rite Valley of Tacoma AFIFI Shrine Tacobat Grotto MOVPER York Right Sovereign College PERSONAL I am a family man with five kids and one more on the way. Due to the 9-11 attacks, I went to a recruiter on September, 12th 2001 and joined the ARMY as a Cavalry Scout 19d. While stationed at Ft. Lewis, I met my lovely wife April and we have been married for ten years. We spend our time working with several charities. We teach our children to help others and be selfless in service to others always putting God first. I love our great Fraternity and have a wife who is very supportive. 43
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