Free North Church Inverness 29th March 2015 Welcome! Our assistant minister, Dan Paterson, will preach at the morning service and at Madras Street at 5.00pm. Our minister, Colin Macleod, will preach in the evening. We are always glad to have visitors at our services. Tea and coffee will be served in the hall after the morning and evening services. Do wait if you can. We are a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland. Together with all Christians, we worship One God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and recognise that only through faith in Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, can we receive forgiveness of sin and peace with God. Jesus Christ is therefore central in all our worship, as He is to our whole lives. We use the New International Version of the Bible (red book) and we sing the metrical psalms (blue book). We stand to sing and sit to pray. If you wish to give an offering to the Lord’s work, there are boxes at the front and side doors as you leave. The service lasts about an hour. There is a time of prayer before the services at 10.30am and 6.00pm in the hall. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4: 9 1 John 4:9 Today Crèche: children and helpers leave after the second singing to meet upstairs. Sunday School children leave after the second singing. The Annual Congregational Tear Fund Lunch takes place today after the morning service. There is no charge but there will be an opportunity to contribute to relief work among the world's poor. Envelopes are available which you can place marked Tear Fund in the collection this week or next. Youth Fellowship will meet in the Free North tonight in the crèche room upstairs. This will be the last YF till after the Easter holidays. 20s/30s meet in the manse after the evening service when Janet and Tommy Montgomery will be speaking. The Challenger Bus Team will be with us soon. Details of their visits to various Inverness schools and outreach through Madras Street will be available next week so we can pray specifically for God's blessing on the mission. In the meantime can you please let Jessie or Annetta know if you can help in any of the following ways: Provide accommodation for 1 or 2 team members on a B&B basis from Sunday evening, 26th April until Saturday morning, 2nd May Provide a meal for the team (6-7 people) served in Madras Street hall at 4pm on one date between Monday, 27th April and Friday,1st May Provide home baking or biscuits or pizzas. This week’s Free Church Update, the April editions of the Record and the Missionary Prayer Notes, and this month’s congregational Newsletter are available at the doors. Welcome Team lists for April to June are available for pick – up on the table at the front of the church. Morning Service – 11am Evening Service – 6.30pm Psalms Verses Page Psalms Verses Page 98 93 16 23 1-4 129 123 17 229 105 34 85 40 1-11 8-14 138 40 113 259 7-11 Reading: Hebrews 13 (p.1211 or 1212) Title: What has God ever done for me? 1-3 Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (p.1165 or 1166) Text: James 1: 17-18 (p.1213) Title: God, the Good, Generous and Gracious Giver This week Madras Street prayer meeting on Tuesday at 8.00am Monthly Gaelic Service on Tuesday at 7.30pm in Greyfriars Free Church. Preacher: Rev Ronnie Morrison Tumbletots meets as usual. Mid-week meeting on Wednesday at 7.30pm in the hall. Office-bearers’ prayer meeting on Thursday at 8.00am Campaigners meets as usual. Road to Recovery: A meeting for those with addiction problems will be held in the Madras Street Hall on Thursday at 7.30pm. If you have any queries, please phone Ian (07917 147361) or Megan (07918 775368). Other news The collection next Sunday will be for the Development Fund. th The next Women’s meeting will be on Tuesday, 7 April at 7.30pm when the speaker will be Rona Matheson, chair of Women for Mission (WfM). st From 1 April Highland Council is expected to introduce parking charges on a Sunday including the Rose Street multi-storey car park and the top deck of the old Safeway car park. The charges on Sunday for the multi-storey car park will be £1.40 for 2 hours and £1.50 for 2 hours for the upper deck old Safeway car park. There should be more detailed information about the charges on the HC website on Wednesday and possibly in the newspapers during the week. Congregational Rotas Sunday Welcoming Team th 29 March: th 5 April: Wednesday: D Graham, A Fraser, M Mackintosh, D Jenkins (F); B Cameron, I Fraser, S Ross/D Mackenzie (S) M Casey, J & M MacAulay, J Macleod (F); A Graham, I Macleod, A Pettit (S) A Fraser, B Cameron Crèche th 29 March: th 5 April: P Maclennan, E Macleod, C Morgan F Cameron, E Fraser, J Stevenson Notes Contact details If you are new to the congregation and you would like a visit from a member of our pastoral team, please contact our minister, Colin Macleod (Tel: 01463 231981). You can visit our website at and our denomination at: Find us on Facebook at Notice Sheet: Any items for next week’s notice sheet should be sent to or given to Anne Muirden by noon on Friday. . Scottish charity no. SC016901
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