Free North Church Inverness 10th May 2015 Welcome! Our minister, Colin Macleod, will preach at both services today and at Madras Street at 5.00pm. We are always glad to have visitors at our services. Tea and coffee will be served in the hall after the morning and evening services. Do wait if you can. We are a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland. Together with all Christians, we worship One God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and recognise that only through faith in Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, can we receive forgiveness of sin and peace with God. Jesus Christ is therefore central in all our worship, as He is to our whole lives. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9: 7 We use the New International Version of the Bible (red book) and we sing the metrical psalms (blue book). We stand to sing and sit to pray. If you wish to give an offering to the Lord’s work, there are boxes at the front and side doors as you leave. The service lasts about an hour. There is a time of prayer before the services at 10.30am and 6.00pm in the hall. Today Crèche: children and helpers leave after the second singing to meet upstairs. Sunday School: children leave after the second singing. This week’s Free Church Update and the May congregational Newsletter are available at the doors. Isobel Fraser Home service at 3.00pm will be led by Darren Graham Youth Fellowship meets in Madras Street at 6.15pm immediately after the 5.00pm service. 20s/30s will meet in the manse after the evening service when we will be looking at Multiply 8 ‘Studying the Bible Prayerfully and Obediently’ Morning Service – 11am Evening Service – 6.30pm Psalms Verses Page Psalms Verses Page 135 84 40 71 1-6 1-7 7-12 16-18 176 112 51 311 92a 147 119 19 1-6 11-15 105-112 10-14 122 192 163 23 Reading: Numbers 32:1-24 (p.172) Title: Progressing, Persevering and Pressing On Reading: James 3: 1-12 (p.1214) Title: Taming the Tongue This week Madras Street prayer meeting on Tuesday at 8.00am Light lunch on Tuesday at 12.30pm in the hall (entry from Church Street), followed by a short devotional address from Robin Gray. All welcome. If you would like a lift, please phone Jane (237310) 30's/40's Multiply group meets in the manse on Tuesday night at 7.30pm, looking at 'Studying the Bible Logically'. Tumbletots meets as usual. Mid-week meeting on Wednesday at 7.30pm in the hall. Road to Recovery: A meeting for those with addiction problems will be held in the Madras Street Hall on Thursday at 7.30pm. If you have any queries, please phone Ian (07917 147361) or Megan (07918 775368). Young Women's Bible Study meets on Friday at 10.00am in the church (entrance via side door) Other news Fund raising for the Youth Camps: A big thank you to all who supported the appeal last Tuesday and Wednesday. We have decided to have an Afternoon Tea th in the hall on Tuesday, 26 May at 2.00pm as a further fund raiser - and to encourage fellowship! On street parking: It is important that we as churchgoers make our views known to our councillors regarding possible parking restrictions/charges in our city centre streets on Sundays. Further details are to be found in this month’s newsletter. If you would like to contact your councillor, but don’t know who he/she is, you can find out from the information lists at both doors. The Deacons' Court is looking into the possibility of replacing the current bus/taxi service with lifts from folk in the congregation. In order to assess the viability of doing this we need to ascertain whether there would be a sufficient number of people willing to offer lifts on a weekly and regular basis. Would anyone who would be willing to offer this service please let Ali Graham, Brian Cameron or Colin know as soon as possible so we know how best to proceed. rd CYC Spring Sale on Saturday, 23 May from 10.00-12.00 at the CYC building, Bank Street. There will be baking, crafts, books, plants etc for sale and for a small charge you can enjoy tea/coffee, sandwiches, cakes and pancakes! Stuart Townend and Band - Culduthel Christian Centre, Inverness Thursday 16th and Friday 17th July @ 7.30pm. Tickets: £12 Adult and £10 Concession (over 65 and under 16). Tickets are available online at or through CLC bookshop in Inverness. Congregational Rotas Welcoming Team Sunday th 10 May: th 17 May: J Stevenson, E & V Cameron-Mackintosh, S Vant (F); F Campbell, A Campbell, N Kennedy (S) C Macleod, M Semple, A Waite, A Muirden (F); B Cameron, D Graham, A Fraser (S) Mid-week meeting: N Kennedy, S Vant Crèche th 10 May: th 17 May: H Jenkins, R Macleod, E Finlay M Morrison, M Semple Notes Contact details If you are new to the congregation and you would like a visit from a member of our pastoral team, please contact our minister, Colin Macleod (Tel: 01463 231981). You can visit our website at and our denomination at: Find us on Facebook at Notice Sheet: Any items for next week’s notice sheet should be sent to or given to Murina Anderson by noon on Friday. . Scottish charity no. SC016901
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